Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Open-minded Scientist
Registered Senior Member
Note: This thread is not to discuss the existence of ETI and UFO's, if you want to debate that, you can do that in my other thread, "Proof for ETI"
For those who do not believe, you can treat this is as a hypothetical case, and share your views.

UFO patrols; Abductions; Cattle mutilations; government deals, and cover ups, presence of multiple factions, greys, nordics, reptillians? What exactly do the aliens want from us, or want to do for us - what are their motivations, why are they here? What are the implications of this, on our world, and on our own individual lives.

Sooner or later, we are going to feel the ramafications of this global phenomenon, and it will trully turn the world on it's ear. I've heard possibilities that range from the beautiful, to the damn right nasty; either we going to be going into a magnificent golden age, where we all prosper, or an age of utter despair, where us, our loved ones, and all of humanity, is endangered by other worlds.

How we answer this, can be purely speculative, or by analysing the behaviour and intentions of the aliens that have been reported.

These aliens are slaughtering cattle, and draining out their blood. They are abducting millions of humans and subjecting them to traumatic tests and procedures, removing human tissue, sometimes internal organs, or implanting them with foreign objects. If one reads the accounts of abductees, they're disconcerting, sometimes sickening: They are forcefully removed from their habitat and knocked out by some particle beam, which is said to suffocate them of oxygen. They are then stripped naked, in a state of complete physical and mental paralysis, and then probed with instruments, while thoughts are forced in their heads, controlling how they think. Then ovaries and sperm are extracted. They are often forced to have intercourse with others, sometimes alien hybrids(human and alien) or other humans they have captured, in women, sometimes some sort of fetus is planted in their womb.

This sounds like a gross violation of our human rights, and the aliens do not seem to care at all. Are aliens looking at us, as we look at other animals? Do they think we are insignificant, or perhaps only as significant to them, as lab rats are significant to us.

If they trully think we are such a pathetic species, then why are they dealing with our governments? One wonders, if they treat humans like this, what they have in store for us, maybe quite sinister. However, it seems somewhat of a paradox to me, that an advanced species, would not be peaceful.

Especially what I have heard about the so called Reptillians, is very frightening indeed. They are an angry and hateful, militaristic, civilization, and they often kill, or brutalize the humans they abduct.

The rest I leave for you to speculate.
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it truly is a complex situation.
when the time comes we will finally know
i think just how there are good and bad people here on earth, their civilizations have both also. some abduction stories may be ugly and some not as bad. u would expect some degree of inspection.
but i cant really decide what i think their motives are. in all reality i would conclude that each species has its own good, and bad, and the the ugly. i read different sources and some call the greys hostile, while other say the greys are friendly, capable of negociations.
ive also read that there are actually 2 or 3 types of "Greys" and that one of them is hostile while the other is smarter and more civilised. the third one is the orion grey which is Huge, stanging nearly 8 feet tall, these are the greys depicted in Stephen King's movie "DreamCatcher" . these orion greys are known to create what seems like miracles (also depicted in the movie) and i read of one known case where a grey was spotted in a park in the UK (or somewhere in europe) and he went up to a lady who had a broken leg- and with a touch the grey supposedly 'fixed' her broken leg. UFOlogists speculate that he did not in fact fix her broken leg, but with his advanced intelligence (especially in bioengineering) was able to produce new chromosomes or molecules of a new leg, and with his touch send some kind of electromagnetic impulse that reacted the newly implanted chromosomes to grow into a new leg, taking over the old one. dont take my word, im just saying what the report said.
besides this thread is for motives and implications, not proof of their existance.

so... some analysis (on my part)
- some aliens do not mean harm
- some are actually concerned with our well being (not just greys)
- some are hostile; this may be for 2 reasons
---a) they are known to turn green skinned when they arent getting proper nutrition;-hence they turn hostile. green skin should be a warning sign to anyone who comes in proximity to a grey.
---b) perhaps they are what we would call "evil" or "bad" and this would be attributed to what the grey himself/herself believes in.
- reptilian (draco) aliens always carry a sinister tone, so i would guess they are pretty dark. reptilians have been known to visit and walk on earth. this was in some ancient times and is where we got our 'gargoyles' and 'serpent dragons' pictures seen alot in older times. where have they gone ?
some speculate (or conspire some will call it) that reptilians are back on their way opn board of a comet heading for earth in 2015. call it lunatic prophecy but i will still keep an eye on any and all astral bodies that head towards earth.

