Advanced Mind Altering...The Theory

I look forward to reading this link you provided when I have more time. I saw the video and now that I am aware of what this is (I saw the same thing at a convention, just didn't know what it was called) I'd say there is a big difference between the two. I am using a 3-foot circumference wheel with a very precise and accurate mapping system. I have spin other things and noted that I can feel its effects directly on my brain, while when spinning the map I made, this feeling reaches points where I would even guess that my brain is shifting into new shapes so quickly I can feel it, because that is how it feels at times. I need to start mapping out the brain, the cells, and the particle-wave relations to get a much clearer picture of what is going on. I have an idea, I think I should begin to prepare it into a coherent structure to clarify the physical processes that are involved.

Physics of the Visual Stimulus

In order to get a fuller understanding of why we see things as we do, it helps to learn a little about the physics of light. Light is, after all, that which enters our eyes and causes us to see.

Light is electromagnetic energy. The electromagnetic spectrum is very large ranging from gamma rays to AM waves. The visible part of this range is very small ranging from about 400 nanometers to a little over 700 nanometers. To see an explanation of the complete electromagnetic spectrum click here.

That light may come directly from a source like a light bulb and TV screen or it may be reflected light as comes from, say, a piece of paper or from a movie screen.

Light has been considered as energy packaged in particles (the particle theory) or in waves (the wave theory) Since it is easier to diagram the idea behind the wave theory I give an illustration of the wave nature of light.
Cortex Colossus, Thanks for the link, it is an excellent resource that ties perfectly into this theory. I look forward to reading the materials presented there. There is a lot to work out here, such as how the waves interact with the particles, especially when considering the wave/particle phenomena. I have worked out a structure that would allow both to be observable and still connected as one. Basically it involves coils of parallel attraction curves. Whether it is correct or not, a particle or a wave can carry a tremendous amount of information, as the most discrete pocket system of waves transmit information.

Though it has been argued that photons aren't conscious, I find that consciousness is a state of waves interacting on complex angles that hide many layers and dimensions. Then how could a particle not be conscious? It may be an extremely undirected form of consciousness, but the wave itself it found in everything. The difference between a human and a single particle is that a human consists of a large synchronized group of particles that are bonded together to produced an heightened sense of consciousness.

In order to get a clear picture we need to connect the particle to the wave directly, or at least understand it as it is directly as much as possible. Without knowing this, it is impossible to understand how this is working. Out of this could spring forth a much more succinct and potent theory, one that is for more daring then the one I currently am presenting, which is cheesecake easy. It is impossible that it will fail because it is absolutely correct. Testing will not prove otherwise.

The advanced version of the advanced theory has not been presented yet. I suspect it is at the moment too daring to frame as of yet, and my mind needs to work out the details before presenting it a bit more. It involves information settling into particles to act as reckon for stimulating increased consciousness or awareness of the particle itself. Its the testing part that makes it hard to formulate, unlike this theory, which is rather very easy to test.
This "physical" information is referring to an information system like reality which consists of physical reality Maya as well as metaphysical or unchanging , infinite brahman. Consciousness is brahman in which the physical world is believed to exist independently. However, nothing can be said to exist outside of consciousness. Where objects exist in a given time and space and reality does not. Human sociopolitical attitudes and beliefs are not a good framework for reality theory.
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This "physical" information is referring to an information system like reality which consists of physical reality Maya as well as metaphysical or unchanging , infinite brahman. Consciousness is brahman in which the physical world is believed to exist independently. However, nothing can be said to exist outside of consciousness. Where objects exist in a given time and space and reality does not. Human sociopolitical attitudes and beliefs are not a good framework for reality theory.

Reality is not a theory, no theory will ever embrace the True Reality which includes Life. How could anything exist outside of consciousness? It is impossible, life is not separate from anything. Our entire existence is composed of what our senses and perceptions tell us, along with the other layers of consciousness at work in life. The objective physical matter is a wonderful holographic emptiness. Waves of consciousness compose and form a world to explore the potentials of its own formation into new waves of consciousness. If our consciousness changes even a little, reality itself will change a great deal.
Why is it called 'Advanced mind altering'? Can you first explain the primitive forms of mind altering for us so we can make a fair comparison?
Why is it called 'Advanced mind altering'? Can you first explain the primitive forms of mind altering for us so we can make a fair comparison?

