Advanced Mind Altering...The Theory


The Wheel Spinning King!!!
Registered Senior Member
The Theory of Advanced Mind Altering
-The Mind Portal affects the mind & is a learning tool
By Joseph Steven Marshall aka Jozen-Bo

This entry will be discussing the observations made while exploring a new process of gathering information by means of spinning spiral configurations of a time map. The Author has observed 3 phases of producing a code, tracking the code, and spinning the information of the code in a calendar device called the Mind Portal. The Mind Portal is a graphical medium for recording information and patterns to communicate ideas, and its graph structure allows these patterns to form a knowledge network of spiral attraction, that can be spun into an optical tunnel.


The problem is trying to fully understand what the Mind Portal is, how it works, and how it operates upon and affects the Mind of the observer. The objective is to discover the overall affects this has on the observer, and how these affects can vary from one form of delivery and pattern imaging to another. The methods involve observing how this affects the perception and consciousness on many different people to gather statistics and other information that will serve as a valuable base by which to further study. The resulting information will have to be placed into according sub-structures, the observations of a group that uses a self created tracking system cannot be mixed up with a group that uses a language configuration to speed up the process of learning a new language, the groups will be specified to keep information as clean as possible. The relevance of this experiment is to explore and learn about a information systems, high speed communication systems, psychology, DNA, Bio-psychical changes accompanied by mental awareness changes, physic phenomena, subliminal programming, conscious systems, and sensual functioning.


What makes this more problematic at the moment is that there are nearly no records from other people by which to better understand the overall general affects that Mind Portal produces. Understanding how to use this is vague and unclear at the moment as without instructing the correct procedures it is very difficult to get an idea of how to use this to get results. The multiple levels of complication possible by which to affect and inform the mind make exploration of this new experiment even more difficult. There is no background of knowledge by which to launch decisions regarding an advantage of understanding and evaluating what the potential of this Mind Portal can be.

It could be a revolutionary or evolutionary development or something else, to either take lightly or with care. The purpose of this experiment is to gather results, interpolate and evaluate the significance of those results; and if they suggest further development due to significant observable results, continue to investigate through experimental means to build a database of knowledge. The overall expected results is to know what to expect as results when one can harness the potentials to be discovered while investigation the mind by a reasonable means of possibly getting deeper into it.


List of methods and objects used.
This is a general list of what methods, concepts, and tools where used in the experiment.

1. The tools for the experiment require a graphed time map that provides an attracted canvas for keeping track of time or recording other information into a spinning format.
2. Pens, colors, and drawing equipment.
3. A journal for keeping track of what one does through out the day.
4. A coded system of information; in this case a coded day journal.
5. A spinning platform, for the spiral graph map.

In the case of this experiment the name of this Mind Portal design is the Dharma Flower Calendar, which is used to provide a spiral graphed color of well-prepared proportions to allow space for information and a large 3-foot circumference size to make observing easier.

Information is formed into a system of geometrical symbols to represent activities engaged in and partaking of. Each space represents a day and each day is filled in with this code of symbols that makes reading the information much quicker then normal. The symbols quickly communicate information such as what one did, how they felt, if they dreamed, what happened to them, and other informations. After gathering this pattern of time activated symbols into a map, the map is spun and observed each day in spin for a process of 20-30 minutes. The experiment takes one full year to complete and all phases of performing it must be present in order for the experiment to be conducted.


Results observed from tracking information and observing it either stationary or in spin:

Result 1- Dreaming
1. Increased frequency of dreams, (easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Increased clarity of dreams, (easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
3. Increased control of dreams, (difficult to recreate and confirm results; results are inconsistent)
4. Increased vivid perception of dreams. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
5. Lucid dreaming. (Moderately difficult to and confirm recreate results; results are inconsistent)