as far as saying they see us as a worthless species- this is not true. they realize we are new kids on the universal block, they are smart enough to know we are barely starting to evolve into what crazymikey would classify as a type 1 or 2 civilization. (please see the thread "concerning all people" for that list)
it has been rumored that there is universal Laws that prohibit one species (race) to interfere with the evolution of another species (race) unless there is extenuating circumstances. this really twirls my noggin, a Law prohibiting aliens to interfere with certain evolutionary stages of a race.

you see, in the past visitors came much more frequently. they even helped us out in some cases, dropping knowledge on certain ancient civilizations. these are the Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonnians, and probably others as well. You can see the visitors in these civilization's murals and paintings and drawing and tablets. look at these ancient peoples' and their 'all-of-a-sudden' extended knowledge of the Sky & Stars, Calandar processes, Mummification techniques (hey that kinda seems like it could be related to abduction techniques) and not to mention the hidden tombs and pathways built inside the monumentous pyramids. the scientific explanation as to how they built the pyramids isnt logical if you really think about it.
there was advanced technology present, or at least advanced powers.

some rumors, stories, accounts, and tales speak of the hybrid or interbreeding of alien and human. let me tell you what i think about this.

some speculations on hybrids

- some aliens are in bad shape, or heading for extinction somehow. (perhaps it is the 'bad' or disobeying aliens who are exiled or turning extinct) and this could a reason for the aliens to want to interbreed with human, to help save their race.

-the reptilian race is said to be deteriorating dimensionally, whatever the heck that means. so it is rumored they need a physical medium to stay physically alive, hence their approach to try and take the earth as their haven, where they can use humans to help keep them alive.

- talking about Greys (from Zet 2 Ret) it is rumored these Greys we hear the most about are actually a genetically engineered race. it can them be assumed that the Greys might actually want freedom from their master engineers, so they seek refuge on earth (which is one of the closest places of life to them)

- talking about cow mutilation, based back on what i said about the Greys turning green when not nutrition is available- the cow mutilations are attempts at getting the nutrition they are needing. it is said the greys dont actually eat food, rather they absorb nutrition through their skin. the most effective way of nourishing their hunger is by mucous membranes and things of this sort, which is why they mutilate the cows in the wierdest ways. the tonque membrane is said also to be nutritional to greys. but hey, its alot nicer of them to zap a hole in a cow rather than a human, dont you think ?

this is probably the most sensitive of the subjects.
i know of some gruesome accounts, and some arent that bad.
like i said before , you would expect some degree of inspection.
i personally think that they abduct for these 2 main reasons
1- observe and record human genealogy and DNA make-up
2- use this DNA for their own genetic engineering

they are collectors of data, reporting back to home with whats going on in space and other closeby planets. then scientist use information to do things, you know just like we do. we stick and probe animals to find out a couple of things, then use the knowledge from that to continue with more tests and so on and so forth.

at least they have the courtesy to attempt and erase the memory from the abductee's mind.

in the end i guess its hard to lay a finger down on what their motives really are.

and in all reality it is most likely that different aliens, and even different individual aliens of a same race; would have different motives as well.

what other information can we analyze to try and understand alien logic ?
crazymikey said:
Note: This thread is not to discuss the existence of ETI and UFO's, if you want to debate that, you can do that in my other thread, "Proof for ETI"
For those who do not believe, you can treat this is as a hypothetical case, and share your views.

And yet, this is the Pseudoscience forum of the Sciforums, a web board devoted to science and discussion of the sciences. It follows that the "pseudoscience" section is where those that follow scientific method and reasoning come to discuss "fake-science," how it clouds real science and pollutes the minds of the populace with wild notions and unsupported claims.

So to expect to drop in and discuss a belief system that you so obviously buy into without hesitation or critical analysis and expect the "non-believers" to accept it as merely a hypothetical is a bit presumptuous.