Did you read the ending?

OK...I will compare. I will make some short lists, enough to show there is a progress of the techniques involved.

Undesirable and primitive means of altering the mind:
1-Smashing your head against a wall
2-Drinking until you pass out
3-hyperventilating on purpose
4-sniffing glue
5-watching too much TV

Means of altering the mind:
1-drugs, by means of chemistry or nature
4-training at something
5-breathing patterns, most obvious
6-sex, orgasm is a different and altered state of consciousness
7-subliminal messages and patterns and symbols
10-meditations performed over time
12-Practical work experience

off course not all of these are primitive, they go through phases, starting at lower grades and ascending; at least some of them. The advanced theory is called such because it plays upon combining mixtures from previously existing theories, and it considered advanced because unlike these other means, it has not been available. It draws upon other systems to function as it does, it is a system built on systems.
Life is a mind altering event.

Staring at spiralling graph paper is a result of it.

Calling that science is proof that it is.
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Your personal attacks do nothing to destroy the Theory.

The Theory lives on!

I don't think Blue was attacking you, I know for certain that he's empathetic towards people who he believes are deluded. He merely asks a question as an outside or professional would because he doesn't necessarily know any different. Although in this particular case, I don't think he needs to consider any differences... here's a breakdown why:

The mind portal.... Okay where do I begin, firstly you are claiming that a spinning wheel with some doodles opens some magic mind portal to bizarre extraordinary things, in reality you should take an film quote and dissect it:

"Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. [What truth?] There is no spoon. Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." - Spoon boy from The Matrix

In your case, you've create a wheel (Spoon) and you are claiming to Bend your mind because of the wheel. What you aren't taking into account is that your own characteristically individual mind is what is causing this "bending" and the wheel isn't necessary apparatus but a construct to formulate some form of reasoning too.

This is why your Portal will only work for you and anyone you Indoctrinate. Yes, that word is usually used when referring to cult groups and I'm hoping you aren't on the path of trying to convert people to mirror your mindset, otherwise I can see someone rising up on a watch list.


List of methods and objects used.
This is a general list of what methods, concepts, and tools where used in the experiment.

1. The tools for the experiment require a graphed time map that provides an attracted canvas for keeping track of time or recording other information into a spinning format.
2. Pens, colors, and drawing equipment.
3. A journal for keeping track of what one does through out the day.
4. A coded system of information; in this case a coded day journal.
5. A spinning platform, for the spiral graph map.

In the case of this experiment the name of this Mind Portal design is the Dharma Flower Calendar, which is used to provide a spiral graphed color of well-prepared proportions to allow space for information and a large 3-foot circumference size to make observing easier.

"What tangled webs we weave."

Again as mentioned with the dissection of the Spoon boy quote, all these pieces of "Apparatus" are constructs which you've put forwards to make sense or control your Fantasy/Reality/Delusion. You don't need any of those things, if anything those materialistic additions are holding any realisation process back, so lose them and lose the wheel.

"It's not the wheel and materialised apparatus that bends, But you yourself."

As for a lot of realisations you've had, most point to Schizophrenic tendencies, perhaps even Autism (Considering the nature of your Apparatus/Constructs) This is why people will comment at your potential use of medicine because they see you as having a Mental disorder. Admittedly they might think the drugs will correct the problems, however I know as I'm sure you do those drugs are just Pharmaceutical Lobotomise. In essence the only way you can beat such a disorder is to lock horns with it and work it out yourself, but this by no means suggests you should do it alone or not accept help.

I'd suggest choosing Psychology over Psychiatry, unless of course it's concluded that you have a physical neurological defect that requires treatment.

