Age differences.

cyberia said:
Hey southstar perhaps it couldn't hurt to think outside your box considering this is a thread in the forum of PHILOSOPHY.

And while "Caring and intimacy" may be highly overrated. An active sex life with no real emotion, or "caring and intimacy" does not lead to a stable healthy home life. Which is the ultimate goal of the sexual drive. Procreation of offspring which leads (at least in most people) to Maternal and paternal instincts. Ie: Raising healthy children.

Southstar: I'm trying to understand your point of view. Here's the message (in summary) that I am getting. "It's okay for a young girl (or boy) Who doesn't fully understand why they want to have sex or what have you. Not to mention they are not physically ready for the results. To be engaged in sexual activity, by someone either the same age or older. Because women want sex just as much as men do. And any twelve year old boy would be absolutly delighted to be raped because he could then brag about it to his friends as a sexual conquest. And that caring and intimacy has nothing to do with the sexual act, or relationships in general.

Isn't the number one excuse of rapists "she wanted it."

I believe you are mistaken.

1) This thread is not in the Philosophy forum
2) I already said I was speaking through a 16 year old male's perspective of things, NOT (necessarily) through my view point. [Not to mention, I put as a sidenote that I did not believe in the views held generally by 16 year old males (anymore ;) )]
3) I already admitted that the things I said were general sayings which should not be applied rigorously. It would be unwise to say that most 16 year old males are interested in having a caring and intimate relationship with the older females.
Asguard said:
Here is an interesting twist on this argument

why is it that when a male teacher sleeps with a young female student its a moral outrage but i was watching a news artical a while back about a sports teacher who slept with a 15 year old boy (THINK that was how old he was) and she was acting like she was a victom and so were the media

Her lawyer actually put in a motion to dismiss the case because "he wanted it"

In Victoria the age of concent is 16 UNLESS THE PERSON IS UNDER YOUR CARE (it specifically states teachers as an example) in which case its 18

so why is it that this is being treated as a joke rather than a seriouse problem?

another case
i know this isnt age related but it shows a sociatial problem

The woman from tomb raider's husband (cant think of either of there names right now) was seing a shrink to help him overcome nimphomania. The shrink was female and he ended up sleeping with her and the media was all "thats so apaling of him" and nothing about her

Now to my way of looking at it if he had a legit problem and was seeking help for it and the person he turned to for help who is a trusted health professional took advantage of that surly SHE is the one the media should be going after. She should never work again for breching the trust placed it her. Thats what would happen if it was a male doc and a female patent isnt it?

seems to me that to offten women are held up as inocent when they really shouldnt be and that men are in the wrong by defult even when they are betrayed by those who should be helping and protecting them (do you know in some countrys a guy legally CAN NOT be raped? at all, its automatically consentual when its the guy)

as for younger girls are they always pure and inocent and only wanting atention?

are guys ALWAYS only wanting to pressure the girl into bed?

sometimes it seems to me that MY GF is hornier than i am, Because she is younger than me does that mean im still just using her for sex? (we have been going out for a year and a half and she lives in another state so i only see her ever couple of months) and i have no contact with her school friends apart from when she introduces me to then (ie they ALREADY like her so how does dating me help that)

Women have long been recognized as the moral backbone of society.

Hence, in times of old, when a woman cheated on her husband she recieved a greater punishment (even death). See passages in the New Testament where a woman was to be stoned by the Jewish counsel for harlotry.

Therefore, when a woman fails in her moral duty, the society becomes lawless, or "unrighteous". Another example of this is when females in Rome practiced lesbianism, the Biblical writer lamented by saying "even your women have exchanged the natural use". The adverb "even" points out that even the moral backbones of society had become so depraved that the society was rejecting it's own conscience.

Now, obviously, things have changed and women think they have "equality" :rolleyes: . Although philosophers from age to age have recognized that this is absurd ;), our modern society has provided leeway for immorality by both sexes in the name of "equal rights", and "liberalism".