But on to your "hypothetical case" anyway.

crazymikey said:
UFO patrols; Abductions; Cattle mutilations; government deals, and cover ups, presence of multiple factions, greys, nordics, reptillians?

The correlations of these entities are spurious at best. The only thing they have in common is that they are metaphysical and paranormal (in the sense that they have no physical manifestations that can be measured, observed or predicted). Perhaps the angry gods of the Zuni and Hopi nations are conducting cattle mutilations. There are several ?a·halikws, or "witches" in Zuni lore, or (ahem) skinwalkers in Navajo lore that do evil deeds to the world for personal gain and to satisfy evil gods. Witchcraft is a more likely answer for cattle mutilation.

Also, the assumption that UFO's are on patrol is a fallacy. They are most likely zipping about stealing our chlorofluorocarbon releases and the sulfur released from power plants. They are an entirely different race altogether from the rest. The U.S. government is keeping the existence of these alien races secret because the are secretly supporting the Democratic National Party and the Neo-Conservatives (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, etc.) don?t want their kind marrying decent, family-value-centered Americans. In fact, it is the Greys that are pushing "same-sex marriage" in various states like California and Mass. because the Greys are gender neutral and want to secure their inalienable rights prior to colonization.

crazymikey said:
What exactly do the aliens want from us, or want to do for us - what are their motivations, why are they here?

Reality Television. That has to be the single greatest accomplishment of our era and if you notice, the aliens didn't start really visiting and abducting until reality television hit the scene. Candid Camera started it all, and it seems likely that Alan Funt had a deal with the Nordics for syndication rights in four star systems. Most likely similar deals exist with Survivor with the Reptilians and Fear Factor with the Greys (they're emotionless, so fear is an emotion they find fascinating).

crazymikey said:
What are the implications of this, on our world, and on our own individual lives.

The implications are that Reality TV is here to stay. Especially cop-chase shows, aliens love these.

crazymikey said:
I've heard possibilities that range from the beautiful, to the damn right nasty; either we going to be going into a magnificent golden age, where we all prosper, or an age of utter despair, where us, our loved ones, and all of humanity, is endangered by other worlds.

And cable television will be free to all!

crazymikey said:
How we answer this, can be purely speculative, or by analysing the behaviour and intentions of the aliens that have been reported.

Since the aliens are metaphysical, we have to rely on speculation. I think my speculation is as valid as any other.

crazymikey said:
These aliens are slaughtering cattle, and draining out their blood.

That's not the aliens! Earthly demons are doing this! Neo-conservatives blame it on the aliens to slander them in public.

crazymikey said:
They are abducting millions of humans and subjecting them to traumatic tests and procedures, removing human tissue, sometimes internal organs, or implanting them with foreign objects.

Naah.. . that has never been demonstrated via medical evidence. No alleged abductees have ever been able to prove that they were abducted. No implants have been recovered; no physical evidence of rape, molestation, surgery has ever been demonstrated. This is just part of the Neo-Conservative smear campaign against the aliens.

crazymikey said:
If one reads the accounts of abductees, they're disconcerting, sometimes sickening: They are forcefully removed from their habitat and knocked out by some particle beam,

No, no, no.. . the aliens don't use particle beams, the Grey's use sonic blasts similar to dolphins on sharks since they're cetacean and the Nordics and Reptilians use a form of EMP gun that affects the central nervous system of the victim. It can be set for a variety of ranges that can leave a victim conscious but immobile, unconscious or dead.

crazymikey said:
Then ovaries and sperm are extracted. They are often forced to have intercourse with others, sometimes alien hybrids(human and alien) or other humans they have captured, in women, sometimes some sort of fetus is planted in their womb.

Again, there's been no evidence of this and these are claims made by the Neo-Conservatives of the United States. They want to slander the aliens and create public discontent much the same way hardliners did toward blacks from the late 1800's to the mid 1900's. They want to paint the aliens as terrorists. Next thing you know, they'll start blaming WTC on them and creating links to Al Qaeda.

crazymikey said:
Especially what I have heard about the so called Reptillians, is very frightening indeed. They are an angry and hateful, militaristic, civilization, and they often kill, or brutalize the humans they abduct.