You might not agree with that, however I still suggest you look very closely at your wheel being a delusion, a construct, a lie constructed by your mind to make some rationality about what you do naturally. Since it's just you that see's your own perspective, it is the main reason why no one is truly interested in your wheel, because only you are affected by it.
Life is a mind altering event.

Staring at spiralling graph paper is a result of it.

Calling that science is proof that it is.


Life is a Mind Altering event composed of mind altering events, such as the ones I listed above, that can be categorized and distinguished between.

Interesting quote!
I don't think Blue was attacking you, I know for certain that he's empathetic towards people who he believes are deluded. He merely asks a question as an outside or professional would because he doesn't necessarily know any different. Although in this particular case, I don't think he needs to consider any differences... here's a breakdown why:

Is Blue, the self proclaimed "drifting mind", a professional? And if so, in what field might I ask?

The mind portal.... Okay where do I begin, firstly you are claiming that a spinning wheel with some doodles opens some magic mind portal to bizarre extraordinary things, in reality you should take an film quote and dissect it:

"Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth. [What truth?] There is no spoon. Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." - Spoon boy from The Matrix

In your case, you've create a wheel (Spoon) and you are claiming to Bend your mind because of the wheel. What you aren't taking into account is that your own characteristically individual mind is what is causing this "bending" and the wheel isn't necessary apparatus but a construct to formulate some form of reasoning too.

So, if I shoot you in the head with a 45 Desert Storm, its not the bullet that blows your brains out, but only you yourself? And...if we drop a bomb on some city, its not the bomb WE dropped on the city that blows up and kills thousands of innocent people, its the people themselves who blow up? Is this correct?

If I smack you upside the head, don't blame me for it! Oh yeah, and that air your breathing, its not air your breathing, its you thats breaths. Basically, since we are dismissing electromagnetic patterns that enter into and influence brain wave cycles, we can go on to dismissing all of science as a bunch of absurd nonsense, since its not really the physical universe that does anything, its just us.

When it comes to the Mind Portal, you talk as if you are an authority...your NOT! You have no experience, no understanding, and it appears you don't want to make any effort to then how could you really? You won't ever, at such a rate. Though, be my guest, keep telling yourself that you understand this even though you know barely anything at all about it. See where it gets you.

This is why your Portal will only work for you and anyone you Indoctrinate. Yes, that word is usually used when referring to cult groups and I'm hoping you aren't on the path of trying to convert people to mirror your mindset, otherwise I can see someone rising up on a watch list.

Screw this stupid word...which is most obvious an attack by introducing the idea of cult crap. WE LIVE IN A FREE WORLD...GET OVER IT! I don't give a crap if I am on someone's watch list, who isn't these days? I am already well aware that I am, I have verified this by now. You want to know what category I am under, the "what do we do with this one" category. And those who are considering have much to consider. I have nothing to be afraid of. In fact, I even planned it out that I would be on "someones" watch list, why do you think I am here? Lets elaborate...I am on many peoples watch list, not just someone's. GOOD...PERFECT!!!

"What tangled webs we weave."

Again as mentioned with the dissection of the Spoon boy quote, all these pieces of "Apparatus" are constructs which you've put forwards to make sense or control your Fantasy/Reality/Delusion. You don't need any of those things, if anything those materialistic additions are holding any realisation process back, so lose them and lose the wheel.

If you stop eating food and breathing air, I will consider. Otherwise, these things ARE real and worth investigating.

"It's not the wheel and materialised apparatus that bends, But you yourself."

As for a lot of realisations you've had, most point to Schizophrenic tendencies, perhaps even Autism (Considering the nature of your Apparatus/Constructs) This is why people will comment at your potential use of medicine because they see you as having a Mental disorder. Admittedly they might think the drugs will correct the problems, however I know as I'm sure you do those drugs are just Pharmaceutical Lobotomise. In essence the only way you can beat such a disorder is to lock horns with it and work it out yourself, but this by no means suggests you should do it alone or not accept help.

