AIDS denial is immoral

To exclude the placebo effect, some of the participants are given placebo, others are given the test drug in different dosages and ways.

So they know that they might be given the placebo?

I regret to have to state the obvious, but that sort of test does not possibly compare with the real and serious shock of being told, supposedly for real, that one is infected.

At the beginning of the pandemic nobody knew but there were big numbers of (at the time) gay men visiting their doctors with similar symptoms. Who told them they are ill?

Does that mean to suggest that the AIDS epidemic was already around except that nobody had yet noticed it?

If it is rather agreed that a disease has spread since then, the issue that I attempt to define is the extent to which this is a disease of the blood as opposed to a disease of the mind.
Could I find it in my heart to obey the dictates of people who can't get their scientific acts together enough to operate a can opener? To allow myself to be led around by the nose by people who are obviously the product of dumbed down curriculums and are also obviously under the control of people who are dumber than themselves? To let my thinking be warped by totally bad science?

What a generous gesture you have conceived for me.

My question for you was not about " dumb scientists " .......
It was actually about you - simply to see how your mind works - what your moral and ethics are - and trying to find out, if you are potentially dangerous to other people .......

I have known for some time , that you are SCHIZOPHRENIC - you even have said so yourself in several earlier posts here on Scifo .....

That explains why , you think some mods in here are paid 200000 $ to control your threads - and why you choose not to accept the reality about HIV and AIDS .........
The problem is , that if you are HIV positive (I do not know if you are that ) -
then you are actually a very dangerous person !!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you should see a doctor soon - new medications for schizophrenia have fewer sideaffects that the older stuff .........

Go see your doctor, Meta , it is time now :)
So they know that they might be given the placebo?

I regret to have to state the obvious, but that sort of test does not possibly compare with the real and serious shock of being told, supposedly for real, that one is infected.

Does that mean to suggest that the AIDS epidemic was already around except that nobody had yet noticed it?

If it is rather agreed that a disease has spread since then, the issue that I attempt to define is the extent to which this is a disease of the blood as opposed to a disease of the mind.

1. You are saying that getting better with the drugs is placebo. The tests done by the pharmaceutical companies are telling a different story. Proven fact - otherwise everything would be a "cure" for the last 25 years. But is not. The guy from Britain was "shocked" by the news he was infected and then something has happen and now he is cured. Why is this not the case with all the "shocked" patients?

2. The average incubation period for hiv infection to become AIDS is more than 10 years. Of course it has been around before 1980's. The mutation rate of the virus suggests that it is a very very young disease.
Sauna ,

I do not know why you deleted your posts - something is " irregular " with you in here on Scifo ....
I haven´t figured you out yet , but I will eventually ........

And here on this thread you are rambling on like a broken record - saying nothing new - saying nothing of scientific value - very strange ......

So I have 2 questions for you , Sauna :

1) Are you a sockpuppet ?????
2) Do you have a mental disease like Metakron ?
I think you should see a doctor soon -

That is one of the other reasons to suspect a conspiracy.

While not fully aquainted with what it is like in Denmark, I think that some here need to better aquaint themselves with the realities of medical treatement in other parts of the World where it is certainly not so well researched from patient to patient.

If the alternative is the usual ten minutes with a National Health Service GP or three hours sat in a hospital waiting room to see a student consultant who hardly knows his own rear end from his elbow, one begins then to see the advantage to play along with the AIDS idea, if it gets that odd bit of extra attention, an immediate pass to the fast track for treatment.
That is one of the other reasons to suspect a conspiracy.

While not fully aquainted with what it is like in Denmark, I think that some here need to better aquaint themselves with the realities of medical treatement in other parts of the World where it is certainly not so well researched from patient to patient.

If the alternative is the usual ten minutes with a National Health Service GP or three hours sat in a hospital waiting room to see a student consultant who hardly knows his own rear end from his elbow, one begins then to see the advantage to play along with the AIDS idea, if it gets that odd bit of extra attention, an immediate pass to the fast track for treatment.

I see - your opinion of HIV and AIDS is simply shaped out of disapointment with the NHS and doctors in general ....

And you also suspect a conspiracy - interesting ....

Yes - you are right - we are spoiled in Denmark - fast free good medicare for all ....

Take care , Sauna, I hope you are well .....:)
I see - your opinion of HIV and AIDS is simply shaped out of disapointment with the NHS and doctors in general ....
And you also suspect a conspiracy - interesting ....

There is always a conspiracy. Would you give up on a job and a marriage to tell the truth? Some would and I have seen them try, but not so many. People see and say as it suits them to, whatever will cover their rear ends and pay the bills. Shareholder investment ensures that the story is stuck to.