Result 2- Memory
1. Augmented memory access. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Remembering things better and quicker. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 3- Focus
1. Increased ability to focus the mind. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 4- Creativity
1. Stimulated creative mind. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 5- Vision
1. Increased visual imaging. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Ability to visualize things increased dramatically. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
3. Mental pictures become crisp, colorful, and ultra-clear. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
4. They become increasingly dynamic. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
5. The mind became more capable of imaging the dynamics of multiple objects, it can orchestrate. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
6. The images are more potent and clear, not vague and fuzzy. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
7. They can be sustained for a longer amount of time, without wobbling into other thoughts and images. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 6- Control
1. Increased mind control. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results may be inconsistent)
2. Observed that the ability to make the mind up decisively and stick to the decision has increased. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results may be inconsistent)

Result 7- Attunement
1. Increased physical prowess. (Moderately difficult to recreate and confirm results; results may be inconsistent)
2. Can tune into and exert a limited control over glands. (Moderately difficult to recreate and confirm results, results may be inconsistent)

Result 8- Interest
1. Increased interest in everything. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Experiences normally perceived without interest became more interesting. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results, results may be inconsistent)

Result 9- Learning
1. Accelerated learning. (Easy to moderate recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 10- Arousal
1. Increased arousal. (Moderately difficult to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)

Result 11- Organizing
1. Increased ability to organize. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. The very act of making a code is organizing the mind. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
3. Observed that using the mind portal allows one to see objectively what one has done. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
4. Then it is easier to see where mistakes or bad patterns of living are occurring. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
5. Observed that this then makes it harder to continue making those patterns or mistakes. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 12- Productivity
1. Increased productivity. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Observed that the mind is filled with more ideas and thus more productive. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 13- Energy
1. More energy. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. Observed more energy when working with the code then not. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)

Result 14- Senses
1. Seeing energy! (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
2. As the eyes became readjusted they began to see subtle energies. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
3. Distinguished over 50 types of energy. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results are consistent)
4. One of the most common is seeing vibrations coming out of people's heads, as if they are thinking. (Easy to recreate and confirm results; results likely to be consistent)

Result 15- Sensitivity
1. Increased sensitivity. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
2. The body became increasingly sensitive to new energy it began to perceive. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
3. Could feel things that would normally be too subtle to feel. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
4. The slightest vibration being detected...sensed. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)

Result 16- Listening
1. Increased hearing and coordination of what is heard. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
2. Observed that the sense of hearing is not the same, either. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
3. Ability to listen to multiple conversations at once appears to be greater. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
4. Other observations have been made regarding the sense of hearing. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)

Result 17- Taste and smell
1. Increased taste and smell. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
2. Observed that sometimes the sense of smell becomes too good and can smell many different things at once and gather information from this. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
3. As well, the sense of taste has experienced change too, though not as much. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
4. Observed tasting things without putting tongue on them. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)

Result 18- Intuition
1. Sense of Divinity. (Unpredictable; results may vary)
2. Intuition feels highly refined. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)
3. Feel a sense of ease; that everything is well planned out by Nature. (Moderate to recreate and confirm results; results may vary)

Result 19- Confidence
1. Fearlessness. (Extremely difficult to recreate and confirm results; results will vary heavily)
2. Increase in confidence. (Easy to recreate and confirm, results will be consistent)

Result 20- Virtual Reality
1. Entering a virtual reality that was so real this here and now is blurry when compared. (Very difficult to recreate, results will vary)

Result 21- Communication
1. Experiencing sensation of encountering and communicating with primordial forms of life. (Impossible to determine, results will vary heavily)
2. Experiencing the sensation of hearing the voice of an immortal speak direct. (Impossible to determine, results will vary heavily)
3. Experiencing the sensation of encountering a supernatural being while in a virtual plane of existence. (Impossible to determine, Results will vary heavily)

Result 22- Heightened momentary awareness
1. Observed the sensation of time slowing down. (Easy and confirm, results are consistent)
2. The sensation of time as it passes for this year seems longer then the other 27 years combined. (Difficult to recreate, results will vary)
3. Subjective experiencing of time was observed to pass slower. (Easy to recreate and confirm, results will be consistent)

