Advanced Mind Altering...The Theory

...your mind lacks the ability to grasp or perceive what is happening here. You haven't a clue what I am up to...
...I am highly skeptical of your position in society to judge for others that entire process which this theory involves, nor its implications.

My mind lacks things, yes, however I am fully in command of basic reasoning.

Psychology : untrained
Physiology : I studied biology for several years at degree level; special interest in neuroscience.
Physics : I know how a wheel spins, which is the limit of your physical involvement! Beyond that I understand Newtonian (have written gravity simulating software) and a bit of EM and particle crap.
Chaos : I understand chaos to the extent that I understand entropy, energy levels etc. etc.

I've deliberately described myself in as minimal way as I can. Obviously, no self-respecting engineer / scientist is so specialised that he knows nothing of the other disciplines. I'm familiar enough with this world to say, with confidence, that what's written on a spinning wheel will have no effect on the viewer. Obviously, if the viewer knows what's written (because they wrote it themselves or they read it from the wheel) this will alter what they choose to think about, and if they're of a slightly 'spaced out' disposition understandably they might 'zone out' looking at a spinning disk, but this is hardly the basis for a 'theory' of any kind.

What are these 'physiological changes' and what causes them?

My opinion - and yes it's only an opinion - is that you sit in front of a spinning wheel and really space out. You have almost certainly experimented with either LSD, mushrooms, ketamine or the ilk. Perhaps are otherwise stricken with an illness such as schizophrenia, if drugs were absent.
My mind lacks things, yes, however I am fully in command of basic reasoning.

Do you have a degree in basic reasoning?

Psychology : untrained
Physiology : I studied biology for several years at degree level; special interest in neuroscience.
Physics : I know how a wheel spins, which is the limit of your physical involvement! Beyond that I understand Newtonian (have written gravity simulating software) and a bit of EM and particle crap.
Chaos : I understand chaos to the extent that I understand entropy, energy levels etc. etc.

So in other words you don't know enough.

I've deliberately described myself in as minimal way as I can. Obviously, no self-respecting engineer / scientist is so specialised that he knows nothing of the other disciplines. I'm familiar enough with this world to say, with confidence, that what's written on a spinning wheel will have no effect on the viewer. Obviously, if the viewer knows what's written (because they wrote it themselves or they read it from the wheel) this will alter what they choose to think about, and if they're of a slightly 'spaced out' disposition understandably they might 'zone out' looking at a spinning disk, but this is hardly the basis for a 'theory' of any kind.

I suppose you would have been saying with complete confidence back in the early 1900's that flicking a millionth of a second of coke and popcorn products before a movie begins would have absolutely no effect at all on the mind of the viewer. But then again, you lack a psychology background.

What are these 'physiological changes' and what causes them? studied physics and forgot how all this works so quickly? How does light itself cause physiological changes? Could it be...electromagnetic? OK...what about the differences of various colors? It has been shown and proven that seeing the color red increased the blood pressure while seeing blue decreases it. And nothing has even begun to spin yet. Have you ever trained fighting? At first...your opponent seems rather fast. Later on he doesn't seem so quick and you can comprehend what he does. The Mind adjusts after training to be able to perceive better. And still no spinning. If you spin light, reflected or not, those wave patterns are collapsing into coded signals that produce the image of the tunnel in the mind. As the mind has this image within it, the mind begins to fell movement, the blood pressure raises to the Cerebrum and other parts of the mind, and change happens.

Heck, it actually goes even deeper then that, though the theory doesn't stress what is happening at the quantom level so much, my next one will.

My opinion - and yes it's only an opinion - is that you sit in front of a spinning wheel and really space out. You have almost certainly experimented with either LSD, mushrooms, ketamine or the ilk. Perhaps are otherwise stricken with an illness such as schizophrenia, if drugs were absent.

And your own words...

Psychology : untrained

So what are you qualifications and are they higher than mine?

I know enough. I said 'untrained' because the only things I know about psychology are from what I've learnt on my own. When you said a 'millionth of a second' did you really mean that? The projectors at cinemas don't have that kind of frame rate, but since this is obvious I'll assume you meant 1/50 or 1/25, which is the minimum period possible. Yes, I know subliminal messaging stimulates the mind subtly.

Please answer the above question. And please tell me how spinning the light creates 'coded signals'. You do know that it's not the light being spun when you spin a disk? Light cannot be spun.
Your right, I really should get a lock down on that experiment! I know exactly how, I simply need to set a solid chunk of time to prepare. If I didn't have so much to juggle I would have already began. I will try to get it started this summer.

