Aliens, will they colonize earth?


Registered Senior Member
I've heard so much about how aliens are cross breading with humans in labs so they can colonize eath. I'd like everyones opion.


Until we can figure out the context of aliens, then any supposition of intent is based only on the symptoms (abductions, implants, examinations, probes, etc..). Just based on those symptoms alone, one could easily come up with several different possibilities (study, manipulation, expermentation, procreation, etc...).

We don't even know where these things come from. Not a planet name, nothing. What kind of society ? What kind of psychology ? Until we know who and what they represent, then the aliens are at best, what we see them to be. Some see them as angels, some as demons. Some as saviours, some as antagonists. The reason for all of these different viewpoints ? Because there is a big absence of fact, which gives lots of room for personal opinion to enter. All we have are the symptoms of the phenomena, and nothing that points to what they are all about. Heck, do they even use names for each individual ? We know dick all in this regard.

If we want to find their intent (short of them just coming out and telling us), we need to know the context of their existence. Do they even match our own psychology in some small sense ? Where do they come from ? What is the prime core of their motivations ? We as a society have a core motivation of money (surrounded by other significant factors), what are their reasons for doing ? Until they reveal to us 'what' they are, we are really hard pressed to figure out 'why' they are doing as they do.

So, if you ever have the chance to communicate with one, concentrate on trying to find out some background information on them, scary as that may be.

Just for your info, I do reasearch, and most of the information I've come across
points to colonization. I'm not saying this is the only way it could be, and thats why I asked for differnt viewpoints, not critism.

That 'was' my viewpoint. If you are so quick to assume that it was a criticism (which it most certainly was not meant to be), then how do you expect to understand what an alien species is doing ? As far as colonization goes, you have every chance of being right as every other person that has thought of a theory based on the symptonms of the phenomena.

Since you saw my previous post as a criticism, I am curious as to what it is you think I am specifically criticising ? Did I say there was something wrong with your belief ? Did I say there was something contrary to what you think ? Please clarify.
Thinking about this a little more, and since you mentioned that you have done research, I have a few questions which I would like to ask. I am only interested in fact. So, if you are not one hundred percent sure of the answer, just skip it:

1) Where are they from specifically ? Planet ? Dimension ? Time ?

2) Do they have individual names for each entity ?

3) What language ? Only mental ? Partial voice ? Words ? Concepts ? Pictures ? Other ?

4) Any family units ? Breeding ?

5) Where they are from, does it take them long to get here ?

6) Do they have bases on any of the planets in our solar system ?

7) Is there a name for each of the species that visits Earth (other than descriptive terms like gray, reptilians, etc..) ?

8) What is their society like ?

9) Have they specifically communicated to us that they are either malevolant, or benevolent ?

10) Are they cloned by a higher or owner species ? Are they manufactured ?

11) Do they have Elvis ? If so, where ?

12) Do they have an economy ? If so, what is it based on ?

13) Do they have splintered nations like us ? Or do they have a one species order ? If either, what are the names or name ?

14) Do they have an army in a similar sense to ours ? If so, what is the name of that army ?

15) If you do not have 100 percent answers to any of the above, then what do you really know about the aliens ?

This is not meant as criticism, this is meant as perspective.

I can answer most of those questions.

1. Bettlejuice ( two stars circling each other, once believed to be one star and then discovered to be two, however this was already known by Afericanbushmen who told a person who lived close by they were aliens. They also said that they traveled to the blue planet (this planet). Note: this accurred before any pictures of the earth were taken and the bushmen had never seen the ocean (from ground level).)

2.yes, communication would be very hard if not immpossible without individual names

3.they speak mentaly and virbaly although no exact name for ther language is known it is reportaly spoken with high pitched clicks

4.they do have family units and of coarse breed, no species can survive without breeding

5.they are from beetlejuice as I said before, and it doesen't take long to travel from there to here, considering the distance, why would they find us interesting if they allraedy had a base nearby

7.yes, but the only names I've been able to come across of are ones poeple have given them not the names the different speices have given themselves

8.much like ours surprizingly, seeing as how our different cultures evolved lightyears apart

9.not in the cases I've seen, but I'll let there actions judge that and no, I don't think a speices gets that advanced by being slaves

12.I have no certain idea, but I personaly think they do have a buisness economy(just an idea).

13.I don't think they have different nations on one world but are splintered by worlds and speices and are banded together by a sort of allience

14.I'm not certain, but I don't think they do however they can defend themselves and inflect damage

15.I don't think that I have to answer this question because I answered all the above questions.