Result 23- Recognition
1. Experiencing the sensation of remembering previous lives. (Extreme difficulty to recreate and confirm, results will vary)
2. Recalling the sensation of seeing anything and remembering that once I was this thing. (Difficult to recreate and confirm, results may vary)
3. Feeling more essence within. (Moderate to recreate and confirm, results may vary)
4. Sensation of seeing worlds within the memory (Moderate to recreate and confirm, results may vary)
5. Sensation of remembering being born in this life (Difficult to recreate and confirm, results may vary)
6. Sensation of remembering before this life. (Extremely Difficulty to recreate and confirm, results will vary)
7. Observed the spontaneous speaking of Sanskrit words, and that the voice was much more resonate. (Unpredictable, results will vary heavily)

Result 24- Perception
1. Sensation of seeing through the illusion of time. (Difficult to recreate and confirm results, results may)
2. Sensing or observing the unmoving fundamental realm that spins the illusion of time. (Difficult to recreate and confirm results, results may vary)

Result 25- Confusion
1. Periodical confusing. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
2. Confusing periods to see new energy for the first time. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
3. The mind fills up with questions. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
4. The confusing moments come like waves...confusion...clarity...confusing...clarity. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
5. Each time a wave (time period) of confusion passes, a wave of increased clarity follows (it’s starting to make sense!!!...I understand this). (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
6. In time the confusing waves become less frequent and less confusing. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)

Result 26- Dimensional
1. Difficulty describing what is seen. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
2. Multi-dimensional sensations. (Moderately easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)

Result 27- Waves of experience
1. Flat periods. . (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
2. Observed many periods of time when nothing is happening. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)
3. After continuing these flat periods become increasingly less frequent as things do change. (Easy to recreate and confirm results, results are consistent)

Results 28- Deja Vu
1. Observed an increase in the sensation known as deja vu. (Moderately difficult to recreate and confirm results, results may vary)


The Theory of Advanced Mind Altering predicts that by using the mind portal time graph tool the mind is activated into engaging new experiences that are easy to observe, can learn at an accelerated rate, and the body undergoes physiological changes- most notably in the eyes, but elsewhere to be observed as well. The mind experiences a perceptive shift that is noticeable and hard to classify to the subject involved in the experiment. The mind itself is changed and affected by seeing patterns of information spin into a spiral configuration, and many of these changes can be operated as tools for the mind as different configurations and patterns of information can be absorbed.

The materials to choose from and explore offer a wide range from alphabet systems, educational materials, meditation mantras, time-ranges information maps, and other possible systems of use. By combining the means of observing an information system while it is stationary and while it spins learning is accelerated as the information is received both consciously and subconsciously. This leads to a deeper understanding of the material being studied. Experimentation should confirm if this can be used to accelerate learning, produce specific results in monitoring biological systems, and how various information patterns cause various psychological changes. This theory predicts that experimentation and study will only confirm the opening statement of this discussion;that this is a tool for the mind, a means to accelerate learning, and produces physiological changes most notably in the eyes.

These are risky predictions; more confirmations will be needed to assess the overall results. The following events would refute this theory; if no one ever learns faster by using information systems, such as a language learning programmed pattern into a spiral map; that not a single person would ever learn faster. If no specific results emerge repeatedly by statistical evidence. If specific results are proven, this is evidence if it shows rational proportions of the same affects occurring from the same patterns. Psychological testing will reveal many affects occurring as a result of working with the mind portal. Not one in a million couldn’t refute observing affects and changes honestly if they performed the experiment at its full engagement and are closely monitored for determining. Further testing will tell.

This theory forbids the following things from happening:
-Anyone who engages in the experiment completely for a period of one year would be able to say they didn’t observe any affects and that close monitoring will indicate that there have been no affects. In every monitored case there will be evidence of psychological changes.

-That testing of the use of information systems such as language programs will not show supporting evidence for accelerating learning processes. The system of combining and containing information patterns to be received both passively by observing the pattern in spin, and actively, by reading it while it is steady won’t be observable.

-This theory strongly forbids that the eyes will not be affected, that the sense of sight will go undisturbed by change. It forbids that other senses will not experience a strong change either, that after completing the experiment, other sensations will not be experienced.

This theory should be refutable if any of these 3 forbidding statements is clearly proven to have occurred by the results of all sources generating the information collaborating the same proof. Testing should be aimed at refuting and falsifying this theory. The risks involved in refuting this test are unpredictable. Testing will produces results by which predictions will be made more evident for the testing means in question.

