Alien agenda


Registered Senior Member
To everyone here

What do you think is the alien agenda?
Because clearly something is going around the world.

And I have found out that the UK and other counties are seeing more UFO's, and I know there have been more animal mutilations around the UK.
In most cases UFO's are simply that….. a UFO, not an Alien. So I think most of this stuff about Aliens is 'hysteria' on some peoples parts, or error in observations on others.

Does this mean I don't believe ET is visiting our planet? No. Given the facts we now know about our Universe I would be very surprised if we didn't have visitors sometime in our past or in our present. But I simply do not believe it is as prevalent as we are led to believe by some people and I definitely do not believe this garbage about the Aliens being demons.

If they are true, the descriptions about Aliens abductions that I've read indicate to me that they are studying us in the same way we would them if we had the chance, or the way we currently study lower life forms. This certainly doesn't make them demons. I'm sure it is a horrifying experience for women if in fact Aliens do impregnate them and then come back for the baby's, but this does not make them Satan's demons.

So I think there agenda is simply to study us for whatever reasons.
Originally posted by faerieshaman:
Zetatalk is crap i dont believe shit on that website. through my investigations ive seen patterns relating to:
1. Yes i agree to a possible hybrid program do to the genetic manipulation in abductees and med exams with missing fetuses which happened to my wife.
2. There seems to be an interest in minerals in this planet which the aliens could be harvesting.
3. Info just dropped in my head... there seems to be a tie in abductees with a low serotonin level which may indicate there concern or they may be altering the brain? Low serotonin indications are seen as depression,sleep disorders,night terrors,sleep paralysis, and narcoloepsy...just something to think about

Eric Cooper

Heh, that number 3) in your post sure sounds funny. Now are those symptoms of alien abductions, or are alien abductions a symptom of serotonin imbalance? Nightmares... Sleep disorders... Hmmm... Yeah....

I am; therefore I think.
All speculation, but what else do we have to work with: If "Aliens" have been here from the dawn of civilization, this would seem to indicate a project without end whatever that project may be i.e. studying the Homosapiens, manipulating the Homosapiens, creating the species Homosapiens. However, if the "Alien Agenda" is more sinister in intent i.e. "Invasion from Mars or Zeta Reticulli or points elsewhere" why the seemingly long time frame for it to reach its conclusion (we're talking thousands of Earth yrs. of supposed sighting)? There is one theory out there which may shed some light on this. It states that these "Aliens" aren't confined by linear time as we are, thus thousands of years haven't passed for them at all.

Simultaneous time, interesting but I don't have a clue about any theories concerning it. Anybody got any ideas?

Resistance is futile.

**Sorry about the Star Trek fanatical cliches--- the Borg, don't you just love them**
Mana, If you are interested in reading up on one author's view of the "Alien Agenda" and the secrecy behind it, I highly recommend Prof. David M. Jacobs book "The Threat." It's a controversial book (as all UFO books tend to be), but definitely a good read along the lines of what you were asking about.
Mana, it's $12.00 US. You'll probably find a number of other books there as well regarding the "Alien Agenda." I must say I liked Prof. Jacobs' book, though I'm not sure if I like what may be in store for us should his conclusions prove valid.
Dido, Well it's not my theory "simultaneous time" just one of many that I've heard. What I do find interesting about such a theory is the implications of it. There are those who fall all over themselves about how the US Gov. has had a "working relationship" with "ETS" or "EBES" and that it's been going on for 50+yrs. now. Well, if one wants to believe in "simultaneous time" this 50+yr. "working relationship" is or should be null and void. Yes, 50+yrs. have passed for us and aren't we jolly chums with our friends these "EBES," but 50+yrs. haven't passed for them at all; it's not relevant to them. The "EBES" could be just jumping around through our time giving the "illusion" of partaking in a long term "working relationship." It's an interesting theory all the same, especially if the "EBES" have only just arrived so to speak. Ah yes, who knows what tomorrow will bring?

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 21, 2000).]
Okay if we live in the realm of the physical, do they live in some other realm? Subspace? Have they discover time travel or manipulation?

It all seems a little improbable...maybe not impossible...just improbable. It seems more a dramatic vehicle to make a sci-fi show a little more interesting. But it is interesting. Any physicists want to shoot it out of the water right now and save me valuable time contemplating it while all those ETs are hopping to and fro in the past and the future more easily than I can change my underwear....please no snide remarks...I do change them regularly!

Resistance is futile.

**Sorry about the Star Trek fanatical cliches--- the Borg, don't you just love them**
Oh my, such visual imagery you do bring to mind with your words. Yes, it's an interesting theory and it's just that i.e. someone's theory which I believe has to do with time dilation as per Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.
Hi Guys,

I try to stay out of your "realm" over here, but I just HAD to say....

To support and provide false evidence for the one world religion and government of the antichrist.

To provide a false explanation for the rapture of the Church.

To provide a false explanation for the "signs of the times" during the tribulation period and period of God's wrath.

To encourage the taking of the mark of the beast, which I believe will be a genetic manipulation, by perpetuating false hopes of survival.

They are demonic. Get with the program!!!!

Ok, I'll go back to my "realm" now. :)

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Dido, Not at all, but all the same, I do have a number of sunglasses. I'm familiar with what happened to poor ol'Tom from the Lady Godiva tale. You don't live in Coventry by chance?

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited February 21, 2000).]
Hi Peter,

Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya. :) I'm Lori, and I'm a cheerleader for Jesus. Glad to meet cha. I try not to bug you guys over here, but every once in a while the temptation gets me. Ok, that was a weak pun. *shrug* Later, taters!

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Well Hello Lori, Yes you scared me, made me lose track of where I was going. Hope my diatribes (well they're not really that) on the UFO and other phenomena haven't ruffled too many feathers. I look at all views on many subjects before I walk away from them (as confused as before for the most part). Nice to meet ya, too!

Hark the demonic bible-bashers rant, fa-la-la-la-la-laaaaah-la-la-la-la-lah.

Come on, your approach needs polishing if you are to get genuine and sincere attention over here.

Resistance is will submit to my dogma!! Shit my hardrive is making high-pitched squealing noises....aaahhhhhh the demonic anti-whatever-sounds-dogmatic.


Do we have a realm??

Shit...that carol isn't in iambic pentameter.....*in process of mutilating myself*

[This message has been edited by Dido (edited February 22, 2000).]