Aether Displacement

You aren't actually saying anything. I could write your posts with a random generator.

What I am saying is what is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. There is no magic property associated with non-baryonic dark matter which allows the Solar System and Earth to move through it while it travels with the Milky Way. The Milky Way moves through the non-baryonic dark matter just as the Solar System and the Earth do.

The reason why the Milky Way moves through the non-baryonic dark matter is because non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
Mods, please put this guy out of our misery.
He refuses to support any of his claims and persists in posting exactly the same claims time after time.
Mods, please put this guy out of our misery.
He refuses to support any of his claims and persists in posting exactly the same claims time after time.

Explain how the Solar System and the Earth move through 'dark matter' at the same time the Milky Way moves with 'dark matter'.

How is it you can't explain anything yet you know everything? How do you get to such a point of delusional denial?

'Dark matter hinted at again at Cresst experiment'

"That is consistent with the idea that as our Solar System moves through the dark matter halo surrounding our Galaxy, the Earth is sometimes moving with and sometimes against this current of dark matter."

The Milky Way is moving through the 'dark matter' just as the Solar System and the Earth are.

What is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

The Milky Way is moving through the aether just as the Solar System and the Earth are. The Milky Way displaces the aether as it moves through it. The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.
Explain how the Solar System and the Earth move through 'dark matter' at the same time the Milky Way moves with 'dark matter'.

How is it you can't explain anything yet you know everything? How do you get to such a point of delusional denial?

'Dark matter hinted at again at Cresst experiment'

"That is consistent with the idea that as our Solar System moves through the dark matter halo surrounding our Galaxy, the Earth is sometimes moving with and sometimes against this current of dark matter."

The Milky Way is moving through the 'dark matter' just as the Solar System and the Earth are.

What is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

The Milky Way is moving through the aether just as the Solar System and the Earth are. The Milky Way displaces the aether as it moves through it. The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

That's just random. maybe you are a Turing test.. you failed.
That's just random. maybe you are a Turing test.. you failed.

What is postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether.

Aether displacement is a theory of everything.

It explains gravity.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

It explains wave-particle duality and what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both. As the wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. Detecting the particle turns the associated wave into chop, there is no interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.

It explains what spacetime physically exists as in nature.

Spacetime is the state of the aether. Curved spacetime is displaced aether.

It explains the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves. It explains why the Milky Way's halo is in the shape of a squished beach ball.
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You aren't actually saying anything. I could write your posts with a random generator.
This is just like watching two religious nuts going at one another about who is a 'true Christian'. You both have claims you can't back up, little to no understanding of the relevant material and both fail to use rational scepticism.

Atheists can spend a lot of time debunking the claims of various religious people but often its easier to just let the religious nuts argue against one another. You accuse mpc of being like a random post generator, saying nothing, yet you are precisely the same. I asked you several times to explain yourself and your replies didn't address what I asked you about.

If you think mpc is misguided and say no one can trust their brains why are you except from that? Why should anyone listen to you over mpc when you can't offer anything above him?

It explains gravity.
Please derive a weak field force equation for gravity then. Pincho says he can explain such things with just 1+(-1)=0 but when asked he can't provide. Can you do any better?

It explains wave-particle duality and what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.
Then you shouldn't have any problem providing the relevant equations which demonstrate the superposition of signals seen in the detector during the double slit experiment. Provide them.

It explains the offset between the light lensing through the space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves. It explains why the Milky Way's halo is in the shape of a squished beach ball.
Provide the quantitative model which illustrates that claim, ie deriving the offset.

If you can't provide those then you are lying when you say it explains them.
This is just like watching two religious nuts going at one another about who is a 'true Christian'. You both have claims you can't back up, little to no understanding of the relevant material and both fail to use rational scepticism.

Atheists can spend a lot of time debunking the claims of various religious people but often its easier to just let the religious nuts argue against one another. You accuse mpc of being like a random post generator, saying nothing, yet you are precisely the same. I asked you several times to explain yourself and your replies didn't address what I asked you about.

If you think mpc is misguided and say no one can trust their brains why are you except from that? Why should anyone listen to you over mpc when you can't offer anything above him?

Please derive a weak field force equation for gravity then. Pincho says he can explain such things with just 1+(-1)=0 but when asked he can't provide. Can you do any better?