This theory remains at the moment unconfirmed by any rigorous testing as a serious and unsuccessful attempt to prove any of the events leading to clear and obvious results. It has been tested fully once with the noted observing at least 28 different results. This theory predicts which of those results will be easy to recreate, easy to confirm, and consistent if properly examined further by conducting a full 1-year experiment. Rigorous testing will either destroy the theory or further confirm it to be true and beyond a doubt a tool by which one can leverage psychological changes, accelerated learning, or sensual changes. If say, a means is found that repeatedly accelerates the learning process in nearly every subject engaged in using such a method, then it will no longer be possible to refute that it can be used to increase the results of learning.

The Theory of Advance Mind Altering is called such because it draws upon a tool that was developed by the mind for the mind that is used to alter, change, activate, draw upon, investigate, review, and perceive the mind in new ways. The method of using a mind portal time graph attractor map to configure patterns of information has not been available to the world of the past, as they did not have access to these ideas nor had they any idea to begin with concerning this advancement in the method of gathering the resources of intelligence, awareness, and perception. The theory also advances in that it can continue to advance beyond where it begins. Systems can exceed their beginning value to produce greater amounts of value, as the mind advances so will its abilities and methods. This would then increase abilities to perceive nature and use knowledge to assist an overall more preferable development
Last edited: I thought I would see where this goes. I wrote up a theory, it covers all of the grounds of a theory, in fact, I should formally thank SAM for providing the thread I used to gather the structure of composing this Theory.


And I thought I should thank the Sciforums as well, since this theory is here because of a chain of events that lead me here, else it may of never appeared.

Thank You SciForums!

Here is the link to that thread:

I was considering to post it in parts, because it is long. But no, I will post the whole here it is:
So, the methodology was to write down the stuff you did each day on some sort of circular graph and then observe it while it was being spun? Your report of the method is incomplete to say the least. Where's the data? What was written on the form? How was it spun? What was the environment when you did the spinning? What is the psychological backround of the test subject?

You have no control group, indeed only one data point, yourself.
That's a huge problem, enough to ignore the rest of your subjective "results".
But, to help you make better experiments in the future, how do you know that the results were not from:

1. Beneficial effects of meditation.
2. Beneficial effects of spinning.

Was it even important what you spun, or would anything work equally as well?

Until you do a better experiment, these results are irrelevent, and a waste of time.

How kind of you DeepTHought to post a picture of yourself to remind me to impart a word or two on behalf of handicapped people like yourself. If this theory holds up to the test, which IS CLEARLY stated by the 3 forbidding statements, then even handicapped people like yourself will stand much to benefit and be able to advance their thinking capacity. I suppose you got so excited you just had to post a picture of yourself in all the excitement!

By the way, everyone say hello to DeepThought!
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Fail. :rolleyes:

Move to pseudoscience.

Nice try whoever you are, :rolleyes: but it appears it has been moved to parapsychology. I am unconcerned, you are not the world qualifier of theories, You won't be thinking for everyone. This theory is too tough for you to stop, but your welcome to try.

Lets put it this way, you failed to disprove it, therefor you haven't done anything to kill it. Theory lives on until it is disproving by solid testing, there is no way around it. Do you think this is my last stop??? I am merely sharing it, and what you don't know is that I am getting contacts as you write your stupid evaluation which amounts to pity scratch against this theory. You made an attempt and did nothing, the theory isn't even scratched. I will be taking it and presenting it far and wide, the world is not a bunch of replicas of dimwits like yourself who think they have the authority to stop something that can't be stopped.


So, the methodology was to write down the stuff you did each day on some sort of circular graph and then observe it while it was being spun? Your report of the method is incomplete to say the least. Where's the data? What was written on the form? How was it spun? What was the environment when you did the spinning? What is the psychological backround of the test subject?

The data is right there, 1 person as you noted. Thats all it takes to start a theory, one person. Off course it is incomplete, the theory clearly stated itself that it is incomplete. Its not an experimental report, it is a theory that involves an incomplete experimental report. The data is on this map:

It was spun on this wheel:

The environment, was in a city on earth living like anyone lives. Europe. The theory doesn't stress the importance of environment, but that which it forbids. I am the first test subject, and I know I have a background in the Government files they accumulated over time. I don't know if they will share that with you. But I do agree that the environment and the psychological background are worth investigating, I have already considered this myself. Still, its a theory, not a report to some firm. You need to disprove the forbidden statements in order to destroy it, otherwise it lives on regardless of what anyone says or does.