Woe is us.
i dont live in rome or the bible

i try to work on the NOW

if my GF cheats on me i am not going to exsuse it for the treatment women recived 1000's of years before she and i were born

Can you honestly tell me that a male teacher who slept with a 15 year old student wouldnt be crusifide?

that you cant hold a knife to a mans throat and force him to have sex because YOUR horny?

that 18 year olds who MARRY 82 year olds arnt gold diggers and are NOT in it for "love":p

Even down to some peoples view of cheating, I have herd people exscuse it when a girl cheats but crusify a guy for sleeping around IN RESPONCE to his GF in the next breath. I have even herd people say its always the guys FAULT that his girl got horny and blew the cute guy at work (for example)

if we are a sociaty of equal rights, equal pay ect shouldnt equal proffessional ethics ALSO be important

what about this for example:

how many times have you herd people joking about guys getting raped in jail, even HOPING it will happen (not to rapests, i mean just normal people)

now what would happen if right now i made a joke about a female rape?
would anyone find it funny?

in MOST things now sociaty maybe equal but we have not even come close on sexual matters, way to in favor of women.
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§outh§tar said:
I think you guys may be missing the reverse issue:

18/19 year old girls go out with guys much younger than them. I'm pretty sure the guys don't think "it's sick to think of it" or care that they are being taken advantage of, as some here have slanderously reported.

EW!!! i have NEVER met a 18/19 year old WOMAN that wanted to go out with a 14 year old boy. So that just doesnt compute. Guys mature slower than girls anyway, so to me, thats like dating a 5 year old.

As for the initial question, I think that 14 year old girls having sex with 18/19 year old MEN is wrong. The girls have no CLUE what they are getting into. Its illegal for a reason. Couples in that stage in life have such huge differences. For instance, think back to when you were younger, the mindset you were in when you were 10 drastically changes when you are 12 and 14 and 16 and so on. Your priorities change, your opinions change. I want to know how/why a 14 year old has ANYTHING in common with a 18/19 year old in order to form a "relationship" that ISNT dysfunctional (romantically speaking)...?
i think you may have just hit the difference

guys genrally DO mature slower than girls

in some cases so much so that emotionally and mentally an 18 year old WOULD be the same level as a 15 year old

i know my sister thinks all the guys her age are shallow and imature and my GF told me that if she and i broke up she could never date a guy the same age as her

she told me to post "its the way we are made, girls are MENT to date older guys"

and if you think icky about an 18 year old girl and a 14 year old guy think about a 40 year old girl and a 15 year old guy (ie the teacher student)
You know, back in the middle ages, a very young girl would marry an old guy. In India, children would marry at age 12-15 (I don't remember well, but close).

I knew guys who lost their virginity at age 12, and they didn't do it with 20-yr-old females.

Kids have crushes on each other in kindergarten.

Really, people find out about sex much earlier than you guys think! That means, young girls know perfectly well what older guys want, and they most likely want the same thing. Most guys aren't rapists!

Also, please, please, please accept the fact that young girls and older girls and women in general really want sex.
whitewolf: Yea if you dissagree i should itroduce you to bunny:p

GOD she is umm entusiastic for sex:p
Well, when you say that guys mature slower, I have to disagree. Some mature slow, some mature fast. I have met plenty of guys my age that satisfy my desire for intelligent company much better than females of my age. Well, maybe I'm slow. Guys admit they're stuck at age 3. That's a fun age.

Uh, bunny who? Why?
whitewolf said:
Uh, bunny who? Why?

Who cares who...she is horny, thats all you need to know...or actually all I need to know...

so bunny baby...what's upppppp?????
whitewolf said:
You know, back in the middle ages, a very young girl would marry an old guy. In India, children would marry at age 12-15 (I don't remember well, but close).

I knew guys who lost their virginity at age 12, and they didn't do it with 20-yr-old females.

Kids have crushes on each other in kindergarten.

Really, people find out about sex much earlier than you guys think! That means, young girls know perfectly well what older guys want, and they most likely want the same thing. Most guys aren't rapists!

Also, please, please, please accept the fact that young girls and older girls and women in general really want sex.

Theres a reason for the arranged marriages between older men and younger women. If you think about it, biologically, women look for stablility in mates, someone who can be a PROVIDER for their offspring.... men look for fertility, someone who can actually provide multiple offspring to carry on their lineage. Older men obviously have more resources, money and stablility which women seek, which is why i believe older men date younger women. If for some reason, a woman sees a younger man as a good provider of her needs, thats usually when you see a younger man/older woman pairing.

As for the whole women wanting sex thing... OF COURSE they do. We women love sex as much as men. as long as its done correctly of course :eek:
Asguard said:
now what would happen if right now i made a joke about a female rape?
would anyone find it funny?