Again, more lies of the Neo-Cons. The reptilians are the most benevolent of the 5 races visiting our planet. Sure, they get a bad rap because they like to eat small dogs and de-clawed cats (live and whole), but to assume they are savage and dangerous because their culture is so different is very ethnocentric.

crazymikey said:
The rest I leave for you to speculate.

Sure. It was fun.
You did say "speculate."

Why is my speculation any less likely than yours? You have no evidence that my Reality Television hypothesis is incorrect, therefore it is the most likely hypothesis.
crazymikey said:
You make the rest of us look more mature.

But he makes a good point, especially the source of the aforementioned phenomena (doot doo de dootle doot) of mutilations, crop circles, etc. Why is it these things are always attributed to aliens? There are so many other possibilities. Before sci fi and Roswell and credophilic alien researchers, these phenomena (doot do de doot) were often attributed to demons, witchcraft, magick, divine spirits, etc. Why now are they all lumped together as alien-related phenomena? (de dootle doot, de dootle doot, de do do do do doot)
Chunky, he did not make a point though, unless thats the point of not making a point ;)

Anyway, if you want to discuss abductions, you can, and I am not expecting you to believe it, but do so, in my other topic. As I've outlined, this thread is to discuss the motivations and implications of Aliens and their reported behaviours. If you do not believe fine, but you can still discuss them on a hypothetical level. Or is that hard?
He did discuss the motivations of aliens, with just as much evidence as you have.
crazymikey theres actually some relevance in skin walkers words, whether he meant to say them sarcastically or truly, whether he realized he was saying some valuable information or not.

like i told you before, the only way to see truths is after youve sifted thru all the lies. listen to what he said. it actually makes sense in some parts.

let us take a scenario into consideration:

lets take the acquisation that the Greys (Zet Greys) are a genetically engineered species. this explains their neutral genders (hence a tendency towards homo and hetero sexuality) and could also explain their affinity to humans' Reality TV Shows.

You guys should be aware that we broadcast our television and radio channels to the universe, and this is one of the first things any Alien life would see of us. it could very well be what brought them here.

If the greys are genetically engineered, it could explain why they dont have certain feelings. but what i wonder is who is responsible for the creation of the greys?
i realize they are related to ceteceans (dolphin) but who engineered the greys?
any1 have any information regarding this matter? i have heard it is the reptilian race that engineered the greys.

If you consider the reptilians as the creators of the greys, then consider this next scenario:

the greys, having wanting freedom from their masters, might be seeking to break away from the reptilians. this could explain the conflict in data we recieve, as some greys are trying to get away while other greys (negs) and even reptilians are 'debunking' the claims so to speak. they could also be in junction with what SW called the 'neo-conservatives' and their framing schemes to give all greys a bad rep.

so in this scenario theres conflicting aliens. this, to me, seems to be the most likely of realities. just like here on earth there are conflicting 'races'- the aliens have them also.
lets take the acquisation that the Greys (Zet Greys) are a genetically engineered species. this explains their neutral genders (hence a tendency towards homo and hetero sexuality) and could also explain their affinity to humans' Reality TV Shows.

You guys should be aware that we broadcast our television and radio channels to the universe, and this is one of the first things any Alien life would see of us. it could very well be what brought them here.

If we take the supposed location of the Greys 39 light years away, the last thing they saw was I dream of Jennie, and in 2007, those alien wankers(pun intended) will get to see Babarella - the queen of the universe :D

So sadly they have missed our sometimes raunchy and stupid, reality shows, and fortunately Aliens, Mars Attack and Independence Day. However, doesn't look too good for humanity in 2029+

Now, considering they visisted us around 1930's and prior to that. Radio and TV was not even invented in 1891 and prior. So I can safely say, it's not our signals, that have brought them here.

If the greys are genetically engineered, it could explain why they dont have certain feelings. but what i wonder is who is responsible for the creation of the greys?
i realize they are related to ceteceans (dolphin) but who engineered the greys?
any1 have any information regarding this matter? i have heard it is the reptilian race that engineered the greys.