You have no control group, indeed only one data point, yourself.
That's a huge problem, enough to ignore the rest of your subjective "results".
But, to help you make better experiments in the future, how do you know that the results were not from:

1. Beneficial effects of meditation.
2. Beneficial effects of spinning. data point...myself! One data point is emitting the signal and will continue to do so without stopping ever, until this theory is disproved beyond a doubt. The beneficial effects of spinning? Are you arguing for or against it? It says clearly that there are effects to watch out for from using different patterns in spin, without a code of information or data. It doesn't include the beneficial effects of meditation, they would not serve it directly to stand on its own feet. Though it does call for that act of watching the wheel spin with a code for one year, and this in itself is meditative. At the least, it calls for this type of meditating activity.

Was it even important what you spun, or would anything work equally as well?

That is one of the questions the theory is asking. It calls for one to make a set of tracks to keep track of their time, then spin those sets every day for a year straight and observe the difference. It would be easy to test, three control groups, one spins a code, one spins patterns, and the last spins a blank piece of paper. You will never get the same results, this I predict with the utmost certainty.

Until you do a better experiment, these results are irrelevent, and a waste of time.

You have mistaken this as an experiment, it is a Theory that is base on an experiment performed by a single unit as you say. Its you who needs the results to kill it. It can be tested. Its a testable theory. Thus, that doesn't stop it from being a theory, it lives on as a theory and can be passed around as a theory and shared with people who WILL be interested in this theory, as it calls for the experimenting itself. Thats what theories do, prove me wrong.

This is what needs to be proven to kill the Theory, otherwise there is nothing any of you can do about it, no matter how hard you try. The 3 statements below are your only chance, do the the test and prove me wrong. Otherwise the theory will only grow stronger, as all theories do the longer they go on.

This theory forbids the following things from happening:
-Anyone who engages in the experiment completely for a period of one year would be able to say they didn’t observe any affects and that close monitoring will indicate that there have been no affects. In every monitored case there will be evidence of psychological changes.

-That testing of the use of information systems such as language programs will show supporting evidence that for accelerating learning processes, the system of combining and containing information patterns to be received both passively by observing the pattern in spin, and actively, by reading it while it is steady won’t be observable.

-This theory strongly forbids that the eyes will not be affected, that the sense of sight will go undisturbed by change. It forbids that other senses will not experience a strong change either, that after completing the experiment, other sensations will not be experienced.
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In every monitored case there will be evidence of psychological changes.
I have no doubt whatsoever about that.
supporting evidence for accelerating learning processes...... won’t be observable.
I believe that to be true
This theory strongly forbids ..... that after completing the experiment, other sensations will not be experienced.
If your double negative is unintentional then I'm convinced this is also true because your writing skills seem to be affected.
This theory forbids the following things from happening:
-Anyone who engages in the experiment completely for a period of one year would be able to say they didn’t observe any affects and that close monitoring will indicate that there have been no affects. In every monitored case there will be evidence of psychological changes.

-That testing of the use of information systems such as language programs will show supporting evidence that for accelerating learning processes, the system of combining and containing information patterns to be received both passively by observing the pattern in spin, and actively, by reading it while it is steady won’t be observable.

-This theory strongly forbids that the eyes will not be affected, that the sense of sight will go undisturbed by change. It forbids that other senses will not experience a strong change either, that after completing the experiment, other sensations will not be experienced.

This theory should be refutable if any of these 3 forbidding statements is clearly proven to have occurred by the results of all sources generating the information collaborating the same proof. Testing should be aimed at refuting and falsifying this theory. The risks involved in refuting this test are unpredictable. Testing will produces results by which predictions will be made more evident for the testing means in question.

