Aliens, will they colonize earth?

I too believe I was abducted by aliens. I have real reculection of the event, but none of anything else seems to add up. I know what everyones thinking, "Dude", the ass is just making up another insane post, but I'm not.
This is what happened:
1st. At age ten my dad and I were skywhatching and we saw something like a jet that glowed and had a piolit who took too many drugs.
2nd.The rest of the night I felt like I was being watched and felt realy nervous when my mom told me that I had to go to bed in thirty minuites.
3rd. This is important: my bedroom was the only one with a window facing east(that's why nobody else in the house saw a light).
Anyhow, late that night I woke up with me head and arms over the side of my bed and with one of my feet on the windowsael, and I tourned around over my shoulder to see a blinding light. I got realy shanked up and had a way tough time sleeping.
4th. After that I kept seeing these giant eyes when I went to sleep or even when I closed my eyes. For about a year I couldn't breathe through my left nostrile, but this cleared up some after another similar visit , and I had a realy bad nosebleed that second night.

I could go on and on into details, but can't now,bye


[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 18, 1999).]
You know, my mother went through a period of really bad nose-bleeds. When she sought medical attention, the doctor discovered a hole in one of her nostrils. He had no idea what caused it but he sealed the hole through a burning process and her nosebleeds stopped after that.
Dude, that sounds like a pretty classic case of abduction. I'm interested though, did you know of abduction beforehand and perhaps have any fears of it? I know that I do, it has been something that has plagued my dreams since I was little and sometimes leaks into what seems real. I myself though, have had suspicious things happen that aren't any real indicator of anything happening, but your experience sounds like something may have happened.
I too was abducted by ALIENS while driving in my car on a deserted road at night.I had
been drinking with some friends and after
we closed the bar.I said goodnight and headed for home.I was about 10 miles outside
town,When I saw a blinding light in the sky.The next thing I remember was waking up in my car on the side of the road.I thought nothing of it.I started my car and went home.Everythng was fine until I started having these dreams with bright flashes of lights in them and me floating up into the sky.Always the same dream over and over again.I became concerned because I was loosing sleep so I went to a friend who was a psychologist and when I told about the dreams he wasn't too worried but when I told him about the bright light and waking up the next day by the side of the road.He started to take interest.He asked if he could use hypnosis to delve a little deeper.I figured why not, maybe this will help.So he takes me under and he brings me back to the night when me and my friends closed the bar and I drove home alone. Only it seems the bright light in the sky is not the end of the story.The rest of the story goes something like this.I'M driving along I see this blinding light and suddenly my car stalls and I can't get it started.So rather than leave it there, I push it off the road.I start on the 4 mile walk to my house when,I see what looks like headlamps coming up behind.I thought to myself maybe I can get a ride,but its not a car its not even a truck and as it gets closer it lifts off the ground.Now there's a 60 ft disk hovering over my head and I'm froze its like I'm paralyzed or something. The disk above me emits a kind of whirring noise and two searchlights come on and focus on me.I feel weightless as a matter of fact I'm leaving the ground,then when I'm close to the craft a door opens and I'm sucked inside.At first,I'm in a little room just big enough for two of me.A door opens and I hear a voice only its not sound its more like a voice in my head,the voice of a young woman saying'Come Bode,pleasure awaits you'.I'm intrigued, after all I don't hear things like this everyday.So I walk through the door and on the other side is 20x20 room with what appears to be a bed in the middle of it and at the other end of the room is a beaded curtain.I move into the room not knowing what to expect. After all, these seem to be some major players and what they think of as pleasure might be picking me apart and eating me.I make it to the bottom of the bed .I see activity behind the curtain. I see the shape of what looks like naked women through the beads of the curtain and I hear another woman's voice in my head only this time it sounds like it has an accent Swedish or something and she says 'Lay down, Bode.We will be right with you'.At this point, I was without will. It was as if I was their slave I had to get up on the bed and sure enough the minute I did 4 of the most beautiful blondes I have ever seen came out from behind the beaded curtain.Alot of things happened after that, so many things that I and the psychologist are still trying to hash them out but by the time those aliens were through with me I was totally drained, to say the least. When they finally let me go 4 hours later I was so spent I got in my car and napped out.One last thing though, as I was being set down next to my car I heard the Swedish blondes voice again and she said 'We will meet again,Bode. You can expect it.' So it's left me wondering, you know, When can I expect it ?