Don't try... do.

As to folks looking for a new fantasy to believe in, THAT could be said about nearly any branch of knowledge from the onset of a skeptic. Reality isn't a complex ran by scientist, its ran by people with faults.

Hmm? Reality runs on it's own... people or no people.

It appears someone who was working with this Mind Portal found themselves in a different reality, a parallel plane, or perhaps a virtual inner projection of their mind. So or so, their comment is a rather intense description about going into the portal and fleeing back out as the shock of suddenly entering caught this person off guard. many of these reports do you think it will take before people RECOGNIZE that this is REAL, POTENT, and a NEW PIONEER to study. In other words, not only will this become more and more obvious to even the most objective person you can think off (given time), it will draw more and more attention, with or without me!

The Theory Live ON!!!

I would bet everything the person experienced was confined to their own mind; however, what's important is that you show real external objective evidence.
So what are you qualifications and are they higher than mine?

Ask the government what they are. After all, they have the goods! Err...I don't have such a degree, but I know plenty of people who have even better degrees and are still somehow unable comprehend or understand rather simple things. For the most part, people are focused in one direction of knowledge or another; this extending into many parts. I have a degree in the field of Architecture. As to what I studied, everything you mentioned and more. I love to study, and continued to do so with intense care even after my schooling was over. It too much fun to stop.

When it really comes to qualifications of knowledge, these don't really come with some degree you purchase after devoting a given amount of time at a school or University. One is still easily capable of purchasing the text books and learning a great deal, or even more on their own if they so desire.

Also, its the theory that stands on its own. Who or what I am doesn't matter, what the words say do. I could be a 6 year kid, and if I wrote that combination of words out, they would not cease to be what they are. You don't have to be a scientist to write theories or ponder them. In order to kill a good theory, you can't just come out and say "hey everyone, I am a qualified scientist and therefore this theory is wrong". YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT!!!!!!

Don't you know this? You want a piece of this theory, you want to squash it away...prove it beyond a doubt; do the experiments that bring about the data, without that your just speculating and bluffing by throwing fake weight around. If you want, you could try putting up maps and showing the entire process and why it is impossible, I am more likely to be convinced by a map then some light trivial words from a drifting mind. Show us the way, prove it by experiment, or shut up. Its that simple.

Even if you can map it out wonderfully, (Please- Map- Please- us a map why you are right...please...) the theory only dies if REAL TESTING can kill it. You can't...words aren't tough enough. TESTING!!!!

I know enough. I said 'untrained' because the only things I know about psychology are from what I've learnt on my own. When you said a 'millionth of a second' did you really mean that? The projectors at cinemas don't have that kind of frame rate, but since this is obvious I'll assume you meant 1/50 or 1/25, which is the minimum period possible. Yes, I know subliminal messaging stimulates the mind subtly.

Please answer the above question. And please tell me how spinning the light creates 'coded signals'. You do know that it's not the light being spun when you spin a disk? Light cannot be spun.

You know enough? Thats your explanation why? It lacks any powerful logical explanation; it adds up to virtually no real explanation at all. That is similar to me saying I can open a door to another universe, and if you want to know how it is done I answer; "because I know enough". If you gave these instructions to the builders, could they do anything with them?

As to the projectors, yeah, I meant fast. Though, if you had studied psychology then you would know that the subconscious mind CAN capture frames rates at a millionth of a second (OR MORE!!!); that is FACT of psychological scientific study. I think that its a very slow way to simply learn street-wise psychology, it will take you forever to catch up on what the psychologists already know. Good luck.

I didn't say "spinning the light creates coded symbols", I said it DELIVERS CODED SYMBOLS. The codes are on the map, they are pushed into mental impression and constructions in a holographic interface within the brain that allow people to visualize things, these images are happening there as they engage the physiological structure of the brain and living system. Isn't it obvious?

As to light not being spun, did I say that we are spinning light? Or light patterns of configuration? If I said light...oops, I was assuming you'd be able to follow that I meant light patterns. When you look at a painting, what do you see? Light patterns that come together so that the painting is seen, and if you spin that pattern, then you see a spinning pattern of the LIGHT CONFIGURATION. Its a combination that makes the image. The image, as we well know, can be projected to be enlarged or contracted. When the waves hit the eyes, the photoreceptor cells pick up the electromagnetic energy as it comes in and sends this information into the cerebrum, where it is sensed and projected into what is actually seen.

