Aging theories

John Connellan said:
I really don't think that it can be too damaging, independednt of its effects on free radical formation however.
Yes, it can't be independednt of its effects on free radical formation. But free radicals formation & its effects can be somewhat dependent on pH.
Many different things cause aging, no one thing has been proven the central cause (nor do I ever think anything will).

I ask you what causes cars to age?, lets see rusting, engine were, transmission wear, transmission bearings wear, particles in the fuel precipitate out and clog the lines, filters and carbonator, ect. The only difference is that every part of the car can be replaced and repairs (with enough money), in humans we don’t have the technology (yet)

If you want a basic cause for aging it’s the simple fact that we are not designed to last, there organisms that per equal metabolism live many times longer then we do.
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John Connellan said:
Yes there is also a theory that death is genetically programmed into us :eek:

Yes – Dolly the Cloned Sheep is a good example.
She lived for only 6+ years (July 5, 1996 - Feb 14, 2003).
Normal Sheep have a life expectancy of 13 years.

The Theory is:
” All chromosomes are capped with telomeres, tiny strands of DNA that scientists believe hold the key to aging. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides, and continuously erode as an animal ages.”
No, not that theory.

There are genes which were found on the drosophila fly and nematode which directly control aging by influencing hormones and antioxidant enzymes etc.
John Connellan said:
Yes there is also a theory that death is genetically programmed into us :eek:
What had effected change in our origional genetically programming ( say of Adam & Eve) & how it can basically, control ageing & other body functions?
Suppose we had a pure origional genetically programming free from all environmental effects ( as defined by Adam & Eve concept). During the passage of time something would had been added to this pure origional genetically programming as environmental effects. I just want to know that what had effected our this origional programming & how our ageing can be effected by this additional environment effect?
You mean Adaptability causing changes in Genetic makeup? that would happen,i would assume.If your Genetic Makeup changes,that would mean Protien chains,Enzymes that are made from the DNA would change...isnt it?

Kumar said:
Suppose we had a pure origional genetically programming free from all environmental effects ( as defined by Adam & Eve concept). During the passage of time something would had been added to this pure origional genetically programming as environmental effects.

Yes. 2 things happen to genetic programmes. They undergo mutation (spontaneous or otherwise) and they undergo natural selection. The former generally adds to variability while the latter selects from this variability (generally reducing it but causing adaptation).

I just want to know that what had effected our this origional programming & how our ageing can be effected by this additional environment effect?

It was more beneficial for the genes to reside in a body which only lasted a certain length of time. In this way energy could be put into spreading copies of itself far and wide rather than in trying to keep the individual alive (against all odds!)
Several problems with Adam and Eve:
1. Its unlikely all human races, plus genetic disease and short life spans could have accord genetically in the last 7000 years
2. the human race of Homo sapiens has been around for at least 70,000 years, as well as genetic evidence that we have been around for 200,000 years. archaeological and fossil evidence proves this.
3. Homo sapiens have descended from other hominids, which descended from apes, ect. Proven genetically, fossil record, anatomically, ect. There was most likely never just to proto-homo sapiens that spawn the who race it was most likely a small group of proto-people living in the then forming Sahara Africa.
It will become bit differant subject, if we will go in all these details. Frankly, I assume that we might have been made by unlimed additions & variations during uncountable years. The origin may lie in first single cell created in nature and unlimited additions & variations of uncountable years to it had probably made us in today's form.

But what causes the variations in genetic make ups can be the reason of ageing variations. It can probably be the additions or adaptions of environmental effects to which we in any form were/are exposed. Is it ok, logically?
Kumar said:
But what causes the variations in genetic make ups can be the reason of ageing variations. It can probably be the additions or adaptions of environmental effects to which we in any form were/are exposed. Is it ok, logically?

Aging variations betwen who?
John Connellan said:
Aging variations betwen who?

Any variation in ageing/longevity can be within one's lifespan or among him or his subsequent generations. Good/bad or favourable/unfavourable environment can be a cause of ageing/longevity variations.

Assuming environment is a prime/basic cause of ageing/longevity variations during one's own life & to his(+her) subsequent generations, how this can be related to body's environment?
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yes but a drop of life span from 800yr to 70yr in only 300 generations sounds extreme.
WellCookedFetus said:
yes but a drop of life span from 800yr to 70yr in only 300 generations sounds extreme.
Yes, it looks bit odd. But it is just about 2.4 years per generation. Just assess current/recent genarations. Don't count on average life, just count higher sides of ages/longevity.

I have one question. Can we relate outside enviromental effects with body's environmental (esp. pH ) changes? I mean that due to change in outside environments, can/do we get change in our body's pH environment? In other words, If whole evironmental effects( inherited or aquired) can work on just changes in body pHs?
What do u mean by environmental effects? Most effects do not get past the skin barrier and so contribute very little to aging. Aging is generally the destruction of the body from within :eek: