Admitting you had sex with your picnic table would be hard...

I'd suggest you actually read what I highlighted before accusing me of having 'reading comprehension problems'. I pointed out that the neighbour had filmed him having sex in his bedroom first, before filming him walking out on his deck and bonking his outdoor table.:rolleyes:

The difference is that of course having sex inside was not agains the law and the neighbour was an idiot not editing the recorded material. He should be sued for invasion of privacy for the indoor part...

The point still stands, it is the outdoor act that caused the problem...
what the hell is the point of having fences if you cant have sex in your back yard under the star light:(

Thats what summer is FOR:mad:
I wonder if he would have been charged if he was having sex ON the picnic table in the back yard?

Yes, if he can be seen from the outside. It is called indecency. See the practicing stripper story...
Syzygys im sorry i worded that badly
I didnt mean if he COULD be charged i ment WOULD he be. Or would those peeping tom nabors have just kept the tape for themselves
Draqon said:

anyone? did he use a lubricant or not?

Calm thyself. Take a cold shower.

We don't know. That information has is not readily available.