Are you missing a few screws, or can you grasp that these waves have always contained information that is entering our minds through our eyes. What you see REALLY goes in, thats why you SEE it. These waves patterns can be altered, which means the information comes in and is both transmitted and received differently. A difference means something will happen that is not always the same, thus the better we can alter and control what is coming in, the better we can alter what the affects are. To be able to change things as you direct is to have potential power. If we figure out the science behind this (as far as it goes- as much as measurements can be used to describe and predict and put to use) then we will be better able to manipulate the power here to meet our own ends.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot...

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Don't try... do.

Yes, I am setting up the Black and White pattern very soon. I am going to buy a large motor fan and convert it into a platform so I can get RPMs of a few thousand. The bike I used didn't get even a thousand, though it did go faster then by hand. This is the particular pattern that uses maximum and minimum chromatic values. They cause the most flux (or contrast) as they pass and change from one to another at a given point. They most certainly do affect the eyes; I am going to set it up this July.

Hmm? Reality runs on it's own... people or no people.

I didn't mean reality in the physical laws of the Universe way, though our choices and ability to become unpredictable is part of what reality is as we manipulate things one way or another. For example; perhaps we rebuild the twin towers, or maybe a memorial park? Those are two different realities to alter regarding that place and its history. To an extent we are part of that which controls reality. If you disagree you are forbidden to type the letters in in response, or you will be showing your own control to type and it will be harder to make your point.

I would bet everything the person experienced was confined to their own mind; however, what's important is that you show real external objective evidence.



This makes me think of Deepthought's comment about me being trapped in my own mind, or in this case, confined. This is really rather absurd; what is the point of it? Are you not confined to YOUR own mind? Are you traveling into other people's heads? How does this distinction make any difference? Are there two types of people now? Those who are trapped or confined in their own minds and those who share bodies?

I am a little curious, are you the same person each morning? If so, then it sounds to me like you are also confined or trapped if you want to call it, as is everyone else. Really, find the someone who isn't "trapped or confined in their OWN minds". I would love to have a good talk with them. As for myself, on this subject; I am free to explore my own 'confinement' or portal/path/journey/trip/life/mind as I please.
Jo-Bo...does a person need to alter their mind before staring at spinning graph paper?

That depends, Psy-Ep, on the state of mind the person is in in the first place. The answer is both yes and no. As, if a person can either logically understand what is actually happening here, visualizing the physical process of REAL ENERGY interacting with ENERGY, then they are more likely to see a reason why this could be used, and then use it. If not, they'll think it is a waste of time, because they cannot grasp, comprehend, or understand its value. The other type is the Intuitive type, which doesn't understand this calender, but feels its value and is intuitively drawn to investigate, study, and acquire understanding by direct experience of the practice of mapping and navigation. Then again, some people may have a little of both, which is then enough for them to LOOK IN to this.

Those who don't will have to wait until and if their mind alters in understanding or intuitive feel enough before it will ever happen that they actually try it. If they don't, all they can do is hoot at it. Those who DO can claim...such as I have done. Given time, understanding will come easier, and yes more and more people are using this as the days go by. This knowledge is spreading out and changing on its own at this point, its already out of my hands in and others!


Or you could just Indoctrinate a bunch of people to have a whacked out view of a spinning bicycle wheel.

Seriously, Jo. I was being kind by trying to explain to you that your brain has manifested this delusional reality and that you have the ability to escape the delusion and really start to learn something about yourself. Instead you'd rather cling to it like your life was in jeopardy.

Perhaps there are cases where drugs are the only way to fix someone, I never believed that because I've seen the chemical lobotomies for myself but perhaps in your case it might be the only way, if of course you are potentially a danger to others.
The theory doesn't die "only if testing can kill it". It's the other way around; the theory only lives if testing supported it in the first place. And your testing is hardly scientific. A sample size of one (you) and a lack of understanding ("constructions in a holographic interface within the brain").

Can you explain why rotating an image is any different to, say, strobing an image or a steady one? (In the context of psychology or neuroscience)
Or you could just Indoctrinate a bunch of people to have a whacked out view of a spinning bicycle wheel.

Seriously, Jo. I was being kind by trying to explain to you that your brain has manifested this delusional reality and that you have the ability to escape the delusion and really start to learn something about yourself. Instead you'd rather cling to it like your life was in jeopardy.