Then you shouldn't have any problem providing the relevant equations which demonstrate the superposition of signals seen in the detector during the double slit experiment. Provide them.

Provide the quantitative model which illustrates that claim, ie deriving the offset.

If you can't provide those then you are lying when you say it explains them.

Turing Test Part 2.. another fail...

This line of text...
"You make claims you can't back up."
Needs more random options. people can tell that this is not a sentient being.

"little to no understanding of the relevant material and fail to use rational scepticism."

Again, it's repetitive. If you want the program not to sound like a parrot, you could maybe link the program to Google, and take arguments from words that fit a word tree.

"several times to explain yourself and your replies didn't address what I asked you about."

This is obviously based on the early adventure games "I do not understand that question." But by putting the blame on the reader, it throws them slightly off the randomly generated trail.

"Please derive a weak field force equation for gravity then." This might be a Wikipedia linked question. You take the fact that someone has mentioned Gravity, you look it up on wikipedia, and then ask a question based on the return mateial. But the program does not realise that it has related the question to science, and the user was talking about something new. the program seems unable to grasp new ideas. this is because your Google link can only return available information. Creative information would require a Neural Network, so maybe you need to combine the Neural Network to Google, and Wikipedia, and give it the ability to recognise new ideas.

"Pincho says he can explain such things with just 1+(-1)=0 but when asked he can't provide. Can you do any better? " Ok name$ obviously works, take a stored memory, blame the user for something. Yep, but maybe randomise the subject matter. there is always a blame on each sentence. What this generator needs is actual output, not always waiting for input. Ok so input keeps the system moving, it creates a flamewar, and that flame keeps the random fire running. But output can also be popped in every so often.

"Then you shouldn't have any problem providing the relevant equations which demonstrate the superposition of signals seen in the detector during the double slit experiment. Provide them." I recognise this sentence structure, it's been overused.

"Provide the quantitative model which illustrates that claim, ie deriving the offset." Wikipedia again. Just parrot fashioned.

"If you can't provide those then you are lying when you say it explains them."
End with a total insult. Not a bad idea, it makes sure that you get a response. But this will never pass the Turing Test in this state.
Turing Test Part 2.. another fail...

This line of text...
"You make claims you can't back up."
Needs more random options. people can tell that this is not a sentient being.

"little to no understanding of the relevant material and fail to use rational scepticism."

Again, it's repetitive. If you want the program not to sound like a parrot, you could maybe link the program to Google, and take arguments from words that fit a word tree.

"several times to explain yourself and your replies didn't address what I asked you about."

This is obviously based on the early adventure games "I do not understand that question." But by putting the blame on the reader, it throws them slightly off the randomly generated trail.

"Please derive a weak field force equation for gravity then." This might be a Wikipedia linked question. You take the fact that someone has mentioned Gravity, you look it up on wikipedia, and then ask a question based on the return mateial. But the program does not realise that it has related the question to science, and the user was talking about something new. the program seems unable to grasp new ideas. this is because your Google link can only return available information. Creative information would require a Neural Network, so maybe you need to combine the Neural Network to Google, and Wikipedia, and give it the ability to recognise new ideas.

"Pincho says he can explain such things with just 1+(-1)=0 but when asked he can't provide. Can you do any better? " Ok name$ obviously works, take a stored memory, blame the user for something. Yep, but maybe randomise the subject matter. there is always a blame on each sentence. What this generator needs is actual output, not always waiting for input. Ok so input keeps the system moving, it creates a flamewar, and that flame keeps the random fire running. But output can also be popped in every so often.

"Then you shouldn't have any problem providing the relevant equations which demonstrate the superposition of signals seen in the detector during the double slit experiment. Provide them." I recognise this sentence structure, it's been overused.

"Provide the quantitative model which illustrates that claim, ie deriving the offset." Wikipedia again. Just parrot fashioned.

"If you can't provide those then you are lying when you say it explains them."
End with a total insult. Not a bad idea, it makes sure that you get a response. But this will never pass the Turing Test in this state.

Pincho, this whole post is hogwash, or worse!

I have followed Alpha's posts for long enough to know that he has a good working knowledge of the mathematics involved. I could not say the same for either you or mpc.

Generally if you are unable to answer a question directly or unwilling to, it is best to stay quiet.