This theory remains at the moment unconfirmed by any rigorous testing as a serious and unsuccessful attempt to prove any of the events leading to clear and obvious results. It has been tested fully once with the noted observing at least 28 different results. This theory predicts which of those results will be easy to recreate, easy to confirm, and consistent if properly examined further by conducting a full 1-year experiment. Rigorous testing will either destroy the theory or further confirm it to be true and beyond a doubt a tool by which one can leverage psychological changes, accelerated learning, or sensual changes. If say, a means is found that repeatedly accelerates the learning process in nearly every subject engaged in using such a method, then it will no longer be possible to refute that it can be used to increase the results of learning.

The Theory of Advance Mind Altering is called such because it draws upon a tool that was developed by the mind for the mind that is used to alter, change, activate, draw upon, investigate, review, and perceive the mind in new ways. The method of using a mind portal time graph attractor map to configure patterns of information has not been available to the world of the past, as they did not have access to these ideas nor had they any idea to begin with concerning this advancement in the method of gathering the resources of intelligence, awareness, and perception. The theory also advances in that it can continue to advance beyond where it begins. Systems can exceed their beginning value to produce greater amounts of value, as the mind advances so will its abilities and methods. This would then increase abilities to perceive nature and use knowledge to assist an overall more preferable development[/I].

This theory of an information system directly affecting the physiological function of the eye is an absolutely true statement. Reality is entirely all-inclusive. It includes all the beliefs as well as the facts, all the mental and the physical sides. There is a complete absence of separation. The dark is absence of light. Light is truth and cannot be contradicted unless by lying. And information systems like the internet are consisted of elements of truth and false statements that are analogous to real and unreal. That which appears to the human eye is information and the mind creates the interpretation. As reality is an all-inclusive set containing mental and physical elements, mind and reality cannot be separated. Reality is contained in the mind via perceptual awareness all at once these processes are creating and containing information. Perception takes place and awareness is the complex network of the creative consciousness in which reality appears. Thoughts that are both true or false are governed by perception. Perception of both the inner and outer halves of the body concept or object are happening in but one reality or the monic term infocognition. Each moment the creative mind contains mental and "physical" information.
It's not a theory yet, it's a hypothesis.

It would be easy to test, three control groups, one spins a code, one spins patterns, and the last spins a blank piece of paper.
These groups should be made of more than one person each. There should be an additional group that simply sits without looking at a paper. Others should look at the code, the patterns, and the blank sheet without spinning.

Are you arguing for or against it?
Neither, just that the situation you set up is not rigorous enough to establish that anything out of the ordinary is going on.

This is what needs to be proven to kill the Theory...
That's not how science works. You have not been able to show there is anything happening at all. Experimenting on yourself to prove subjective psychological phenomenon is not valid.

How about taking some classes in basic science and scientific methods, maybe some psychology too?
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It's not a theory yet, it's a hypothesis.

These groups should be made of more than one person each. There should be an additional group that simply sits without looking at a paper. Others should look at the code, the patterns, and the black sheet without spinning.

A theory has different ways of being defined. I wouldn't mind hearing you elaborate or clarify if thats possible. Here is list of what a theory can be:

the·o·ry Audio Help /ˈθiəri, ˈθɪəri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ries.
1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
3. Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.
4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.
6. contemplation or speculation.
7. guess or conjecture.

I didn't bother to underline the last two, because I already know this does something, whereas other people don't. Though it still qualifies, it ranks 4 and 5 on the list of definitions, as the theory does not establish the principle. It does include a system of rules, these would be the principles of this

Neither, just that the situation you set up is not rigorous enough to establish that anything out of the ordinary is going on.

Outside of my self perhaps. Though I have established beyond any doubt to myself that some far from ordinary is going in here. To myself, there is no question about it. This single unit is reporting its data. The theory stresses that something is going on based on the reports of a single individual. I am not making things up here, they are being observed and reported. How you deal with that is up to you.

That's not how science works. You have not been able to show there is anything happening at all. Experimenting on yourself to prove subjective psychological phenomenon is not valid.

How about taking some classes in basic science and scientific methods, maybe some psychology too?