Perhaps there are cases where drugs are the only way to fix someone, I never believed that because I've seen the chemical lobotomies for myself but perhaps in your case it might be the only way, if of course you are potentially a danger to others.

Or it could be you who is trying to Indoctrinate a bunch of people with your ideas and words such as indoctrinate, in order to introduce a poisonous idea in attempt to shut down investigation of this. I am calling your bluff.

Seriously, Stryder. You are being very arrogant for assuming your perception and ability to perceive is the only one that functions, is acceptable, and agreeable. There are 8.5 billion people on earth and you are not capable of controlling how THEY think for THEMSELVES. Your statement adds up to a somewhat of a threat, as if people have no right. What gives you the right?

As to your last statement, what a negative power trip idea you have! Your a little sick in the head yourself if you think you can take away a persons right to live as they choose by giving them drugs. What is fucking wrong with you??? How sick and cold can you get? You apparently have no respect for Freedom, which makes you a very poor candidate for playing the role of leader. But, then again, your not leader of the world, so puff your negative power trip comments if you want, as its YOU your words are representing.
The theory doesn't die "only if testing can kill it". It's the other way around; the theory only lives if testing supported it in the first place. And your testing is hardly scientific. A sample size of one (you) and a lack of understanding ("constructions in a holographic interface within the brain").

Can you explain why rotating an image is any different to, say, strobing an image or a steady one? (In the context of psychology or neuroscience)

Trying to pick out comments as if they are proof by which to isolate the whole of what has been said is rather tedious, but your welcome to do it if you want. It won't do much ultimately, though your probably not going to understand why.

As to the theory, it lives because its a theory, until its tested it can continue to call itself a theory, and so it lives as a theory. When testing proves it correct, then it lives indefinitely and has established itself as fact. Not only does it live on, it changes into knowledge to act upon.

"constructions in a holographic interface within the brain"
One sentence? That's it? That proves everything there Einstein...really, now we know everything...huh?

OK...are you trying to say the brain does NOT set up a holographic structure that is dispersed through the cells where the image, which comes from light and is made from light, is not then somehow holographic, and that it is not encountered and transmitted to be perceived within that organ that is the brain? I certainly hope your not that lost that you don't know this?

As to your question, yes I can say why it is different. The image is played in the brain, that is where the light goes into a specific pattern that is shaped by changing energy states within the neurons and cells of the brain. The way this energy is shaped to make the image as it is seen by the mind through the brain, is determined by how the image, the eletromagnetic energy, comes in from the outside through the eyes.

Seeing a square cause the energy patterns to shape into an image of a square in the brain when they reach the point of being perceived. That energy is moving through the system, and changing it as it does. If you see a picture of a naked lady (or perhaps your gay and see a naked guy?), the reaction to the system can become pretty obvious if you get aroused. Seeing these letters causes your mind to perceive them, your reading this already shows an example.

When you see a spiral spin into a tunnel, this shape results at the end point of your perception, the energy that can become either thought/sound or shape to perception is moving differently through the system, therefor affecting it differently. This can not only be felt more and more when someone watches this for a period of several days, it becomes very obvious when one observes that there is something going on as their senses change.

Its beyond obvious to myself, its already proven and fact to me.


Yes, I am setting up the Black and White pattern very soon. I am going to buy a large motor fan and convert it into a platform so I can get RPMs of a few thousand. The bike I used didn't get even a thousand, though it did go faster then by hand. This is the particular pattern that uses maximum and minimum chromatic values. They cause the most flux (or contrast) as they pass and change from one to another at a given point. They most certainly do affect the eyes; I am going to set it up this July.

Good! Looking forward to the results.

I didn't mean reality in the physical laws of the Universe way, though our choices and ability to become unpredictable is part of what reality is as we manipulate things one way or another. For example; perhaps we rebuild the twin towers, or maybe a memorial park? Those are two different realities to alter regarding that place and its history. To an extent we are part of that which controls reality. If you disagree you are forbidden to type the letters in in response, or you will be showing your own control to type and it will be harder to make your point.

Looking at your oriignal statement and this one, I still don't understand what point you're trying to make.



This makes me think of Deepthought's comment about me being trapped in my own mind, or in this case, confined. This is really rather absurd; what is the point of it? Are you not confined to YOUR own mind? Are you traveling into other people's heads? How does this distinction make any difference? Are there two types of people now? Those who are trapped or confined in their own minds and those who share bodies?