Is that satisfactory?

actually it is

11. No, he left on his own free will..

Viva Los Andromida Baby

What's scary here is that if I passed this little questionaire around to many different people who do 'research', I would get amazingly different answers from everyone. The only answers that would match, would be the ones that are not very specific, and are generally found in the UFO culture already.

I do believe that the phenomena is real, and the reports from people are true in some cases. However, if the government were 'researching' it, they would be doing so with great minded scientists and a logical goal. Belief would be cast aside to be replaced by 'fact'. Upon the collection of facts would be built understanding. And it wouldn't have the fantasy world of shades and self celebrating chants at the end of each informational speech. It would be more like spelling checks and fact verifications. You know, practical stuff.

It's too bad there were no 100 percent facts like I asked for. I did say I only wanted fact, otherwise skip the question.

1) Beetlejuice, huh ? I've heard stories that they 'weren't' from Beetlejuice, but other planets, times, dimensions. Beetlejuice is where you "think" they are from. You may be right, but it is 'nowhere near' being a fact.

2) I see no fact in this answer either. You say yes, then back it up with a concept limited by your own perceptions. Just because you can't think of a situation where communication does not require a name, doesn't mean it can't exist. For someone so apparently free of objective analysis, you sure are closed minded. Facts please, not personal 'opinion'.

3) How do you know it is not an ultra high 'sound' frequency so perfectly formed that it creates the listener to see and hear the vibrational equivalent in thought ? Sounds to me like your 'facts' are really just spoon fed to you in nice, small pieces, and you just repeat them as if they were objective. Facts please, not personal 'opinion'.

4) Oh, I guess because you say so, it must be true. All you do is spout that, yes, they do have family units, and then follow it up with yet again, a concept limited by your own perceptions. Don't tell me, your good friend Bob told you that the aliens have families, cause that's the only concept he is aware of in existence. What no families ???? Huh ??? How ???? No way !!!!! Never seen it, therefore it isn't real. Facts please, not personal 'opinion'.

5) I didn't ask for your 'approximation'. I asked for the fact of 'how long'. 2 days ? 5 days ? Some other time measurement that doesn't match our own ? Facts please, not personal 'opinion'

6) You call this a fact ? They don't have one based on interest ? Sounds more like complete conjecture. I get the impression that no matter what I asked, objective logic definitely would not stand in your way when answering. Facts please, not personal 'opinion'.

7) Ahhh, the first shred of logical thought. I'm thinking the reason why you didn't have an answer for this one is cause all the story spinners didn't stop to dream this one up, and send it down the line of 'factual' information (otherwise known as gossip) previous to my asking it. Face it, most or all of the information you have is either made up by yourself, or someone else, and you just recite it as objective truth. For a phenomena that is so 'completely' lacking in hard evidence, you have so many 'facts'. One would be hard pressed to see much objective truth in most of them. Too much chaff, very little wheat. That's what happens when you don't discriminate enough between fact and fabrication, you mix up what little facts there are, with a whole crap load of garbage. Too much garbage to really see what the truth is.

From your writing style, spelling mistakes, and general approach to logical thought, my impression is that you are in your teens, or 'very' early 20's, maybe 21. Either that, or you are much older, but just completely bereft of any skill at objective logical thinking (under developed). This is not an insult, just an assesment. Though, most of what I am saying in this entire message 'is' an insult to your current level of development if you are older than 21-22.

8) Surprise, surprise. Another similar concept to one that we already know. Heck, it makes explaining it to people 'so much more easier'. Other people report that they have a different culture. There is nothing factual about this at all. Hearsay. If you haven't been to their society, or you haven't been told directly by a real alien, then you stating it as a fact means absolutely zero.

9)The questions aren't opinion. As I stated at the beginning of the questions, if you are not 100 percent sure, skip the question. I didn't ask about reports you have seen. I asked " Have they specifically communicated to us that they are either malevolant, or benevolent ?". If you don't know for certain either way, then skip the question.

It appears to me that you are more geared towards making sure every question is answered (without fact), even in the face of being asked to provide facts you are 100 percent certain of.

10) Hmmm, here we have another fact that you appear to be basing on your own opinion. Just because you 'think' that races/species/whatever can't reach a level of development by being a sub/owned species, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Some would say that we are owned by God (he is after all the reported creator). Does that mean we can't get anywhere ? I asked for fact, not your personal opinion that I get get out of any number of 'Here is the REAL TRUTH books'.

11) What can we say. The king is dead. Question wasn't serious anyway. Was just a control question really.

12) Again, your opinion which I was not asking for. Again, at the start of the questions, I said that if you were not 100 percent sure of the answer, skip the question. You are more akin to meet your own goals (answer all the questions), then you are to find objective truth (providing solid facts) . No wonder you have so many 'facts'.

