Aliens- Good or bad?

our story

our story was sent to caus and was posted on the web without our knowledge but here is the link.
How about you and Scrap@lot take this conversation to PM for talk on messengers, Faerieshaman?

This is not the chat board either. Please, read the Site Rules.

I agree that the existance of aliens is a bunch of hogwash. I think that those who believe that they've had 'encounters' had strange dreams or maybe traumatic experiences and so they visualize or fantasize or hallucinate these experiences and they are so convinced that it's true that they continue to tell the stories. And the stories continue to become more and more real the more that the indulge in their stories, making up details here and there until it becomes a vivid, elaborate tale... I mean, come on! Bored, drunk people make crop signs and CBs and walkies can sometimes be heard in baby monitors and Mel Gibson is sexy... and it's a good story... dang that M. Night Shyamalan. He's so convincing.
Alice this is a "pseudoscience" forum, don't get bent out of shape when people discuss pseudoscience on it. Whats the point of telling these people aliens aren't real? That criticism is too easy to make so I wouldn't bother.
I don't believe or not believe, but I am well read on all the theories or should I say THE theory. Its extremely creative if nothing else, its not as far fetched as the bible or anything and its definately a more interesting read.

They also weren't just thought up by some geek, actual ex-government agents brought this allegedly true story to the public. I'm not saying that means its definately true, it could just as easily be a scam by the us-government to distract the people from what they are really up to but it does give the story a little credibility and I think everyone should check it out even if just to draw your own conclusions on what the us government is up to.
Apparently, the rosswell incident is when the greys were forced to reveal themselves to the government. Their space craft is great for interstellar travel but not so great inside earths atmosphere as they were designed with only the knowledge of their own atmosphere and space.

They had their eye on the governments operations and were forced to prematurely expose themselves when one of their crafts crashed in rosswell.
Greys can communicate with any living being through telepathy and they are believed to be cetacean type creatures with even further advanced sonar abilities. They are, however, a genetically inferior species on account of generations with a lack of "survival of the fittest" type breeding(kind of like what will happen to the human species eventually). They correct what they can with genetic engineering but had been finding it difficult to get the themselves to the quality of genes that nature intended them to have.
So they started space exploration colonies that would build bases on moons and planets and make their way across the universe in search of life that they could possibly "borrow" fit genes from which they could modify to suit themselves. They mentioned nothing about resources to the US government. They struck a deal with america, america said they would turn their back on the occasional "stealing" of people and animals in exchange for fancy technology.

The "nordics" made contact with earth soon after this event.
The nordics are a humanoid species living on a thriving beautiful planet, they are in no danger of polution or over population, they are in no shortage of resources and they have a system that can sustain itself seemingly forever. Amazingly they are also by far the most powerful and technologically advanced of all the known species.
They never 'touched down' on earth but they communicated with the us government by way of high tech radio waves. They warned them that the greys were not to be trusted, they said they were a very selfish species that specialised in mind control and deciet. They said they were only interested in using earth up for all its worth. They said the greys had ruined their own planet and many others and they predicted earth would be next.
They said that humans were not spiritually prepared for the technology they already possess and the rammifications of greys giving them more technology would be catastrophic.
They offered the us government help in fighting off the greys and also teachings on how to make the earth a better place like their planet.

The us government ummmed and aaahed but by this time thousands of greys were living in underground bases on earth that they had convinced america to build them. The greys were in affect "watching over their shoulder" and the us greatly feared what the greys would immediately do if they sensed an attempted betrayal.
Also the nordics weren't offering the us any technology and in those times technology was invaluable to america, they were competing with the ussr and many other countries for supremecy. So america denied the nordics help. The nordics basically said "fine, fuck off then, burn in hell" and ended transmission never to be heard of again.

Over the years the us government have grown suspicious over the greys who have become increasingly more confident and demanding with their requests. They ween very limited technology to america and ask for more and more favours from them. Sometimes threatening exposure of the us governments secrets to the public which would be disastrous. They basically have america wrapped around their finger and have since introduced the reptilians to them.

The reptilians rarely physically come to earth but human government agents often are taken to their bases which are located on mars and the moon.
These bases belong to both the reptilians and the greys who have an odd relationship.

They greys talk among themselves 95% of the time, they communicate with humans and reptilians strictly for business. They never go beyond vague details when giving reptilians or humans information. Strangely the greys have no qualms with giving the reptilians slaves that are members of their own species. The slaves don't even seem to mind despite horrible treatment.
Greys appear to work like an extremely advanced ant colony. All working for whatever their primary goal is, with no regard for their own personal well being. The reptilians are an extremely cocky and confident species, human witness's can only describe them as pig headed idiots.
They openly admit that they consider themselves, by far, the best species around, they push their weight around and insult humans and greys like they aren't even there. They also seem to be very gullible and naive and humans think it is blindingly obvious that the greys are doing a number on them but the reptilians don't expect a thing, it doesn't seem to be a concept they can fathom.

