Aliens, will they colonize earth?


But at least I'm not going to get sensitive about the criticism. I didn't know Satan was so sensitive.


This was not an open letter about 18-21 year olds and development. That would be very short sighted of me. I was just talking about what is in this thread. If a 15 year old can perceive far more than I, so be it. I would rather learn from a 15 year old that can perceive far more than me, than from a 45 year old that thinks they know it all (when that aspect could be questionable).

Typing errors that occur is not something that is bad. As long as the concept is passed in its best form, that is fine. As long as one can understand what a person is really saying, spelling is completely unimportant. In this case, I was viewing it in conjunction with other aspects to come to a conclusion. Basically as evidence, not damnation of the spelling itself.

In regards to the rest of your message, I couldn't disagree, even if I wanted to. Good stuff.
Satan rocks,

I was critising YOU not being sensitive about
Hey is that because your the one steeling my pills?


(this is critism not sensitivity, learn the difference)


>>(this is critism not sensitivity, learn the difference)

Huh ? I thought I made it quite clear that I wasn't bothered by your blah blah criticism. Did you even read ? You are the one that once mentioned that you did not ask for criticism (your sensitivity), and once that paranormal was not open to criticism (or more likely, your iteration of the paranormal). What difference is it that I'm supposed to learn ? Now you are resorting to all caps. Take a pill, it might help your sensitivity problem.
Doood, Doood, Doood,

First of all what is iteration??? Second, no I didn't read your domb post, why should I bother to read whatever peice of crud you type up??? Third, yeh I'm taking pills right now. And fourth, what's with all the questions, don't you know anything for yourself???

Doood-1 Dude-3

Dude wins, you lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually Dude, Doood is winning. You are making answers up and refusing to accept other viewpoints, so Doood wins by default.

BTW: Dude, change you damn handle. How unoriginal is Dude? Shows something about you...Doood is okay as a handle, cause he actually took the effort to modify it somewhat. You didnt even do that.
What do you meen by how I don't accept anybody elses viewpoints, Doood doesn't even have a viewpoint to accept(I'm not making this up he practicaly said so himself).


You are making answers up

end quote

Gosh and I thought I was the one not excepting other peoples viewpoints.
Hey, I got an idea, if I'm making up answers why don't you tell me and everybody else how things realy are. I've got soooooooooo much confidence in your ablities to answer everything correctly.

HA, HA, HA, HA, that's the sound of me laughing at you, Dude

[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 11, 1999).]
Llama (aka 'Dude', Satan, whatever other leap of imagination you might have),

Now you're just being a waste of time. I asked for 'facts' in my little questionaire. You did not provide me with facts as I specifically asked you to, so yes, I damn well am not taking your viewpoints on those questions. Was I not clear enough ? Do you expect me to accept your viewpoints, when what I was really asking for was facts, not viewpoints ? I did say facts. I did not say viewpoints. Go read again. One moment you say you don't read my 'crud', the next minute you're quoting what I said. Llama.

As to my viewpoint, it was clearly stated in my first message, to which you mistook it for criticism. My further viewpoint was that you don't have hard facts. Do you want me to start spelling it all out for you now ? Sheesh !

Now you're just twisting the facts of this thread. Boring..... Snore..... What a waste of time. See ya later, Llama.

[This message has been edited by Doood (edited December 11, 1999).]
Oh me, oh my, oh why are you so stupid.(He He) I was quoting Corp. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

(this quot is from you)



Well well, I must give you some credit, you sure do know how to sum up your OWN writing.
once again I laugh at you, Dude

I think these are the answers you were looking for:
1)Not Aswerable
2)Not Aswerable
3)Not Aswerable
4)Not Aswerable
5)Not Aswerable
6)Not Aswerable
7)Not Aswerable
8)Not Aswerable
9)Not Aswerable
10)Not Aswerable
11)Not Aswerable
12)Not Aswerable
13)Not Aswerable
14)Not Aswerable
15)Not a whole lot

I am not trying to start a fight here, but the fact is you dont know all this stuff. No one knows it, no one has hard, irrefutable evidence to even prove intelligent life exists, much less abducts hicks and butt rapes them.
Although I'm sure that none of this information will help, based on my experience, there are a couple of things that I can tell you about aliens...

First, they are not as smart as we give them credit for being. When I was five years old, they made my bed when they brought me back to my room... That is something which I was not able to do adequately at that age and it tipped my mom off that someone (something) else had been there.

Second, they act subversively. They instructed me to lie to my mother about my experience with them.

Third, they do speak telepathically.

Fourth, the transporter beings are smaller in stature than the examiners.

Fifth, the examiners do wear lab coats!

Sixth, they already know how to travel very quickly in another unobservable dimension. Therefore, it does exist. I went from my bed to the inside of the craft in what seemed like no time at all and did not see anything along the way. The same thing happened when they brought me back to my bedroom.
it would be absolutely fascinating if you told us about your abduction experiences with a little bit more detail. Like, what did they do to you, how did you feel, why were you chosen, how many times, what about other members of your family/friends/local community, did you conversate, have they taught you anything, etc?
I'm fascinated, because this (abductions/aliens), only seems to occur in America.

I'm pretty sure 666s monkey will give you a cookie.

Hello tab'

My apologies in advance... It really wasn't that fascinating from my perspective and, in actuality, most people are disappointed because I cannot provide answers to some of their questions. This is due, in most part, to the fact that aliens are not very forth-coming with the truth to begin with and the fact that I was only five years old... not very capable of forming very meaningful questions if you get my drift.

I have posted about this expeerience a number of times over the past few months. I will do a search and either re-post here or point you in the right direction.

