
What will be the first aliens we meet?:m:

  • No Aliens

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Non-sentient Aliens

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Sentient Aliens

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • Monotheistic Christian Aliens

    Votes: 8 18.2%

  • Total voters
I guess you put the last one eh Alien!

I put sentient because I've always hoped that they would make first contact. But knowing our luck, the only alien we would find is a plant or a microbe on another planet :rolleyes:
I think we'll hear from them before meeting them. "Them" being sentient creatures sort of like us. But where are they, if they're out there I'd say ~ 200 Ly.
there is a theory that those who are more intelligent will first detect life
if we'd detect any advanced aliens it would be by default that they have known of us

personally I wouldn't like to meet any aliens more advanced than a turtle - if the other thing happens I'm afraid that we would be annihilated
I think that if we find aliens they are more likely to be non-sentient. I know that using earth as an example isn't exactly the best pool of knowledge but it's all we got. But on that basis, as we are currently seen as the only sentient species out of several million, the odds would seem to be skewed largely in favour of non-sentient alien life being the first type we find.

Of course, what we define as sentience is always a problem too. Many feel that some cetaceans have something resembling sentience, and others that many primates may have something resembling sentience.

So would we recognise sentient alien life if we found it? On what basis is something "sentient"?

That's my 2cents anyway.

kind regards
The first aliens we meet will be microbes of some kind in the freezing mud near the polar regions of Mars, or on some other body in this system.
I agree, Mars or maybe even Europa, if we can get the probe there. I'd hold out for Titan too, but it's pretty cold. But not intelligent. Any intelligent beings coming this way will hear our radio waves first, and if they're truly smart, they'll turn around. :D
Originally posted by Adam
The first aliens we meet will be microbes of some kind in the freezing mud near the polar regions of Mars, or on some other body in this system.

I agree also.
i agree with the above

if they are smart they will stay away from our privitive war torn sociaty
They will come to us when we stop our primitive tribal warfare
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What will be the first aliens we meet?

** Monsters, a evil beyond our comprehension, not far from our dimension, and there's the opposite as well, but magnitudes differ. As far as material beings? Who knows?
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Originally posted by Lady
What will be the first aliens we meet?

** Monsters, a evil beyond our comprehension not far from our dimension and there's the opposite as well but magnitudes differ. As far as material beings? Who knows?

My first thought was "i better not get her started", but my curious nature demands an explanation.

Whats the deal with you and dimensions? :rolleyes:

To answer the thread, I believe the first "aliens" we'll encounter will be bacteria, hopefully at Mars.
Whats the deal with you and dimensions?

** Well... the space which you occupy is also the space of something ele's. Imagine your familiar surroundings altered yet you haven't moved a space. Or something foreign and intangiable/tangiable in your space.
Ya lady: these people should read "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku about 4th and higher dimensions.
What kind of aliens are we going to find?

Were not going to find any aliens, but I do believe that we will find moss or something on a meteor... It'll probably turn out to be alien semen, or crap... Maybe meteors turn aliens on? Okay, I need to stop posting while Im drunk.

But Coffee you have such good posting abilitys right now!?

It's called spell checker, twit.

Do you humans honestly think we are to reveal ourselves in such an early state of development? This is proposterous. We have very little information on the psychology, weaponry, and rate of development for humans. If we were to begin a war of some kind, we may discover that a common substance on your planet is our deadliest poison (for example, arsenic is a common element on our home planet).

Originally posted by EVILALIEN
We have very little information on the psychology
We're all nuts. Many of us are dependent on antidepressants and need to be assigned a full-time therapist in order to live what our society deems a "normal life."
We have lots of big nuclear weapons, but that shouldn't worry you -- you're frickin aliens. You should have much better weapons. If you don't, shame on you. No invasion for you.
rate of development
Exponential growth, 1.8% per year. We have a schism in our society -- while science and technology continue to advance at a precipitous rate, the majority of our species is becoming enamored with increasingly less talented pop singers and increasing more inane television programs. If this continues unchecked, we will have invented interstellar travel at approximately the same time that 95% of our population becomes perpetually transfixed on lava lamps.
If we were to begin a war of some kind, we may discover that a common substance on your planet is our deadliest poison (for example, arsenic is a common element on our home planet).
Oh I see -- you saw that terrible movie Signs as well. I think you aliens should start your war by destroying all of the copies of that movie that have ever been produced.

- Warren