That doesn't stop me from being able to write a theory based on my experiences. I haven't been able to show to others that anything at all is happening, but I have proved it beyond all possible questioning for myself. TO argue to myself at this point would be illogical. I have clearly experienced and observed the results first hand, and anyone, I repeat anyone here repeats the test will experience beyond and doubt for themselves the same thing.

I would love to go back to school and study more, if I had the time. I am deeply interested in all subjects, especially psychology. My life may very well take a swift turn at some point and I may find myself with the time and resources to study and experiment in more conclusive manners.
This theory of an information system directly affecting the physiological function of the eye is an absolutely true statement. Reality is entirely all-inclusive. It includes all the beliefs as well as the facts, all the mental and the physical sides. There is a complete absence of separation. The dark is absence of light. Light is truth and cannot be contradicted unless by lying. And information systems like the internet are consisted of elements of truth and false statements that are analogous to real and unreal. That which appears to the human eye is information and the mind creates the interpretation. As reality is an all-inclusive set containing mental and physical elements, mind and reality cannot be separated. Reality is contained in the mind via perceptual awareness all at once these processes are creating and containing information. Perception takes place and awareness is the complex network of the creative consciousness in which reality appears. Thoughts that are both true or false are governed by perception. Perception of both the inner and outer halves of the body concept or object are happening in but one reality or the monic term infocognition. Each moment the creative mind contains mental and "physical" information.

Well said!

I find your wording to be very precise. Since it appears that you know this to be true and I know this to be true, the question then becomes how and what is this doing? Thats much more difficult to answer, I will eventually work up a much more complex theory that attempts to establish a grounding principle, from which knowledge can build on.
Personal anecdotes are not reliable evidence. Thus your report has all the significance of a religious revelation. Your first task should be to prove statistically that there is an effect.

Theories explain something. We don't even know what phenomenon you are trying to explain, since only you experience it.

The Tibetans used rotating apparatus inscribed with prayers in the same way. Maybe people just like rotating things. Maybe anything repetitive is calming. Maybe you are hypnotizing yourself.
You would be better off selling this as art than trying to pass off your hypothesis as science.

Oh man, people are actually believing you:

Thats one of the ways this theory will take off. The theory itself will get stronger and become more demanding as more and more people start reporting stuff. Off course there is no control group this way, only a lot of reports and a lot of confusion. This will, however, draw more and more attention, thus generating more and more reports, until the authorities have no option but to perform a controlled experiment. Once one country partakes in this, others will follow, whether officially or not. Why? Thats how the world is, despite the apparent trust between countries, there is under the surface still a competitive drive. People will want to know for themselves. This may sound far out now, but its going to happen. Its only a matter of time.

When it does, and when they find out HOW powerful this really is, well...then we have a paradigm breaker. I am not mentioning hardly anything here, and I have found that this stimulates the creative mind to start having tons of ideas for new inventions, I have listed many and worked out the details in my mind. Do you have any idea how deep this can get or what its potentials are?
Personal anecdotes are not reliable evidence. Thus your report has all the significance of a religious revelation. Your first task should be to prove statistically that there is an effect.

So long as I am the only one reporting this, what your saying holds true. If or when I might say, other people start reporting things, the significance will no longer be as such, but instead serve as a challenge to disprove. The reason I am releasing this is so that others may get involved in part includes the means by which I will get statistics, they won't be the most reliable, no, but they will become more reliable with every person that verifies.

Theories explain something. We don't even know what phenomenon you are trying to explain, since only you experience it.

This theory explains that this is changing the mind, altering it. It doesn't explain the physical process, just that that happens. That is also the phenomenon this theory directs attentions to. Though you are right, I cannot convey the full reality of what is happening when I enter a mind map spin, I don't think anyone on earth will be able to fully explain it, theres too many things happening. They will be able to explain some things, and thats enough to build on.

The Tibetans used rotating apparatus inscribed with prayers in the same way. Maybe people just like rotating things. Maybe anything repetitive is calming. Maybe you are hypnotizing yourself.

Link me up please!!! I am already interested in learning more of this. They might be able to help me? I wonder what they know??? I also wonder how similar this is to what they are doing, as my map includes all the things I do in a day, its a time map that shows the patterns generated and controlled by my mind as it chooses and acts in habitual ways. I want to know more about these Tibetans.