The greys have been working with the reptilians for a long time and they appear to be used to working with them. Even treating humans like they treat them, being very unconvincing and patronizing. It has become obvious that the nordics were correct when they said greys specialise in deceit, everything they do appears to be aimed at tricking another species. The humans, rather than being gullible or naive like the reptilians are frightened to voice their disapproval just yet.

They know from an experience that greys could wipe out the human species simply using the strength of their brain.
20 years ago in a secret underground base known as Dolce', a human worker disapproved of the genetic experiments he witnessed the greys conducting.
He started a riot, hundreds of armed american guards and workers attacked the greys, they shot and killed one, the rest of the greys used an unknown sonar power that was like an unbearably loud noise in the humans brains, most of the rebelling humans died on the spot from extreme brain injuries and the greys ordered the us government to execute the injured survivors claiming they were dangerous, the us obliged.

So basically the us is between a rock and a hard place, they know the greys' motives are sinister but they can't do anything to stop them, they can't even voice their disapproval due to fear.

Greys and reptilians have even started suggesting that they own humans. Reptilians openly say this often and when the humans ask the greys what the reptilians mean by that even the greys are fairly blunt (by their standards) in agreeing with the reptilians.

Not as much interspecies communication goes on as you would expect, it is basically short information transactions, then the humans have to get together and discuss what the aliens were talking about and what they should do and so on.

Greys don't mingle with other species at all and the humans never see a lone grey or have the opportunity to question one. The reptilians pretty much consider humans the equivalent of roaches so a human isn't about to have a meaningful discussion with a reptilian.
Basically the us government is in the dark and very frightened, it is theorised that the war in iraq is one of many future "mock battles" that are merely practices for a possible future intergalactic war.

The US right now apparently is in the act of decieving the deceit-artist greys. Telling them the war is for the greys benefit in some way.
Still they aren't very confident to take on the greys at this stage and especially not the reptillians who have the military potential to blow the entire earth off its axis and have threatened this in passing many times, in a manner that indicates they would consider it no big deal.

The us is also doing all it can to remake contact with the nordics but at this stage that seems impossible and it appears the greys are more than reluctant to give out any technology that would make this task easier, almost like they know the danger in that.
This is THE theory that can be found all over the internet and in some books written by ex-government agents.

Remember, I never said I beleieve any of this:p
I despise science fiction normally but I find this story extremely interesting, maybe because its guised as a true story, whether it is or not is another story.
If its completely made up(which seems more likely) you have to admit its fairly creative.
Like I said more creative than the bible or star wars.
Why not make money off this story? The ex-government agents that exposed/made up this information are the real deal. I know that much.
I still suspect they made it up but I doubt they did it for fun, possibly the making it up in itself was a government conspiracy of sorts.
Dr Lou Nautic,
I don't believe in these stories about the threat from space at all. My mother always call greys as her friend. I dreamed I was taken by light six years before I first time red about such a technic of abduction.
I have my own theory about the stories like your one. I posted it here some time ago, but forgive me I put the excerb from that topic ones again:
In my opinion the politics are the person with biggest EGO among the population – the have to control all countries to feel safety. But they are aware that controlling others is much more sufficient when society is not aware of the reality – so their efforts are aimed to enlarge individuals EGO and fear, because EGO has got simple feed-back mechanism included (safety-not safety). So when our governors got confirmed messages that some ET have came with mission to kill our ego, they recognise that this means the end of their power and prosperity. Initially they denied any information about ET/UFO. But recently when the social awareness of ET existence is much bigger they changed approach – they say: OK. ET are fact but we suspect that they didn’t come with love (as declared), we suspect that they are danger for humans – so you people do better when you keep away from ET.

heyya all :)
note ; any 'real' scientist would not go into a study/experiment
looking for reasons to prove thier opinion rite!
they seek to discover a nature of the truth through evaluative method of non biased results of types of formula applied to certain "things"
now that i have stated my opinon i will prove it wrong :D

#when people talk of aliens they most often use the term to mean something they dont like to look at!

one of the largest problems we have in society is a symptomatic type response to adverse behavioral adoption to be manifested as sexual disfunction.
thus to most people any medical procedure is rendered to be a sexual fantasey, because of the ignorant reinforcement of self proclaimed skeptics and the high occurance of sexual disfunction and the societal expectation to be a sexual conformist ...
well ill let you (hopefully) think from there.