How can you say for sure they are genetically engineered? And how does that explain having no emotions? In fact, if you read the topic posted by darknight, I've said how, even a purely logical being, should be able to discriminate between good and bad.

Emotions, in my opinion, only cloud our intellect, and make us make irrational decisions, and have irrational thoughts. If we were purely logical, this world would be a better place.

If you consider the reptilians as the creators of the greys, then consider this next scenario:

the greys, having wanting freedom from their masters, might be seeking to break away from the reptilians. this could explain the conflict in data we recieve, as some greys are trying to get away while other greys (negs) and even reptilians are 'debunking' the claims so to speak. they could also be in junction with what SW called the 'neo-conservatives' and their framing schemes to give all greys a bad rep.

I do not think SW meant that, in fact, he meant nothing, you've implied. He opposes aliens and UFO, like they are some type of deadly virus.
I understand there are abductions accounts of negative reptillian aliens, though I not convinced, as I cannot find enough evidence to support them. (Do you know any?) but don't you think you're overstepping the line, by considering the reptillians as creators of greys, and greys fighting for their freedom from them. Considering we know next to nothing about Greys or Reptillians.

so in this scenario theres conflicting aliens. this, to me, seems to be the most likely of realities. just like here on earth there are conflicting 'races'- the aliens have them also.

That's interesting. I ask you, if we found out tomorrow that we are sharing our galaxy with hundreds of alien species. Would we unite into a one world government?

Think of it like this: Kingdoms unite to form states, states unite to form a country, countries unite to form a continent(Europe for instance) and continents unite to form a world. I think it is reasonable to assume, that eventually this world will be united. It's already taking place today, borders are narrowing, the world is becoming closer and closer, we can communicate with each other instanty across thousands of miles. English is the emerging as our one world language, and western culture, is emerging, as our one world culture. It is only the next logical stage in evolution.

So, could it not be said, that the greys, are not divided, but are united as one world.
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our views divert a bit here, and we should both realize our own biases.

thanks for bringing them to light.

it is known that the Greys are geneticaly engineered, this can be told by either looking at their structure, or by asking a contactee. (or visiting the right web sites) now me saying the reptilians were the engineers was a false implication, and i would go as far as taking it back now, having learned a few more things.

the greys have no digestive system because they have geneticaly engineered themselves the way that they are. they got rid of the digestive system, as well as some other things. the nourish themselves thru the skin because they have also transplanted some genetic code found in plantlife (chloroplast and things similar) that enables them to 'digest' food thru their skin. they are very genetically advanced, they have been around for quite some time, and they know what they need and what they dont need. like sexual reproduction is one thing unnecesary to Greys. some reports say greys have no genitals, others say they have a very small penis (males) that sort of curls up inside their leg, hardly noticeable (which could explain why some sightings report no genitals)

so, i believe the greys are geneticaly engineered, whether by a superior race, or more likely by themselves. (some sites indicate this)
i do not believe the Greys are emotionless, the beforementioned was simply a 'scenario' with certain variables fixed, if u get what i mean.
while i believe the Greys aren't emotionless, i tend to believe they are more systematic than normal life forms. "two helpings of brain and only 1/2 a helping of heart" , in other words.

and just a little side note on our television channels reaching outerspace:
you dont really know how fast (or slow) it would take the waves to reach anywhere. u can apply the Laws we have found to be true physics here on earth, but in reality you cannot calculate how fast anything goes when it leaves our space and enters the Voids of Space, aka the "Vacuums"
perhaps once in the vacuum the waves travel much faster.
perhaps they have devices that can detect any artificial waves floating about space ? in a large radius maybe a radar detecting waves etc.

basically youre staying in the box by thinking of our own current technology. they are much more advanced, as you know !
our views divert a bit here, and we should both realize our own biases.

This will be one of those rare occasions, we will disagree. I do not think I've been biased, especially in the previous post.

it is known that the Greys are geneticaly engineered, this can be told by either looking at their structure, or by asking a contactee. (or visiting the right web sites) now me saying the reptilians were the engineers was a false implication, and i would go as far as taking it back now, having learned a few more things.

