Aliens- Good or bad?

Originally posted by manmadeflyingsaucer
Think outside the box for once. Please explain your "logic" as to why you believe that there are aliens here on earth. Or do you guys believe that because you want to? (or because thats what the "credible tabloids" have told you?)

well if you put it that way then I must correct myself , I don't believe I know , and I suggest you open your eyes and take a look outside of your "house"
I have a little information that I am going to post here on the
speculation that "some" UFO's may be not manmade. I will also
post later some information that supports the idea that "some"
are manmade and using advanced technology, not chemical engines
in other words. First some info from Paul Hill, who was a propulsion
physicist at NASA.

While many scientists and engineers are skeptical about the possibility that the Solar System or the Earth could be visited, NASA physicists such as Paul Hill are beginning to describe possible alternative understandings of how Anomalous Observational Phenomena or AOP behavior could be explained using physics. There are not many good books or references (at least not available in the public domain) regarding scientific study of (apparent) physical behavior of these high performance machines. But one effort stands out, one which I frequently recommend to technical people who are curious about the subject. The book was posthumously published by author's daughter and his friend, Robert Wood, ( McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, Engineering Manager, ret), (recently of the MJ-12 document verification effort, with his son Dr. Ryan Wood, et al.) The manuscript was a 20 year work-in-progress effort by Paul Hill, a NASA LANGLEY propulsion physicist. Paul Hill having observed on different occasion the behavior of high performance machines, which he noted as, "not likely being of this world," a position which is supported by the fact that he was an expert in propulsion physics, working in a government propulsion laboratory.

Hill expended years studying and verifying through experiments (which he details with attendant photographs taken while working as a scientist at Langley) specific observed behavioral characteristics, such as the commonly observed, 'tilt-to-turn' feature exhibited by 'flying saucers' and the 'discs' he personally observed. He also gives a very good description of a suspected laminar-air-flow control field used as a programmable artificial air-foil for molecule collision avoidance. This also could explain the numerous night observations of apparent coronal ensheathed glowing spherical objects (and which are often confused as being 'orb' AOP). Suspected 'discs' observed in darkness operating with suspected laminar airflow control enabled appear as glowing spheres, with sphere being brighter than the inner object, only the sphere is seen. Also, Dr. Hill clearly elucidates how apparently inviolate physical behavior could be accomplished using physics we understand.

Paul Hill also admitted to being assigned the "dubious task" of an "unofficial NASA UFO clearing house" for NASA employee/contractor, suspected ET machine visitation observations.
Re: ...

Originally posted by Shadow_Wizard
Aliens do exist, and I am a Roswell believer. The Government has for a long time covered up the exsistence of aliens. I do believe I was once contacted, but they went away. Yes, like all living things, they could be bad, or good. I just want to make peace with them. Maybe we can fuse ourselves together, Humans brawn, and Aliens brain, we could be very domanent. Then, who would mess with the body God gave us? Maybe God is the Elder Alien or something.

I would like to oppologize for all my misspelt words, as I could not use the spell checker.

right, interesting idea but how would we "fuse" as you put it?