[This message has been edited by Bode (edited December 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Bode (edited December 22, 1999).]
Maybe he should be called Boob.

There is no such thing as subjective truth.
Is there any way I can get abducted by his aliens? :)

On another note maybe I should get hypnotized. Be nice to know what realy happened that night. Heck, maybe I seduced by Swedish braods at age ten. :D





Wow, what a lively debate. I don't want to get into this duel between the two dudes or dooods, but the first Dude did bring up an interesting fact; the African tribe. The tribe in question is the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa. The Dogon have a renewal ceremony that they perform which is based on the movements of the stars Sirius A and Sirius B. The Dogon's astronomical knowledge in general (which they claim was given to them by an alien or aliens from that twin star group) is quite impressive for a "primitive" tribe.
I just made a little connection which probably isn't that original, but has anyone noticed the correlation between the vast majority of the percentage of world UFO incidents/abductions which have occurred in the USA? I believe that there maybe a sociological angle to the whole UFO phenomena. The dominance of the media in every aspect of life, particularly in the USA, made be lending to this phenomena a large proportion of this its momentum. Aliens are everywhere on TV, Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica (I know, I know) et al. What I am saying is that all through the ages we have feared witches, devils, ghosts all out of insecurities...the unknown. Now in our all technological advancement we have turned to aliens, superior technologically...seeking to hybridise and tinker with us, save our environment and future. See the connection? They all share a common source, insecurity. Surely we must take a step back from all these 'Jerry Springer'-like abduction cases and take a scientific look at this phenomena. I believe Doood is on the right track...asking for factual answers, extracting credible data from personal, perhaps in even psychological background noise. Yet the main problem is a lack of anything factual. Are aliens utilising Romulan-like cloaking devices? masking their neutrino emissions (a tough job for anyone)? I doubt it. This is not to say that I am a sceptic of ET existence, but I am open to whatever can be scientifically verified, as science, despite all the paranoia and insecurity, is the only viable medium with which we can analyse any subject matter.

Resistance is futile.

**Sorry about the Star Trek fanatical cliches--- the Borg, don't you just love them**
Dido, mainstream Science is in a "Catch 22" situation. They won't investigate anything unless they have "credible evidence" that the object or phenomenon to be studied does indeed exist. How does one get such "credible evidence?"; yes, through the investigative efforts of mainstream science, which won't investigate anything unless there is "credible evidence" and so on and so on and so on...(Don't want to come across sounding rude, just have a thing about mainstream science's investigative approach)
So..okay, that means we're left to stories such as...."ooohh and as well as the tiny ship jumping through hoops, a little with a transparent head came out took a shot at my dog, Betsie, reducing her to white powder on the floor messing up my genuine Indian mat on front of my fire-place, all in my living room!!". I'm trying not to be sarcastic, but what I am saying is, yeah there is room for speculation, but what there isn't room for is this sensationalist shit which has formed mindset and culture which will only mitigate and spur future scepticism when ETs do arrive, and I am confident that it will happen, maybe not tomorrow but someday. Let's let mainstream science take over from the fiction, because I am curious, what do you believe is the value of evidence which is not 'credible'? Is that not a contradiction in terms in the context of having a real, factual phenomena such as ETs before us to view, analyse and understand? When the evidence is credible then I believe science will have an answer eventually. It may not be instant but I am sure it will happen. Even if you argue that current 'mainstream' science is unable or blind to this 'credible' but not apparent evidence, we must be realistic and look to the past. Science has taken u-turns, Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory to name two. My point is that if the evidence is 'credible' enough then I believe science will progress and humanity likewise. Then it may no longer be a catch-22 situation.
Dido, You do bring up very good points. This is some info. that I put up on another bulletin board awhile back. I'm condensing it for this one. In brief: Back when "mainstream science" did look and look hard into the UFO phenomenon, they came up with some startling conclusions. I'm referring to the original USAF UFO investigations from the late 1940's early 1950's. Project Sign was the USAF first "Official" look at the UFO phenomenon beginning on Jan. 2nd,'48. It studied 243 cases whereupon the "Air Technical Intelligence Center" released its findings in a report entitled "An Estimate of the Situation." This report concluded by saying that "Flying saucers are probably real extraterrestrial spacecraft." The USAF Chief of Staff at that time was Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg who promptly rejected the report demanding more "Earthly explanations." Project Sign was revamped into Project Grudge, which studied 244 cases before evolving into the famous Project Blue Book in 1952. Project Blue Book studied 12,618 cases and true to Gen. Vandenberg's request, found "Earthly explanations" for everything, but 701 cases which remained unidentified, but could have been given "Earthly explanations" had more relevant or irrelevant data been thrown in. With such "findings," Project Blue Book was deemed no longer necessary and folded up on Dec. 17th, '69. The civilian scientist who worked for the USAF's Project Blue Book as a consultant was Dr. J. Allen Hynek. He admitted years after Blue Book shut down that it was all just a "publicity campaign to placate the public," there wasn't any real scientific work being done that any good public relations man couldn't do. This is why I have a thing about "mainstream science." Yes, I do believe that it was used originally back in 1948 by the USAF to try and get to the bottom of the "flying saucer" problem (which was something many experienced USAF pilots were reporting as well as your lady with the powdered doggie types)and when its conclusions were considered too controversial for the general public; the "real investigations" went into "deep cover" while these public relations stunts were put before the public with "Science" on the sidelines clapping with their all knowing hands.