13) You don't think, huh ? Funny how you were supposed to skip the ones you weren't sure about, yet I have yet to see one skipped answer. No wonder the UFO phenomenon is still in large part a laughing stock. You want the whole thing to be taken seriously ? Then you need to be serious, otherwise it is just a step in the wrong direction. The only hope you story spinners have, is if the real aliens do stand up, and account the situation as it really is, not as to how it is dreamed/gossiped/mis-interpreted/diluted/etc...

14) You know, you should've skipped the question, as I'm sure it must be coming pretty clear to hopefully somebody (if not you). No fact, no answer. There's a chant for ya, sing it with me: "No fact, no answer. No fact, no answer. No fact, no answer". Notice how ya can get carried away with it ? "No fact, no answer. No fact, no answer." Now try rolling it off the tongue. That's it. Just like that. Heck, instead of celebrating your ignorance at the end of every message, you can instead give that chant. Mind you, it might give your messages substance, so be careful, try to dumb up your answers a little more to compensate.

15) You didn't have to answer them all. In fact, the statement was to the effect that if you couldn't answer more than 0 of the answers (the answers being 100 percent fact), then you would need to answer question 15. All you had to do is answer one or two with one hundred percent fact, and that would be all.

I fully expected that you would have had enough objective forsesight to see that none of those answers could be answered as 100 percent fact. But, unfortunately your belief takes more precedence, and thus you outright answered all of them according to what you believe, and not anything that could amount to fact. None of those answers were 100 percent fact, objectively. I could've given that test to an idiot and gotten back 'facts'. I could've given that to anybody, and they would say differently in one respect or another. However, if I had have given that question page to somebody of some sort of scientific practice (or other logic fact finding based profession), who had access to materials and information obtained by the government (crashed disks, possible communications, etc..), I 'WOULD' have gotten facts, and I'm sure some of the questions would have been skipped. And those facts would have been written as full fledged facts (background info, etc..), not as suppositions or repeated hearsay which 'anybody' can do.

Unfortuantely, I'm not going to be around for your reply, or replies from anyone else I might have offended. Some things are just not meant to be.
blah blah blah...

Okay. Since for this thread were assuming that aliens are here, it's imminent that they'll eventually be visiting openly. For reasons that are obvious, though they haven't done this yet. The question is when and for what reasons will they choose to make open contact. Notice that I haven't added how it might impact society? There's a reason for that. It's impact will be null, because they are waiting and watching, nudging us along until we meet their standards. If we cannot meet the stadard, one two things can be expected. Severe and tyrannical imposition, which we would be defenseless against, or a withdrawl(leading to the collapse of society and life). It's cosmic bullying, but it's for our own good. Don't worry about the goverment, big brother is already here. And no, I'm not on crack. Think of the big picture, the universe, what you are, what life is, it's fundamental principles.
Interesting questionaire there Doood :) If you don't mind, i will ( with the help of my dad) answer those that we know. He has been in contact with an alies for a long time. No abductions, no violent stuff. Just as friends.. I don't think you will believe me anyways, but i'll answer those that we know!

1 - Their planet is named Zebor, or Ceborg ( See-buhr) which is located in the Orion somewhere. It is very similiar to our planet, only they have a little less gravity there.

2 - Yes. They do have individual names for each entity. The being my dad got to know was named Kiwi.

3 - That particular race's language is hard to describe. My dad says it's problaby mental, but you could always understand what he was saying without asking. He knew beforehand so to speak.
4 - Yes. They do have families, but not like we do. When they are born, they are taken away by one person that will stay with you for the most part of your youth. This person isn't your mother, or someone related, but one that has been assigned by someone to make sure you do okay. This person will find out what your interests are, and guide you based on those til you are finished with the basic education ( 20-25 years approx) The relatives, brothers/sisters and so on are brought up in the same way. Everyone takes care of eachother, there are no small bands ( famillies, groups) rather the whole species that is a huge community working like a clockwork together.

5 - It doesn't take them very long. My dad wasn't given the time it took, but from what he learned, it problaby didn't take more than a few months.. with the help of an intricate system in space that sped up their vessels. Sort of like our highways, only much different in nature offcourse.

6 - Yes. This race does have a base, but not on earth. This race are the blond type, the Nordics if you will. They have a very small outpost on Europa which functions as a relay station for communications. There are however lots of other races ( 70+) out there interacting with earth via many bases in our solar system. Most of them have no interest in earth other than trading when we are ready.