As I mentioned earlier using historical examples, women were, and are the moral backbones of society. If you were to make such a joke, it would obviously be interfering with the social conscience. A woman being raped, to society, is great evidence of a moral breakdown (since she is the moral backbone) and therefore unacceptable.

I suppose the same ideology could be applied to the leeway women recieve in this day and age. If women do it, as they are the moral backbone, then it must be ok to do it. This mentality does not conflict with the idea of the female being the more moral of the sexes and weirdly enough, the male gets the short end of the stick.

But that is generally not the way it goes so you shouldn't be so pessimistic :). Guys are still allowed to play practical jokes and fart and burp as opposed to girls. This is also a great evidence of females being moral backbones instead of men.
Whitewolf said:

You know, back in the middle ages, a very young girl would marry an old guy. In India, children would marry at age 12-15

In 1875, Lysander Spooner published Vices Are Not Crimes, a work so obscure as to surprise me. It seems like something every libertarian should have on their shelf.

The essay itself centers around alcohol laws, but there is a curiously relevant passage and footnote:

• This principle, that to the willing no injury is done, has no limit, except in the case of frauds, or of persons not possessed of reasonable discretion for judging in the particular case. If a person possessed of reasonable discretion, and not deceived by fraud, consents to practise the grossest vice, and thereby brings upon himself the greatest moral, physical, or pecuniary sufferings or losses, he cannot allege that he has been legally wronged. To illustrate this principle, take the case of rape. To have carnal knowledge of a woman, against her will, is the highest crime, next to murder, that can be committed against her. But to have carnal knowledge of her, with her consent, is no crime; but at most, a vice. And it is usually holden that a female child, of no more than ten years of age, has such reasonable discretion, that her consent, even though procured by rewards, or promises of reward, is sufficient to convert the act, which would otherwise be a high crime, into a simple act of vice. (2)

• 2. The statute book of Massachusetts makes ten years the age at which a female child is supposed to have discretion enough to part with virtue. But the same statute book holds that no person, man or woman, of any age, or any degree of wisdom or experience, has discretion to be trusted to buy and drink a glass of spirits, on his or her own Judgement! What an illustration of the legislative wisdom of Massachusetts!

(Lysander Spooner)

That's right ... in 1875 you could buy a bang from a ten year-old girl. Legally.
Well, we all know that Mohammed married a 9 year old girl.

So much for his moral integrity...


In 624 Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s daily companion and one of his first believers and successor of Muhammad) gave Muhammad his daughter Aisha when she was six years old, although the actual marriage was not consummated until she was nine. (This fact is uncontested by all Muslim scholars and chroniclers without exception.) At the time of their marriage Muhammad was 54 years old (the age of her grandfather) – a difference of 45 years in their ages.

Aisha herself testified to these facts:

“The messenger of God betrothed me when I was six years old and then married me when I was nine years old.”

Source: Sahih Muslim (by Imam al-Mawawy), vol. 3, p. 577. [Book 008, Verse 3309]

Islamic law has codified this principle of non-consent for under-age women based on Muhammad’s precedent:

“A father may give consent to have his young virgin daughter married without obtaining her permission, for she does not have a choice, exactly as Abu Bakr El Sadiq did to his daughter Aisha, when she was six years old. He married her to the prophet Muhammad without her permission.”

That's a nice little article for anyone interested.
§outh§tar said:
Guys are still allowed to play practical jokes and fart and burp as opposed to girls. This is also a great evidence of females being moral backbones instead of men.

easy to see you havent been to my house or met my GF:p

Bloody blow the house down when she burps and my little sister is WORSE:p
I don't believe that people at the age of 12 or 14 really understand what sex is all about and want to try it out to see for themselves what it is about. They are curious and the older people, 18 and 19, are just taking advantage of the other younger people and manipulate them into performing sex.
if someone WANTS to do it how is it manipulating them?

person A wants to try choc person B gives person A choc
person A is manipulating person B?
*sratches head*
Perhaps it is wrong that a person at the age of 12-14 wants to have sex. There is no manipulation in that case, but a big parenting mistake.
it has nothing to do with parenting, how many parents do you know who actually talk to their kids about sex??
vslayer said:
it has nothing to do with parenting, how many parents do you know who actually talk to their kids about sex??

Nowadays? Most parents i would think. it was a commonplace topic in our household, as was most of my friends households....