Some people will make sour remarks, yes. Others are comparing me with geniuses such as Einstein or Carl Jung. You yourself sound as if you have just now evaluated me as having a disorder. However, this is meaningless until and unless it can be proven. I have been evaluated before, and the results showed that I ought to be a scientist, not locked up or treated as you imply.

I'd suggest choosing Psychology over Psychiatry, unless of course it's concluded that you have a physical neurological defect that requires treatment.

You might not agree with that, however I still suggest you look very closely at your wheel being a delusion, a construct, a lie constructed by your mind to make some rationality about what you do naturally. Since it's just you that see's your own perspective, it is the main reason why no one is truly interested in your wheel, because only you are affected by it.

Its just what I see? Are you sure of that? No one is truly interested in this wheel? Are you sure of that? I have already seen evidence to the contrary!


Jozen, until you are able to produce objective evidence of a real effect to the external or with the external then the only folks whom are going to care are people looking for a new fantasy to believe in.

Get your objective heat vision test working and then you will become the most important person on this planet.
Strydes said:
I don't think Blue was attacking you, I know for certain that he's empathetic towards people who he believes are deluded

Actually, I was making fun of him.:eek:

Although I am empathic to some people who have interesting problems this was simply too whacky to dismiss! I genuinly find it very odd that someone can be both "deluded to the point of danger to themselves" and also "committed enough to write pages of nonsense".

I'm sorry Jozen, but you're off your rocker!

As for me being a professional - I am officially a master of electronic engineering, first class. That said, I can summon up great quantities of retardism at a moments notice. The difference is - I know when I'm bullshitting! (and will dismiss erroneous hypotheses the moment I realise I am wrong). The 'drifting mind' that Jozen questions is simply a reference to the fact that I think a lot and that my presence on the internet is 'acorporal'!
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Actually, I was making fun of him.:eek:

Although I am empathic to some people who have interesting problems this was simply too whacky to dismiss! I genuinly find it very odd that someone can be both "deluded to the point of danger to themselves" and also "committed enough to write pages of nonsense".

I'm sorry Jozen, but you're off your rocker!

As I said before, YOUR opinion is yours, there are some who will share it, but not everyone. Thats how opinions are. As for my own, your mind lacks the ability to grasp or perceive what is happening here. You haven't a clue what I am up to, your dismissal brings you no closer to the reality.

As for me being a professional - I am officially a master of electronic engineering, first class. That said, I can summon up great quantities of retardism at a moments notice. The difference is - I know when I'm bullshitting! (and will dismiss erroneous hypotheses the moment I realise I am wrong). The 'drifting mind' that Jozen questions is simply a reference to the fact that I think a lot and that my presence on the internet is 'acorporal'!

I didn't know that electronic engineers knew about psychology, physiology, physics (well have a preliminary here to cover), chaos, and many other fields which are breached upon and used to gain a better understanding of what is actually going on here. Though, now that you say it, I am highly skeptical of your position in society to judge for others that entire process which this theory involves, nor its implications.


The Theory lives on!!!
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Jozen, until you are able to produce objective evidence of a real effect to the external or with the external then the only folks whom are going to care are people looking for a new fantasy to believe in.

Get your objective heat vision test working and then you will become the most important person on this planet.

Your right, I really should get a lock down on that experiment! I know exactly how, I simply need to set a solid chunk of time to prepare. If I didn't have so much to juggle I would have already began. I will try to get it started this summer.

As to folks looking for a new fantasy to believe in, THAT could be said about nearly any branch of knowledge from the onset of a skeptic. Reality isn't a complex ran by scientist, its ran by people with faults.

It appears someone who was working with this Mind Portal found themselves in a different reality, a parallel plane, or perhaps a virtual inner projection of their mind. So or so, their comment is a rather intense description about going into the portal and fleeing back out as the shock of suddenly entering caught this person off guard. many of these reports do you think it will take before people RECOGNIZE that this is REAL, POTENT, and a NEW PIONEER to study. In other words, not only will this become more and more obvious to even the most objective person you can think off (given time), it will draw more and more attention, with or without me!

The Theory Live ON!!!