My opposition was only to the implication that they were engineered by another species. It would not surprise me if they have engineered themselves, or augumented themselves with artificial means. As it is what we would do in the near future; cloning; perfect babies, chip implants, artificial limbs etc

the greys have no digestive system because they have geneticaly engineered themselves the way that they are. they got rid of the digestive system, as well as some other things. the nourish themselves thru the skin because they have also transplanted some genetic code found in plantlife (chloroplast and things similar) that enables them to 'digest' food thru their skin. they are very genetically advanced, they have been around for quite some time, and they know what they need and what they dont need. like sexual reproduction is one thing unnecesary to Greys. some reports say greys have no genitals, others say they have a very small penis (males) that sort of curls up inside their leg, hardly noticeable (which could explain why some sightings report no genitals)

It is possible as they have evolved, and altered their genetics with technology, they have been able to eliminate their reproductive organs, and digestive tract. However, as you're making a statement about Grey's biology - I would like a source on this specific information.

so, i believe the greys are geneticaly engineered, whether by a superior race, or more likely by themselves. (some sites indicate this)

I think it is obvious, they have enhanced their bodies, or modified their genetics, by technology. However, to say, they have been designed by another superior species, requires some solid proof.

i do not believe the Greys are emotionless, the beforementioned was simply a 'scenario' with certain variables fixed, if u get what i mean.
while i believe the Greys aren't emotionless, i tend to believe they are more systematic than normal life forms. "two helpings of brain and only 1/2 a helping of heart" , in other words.

Possibly. I also think that is the best state of mind to be in. The more logical you are, the more efficient, intelligent and advanced.

and just a little side note on our television channels reaching outerspace:
you dont really know how fast (or slow) it would take the waves to reach anywhere. u can apply the Laws we have found to be true physics here on earth, but in reality you cannot calculate how fast anything goes when it leaves our space and enters the Voids of Space, aka the "Vacuums"
perhaps once in the vacuum the waves travel much faster.
perhaps they have devices that can detect any artificial waves floating about space ? in a large radius maybe a radar detecting waves etc.

basically youre staying in the box by thinking of our own current technology. they are much more advanced, as you know !

No, I do not think im staying in the box at all. It may be possible, that somewhere in the universe, information or objects may come under the influence of some unknown space, that catapults it several times the speed of light. In fact, if you recall my example of a type 6+ civilization, I think it possible for this type of civilization to access any part of the universe instantly.

I'm going to elaborate on this. Think of it like accessing the absolute, the very quantum code, that not only comprises matter, but comprises the electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, and the quantum vacuum. In other words, like in a gravitational field, as long as you are under it's influence, it's affect on you is instantaneous. As long as you are in the range of 300,000,000 m and in a vacuum, any light sent to you, reaches you instantaneously. The principle on which this internet we are using works, is the same, as long as we have access to everything in cyberspace, we can access anything instantly. Similarily, I theorize there exists a universal field that encapsulates the entire universe. Every physical and non physical manifestation is under the influence of this field. It's like a cosmic internet, and if you can access it, you can access anything. So wether it is 39 light years, or 390 trillion light years, you can instantly access it.

Now, considering the greys. I certainly do not believe they are a type 6+ civilization. You and I both agree, that they may not be exceptionally advanced to us. Considering they travel in UFO's and perform biological experiments. Therefore D(distance) is the same for them, as it is for us. As we do not have have the technology to send objects or information faster than the speed of light - and my friend, the speed of light in a vacuum IS 300,000,000 m/s(including the vacuum of space) the speed at which it reaches them should be the same. I have no idea, why you think, it changes in space.

Unless of course, they have detectors, that can detect across light years. In other words, some exotic field, that expands 39 light years, for them to detect live information from home, or perhaps an installation based on the moon, that sends information hundreds of times faster than the speed of light back to them, so they get it in a few months(for which, they already would have to have been here) or a similar installation, perhaps even a friendly civilization, a bit further say 10 light years, In which case they get the information in 10 years and a few months. So they may have caught Aliens! (be afraid) An extention of this is to say the galaxy is full of such detecting devices, or bases, so the moment we release information electromagnetic waves, everyone knows.