Sometimes, these discussions involve issues of translation due to language barriers. This does not appear to be the current situation.

While there are some vague references to concepts which might be worthy of further thought, discussion and even experimental exploration, they become completely lost in the dribble and almost incomprehensible dialogue coming out of the back and forth between yourself and mpc.

Alpha was right when he compared the conversation to one between religious zealots. There is no room for the consideration of ideas apart from your own delusions.

And before you reply consider this an admission that this post is the product of randomly generated word combinations and probably makes more sense than most of yours.
This is just like watching two religious nuts going at one another about who is a 'true Christian'. You both have claims you can't back up, little to no understanding of the relevant material and both fail to use rational scepticism.

Atheists can spend a lot of time debunking the claims of various religious people but often its easier to just let the religious nuts argue against one another. You accuse mpc of being like a random post generator, saying nothing, yet you are precisely the same. I asked you several times to explain yourself and your replies didn't address what I asked you about.

If you think mpc is misguided and say no one can trust their brains why are you except from that? Why should anyone listen to you over mpc when you can't offer anything above him?

Please derive a weak field force equation for gravity then. Pincho says he can explain such things with just 1+(-1)=0 but when asked he can't provide. Can you do any better?

Then you shouldn't have any problem providing the relevant equations which demonstrate the superposition of signals seen in the detector during the double slit experiment. Provide them.

Provide the quantitative model which illustrates that claim, ie deriving the offset.

If you can't provide those then you are lying when you say it explains them.

What I have done is figured out the cause of the condition of the state of the aether of relativity.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
Pincho, this whole post is hogwash, or worse!

I have followed Alpha's posts for long enough to know that he has a good working knowledge of the mathematics involved. I could not say the same for either you or mpc.

Generally if you are unable to answer a question directly or unwilling to, it is best to stay quiet.

Sometimes, these discussions involve issues of translation due to language barriers. This does not appear to be the current situation.

While there are some vague references to concepts which might be worthy of further thought, discussion and even experimental exploration, they become completely lost in the dribble and almost incomprehensible dialogue coming out of the back and forth between yourself and mpc.

Alpha was right when he compared the conversation to one between religious zealots. There is no room for the consideration of ideas apart from your own delusions.

And before you reply consider this an admission that this post is the product of randomly generated word combinations and probably makes more sense than most of yours.

What are you unable to understand in the following?

What is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Non-baryonic dark matter does not travel with matter. Matter moves through the aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Aether displaced by matter exerts force toward the matter. Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
Pincho, this whole post is hogwash, or worse!

I have followed Alpha's posts for long enough to know that he has a good working knowledge of the mathematics involved. I could not say the same for either you or mpc.

Generally if you are unable to answer a question directly or unwilling to, it is best to stay quiet.

Sometimes, these discussions involve issues of translation due to language barriers. This does not appear to be the current situation.

While there are some vague references to concepts which might be worthy of further thought, discussion and even experimental exploration, they become completely lost in the dribble and almost incomprehensible dialogue coming out of the back and forth between yourself and mpc.

Alpha was right when he compared the conversation to one between religious zealots. There is no room for the consideration of ideas apart from your own delusions.

And before you reply consider this an admission that this post is the product of randomly generated word combinations and probably makes more sense than most of yours.

Sorry, but the backup doesn't work on me either. You back someone up, and that is supposed to win the argument.. nope. My intelligence is about 2000, so you can't even get the entire science community to win your argument.
Again, it's repetitive. If you want the program not to sound like a parrot, you could maybe link the program to Google, and take arguments from words that fit a word tree.
You make the same claims all the time and you repeatedly fail to justify them. It is then no surprise you're repeatedly asked to justify them.

The reason discussions don't advance is you, you're the common factor.

This is obviously based on the early adventure games "I do not understand that question."
I'm 100% sure I know hundreds of times more physics and maths than you.

This might be a Wikipedia linked question. You take the fact that someone has mentioned Gravity, you look it up on wikipedia, and then ask a question based on the return mateial.
No, it's called knowledge. I have a functioning memory and a working understanding of mathematics and physics. I've asked you to justify something you claimed you have 'explained' but you avoid it with this "You're failing the Turing test!" nonsense.

If anything your inability to respond to specific questions would be a larger failure of the Turing test than my specific addressing of things you say.