I am a little curious, are you the same person each morning? If so, then it sounds to me like you are also confined or trapped if you want to call it, as is everyone else. Really, find the someone who isn't "trapped or confined in their OWN minds". I would love to have a good talk with them. As for myself, on this subject; I am free to explore my own 'confinement' or portal/path/journey/trip/life/mind as I please.

What I meant was that when someone claimed to have found themselves in a different reality, a video recording would not correspond to the claim; thus, everything the person experienced was not external stimulus but internally generated stimulus.
Ah - ok we had different understandings of what 'theory' means. In science, theory means the workings of something. You probably mean to say 'hypothesis'. If you don't believe me, think about what is meant by 'music theory' or 'theory vs practice'.

But that's semantics.

Holography is about lasers and photography, whilst we're on the topic.

Anyway, I believe you are familiar with your system and can perhaps humour the following questions:

  • Does it matter what is written on the wheel, with regard to the effect on the user, or does it only matter that there is some random patterns of ink? (You would need someone to help you do this test to ensure you didn't know which wheel they were using in advance).
  • Although the eye can detect around 1 in 6 photos or so, there is a 'blur' or lag to which switching can occur. Anything more than around 50Hz will be a blur unless it is flashing brightly. This limits the effective 'refresh rate' of the eye. When the wheel spins, surely the text would blur and information would not be carried?
Can I ask that your stop it with the giant letters?! They achieve nothing.

...and the beat goes on
Along the same lines...Are allowed to blink your eyes when staring at the spinning graph paper.If so, then would the blink rate be sufficient for the brain to capture some of what is written down, like a strob effect. Would not any info received by the brain via this course of action be considered subliminal?
Good! Looking forward to the results.

So am I!!!

Looking at your oriignal statement and this one, I still don't understand what point you're trying to make.

The point I was trying to make is that humans engage in what could be called reality control.

What I meant was that when someone claimed to have found themselves in a different reality, a video recording would not correspond to the claim; thus, everything the person experienced was not external stimulus but internally generated stimulus.

It will be interesting to find out how the internal and external stimulus influence each other as this gets further investigated. I find that these internal stimulus experiences occur after engaging with external stimulus apparatus. As well, that which occurs in the internal place exerts itself over the external as humans engage in their limits of reality control. So these things are all connected, and in order to see the full picture clearly, both must be considered for how they operate independently and how they influence each other.

What I call hitting warp, that is, jumping into another realm that is observed to be an external process and feels like such throughout the leap, is a strange place nonetheless. If there is space within us to be explored, then it is well worth our trouble to explore it, internal or not. These warps appear so real to the senses that I am left wondering if they where a little of both. It could be possible that the same pattern of Infinity is contained at any point. Then, these warp jumps would be set in parallels.

Until this warping technique is perfected, investigation of it will be slow. As the spinning of the wheel brings about a condition in the energy sequences that form in the brain that make it more likely that a warp will take place, I am guessing it will be easier to explore this more in the future.

But there is so much more to investigate here...

Ah - ok we had different understandings of what 'theory' means. In science, theory means the workings of something. You probably mean to say 'hypothesis'. If you don't believe me, think about what is meant by 'music theory' or 'theory vs practice'.

But that's semantics.

Holography is about lasers and photography, whilst we're on the topic.

What I meant by hologram is a projection of light that is detected, deciphered, and perceived as information or thought energy consciousness. When we visualize things in our minds, we are making light images by which we sense what it is we are visualizing.

Anyway, I believe you are familiar with your system and can perhaps humour the following questions:

  • Does it matter what is written on the wheel, with regard to the effect on the user, or does it only matter that there is some random patterns of ink? (You would need someone to help you do this test to ensure you didn't know which wheel they were using in advance).
  • Although the eye can detect around 1 in 6 photos or so, there is a 'blur' or lag to which switching can occur. Anything more than around 50Hz will be a blur unless it is flashing brightly. This limits the effective 'refresh rate' of the eye.

  • I am certain testing will reveal that what is written on the wheel matters, though as the speed rate increases, how that information is taken in changes. It is important to note that there are many different spin rates that can be used, slow rates, medium, or extreme fast rates. These can be mixed, as a fast rate slows down, or a wheel spins quickly and stops at sudden intervals. All of these would produce differences regarding how the total mind perceives the information.

    Heres an easy way to test. We take a page filled with information and spin it at different speed rates, from slow to extreme. Then we take another wheel with no information at all on it and spin. The viewers observe these for a period of time, say a few weeks. Afterwards, they are put into a hypnotic trance to see if they can retrieve the information on the spinning wheels. They are never allowed to see these wheels motionless, the information is seen as blurred throughout the experiment for them.