Very interesting. I'm not a huge UFO-buff, but I am an optimist and I would look forward to some 'hard' evidence which I believe is out there. The plethora of documentaries spanning the 'What if' of the arrival of ETs and the immensity of its presence in everyday life, if only fictional or speculatory, would point towards a change in the world's mindset towards these 'flying saucers'. Do you believe that this UFO-explosion could possibly be a transitional process in a sociological sense engineered by governments on a global scale? It seems so realistic and plausible. On one-hand we are bombarded with Star Trek and Independence Day, and on the other the governments are point-blankly denying all knowledge and repudiating the mere thought of any validity in presence of ETs. Quite a clever process when you think about it. Expanding and inspiring our imaginations on a global scale yet playing on our insecurities and curiosity. Drawing us in, yet seemingly turning us back. When analysed in this way it would seem that it is a clever psychological and sociological plot, playing and manipulating with our psyche. What is your thinking on this?

Any other valid and 'credible' information which could 'enlighten me'.

-- Sorry about the Buck Rodgers quote!!

Resistance is futile.

**Sorry about the Star Trek fanatical cliches--- the Borg, don't you just love them**
Well, as far as the democratic governments of the world go, I don't believe that they have too much control over what their entertainment industries produce. Here in the States during the 1950's "flying saucer" flap, the Gov. seemed to want to downplay the phenomenon while Hollywood kept releasing films like "Invaders from Mars," which is hardly the type of film to placate the public with. The same happens today as you've pointed out with films like "Independence Day" being released whilst the Gov. says there's nothing to worry about. I don't believe it's psychological manipulation or conditioning. (If it is it's propaganda for sure, heck we never lose) As for "credible evidence," I believe that the US Gov. has had it for years. I've heard that really good gun camera as well as surveillance camera footage has existed for years, taken by USAF pilots and crew. I can go on about alleged crashes, but that's a lot of typing indeed. Suffice it to say that it only takes one credible piece of evidence to make the phenomenon bona fide (not every aspect of it, but the larger picture)and that kind of evidence has been classified and will remain so for God knows how long.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 21, 2000).]
If the government did make a deal with the Grays involving technology, that could be why the Grays do most of their abducting in the U.S. They have an agreement with our Nation.
I've often wondered why "Grays" have been reported so often in the States, while other countries tend to report "Nordics" in Europe for example and "Reptilians" in Southern Hemisphere countries, etc. If "aliens" do exist and are visiting Earth, surely they would be aware of each others presence here. One can almost speculate that they might have come to some type of an agreement amongst themselves as to avoid conflict between them, such as the "Nordics" can have their sphere of influence over the Nordic races, the "Grays" over the States, the "Reptilians" over the Southern Hemisphere, etc. It makes for interesting speculation as to what each "alien species" motives and intentions might be.