Age differences.

My parents never mentioned sex. If they ever hint at it, I run. All I know I found out from surrounding people.
so.. many of you say it's wrong.

I think it's wrong because the gorls are just having sex with the older guys to be popular. Everyon knows they are having sex and thy do all the time at parties. How will the affect the female's future relationships.
Asguard said:
easy to see you havent been to my house or met my GF

Bloody blow the house down when she burps and my little sister is WORSE

Well, generally speaking.. :p

I have a best friend (female) who calls my burps "weak".

Now you know your manly pride has been dealt a blow when a girl calls your burps "weak". :(
I can just see thousands of teenagers across the US turning to Muhammad to justify their sex lives. Great point, §outh§tar. Condemning Muhammad's moral integrity is exactly what this topic is about.

I only quoted an article and made a passing comment on the man of righteousness so many Muslims look up to.

Nothing wrong with that? :)
Lets not pick on the Muslims actions a few hundred years ago there are some Christian actions later than that do not come out looking very good either
RobTex's GF (again, I really need to get my own name for posting here.)

Okay. I Have read what everyone has written since my post and been ruminating on it as I sat here. To start from the first post after mine...

If that is the way one is thinking, then the way of thinking needs to be changed. This is a familial and societal responsibility that is overlooked CONSTANTLY. We raise young men in a world where sexual "conquest" is an acceptable term and expect them to treat women with respect? I say familial and societal because a parent or parents CANNOT do it alone, usually. My parents raise three children, one female and two males. Both of my brothers were very promiscuous as teenagers. I wasn't quite normal, but I did remain a virgin until 19. Yes, I was fat, but that didn't stop a male from wanting to take the virginity regardless of my opinion on the idea. Maybe it is high time we added "caring and intimacy" to the vocabulary of a 16 year old, male or female.

As for your quote about the "New Testament" and the RABBINIC COUNCIL wishing to stone a woman for harlotry...First, New Testament doesn't apply to Jews, so you are quoting completely out of context. Second, yes, women have been stoned for Adultry and Harlotry in the Jewish religion. Sadly, they still are in some places because EVERY religion has its fanatics. That is completely off subject though, as is the Muhammad reference. Although I do have to add to laughing weasel's post...During the Crusades, so many women were raped by Christians and Muslims both that the Rabbinic Council of the time found that to determine the birthright of a child should follow through the female line rather than the male since one can always determine the mother. (Still off-topic, though. ;) )

I firmly believe that NO child has the ability to judge for themselves that they are ready for sex at the age of 12 or 14. Yes, they may say they wanted it, but pressures were brought to bear against that child, whether familial, societal, or peer. If the parents are not talking to their children about sex, that is a serious failing. Children cannot learn if the parents do not teach them, so they will learn from whatever sources they find, whether healthy or unsafe.

As for females being the moral backbone of society, that is a lot of pressure to bring against them. No wonder some rebel. :D Seriously, although I may think that was true hundreds of years ago, that is not now. Men and women are both responsible for their actions, whether promiscuous or not.

:rolleyes: I have never had a burping contest with my bf, but women have biological functions like any male. Condemning a woman as not being a "lady" simply because of that is simple ignorance. I am a lady from my head to my toes.
