AIDS denial is immoral

Factual material.
You're so full of shit, Metakron.
And with this, you're being at your most ridiculous.
let's review what we have:
there is a virus known as HIV.
science says HIV is a cause of AIDS.
science has infected bio-engineered* mice with HIV and produced AIDS.
science has been able to use antiretrovirus medicine against AIDS.
from a study of 5000+ people science has determined that continuous dosing is less risky than intermittent dosing.

* mice that have human tissue.
Generally, people are diagnosed with AIDS as soon as the HIV test results come back and the doctor determines that the patient is either African, homosexual, or has been exposed to someone who is African, homosexual, or diagnosed. The pressure is very heavy on the patient to take AZT or drug cocktails, or to force the same on their babies if their baby is HIV positive.
Considering that the damn drugs aren't widely available in Africa, I fail to see how you can come up with the crap you're coming up with.

Also, are you now claiming that only Africans and homosexuals are the people who somehow spread the disease? Surely you jest. Not only are you acting like a fool in this thread, but now you are coming across like a racist and homophobic fool. Well done! You are sinking to even lower levels than you were before.

Invert, you have so many ways to deny factual material that it isn't even funny.
This coming from the individual who for 25 pages or so has refused to even acknowledge everything shown to him because a conspiracy site says differently? The irony would be hilarious if it weren't so god damn pathetic.

It is because of people like you, who sadly manage to somehow make it into positions of power, who have denied the existence of HIV and AIDS and have denied aid and medication to their populace, resulting in the death of millions. Had they used weapons instead of down right stupidity and blindness to fact, it would have been classified as one of the worst genocides in mankinds history.
AZT is widely available in Africa.

You don't seem to know anything or you seem to be playing the same game that the ones who promote AIDS do. Being African or homosexual is part of the diagnostic criteria, as you would know if you knew anything about the way the AIDS game is being played, Bells. Doctors in America will not diagnose someone as having AIDS from a positive test unless that patient is homosexual, African, or is believed to have had sexual contact with same. I don't know why you would even feel like wasting anyone's time by pretending otherwise. You might as well not waste energy and manufactured anger and contempt on this one, because it's real, it's true, and I can prove it.
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AZT is widely available in Africa.

show that this is the case.

I see evidence of the opposite.

Despite a surge in demand for the anti-AIDS drug AZT, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is not increasing production, according to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

AHF, an NGO running free treatment clinics in developing countries, said 8,000 Zambians could soon be forced to find alternative antiretroviral treatment (ART) to their current medication from GSK.

"Continuous supply of drugs is essential and ... [being without stock] is a serious concern for treatment," said AHF President Michael Weinstein at a press conference Thursday.

The shortage could affect patients in Africa and other parts of the developing world currently on drug regimens containing AZT.

The shortage is not expected to affect the US, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. "The drug is available in plentiful supply in rich countries, but not where GSK supplies 'not for profit'" Weinstein remarked.

Myth: The AIDS epidemic has been compounded by immunosuppressive effects of the medication AZT.

Fact: Placebo-controlled trials have found that AZT and related anti-HIV drugs can benefit patients by prolonging, for a year or two, the onset of new AIDS-related illnesses in HIV-infected individuals. Significantly, long-term follow-up of these trials, although not showing prolonged benefit of AZT, has never indicated that the drug increases disease progression or mortality. The lack of excess AIDS cases and death in the AZT arms of these trials effectively rebuts the argument that AZT causes AIDS.

In addition, many individuals who have never taken AZT or related drugs have developed AIDS, including people in the United States prior to the availability of AZT, and in Africa today where very few people receive AZT.

Several studies suggest that life expectancy of individuals with HIV disease has increased since the use of AZT became common. One cohort study found that the time from seroconversion to death, a period not influenced by variations in diagnosing AIDS, has lengthened slightly in recent years. Even taking into account the benefits of improved PCP prophylaxis and treatment, if AZT were contributing to or causing disease, one would expect a decrease in survival figures, rather than an increase that coincides with the use of AZT.
science has infected bio-engineered* mice with HIV and produced AIDS.

Proof positive therefore, one may just as well suppose, that bio-engineering is the cause of AIDS.

