Aether Displacement

I notice you provided neither.
But you keep missing (or deliberately ignoring) this bit:

YOU are the one making claims.

Why should we believe you if you all you do is repeat inane claims without evidence, explanation or maths?
(The answer to my question is, of course, we shouldn't. And we don't).
BTW, in ALL cases, the earth accelerated AWAY from the sun.

It is traveling away as we speak. That motion required an acceleration in that direction, regardless of where that acceleration occurred in relation to the sun. So bottom line, your idea of gravity accelerating the earth towards the sun is out the window, as the earth is traveling AWAY from the sun, not towards it!
But you keep missing (or deliberately ignoring) this bit:

YOU are the one making claims.

Why should we believe you if you all you do is repeat inane claims without evidence, explanation or maths?
(The answer to my question is, of course, we shouldn't. And we don't).

All of the evidence is evidence of matter traveling through and displacing the aether.
All of the evidence is evidence of matter traveling through and displacing the aether.
Repeated inane (and delusional) claim.
Please get professional help. (And I don't mean a physics teacher).
What is the mathematical model of how dark matter is offset from the galaxy clusters?

OK, you got no clue how to mathematically model your 'aether' halo. The only guess you have is "the halo is kinda how I imagine the flow lines on a moving submarine would look". Got it. We can move on.
BTW, in ALL cases, the earth accelerated AWAY from the sun.

It is traveling away as we speak. That motion required an acceleration in that direction, regardless of where that acceleration occurred in relation to the sun. So bottom line, your idea of gravity accelerating the earth towards the sun is out the window, as the earth is traveling AWAY from the sun, not towards it!

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.
The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.

But the earth is getting farther away as we speak, so it is NOT remaining in the same orbit, it is moving OUT, away from the sun as time elapses. In other words, if you made a movie and played it in reverse, the earth would be traveling into the sun.
But the earth is getting farther away as we speak, so it is NOT remaining in the same orbit, it is moving OUT, away from the sun as time elapses. In other words, if you made a movie and played it in reverse, the earth would be traveling into the sun.

I didn't say it was, or wasn't staying in the same orbit. I am explaining what occurs physically in nature to cause it to remain in orbit.

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.
I didn't say it was, or wasn't staying in the same orbit. I am explaining what occurs physically in nature to cause it to remain in orbit.

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.

The earth is moving away. It is not being "forced" to remain in orbit, it is traveling OUT. The earth is being forced out, not forced in.
The earth is moving away. It is not being "forced" to remain in orbit, it is traveling OUT. The earth is being forced out, not forced in.

Does the Earth orbit the Sun?

The following explains why.

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.
Does the Earth orbit the Sun?

The following explains why.

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.

You say "cancellation of the force" as if there were an equilibrium, resulting in a zero change in distance, hence a zero acceleration. Do you think there is a zero acceleration?
You say "cancellation of the force" as if there were an equilibrium, resulting in a zero change in distance, hence a zero acceleration. Do you think there is a zero acceleration?

Cancellation of some of the force of the displaced aether which exists between the Sun and the Earth.

The force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Sun which encompasses the Earth and the Sun and the cancellation of the force associated with the displaced aether which exists between the Earth and the Sun causes the Earth and Sun to remain in orbit.
In a pressurized tank of water there will be a certain pressure on the walls and anything in the tank: lets use a beach ball suspended in the tank center for an example. If the water pressure is 100 lbs/in^2 and the beach ball is 1 foot in diameter (904 cubic inches of water displaced) the pressure on the ball will be 100 lbs/in^2. If the beach ball is 10 feet in diameter (905,000 cubic inches of water displaced) the pressure will still be 100 lbs/in^2.

You stated, mpc755:

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

So this 'aether fluid' does not have the same relationship as real fluid.

My question:

What is the equation that relates the displacement of aether by matter to the gravity? Again, feel free to make any assumptions or approximations, just identify what they are.
In a pressurized tank of water there will be a certain pressure on the walls and anything in the tank: lets use a beach ball suspended in the tank center for an example. If the water pressure is 100 lbs/in^2 and the beach ball is 1 foot in diameter (904 cubic inches of water displaced) the pressure on the ball will be 100 lbs/in^2. If the beach ball is 10 feet in diameter (905,000 cubic inches of water displaced) the pressure will still be 100 lbs/in^2.

You stated, mpc755:

So this 'aether fluid' does not have the same relationship as real fluid.

My question:

What is the equation that relates the displacement of aether by matter to the gravity? Again, feel free to make any assumptions or approximations, just identify what they are.

Both balls in your example displace the same amount of water.
Both balls in your example displace the same amount of water.

So you could just as easily push a 3" beach ball filled with air, underwater, as you could push a 3 foot beach ball filled with air underwater?

Has your cheese slid off your cracker?
I know you will dodge the question I just asked so I will ask a handwaving question (your specalty).

You said:
Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

You also said [paraphrasing]:
the halo of aether around the galaxy is the displaced galctic aether.

If that is true then if you are outside of the displaced aether the mass will have no gravitational affect on you. That is a problem because the would mean that the andromeda galaxy and the milkyway galaxy cannot have any gravitational interaction. Right?

Get ready for some good old fasion hand flapping!:D
I know you will dodge the question I just asked so I will ask a handwaving question (your specalty).

You said:

You also said [paraphrasing]:

If that is true then if you are outside of the displaced aether the mass will have no gravitational affect on you. That is a problem because the would mean that the andromeda galaxy and the milkyway galaxy cannot have any gravitational interaction. Right?

Get ready for some good old fasion hand flapping!:D

How do you get outside the displaced aether? If someone throws a stone into the ocean how do you get outside of the displacement of the water by the stone while remaining in the ocean?