so to use a collective rendering as most "skeptics do" an alien is someone who has sex in a different manner to the one trying to find what normal is!
poor things! = sad sex life!

some want technology
some want slavery(labour help)
some want body parts(transplants)
some want play things(entertainment)
some want lazzyness(relaxation)
some want crazzyness(to forget the bad stuff)
if you want to know thier agenda
just look of your own veranda
humans want what all is above and yet look to
call WHO "alien" ?

point that i feel is most important is
we have a long way to go before we stop trying to destroy those we dont share the same riligion with...
so what would most do to someone who looked completely different???

once we clean our own act up im sure more will be able to happen.
blind self serving ignorance is the first thing required to be dispelled. we are not that far from the inquisition as it is(psychologicaly).

grove on all :)
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Aliens wpould become covered up, becasue of mass hysteria. Hostidle or not is not really a question because im sure if they are hostile they have a completely valid reason ( to them at least) good and evil are Psychological concepts based completely off opinion
heyya all :)
yo... JoojooSpaceape

i am afraid that this is the point where current science streaks past your current thought!
we already have the technology to produce food without the need for killing animals!

it is only greed that keeps this going, .. ohh and good ol fashioned BLOOD LUST.
which is why we have murder and violent crime in such rampent abundence.

so imagine the genetic advancement of other civilisations that may be only one hundred years infront of our current state!

it is already possible for current scientists to produce geneticly modified humans who do not need to comsume food as you know it!

but as soo many people are stuck in cycles of mental abuse through systems of greed and power-mongering
it seems soo many people want to be able to go around killing other people!
or they would stop it!
maybe in another thousand years the humans will be ready for world peace.
look at how many countrys have the death penalty
(which is ritual sacrifice)
and corperal punnishment
(which is torture/sadism)

we already have the technology to stop animals and even plants from reproducing so we do not need to kull them either!

its just greedy people that stops it!

atleast 'all' the people in the world are not greedy...
otherwise there would be no point in the continuety of the planet!
its such a pretty coloured thing!
water we are!
blood we all have
the water is our blood

and... maybe ??? you are only your posesions???
i hope not!
why limit what you think you might be able to achive???
most people do.
it is very limiting

groove on all :)
Aliens probably have a whole different way of thinking,the good or bad persona was created by humans.
Re: Heres my thought~

Originally posted by Chicago
Well, I do happen to believe in aliens (I mean, why not?) And here is my take of good/bad.

There are most likely some of both good and bad. Just like humans, and animals, and everything that lives.
a genuine trecker
I did not see why aliens should not exist, and -as we did with Moon- come to Earth, either in past, or in future. The problem may consist in the fact that any time two different civilisations meet, one will take over. Second, if they travel (spending time and energy) to Earth, what are their goals? For us, traveling to Mars, the goal will be either to colonize it or to get minerals, etc. Both goals will be unpleasant for the locals, assuming that are locals. Same is applying to us, when they will travel here.
I believe the very notion of aliens coming to earth is rather absurd, you guys who all believe in aliens awesume waaaaay toomuch. You awesume they are more advanced than us. You assume that they exist close enough to come here. You assume that they have been around longer than us. You assume that they are smarter than us, thus giving them the ability to come here from absurd distances. You assume that they are even capable of mining ore to build ships. You assume that the way civilizations develope are the same way that we developed...and or "better." You awesume, you assume, you assume. Its pathetic, and thats all I have to say about that.
(spelling correction)
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lol. I assume you are meaning to use the word assume.
That's all I have to say about that.
And I awesume that you awesume,that if there are aliens, that they are none of the things you mentioned.
I'm awesuming.
They will most likely have no intention on being friendly, i mean come on......what do people with power want? More power, and i am willing that E.T.'S most likely are the same way to. Well, it would make for a most interesting visit, Agree?
Originally posted by ll_3473052
I have read a lot of books about aliens/ufo's and I never have completely made up my mind.
I would like someone to reply.

Hi ,
I too have read a few books about ufos/aliens , I believe that more then one race is present on Earth and some of them have bases here . Most of them seem to be here because of their own interests , they exploit this planet for their benefit . There are even reports that some of them are actually trying to help people , for example Ludwig Pallman's "Cancer Planet Mission" . Because of the complexity of this matter it is actually impossible to tell if aliens have good or bad intentions toward humans , some of them may be good , some not .
Think outside the box for once. Please explain your "logic" as to why you believe that there are aliens here on earth. Or do you guys believe that because you want to? (or because thats what the "credible tabloids" have told you?)