You should be wondering what happened to the Human Being to suddenly be so susceptible when this was never before heard of.
what happened to following karma?

That is where you went wrong.

To get it right you need to understand that your karma follows you.

Denial of the karma is immoral, denial of the fact that what becomes of is the result of what we do;
good or bad health is because of what we do to ourselves, not what is done to us.

science has infected bio-engineered* mice with HIV and produced AIDS.

Proof positive therefore, one may just as well suppose, that bio-engineering is the cause of AIDS.

You should be wondering what happened to the Human Being to suddenly be so susceptible when this was never before heard of.
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what happened to following karma?

That is where you went wrong.

To get it right you need to understand that your karma follows you.

Denial of the karma is immoral, denial of the fact that what becomes of us is the result of what we do;
good or bad health is because of what we do to ourselves, so the remedy is in minding of that, not what is done to us.

The more you mind somebody else's business the less you mind your own, and that is how the delusions arise.

science has infected bio-engineered* mice with HIV and produced AIDS.

Proof positive therefore, one may just as well suppose, that bio-engineering is the cause of AIDS.

You should be wondering what happened to the Human Being to suddenly be so susceptible when this was never before heard of.
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what happened to following karma?

That is where you went wrong.

To get it right you need to understand that your karma follows you.

Denial of the karma is immoral, denial of the fact that what becomes of us is the result of what we do;
good or bad health is because of what we do to ourselves, so the remedy is in the minding of that, not what is done to us.

The more we mind somebody else's business the less we mind our own, and that is how the delusions arise.

science has infected bio-engineered* mice with HIV and produced AIDS.

Proof positive therefore, one may just as well suppose, that bio-engineering is the cause of AIDS.

You should be wondering what happened to the Human Being to suddenly be so susceptible when this was never before heard of.
Proof positive therefore, one may just as well suppose, that bio-engineering is the cause of AIDS.

You should be wondering what happened to the Human Being to suddenly be so susceptible when this was never before heard of.

Only someone who knows nothing about biological sciences would say that. At the time AIDS popped up it was technologically impossible to construct a virus.

Feel free to look up what tools were available in the early 80s. But HIV predates that even.

1973. For the first time researchers moved one piece of DNA from one microorganism to another. They didn't do this with fancy PCR stuff and such. Just with enzymes that cleave DNA at specific points.

First gene sequenced in 1975. Entitely done by hand by Frederick Sanger.

In 1977 the first genome was fully sequenced. Again Sanger. A bacteriophage. A virus. Because it's genome is so small.

The first cases of AIDS were reported in 1981.

The first virus that was reconstructed? The only one I know of is the 1918 flu virus. 2005.

A technology gap of more than 20 years.
... it was technologically impossible to construct a virus.

That was not what I had in mind.

With it widely supposed that this or that modern innovation causes cancer, inadvertently, I think it reasonable to suspect that some similar effect facilitated HIV, with Humans as with the mice.

Whether or not it was intended, whether or not they know what they do, that is another matter, more a question of moral immunity perhaps.
With it widely supposed that this or that modern innovation causes cancer...

By who? Please give an example of a modern innovation which causes cancer.

I think it reasonable to suspect that some similar effect facilitated HIV, with Humans as with the mice.

Modern innovations produced HIV? How?
Take your pick

All I see is a list of chemicals.

You do realise that everything is a chemical, don't you Sauna? Water is a chemical. Food is a collection of chemicals. Wool is a chemical.
I'm working on the perfect conspiracy theory right now, Metakron, thanks for the help.
All I see is a list of chemicals.
You do realise that everything is a chemical, don't you Sauna? Water is a chemical. Food is a collection of chemicals. Wool is a chemical.

What do you want now, safety data sheets, or manufacturer's promotional brochures to point out their deliberate use of the phrase "modern innovation"?

I dare say that DDT was described as a modern innovation somewhere along the line.
The question remains: why the advent of AIDS so suddenly toward the end of the 20th Century?

Unfortunatley, the African monkey theory remains a spurious monkey theory without the explanation of what suddenly happened with the monkeys that had never happened before, because of the need to make some sense of that for the supposition of dangerous contagion to hold water.

What reduced the immunity to the reduction of immunity?