Aliens- Good or bad?


Registered Member
I have read a lot of books about aliens/ufo's and I never have completely made up my mind. Are they here for the good of man kind? Or is there another motive? Are they here to take over the world? Is there something they need? Do they want to harm us? In my experience, I think that it's either or. Like humans, they have different personalities. They have different opinoins...different views. If they wanted to take over the world, they could have a long time ago, since they are so technologicly advanced. One of my theories is that they have come out of curiosity, OR that there is something they need from us. If you are a believer in the Roswell cover-up, then you could conclude that maybe the CIA and the Goverment are in fact connected to the aliens. Although they deny this, there is strong proof that Roswell did happen, in 1947. Besides, if there was nothing to hide, as they say, why is Area 51 restricted? If you truspass on that land, you can recieve up to five years in jail, and a fine of ten thousand dollars. My theory is that Area 51 is being used to research the spaceship found, and the two alien bodies.
I know that some people will argue that there is no solid evidence that aliens exist, but in fact, there's just the goverment has done a good job of keeping it hidden. If your not a believer in aliens I suggest you read the book "Silent Invasion" by Ellen Crystall. I was once a skeptic, but no longer am.

I would like someone to reply.
Heres my thought~

Well, I do happen to believe in aliens (I mean, why not?) And here is my take of good/bad.

There are most likely some of both good and bad. Just like humans, and animals, and everything that lives.

Aliens do exist, and I am a Roswell believer. The Government has for a long time covered up the exsistence of aliens. I do believe I was once contacted, but they went away. Yes, like all living things, they could be bad, or good. I just want to make peace with them. Maybe we can fuse ourselves together, Humans brawn, and Aliens brain, we could be very domanent. Then, who would mess with the body God gave us? Maybe God is the Elder Alien or something.

I would like to oppologize for all my misspelt words, as I could not use the spell checker.
Well I dont not believe, nor do I believe100% but logically speaking there has to be life out there with that many other suns and planets out there. There is just no way, so aliens do exist. Now are we ever going to see them? Probably not due to the distance unless they can somehow FOLD space or go Faster than the speed of light, because even going 99.999999++ the speed of light we would be long dead before we got to another galaxy. Our children's childrens etc etc yes if you send a colony ship or something, so maybe there are an alien races that is on its way here that left 5,000 years ago or what have you.
But now the question of with such a HUGE HUGE HUGE universe, why point for the milkey way instead of some other place. Unless the technology is so great and for some reason they want to see us, like on the Star Trek ship n stuff.
Now people see 'UFO's all the time. Do we know that its alien? Or maybe us from the future or a secret government made a saucer ship and got it to work, like Hitler was having his scientists work on that project actually. Maybe genetic engineering as well who knows.
Whatever the fuck it is I would like to know wtf is going on just like the rest of us. Hopefully in our lifetime they will come clean or a mother ship will show up or SOMETHING........
If aliens are here, they cleary do not want us to know it. That could very well mean they have no intention of letting us know any time soon, and also, they may not be friendly.

But on the other side of thigs, if they were not friendly, and they are here, wouldn't they have killed us by now, or made an atempt to harm us?

Let's say, a "mothership" lands on earth. We aren't going to go out to the ship and say "WE OUR A PEACEFUL ppl!"

That would be stupid. We must always be prepared for the worst.

True, some aliens are bad, well, okay. Most are bad, I think. But, anyway, some of them are here to help us. We shoudl welcome them into our planet, you know let them settle on Easter Island or something. Keep them away from Area51 and the Government because they would kill them. And if they are Evil, let them come. If we cannot hold out against invading races, we shouldn't have the planet anyway.
good and bad

I believe there are good AND bad aliens. There are many species out there and some visiting this planet. There are many theories but what i know as fact is just too long to tell here but Reptilians are bad, Greys are indifferent but are enemies of the reptilians (Dracos) The Nordics are supposed to be good, and of the 3 unknowns i have run into I could not speculate, they did nothing to hurt us but that doesn't mean anything to me. As far as Roswell, I believe it happened but have 2 theories on it.
1. An alien craft crashed, the govt recovered it.
2. Theory has it a pact was made between the Greys and the govt in exchange for technology the Greys could abduct a certain # of people and the govt would disclose the fact of their existance at a certain date. the govt went back on their word and the Greys staged a crash at Roswell to speed up the disclosure.
well its good to know someone else knows about the Greys :D
You talked to or seen one before? I'm not sure about the Greys though... they might not be enemies, but they seem very.. secretive, got their own thing going on.
aliens, ufos...HOGWASH..they ain't here..and here's why...

..the universe is so'd have to be quantumly small..and, of course, your spaceship to do the traveling..

as for worm holes..well..that's star trek stuff..not hard science.

reports of ufos skyrocketed w/sci fi. the most famous 'report' being when the observation balloon fell..and a general said it looked like an 'ufo'... he retracted..but the myth began.

as for ufos in the see something you don't understand..and your mind searches for the answer..and imagination..herd instinct..all come into play.


no ufos..'s just a little folklore that people like to 'herd' about thinking think they are a bit 'special' cuz they know something 'special'... truth is... all is explainable thru science
the Greys

There are 22 subspecies of the Grey, as for the agenda they do have there own agenda. The Reptilians (Dracos) tried to take the Greys planet but the Greys caught on and waged war against them. They were sent with their tails between their legs. now the Reps are attempting the same on earth and the Greys are still waging war. Some of the subspecies are slaves of the Reptilians whichis the misconception of some that the greys are one with the reps.

Hmmmm... look back in history, ufo's were seen by Colombus thats quite aways before sci-fi. The original Mona Lisa had a flying saucer.....the caves in France.....i don't need to go on. Do some reading in sacred text. The Mahabarrata would be a good one to start with
far... you really need to read facts..cuz you is in lalaland

sorry..but it's true...
sorry hun

i go by experiences and whats implanted in me knowledge wise your science is only the science known in this dimension and by humans
heh... "special" how can someone feel special knowing something that most will ridicule you for lol
hehe no icq either lol... I'll keep in mind about d/l something , I'll probably go for aol messenger thingy. I'll let you know when i get one :D
did you call ME, hun?

i'm an intelligent human being.. let's skip the cutie gender words..shall we?