Alien agenda

Hello Dido, I don't think I have any particular "realm" that I stay in. I check out all the "realms" at this site and at different sites elsewhere in cyberspace. I'm still trying to get back into my "old bulletin board," but I think that they've either gone completely offline or they've denied my user i.d. access. I was trying to submit a very nice piece on US reconnaissance satellites of the Key Hole series {KH-11 & KH-12 to be exact} when the site admins. sent me a message saying that I shouldn't be using profanity on their board{their computer screening program must have been confusing my word Key Hole with some profanity along that line} and since then I haven't been able to access that site, so I've been without a "home" or "realm" until now. This is the only reason I'm even at this site.
Hey Dido,

What's stuck up your butt? Talk about polishing approaches? Why don't you worry about your own "approach"? And who was it that asked for your opinion regarding me, my approach, or your apparently warped cynicism regarding faith? Oh, now I get it, you must have mistakenly thought that someone gave a shit. ;)

"Give me space brothers, or give me death!" *eye roll*

Give me a break.

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Hello people check out this site

MONTAUK AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT interview with Valdamar Valerian. Some information you can related to the Alien agenda.

I have placed an order for the book, should be at the door in about 48 hours.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited February 23, 2000).]
Hello at work and had to chk on the board here. Yes..have read Brown...thought it was an interesting read,also have 'The Threat. He has an earlier book out as well when he first started looking at abductions called 'Secret Life...also an excellent book. Also look at Linda Moulton Howes newer books..a bit expensive but well worth it (32$) called Alternate Illusions? i believe.. i loaned it out and it was never returned so am out 32$ but will get it again we got a military payraise so now can afford it. Still working on getting a computer again will have one soon hopefully so i can be on the board constantly here again. Hello Flash,Dave,H-kon and Lori good to see you guys are still here lol Well have Hummv's i must fix army trucks are always rolling so will talk to yall soon......Laters

Eric Cooper
Hey Eric!! Good to see you pop in... where the hell have you been? Any new things happening in your life???
Have a good day :)
I'm sorry but this whole 'cheerleader' thing is a bit OTT and a bit blaze (excuse lack of acute).

By the way a bulletin board is there to express everyone's opinion, so the mere fact that I 'give a shit', as you so classily put it, means that it counts and is valid.

What about this 'treat everyone with respect' ideal? Your whole attitude and message are so paradoxical.


Ooh, ooh cheerleader, yay. God is not superficial, and I do have a strong faith by the way, it's just not so happy-clappy.

I've read Cosmic Voyage and was simply stunned by it. It's revelations are truly phenomonal. I was thoroughly riveted by the book and couldn't put it down until I had finished it. I would love to believe it.

What's the new book on the 'Reptilians' (I think) like?

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 23, 2000).]
I'm sorry but this whole 'cheerleader' thing is a bit OTT and a bit blaze (excuse lack
of acute).

By the way a bulletin board is there to express everyone's opinion, so the mere fact
that I 'give a shit', as you so classily put it, means that it counts and is valid.

Excuse me, but may I ask WHY you are attacking me? Speaking of opinions, I came out here and if you would actually read my response you would find that I gave my opinion of the topic that was posted. YOU are giving your opinion of my sig, which in fact "who gives a shit?" is an appropriate response to. This isn't a popularity contest, and in fact, I wasn't talking to you, so again, I'm not sure if I'm getting your point???? Oh, that must be because you don't have one. Do you want to have a contest as to who between the two of us has the most class? Well, I would win, as I did say the word "shit", oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry I hurt your little virgin ears, but I am NOT out here critiquing everyone PERSONALLY like you are, I am sticking to the topic, or trying to anyway, with no help from you.

What about this 'treat everyone with respect' ideal? Your whole attitude and
message are so paradoxical.

So you're a hypocrit. *shrug* So? Congratulations?

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you don't want a response, then I'd suggest you keep your smart ass comments to yourself, and stick to the topic unless you're spoken to. What a concept huh?

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Hey Flash...not much here just getting dumped with work in the motorpool and we have the range tomorrow so get to fire our m-16 toy machine guns. having lots of poltergeist activity in the apt we've been dealing with.Trying to get stationed back in Germany again as will live in army housing and make more money that way. Anything new with you? We need a computer thats why havent been online as usual. Take care in love and light...will be checking in here occasionally

Eric Cooper
Mission accomplished.....successfully wound up a bible-basher!

By the way Lori..... 'hypocrit' is spelt hypocrite.

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 23, 2000).]
What going on here Dido and Lori stop the beefin match, please.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited February 24, 2000).]
Originally posted by Dido:

I've read Cosmic Voyage and was simply stunned by it. It's revelations are truly phenomonal. I was thoroughly riveted by the book and couldn't put it down until I had finished it. I would love to believe it.

What's the new book on the 'Reptilians' (I think) like?

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 23, 2000).]

I think his book can be backed up with information by the following site then goto newsletters, at the bottom check The Grey Agenda. I must worn you that their is alot of reading.

or try this site may be of interest.
Looks like Dildo....ooops...Dido likes you more than me *BG* e.g.
"I don't see why you have to be such overbearing, pseudo-intellectual, watch-you-don't-fall-from-your-non-existent-ivory-towers asshole..."
Maybe he fears the wrath of god if he bags you tooooo much ( Oh dear! I've got too many 'o's in my word.....hope he doesn't pick me up for it ;) )


All in fun, Dido..trying to ease the tension here

By the way the user name is not an allusion to anything, how would the English say it, untoward. It's a character from Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot'. I know, I know.... but I'm not really not a big literature-head really.... I'm not.

Dave...sorry for the psycho-babble.... the ivory towers shit.

Sorry all, for the ranting... I get carried away quite a bit.

I promise never to correct any syntactical errors agaian.

Oh yeah and whar does 'bag' mean. I'm not sure of the context.


Wahey I did it!!! How do the little 'cheesy grin' guys?

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 25, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 25, 2000).]
To 'bag' someone is Ozland talk for slander or defamation of character, basically.


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited February 25, 2000).]
Just so ya know dido, I regularly get ass-chewings for my over-zealousness and choice verbage. Don't feel bad. :( We wub you! And SO DOES JESUS! (Sorry, couldn't pass that one up). :)

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.

Cheesy Grinner

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Now go to the EDIT button at the top of this message to see how its done.