What first attracted them here was probably not our Radio and TV signals I think. Detecting life, can be done in other ways, it does not have to be signals. Wether they are watching our signals now though, is most probably yes, seeing as they are here, and can relay the information back to their home planet.
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Hypothetically speaking, there motivation is they are probably trying to study us, though im sure theres only so much anal probing can tell them....
They may eventually want an alliance, chances are theres someone more advanced than them out there and the more numerous their allies the better.
Emotions, in my opinion, only cloud our intellect, and make us make irrational decisions, and have irrational thoughts. If we were purely logical, this world would be a better place.
True they do cloud our intellect, though personally i'd miss them, it would be a boring world if it was only logical, wouldnt you miss all the needless sex? I think most intelligent life would want emotions, especially determination, besides aggression is an emotion, we'd be quite vulnerable without that.
Hypothetically speaking, there motivation is they are probably trying to study us, though im sure theres only so much anal probing can tell them....
They may eventually want an alliance, chances are theres someone more advanced than them out there and the more numerous their allies the better.

I think it extends far beyond medical research. Anal probing is one technique of analysing an individual abdutee - rather than biological research for the entire species.
Do you honestly think they want alliances with us? They don't seem to consider us equal.

True they do cloud our intellect, though personally i'd miss them, it would be a boring world if it was only logical, wouldnt you miss all the needless sex? I think most intelligent life would want emotions, especially determination, besides aggression is an emotion, we'd be quite vulnerable without that.

We would not be bored without emotions. Determination can be logical too. In fact, the more intelligent you are, the lesser you are controlled by emotions.
In fact, the more intelligent you are, the lesser you are controlled by emotions.
In a way yes, it doesnt mean you dont need them or can live without them, think about it, without emotions everything fun is illogical, theres no need to watch tv, listen to music, share a joke with someone, no need for sex(outside of once or twice for reproduction), its not really a life i'd wanna lead, but thats just my view.(Arnt we all controlled by emotions anyways because we all want to be happy?)
Do you honestly think they want alliances with us? They don't seem to consider us equal.
Put yourself in their position, if theres someone bigger out there that wants to kill them, they could use all the help they can get, even if they've been doing some horrible things to us if they need our help they will probably ask, its about survival.
Theres 3 options really:
1. They are friendly(even if only for now and for their own personal gain)
2. They are neutral(for now they may just have scientific purposes and arnt really interested in killing us or helping us)
3. They are hostile(if this was the case i would have thought they'd just enslave us already or steal our world, especially if we have one of their craft, if they are hostile they would want to kill us before we use their technology against them)
Thats just the way i see it anyways. :)
I think we should the discuss what the government intends to do, what it maybe capabe of now, and how it affects us, and why are they still covering this up. I don't know why, but it feels like, something sinister is going on. I'm not saying this is the case, but we would discuss the possibility of this. It's clear now, there is some illegal shadow government operating, and that are terrorizing, and even assassinating those who know some of the their truth. We know some form of infrastructure for NWO seems to be in place. What is this government capable of, and how does it impact the US community and global community.

Does ETI pose any threat to us? Now that we know they exist, should we just sit tight, isn't there something we should do with this knowledge?
I'd say the same reason the government covers everything up, theres something to gain from it, simple as that really. As for what they'd intend to do, well, nothing so far, they intend to keep it to themselves until the truth HAS to come out(ie when some other government releases the information or aliens land outside the whitehouse).
Mikey the more you post the less of a threat i believe ETI to be(assuming its all correct), they've been around longer than us, could have taken our planet anytime, enslaved us before we were smart or advanced enough to stop them, what have they to gain from waiting 40000 years?
It's not the ETI themselves that maybe hostile to us, it's our governments themselves who maybe hostile to us, and also provoke ETI. I genuinely don't believe ETI wants to cause us harm, it's this dangerous black government, that I have some strong doubts about.
If this is true, we should go to war against these aliens!
If they haven't killed us already, maybe they mean to help us.
spidergoat said:
If this is true, we should go to war against these aliens!

They have the power to completely disable nuclear missiles. Something tells me we wouldn't get far.
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