But the program does not realise that it has related the question to science, and the user was talking about something new.
You claim you can explain gravity. Gravity is a measurable physical phenomenon. I'm asking you to demonstrate you have an accurate description of gravity. You've failed.

the program seems unable to grasp new ideas.
Actually inventing new ideas is my job.

I recognise this sentence structure, it's been overused.
Yes, I have to keep asking you to provide things because not once have you ever done it.

The issue with overuse is you claiming you've 'explained' something and then not explaining it.

But this will never pass the Turing Test in this state.
The sad thing is that even if I were to fail the Turing test I've still managed more science on this forum than you, to say nothing of life in general.

And mpc I see you fail to provide any evidence or justification for your claims either. Hardly surprising.

How many years do you two plan to further waste like this? 1? 2? 5? 10? The rest of your lives? Your parents must be proud.
What are you unable to understand in the following?
It's quite simple.
We do understand the words, we also understand that you have presented no evidence whatsoever, just empty claims.
Oh, and you've also avoided addressing the fact that flaws have been pointed in your claim.

In other words: why should we believe you?
What are you unable to understand in the following?

What is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Non-baryonic dark matter does not travel with matter. Matter moves through the aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Aether displaced by matter exerts force toward the matter. Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Curved spacetime is displaced aether.

You make the same claims all the time and you repeatedly fail to justify them. It is then no surprise you're repeatedly asked to justify them.

The reason discussions don't advance is you, you're the common factor.

I'm 100% sure I know hundreds of times more physics and maths than you.

No, it's called knowledge. I have a functioning memory and a working understanding of mathematics and physics. I've asked you to justify something you claimed you have 'explained' but you avoid it with this "You're failing the Turing test!" nonsense.

If anything your inability to respond to specific questions would be a larger failure of the Turing test than my specific addressing of things you say.

You claim you can explain gravity. Gravity is a measurable physical phenomenon. I'm asking you to demonstrate you have an accurate description of gravity. You've failed.

Actually inventing new ideas is my job.

Yes, I have to keep asking you to provide things because not once have you ever done it.

The issue with overuse is you claiming you've 'explained' something and then not explaining it.

The sad thing is that even if I were to fail the Turing test I've still managed more science on this forum than you, to say nothing of life in general.

And mpc I see you fail to provide any evidence or justification for your claims either. Hardly surprising.

How many years do you two plan to further waste like this? 1? 2? 5? 10? The rest of your lives? Your parents must be proud.

Now both the programs are stuck in loop repetition. MPC755 slightly less random than Alpha Numeric.

Yours---> My intelligence is about 2000, so you can't even get the entire science community to win your argument.

. . . would that be as in I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) . . or I.Q. (Ignorance Quotient)???

Yours---> My intelligence is about 2000, so you can't even get the entire science community to win your argument.

. . . would that be as in I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) . . or I.Q. (Ignorance Quotient)???

That would be based on...

Science community average intelligence = 130, but because all of that intelligence is repeated throughout the entire communal nest, by adding together the number of members... 3489841 it doesn't become much higher. The information is shared throughout the nest, and rarely solves anything.

Pincho intelligence is a thought on every subject. It doesn't switch to wrong, it switches to Maybe. This collection of maybe's are stored in a separate area of the Pincho Brain. Then they are mixed together like so..

The number of sweets in a jar are hard to guess, but a collective guess of 1000 chances give you a very accurate number of sweets in that jar. My collective maybe's are taken from over 1000 experiments, and ideas. By adding all of these maybe's into a theory Of Everything you get a very accurate theory of everything. My collective mind is greater than the collective mind of an inbred clan.
It's quite simple.
We do understand the words, we also understand that you have presented no evidence whatsoever, just empty claims.
Oh, and you've also avoided addressing the fact that flaws have been pointed in your claim.

In other words: why should we believe you?

Explain what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment.

Explain why there is an offset between light lensing through space neighboring moving galaxy clusters and the galaxy clusters themselves.

Explain why the Milky Way's halo is the shape of a squished beach ball.

Explain how the Solar System and the Earth move through 'dark matter' at the same time the Milky Way moves with dark matter.

You can't explain any of the above.

Do you know why you can't explain any of the above?

Because what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Matter does not move with non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.