7- Yes. There are names for each of the races out there, allthough my dad cant recall what they were called.

8- Their soceity is very complex, but everything works together like a fine tuned swiss watch. Everyone is helping everyone so that there are as little problems as possible. To answer a question beforehand so that you can understand their soceity, i have to give you the answer to their type of currency. Their currency is simply TIME. You work and do good stuff, you will get prolonged life. If you are a rotten apple, you'll just not live that long. Materialistic goods are supplied if you need them. Some will cost you some time, but their life expectancy is more than 10 times ours from when they are born. Think of it as a huge soceity of Red Cross people working together all the time to do their best. You help someone, you'll get help back..

9- Unknown on a planetary scale. My dad was told that they were here now to speed up our awereness so that we could complete the final transformation as a whole specie.

10 - Manufactured. Hmm. Well they select whos fit to bring babies into the world. How they do that is still unknown ( artificial, or physical)

11 - he he. Nope. Elvis is indeed dead.

12 - Answered earlier - Time
13 - One world nation, but different regions offcourse. Zeborians Ceeborgians.. something like that. I will ask again later.
14 - They do have an army, a pretty huge one too, but it's not an attack army, more like a combined scientific exploration unit and simple defense vessel combo. They haven't named their army. It's like the only place they are going to work for later in life, either on their own planet, or joining exploration units in space. They can volunteer for a specific place if they want to.

15 - Yes. What do we know? Not much.. Almost anything. But since the truth is subjective to ones beliefs, how do you expect anyone to find the truth? Do you believe me when i tell you this? Or have you allready made up your mind? The truth is subjective, and it will always be that.. Unless..
"The truth is not subjective to an open mind..."-H-kon

It's just your job to sort through the garbage.
Okay doood,

Since your such a guru on the paranormal why
don't you tell us all how it realy is, answer your own questions. And the raeson I gave my personal opion on so many questions is because I unlike you ( who thinks there are only right and wrong answers in the world ) know for a fact that the subject of the paranormal is up for discosion, not for critism.

Let's just face it. Debating these things are really worthless since there are some that believe, and some that don't.

Just gonna ask you a question. How do you know Jesus existed? Same thing there. You have no evidence of that whatsoever.
Actually...It is historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth existed. He is mentioned numerous times by roman and hebrew court records, as well as several prominent jewish historians. The Gospels are also seen as more or less an account of his life and teachings.

Although it will never be proven if Jesus was divine, a prophet, or the son of god, or just a crazy cult leader, his existence as a teacher that pissed the ancient Jews off is as factual as it gets.
Corp. Hudson,

May I assume that you've seen these court records yourself? Or even an English translation of said records? Please provide me with some sources so I can check out these records for myself - I'm quite intrigued.

I have also wondered about the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus - as far as I am aware, stealing has never been a capital offense. Do these court records also mention thieves being sentenced to die on the cross?

Actually a friend of mine has the book which I could quote sources out of, but it is an accepted fact. Do you think ppl just made him up? Most biblical characters existed, in one context or another.

I would be more then glad to provide you with sources, when I get my books back. Check with Lori or Vinnie on this board, they may have some sources to prove it to you.
Curiosity killed the cat.


I am no guru on paranormal, not even close. My answers to the questionaire ? My answer to 1 through 14 (skipping question 11) is: I don't know. There truly is no hard evidence to answer any of those. If there really was hard evidence, you would give it to me, and I would have no doubt of your claims. 'That' is true hard evidence, when it leaves very little doubt if observed under the light of objective examination (not debunking, but true unbiased examination). I really wish there were more hard evidence available, but there is not.

In answer to 15 :

1) The sheer large number of similar reports concerning UFO sightings is in itself evidence of visitation.
2) The sheer number of similar reports on abductions is evidence of abduction.

But that's all we really know. The presented evidence of 1 and 2 is weak in the respect of verification, but strong in similarities among cases and number of cases. For number 1 it is flying disks, triangles, cigars, high speed maneuvering, bright lights, and other commonly reported aspects, etc... For number 2 it is big black eyes, greys, implants, probes, examinations, ova, sperm, paralysis, etc... The similarities between cases, and the number of reports is the evidence. How is it evidence ? Every single report would have to be a lie/misidentification for there to be no UFOs. That's ok if you only have a couple hundred reports, but as the number grows in the thousands, and eventually in the millions, the odds of 'ALL' of them being wrong grows very small. Now, if there were only 1 or 2 reported cases for both 1 and 2, then there really is no evidence. At 1 or 2 reports total, it is only a joke to be laughed at. The sheer number of reports, combined with the similarities between reports is what has given ufo's existence a foothold. Beyond number 1 and 2, there is not enough people all saying Beetlejuice as the planet of origin for it to be anywhere close to be being accepted as fact. Not to say that popular opinion is the decider of fact, but in the case of no solid irrefutable proofs to back up your claims, you can only work with what you have. In the case of Beetlejuice, there is not much to work with in establishing any amount of credibiliy. No physical proof. Now, if the same number of people who reported being abducted around the world, also stated for the most part that the aliens are from Beetlejuice, then you may be on to something.