    The great question is then, if they do recall information that they couldn't possibly have seen, then how much of it is their subconscious actually procession? If we have a process, what is it? First, the theory as to demonstrate that there is indeed a process; then we have a phenomena, a process with which we can better explore the working of the mind with, as we make studies on how processing takes place.

    As to the blur, regardless of how fast it spins, there is a print breaking the barrier that is moving so swiftly the conscious ceases to recognize it. That doesn't mean its not still there. Your question on the blurring of information is of extreme relevance, it is one of the most important questions in understand the Mind Portal, though there are others. One of the questions is, what is within that blur, how does it look if we could slow down its mix up and see how it is getting distorted over a slower shift. What are the waves of light doing as they blur at motor speeds that aren't even close to the speed of light? If we could possibly increase the speed to that of light...which we can (I already figured out how to make it possible, minus the physical matter of it), what is happening to that blur as the rate of spin changes?

    Its distortions would still make up patterns that would be repeatable, and if these distortions of the original pattern are taking in, though they may not be recognizable to the conscious, the subconscious may be capable of automatically sorting them out to a given extent. The range is there, its a matter of finding out what it is? At slower rates, we can still read what is on the map, how does this then effect the perception of that knowledge?

    As you can see, if testing concludes my suspicions, then there will be a lot to investigate, as this is uncharted territory.

    When the wheel spins, surely the text would blur and information would not be carried?

At what speed rate, though; how fast would it really have to go? I have noted that I can keep up and catch glimpses when it hits RPMs of over 5000, thats one messy blur, yet still I can penetrate and see whats there. How much more does the subconscious pick up? What will testing reveal?

We can pick this rate all the way up to the speed of light if we want to, in order to find the barrier, where it is. In order to get images to spin where motion hits that speed, simply take a holographic image, projected through a small spinning chamber, that image being by distance enlarged until the perimeter is moving at the speed of light. I am sure we will be hitting a preceptive barrier before we hit this rate. Still, within whatever range is discovered, how much of it is going where, can it be accessed, and are there ways to unlock the potentials, if the potentials should become obvious, that is.

Can I ask that your stop it with the giant letters?! They achieve nothing.

...and the beat goes on


Along the same lines...Are allowed to blink your eyes when staring at the spinning graph paper.If so, then would the blink rate be sufficient for the brain to capture some of what is written down, like a strob effect. Would not any info received by the brain via this course of action be considered subliminal?

I have tried this and found that it does cause me to capture images of what is on the map, even if it is blurring. I found that this can work up to some rather high rates of spin, if the image is flashed before the brain for even as second, the information of that image settles into the regions of the conscious centers of the brain, passing through the conscious areas quickly as they settle into the deeper regions.

If we can tap those deeper regions using some form or another, and if we can fill the mind with information at different rates and magnitudes using this, then it would become possible to download huge amounts of information into the mind using a paper monitor that displays flashing listings of information that is on a spiral. Millions of images could be set to flash through a few minutes as the wheel either rotates slowly or at high RPM rates. The spiral shape may very well be conductive to the retrieving of information, as it thus far hints at being very conductive to hitting warp jumps, as one apparently, for all sensational purposes experiences, find themselves stepping into another dimension. If this warp is going into the internal regions, as Crunchy Cat refers to, then it may very well be an important piece of getting to the place where the information can be retrieved.

When I consider how often spirals appear in nature and in natural systems, basically every last one of them, it seems almost obvious to me. But it would obviously be a huge help to map out the actual physics of quantom units of information being moved around, transmitted, deciphered, received, and affecting systems such as the system that stores the memory. We will have to try to get a map of light, the eyes, the nerves, the brain, and the body; at the bare minimum. As these maps show a succession that makes the conclusion more obvious, the map would become more elaborate. I'll have to start putting this together soon, it should help a lot.
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It will live for as long as you do, at least. ;)

You think know EVERYTHING, Blue UK, don't you? :p

Might I ask why???

And well I am at it, why do you FEEL the need to say this? Could it be that you are putting out an idea, hoping that it will become a reality? ;)

The theory will live far longer then I, do you have any idea how many people are now holding on to it?...No...

Nice Try...maybe you could actually try to make yourself useful and show us the physics maps, the psychological brain process maps, and the physiological maps- put them all together and proof you are right...are you capable of that?...I seriously don't think you are.


The Theory Lives On!!!