In the meantime, I'll try to answer some of your questions.

What did they do to me? They put me on an examining table and performed some type of physical exam.

How did I feel? I was terrified, kicking and screaming... A number of them had to hold me down... I just wanted to go back home... I calmed down once they assured me that they were going to bring me back home soon.

Why was I chosen? I don't have a clue other than the fact that I was napping in a top bunk next to an open window... We lived on the fifth floor. Perhaps I was just easy pickin's for them???

How many times? Just that once.

What about other members of my family/friends/local community? Noone else in my family that I know of. There was a boy from the neighborhood in the craft at the same time I was. He looked drained and terrified too. I didn't know him very well and we never spoke about it.

Did we conversate? Yes, minimally. I described the brief conversation in the examining room and they also instructed me not to tell my mother about my experience.

Have they taught me anything? Well, since that time, I've had the knowledge that aliens do, in fact, exist. I can also deduce that they are studying us for some unknown reason.

I was unaware that abductions only seem to happen in America??? Don't be surprised... In truth, I don't know much about the subject other than that of my first-hand experience.

Hope this helps, at least a little.

Your a sad, lonely, sexually frustrated, breast implant that should have been aborted at birth. I bet your an American??

I hope you choke on your pills!

It would appear that Doood was/is correct about you.
Tablariddim, Borehang

The abducution phenomena, what ever it may be, is by no means exclusive to the USA. Although the majority of cases reported have come from there.
Hi, Truestory,
I'm just wondering how clear your recollection must be, I mean you were only Five when it happened. Can you be absolutely positive that you were whisked away by aliens? remember, if you were teletransported, you would have had to have undergone total molecular restructuring (presumably),within a few seconds. Would such an incredible experience as this, not have produced some kind of lasting damage or change (physical or mental), that would have been evident to anybody around you at the time, or even now?
Could you be sure that you weren't whisked away to a local clinic or hospital by a member of your family/friend/neighbour because you were sick? a fever perhaps or some kind of medical emergency. Maybe there was a virus going around and that's why you remember seeing a young neighbour of yours.
I think it's all too easy to confuse events that occured at such a tender age. I'm not saying you're wrong, just asking if you've seriously attempted to eliminate all other possibilities for your alien adventure.
American man I am! I'm a country hick and proud of it!

As for braest implants, what's your obsesion with them? Personaly, I think you want a pair, maybe two pairs huh.

And for abortions, that's where your five unborn siblings went cuase your dad refused to wear condoms. he he ha ha ho ho

So as you brits who want tits put it, suck ballocks


Well I don't see what all the bickering start out as to be..... I've had some experiences that might have been experimentation with my body on one part...
LOL I dont want to start with the repeating numbering up to this extent....
I want to first point out that with my experience... I dreamt of someone injecting me 3 times something in me and ever since then... my upper arms looked a little scaly and mushy....
Hi tab'

I had to laugh when I read your "fever" suggestion above... It reminded me of my mother... and I mean that in a nice way:

I found my original post in this forum from September 14, 1999... perhaps it will help (and you will see what I mean about you and my mother):

I was taken by "little men," out of my bed in the Bronx, through an open fifth-story window which was next to the top bunk in which I was napping. When I arrived in the "craft," I saw a boy from my neighborhood who looked very scared. The inside of the room which I was in was cylindrical in shape and the walls were made of what appeared to be dull, metal-colored, cushiony cells (allowing for the flexibility needed to form the rounded walls). Yes, I found myself on an examining table. I remember being terrified and screaming and crying. Some of the "little men" (standing in front of the table) in the examining room, who were not as little as the ones who took me from my bed, were standing back because I was thrashing about, trying to get free. A couple of the larger "little men" were holding me down from behind. One also had a hold of my right arm and leg. I calmed down once I knew that they were going to return me to my home. (Yes, they were able to communicate with me without moving their mouth areas). When they brought me back to my bedroom, they were talking with me, instructing me about what not to say (little did they know that I had already learned that lying to my mother would be a sin). They made my bed which, at age five, I was too young to do adequately (especially the top bunk). My mother entered my bedroom all of a sudden, asking me who I was talking with. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw the perfecly made bed! "Who are you talking to? and WHO made your bed?!" When I told her it was the "little men" she asked "What little men?" I turned to point to them and, of course, they were gone. My mom felt my head and said, "Well it's cool, but you must have had a fever!" At that age, I did not understand why she could not accept what I was saying but I could see that Mom was somewhat scared and concerned. Mom was also curious, though, and continued to ask me questions about the experience throughout the next couple of days. I gave her details, including the name of the neighborhood boy who I saw in the ship's examining room (He had a very unusual last name, pronounced "hoozar" so my Mom thought I made it up). I remember Mom telling her friend, who came to visit the next day, that I must have had a fever and that I must have been hallucinating. When Mom was telling the family about my "fever" and "hallucinnation" at dinner the following evening, she was joking around: "Hoozar?! - What's a hoozar?!" Noone was laughing, though. My brother, who was six, informed my Mom that "Hoozar" was a boy in his class. We never spoke about the abduction again.

To answer your questions... Yes, I am absolutely certain that it happened. Other than the fact that it was extremely quick and unnoticeable, I have no idea about the physics involved in the transport. Noone remarked about any changes, at least not that I'm aware of. I look normal and, thank God, I am healthy, I have what is considered above average intelligence, I'm fairly athletic, have normal hearing, normal vision, normal reflexes, a healthy low blood pressure, no diseases, no history of mental illness... As "different" as they might appear to some, I am also very comfortable with all of my life experiences.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited December 14, 1999).]