Take care , Sauna, I hope you are well .....:)

I have not been well, thanks, but a lot better since I worked out why, which was not because of AIDS, but rather because of the powers of suggestion, a lack of mental immunity.

To thine own self be true. It begins and ends in the mind. That is what morality is about.
I have not been well, thanks, but a lot better since I worked out why, which was not because of AIDS, but rather because of the powers of suggestion, a lack of mental immunity.
the fact that lab animals can be infected with HIV and those animals developing AIDS is proof that AIDS is a reality.
Anything is real with enough of a will to make it so.

Some like to torture rats.

I think it kinder to mind my own heath.
It begins and ends in the mind. That is what morality is about.

Please remember, that there is a world outside your mind , HIV and AIDS is a part of that world ....
If you perceive that world incorrect in your mind - then your mind is wrong ....

Anything is real with enough of a will to make it so.

That is not normal thinking .........;)
Please remember, that there is a world outside your mind , HIV and AIDS is a part of that world ....

So should we rather pity the limit of that, or fear the threat of it?

The Worlds beyond my mind are infinite in number and extent, for as long or so far apart as we dream.

If you perceive that world incorrect in your mind - then your mind is wrong ....
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So should we rather pity the limit of that, or fear the threat of it?

The Worlds beyond my mind are infinite in number and extent, for as long or so far apart as we dream.

Sometimes a mind has limits in perceiveing correct ....... you should not fear anything, unless there is a reason to fear it .........
Sometimes, however, there is a genuine reason to fear something , and then you must never shut your eyes or mind to that reason , but instead fight the real reason in the real world - not in your mind ............

Yes, dreaming is good - it takes away fear - sometimes you have to wake up though ............ sometimes you can even battle the reason of your fear in the real world - not only in your mind ............:)
Sometimes a mind has limits in perceiveing correct ....... you should not fear anything, unless there is a reason to fear it .........

There is no battle with fear, except to make for more of the same. That is what is about, the making, the control and responsibility.

That is not normal thinking .........;)


Now its getting wierd.

Is it normal now to genetically enigineer rats to make damm sure that AIDS infects, as if to to force feed them with harm?

When AIDS was invented we'd not yet dreamed of any of that. It has all been conjured up since, like a big fat rabbit from a hat.

I fear that, and with a genuine reason.

It is sick of itself. The philososophy is sick, never mind the practice .
What I am trying to say , Sauna , is :

You have to wake up , and realise, that the world outside your mind is not perfect - that it contains good and bad things - including HIV and AIDS ....

All of us have to face the real world every day - sometimes having to fight to survive - sometimes just having a good time ........

It is easier to shut your eyes and mind to the world - and create a world of your own , that is easier to live in - but eventually the harsh reality of the real world will catch up to you - and you have to wake up ......... because if you wake up , then you actually can influence the impact of the real world on you making the right choices ... and believe me , you have to make the right choices in the end .........then you can change your life into something better - and take away the fears in your mind .........
Is it normal now to genetically enigineer rats to make damm sure that AIDS infects, as if to to force feed them with harm?
this is a misleading statement.

the fact still remains we are dealing with a reality here.
What I am trying to say , Sauna , is :

You have to wake up , and realise, that the world outside your mind is not perfect - that it contains good and bad things - including HIV and AIDS ....

All of us have to face the real world every day - sometimes having to fight to survive - sometimes just having a good time ........

It is easier to shut your eyes and mind to the world - and create a world of your own , that is easier to live in - but eventually the harsh reality of the real world will catch up to you - and you have to wake up ......... because if you wake up , then you actually can influence the impact of the real world on you making the right choices ... and believe me , you have to make the right choices in the end .........then you can change your life into something better - and take away the fears in your mind .........

So we are back once again to the ad hominem and straw men are we?


It is good to look for health, bad to look for disease, because the looking creates, and this is not news, and not my doing. Similar advice came long since from the Buddha Gotama, Jesus Christ and many others worth a mention and well enough awake, yet so few who profess to believe actually do.
So we are back once again to the ad hominem and straw men are we?


It is good to look for health, bad to look for disease, because the looking creates, and this is not news, and not my doing. Similar advice came long since from the Buddha Gotama, Jesus Christ and many others worth a mention and well enough awake, yet so few who profess to believe actually do.

I am now beginning to understand how your mind works ........

It is good to look for both health AND diseases - especially if we thereby , find out how to cure them - or untill that, better the condition of the people with the disease, and perhaps even prevent the disease from spreading to more people ............

Ad hominem .... hmmmm - your mind is now working in mysterious ways ...
Straw men - talking about ad hominem .......I guess you are saying I am part of the conspiracy .... or perhaps working with the mods .......I wish I was paid 200000 $ , but , alas , that is not the case :p