As far as discussion and criticism go, I started off in this thread believing that I was not giving criticism, but seeing how things developed from there, I then decided to give criticism. I can agree that paranormal is good for discussion, heck, it is a major foundation in its existence. But when you say that paranormal is not open for criticism, then you become an enemy of what you defend without even knowing it. Is the paranormal so un-developed that it cannot stand up and be counted in the light of criticism ? Do its foundations tremble in fear when a ruler is brought to measure what might be ? Do paranormal's supporters fear that their cherished truth might not be the truth, even if it is proven beyond all doubt ? When you say that it is not open for criticism, you essentially prevent the paranormal from growing and becoming more in the light of investigation (and I mean unbiased objective investigation, not debunking). Instead you would relegate it to discussion only, which can only exist between true believers (subscribers). Thus, protecting the sanctity of what may be un-pure due to the lack of objective analysis. For if paranormal were to be strong, its strength must be earned hard. Tearing away untruths, while keeping solidifed facts. If none of it is to be measured and counted, then its future continues to be as a house of cards. Makes for good story telling, but that's about it.


How can I make up my mind if there is not enough evidence ? For UFOS and abductions, I feel that there is enough evidence as outlined above, to support the conclusion that they exist. However, beyond that it is pretty much open, to which I have not ascribed specific values. I'd be more than happy to fill those values in if the evidence came along to support it, but it really has not.

"Perception is both the lock, and the key" - Doood

And the truth shall set them free.

Well, that's more than enough blah blah for now
Okay Doood. You may claim that people aged 18 to 21 are lacking Logic, but that statement is in it’s self illogical. For example, I am 20 and my logic/intelligence astounds a lot of people that are older than me. I know just as many people, my age, that posses a relatively similar level of logic and understanding. To generalise as you have about Dude, is "technically" flawed. Also, to assume that an individual cannot spell by reading messages that have been input into a computer is an example of your illogic! It is all to easy for me to miss hit a key and make it appear as if I do not know how to spell a particular it not?

However I fully understand, from Dude's response to your questions, that you indeed are correct. There can be no certain answer to any question in your questionnaire with our present day lack of scientific knowledge on this phenomenon - it is all purely conjecture - as you said.

My personal belief (note, I said belief) is that it is most likely that indeed the Earth is being visited. I believe (based on our latest understanding on what makes life arise and evolve) that without a natural curiosity, no life form will develop to have consciousness, as they would not be interested in the world around them. So it's quite possible that any advanced species that can transcend the fabric of the universe in a speedy manner, will be curious enough to want to visit our aggressive and dangerous race.

I believe that with time our race will (provided we don't destroy ourselves in the mean time) create ways to travel great distanced in no time at all. With our current understanding of the infinite place we call the universe, it has be suggested that we may utilise one of the 11, possible not yet proven for sure, dimensions that almost certainly exist and to exit 4D space-time to travel to another location. I might add that SPACE-TIME is also a dwindling concept of the structure of reality. Strong and well understood theories point to 11 dimensions of reality. Not 3 of space, 1 of time, but 11 dimensions (membranes as they are called scientifically) that make up what we perceive as space and time! It's just that the other dimensions are so small that they are not observable with the eye, nor our best particle accelerators (not at lest until 2005, when scientist will have completed a new particle accelerator at CERN which will have enough energy to probe one of the larger of the other dimensions)! Anyway as I have wavered some what from the point I was making, what I am trying to say is space travel at high speeds is not impossible and it is more than likely that we are being visited by may races. There are other ways in which a space vehicle might transcend the universe instantly, but quantum physics, I find, is always hard to explain.

I'll finish by saying. We should not make any conclusions until we have HARD evidence. And it's unlikely will see any 'little green men' (excuse the expression) until we, as a race, can stop fighting amounts ourselves and being prejudice toward those that are different to ourselves. Then perhaps the outsiders will risk first contact.

P.S. No insult intended and there may be a few typing errors!!

[This message has been edited by Borehamg (edited December 10, 1999).]
Exactly my thoughts, that was a lot of blah and then some blah and then even more blah.

