Admitting you had sex with your picnic table would be hard...

That guy must have been really bored. What next? Knotholes in trees?

LOL, I know a guy that did that. He was drunk as hell and did it on a dare. Brings a whole new meaning to the word woody.
Embarrassing part for him was that it worked. :D

I wonder why his neighbors felt compelled to involve the table? Just call the cops and say the guy is masturbating outside where it can be seen. Leave it at that.
Oh, sure, people should be able to fuck who or whatever they want in public veiw because "american's are too uptight" anyway.
Is that why the Muslims call us the great satan?Is that why porn is so popular? Is that why people fit their 5 year olds with thong underwear and low cut jeans? Is that why 1 in 4 of teenage girls have STDs.
I guess some will use anything to take a jab at the U.S.
Now excuse me while I go fuck my lawn furnature IN PRIVATE.
I wonder why his neighbors felt compelled to involve the table?

It was the GUY who involved it, not the neighbours... :)

By the way beaside the dead deer, we have dead horse screwers:

"SUPERIOR, Wis. - A 20-year-old man received probation after he was convicted of having sexual contact with a dead deer. The sentence also requires Bryan James Hathaway to be evaluated as a sex offender and treated at the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Duluth, Minn.

“The state believes that particular place is the best to provide treatment for the individual,” Assistant District Attorney Jim Boughner said.

Hathaway’s probation will be served at the same time as a nine-month jail sentence he received in February for violating his extended supervision.

He was found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animal after he killed a horse with the intention of having sex with it. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail and two years of extended supervision on that charge as well as six years of probation for taking and driving a vehicle without the owner’s consent.

Hathaway pleaded no contest earlier this month to misdemeanor mistreatment of an animal for the incident involving the deer. He was sentenced Tuesday in Douglas County Circuit Court.

“The type of behavior is disturbing,” Judge Michael Lucci said. “It’s disturbing to the public. It’s disturbing to the court.”"


Now finding an already dead deer and trying to screw it is just oppostunist, but killing a horse to have sex with it, that is cruel...
Some people here have reading comprehension problems. Even you quoted that he WALKED OUT on the deck and screwed the table there OUTSIDE. Who the fuck has a picnic table INSIDE anyway???

Now when you are outside of your house, you can be publicly seen. There was a similar case when a stripper was practicing OUTSIDE in her garden on a pole and it slowed down traffic and schoolbusses were passing by. So local laws can make it illegal what you do in your garden if you can be seen.

It can be called a public nuisance...

I'd suggest you actually read what I highlighted before accusing me of having 'reading comprehension problems'. I pointed out that the neighbour had filmed him having sex in his bedroom first, before filming him walking out on his deck and bonking his outdoor table.:rolleyes:

The article did not say who or what he was having sex with in his bedroom. I was merely pointing out the fact that the neighbour had been filming him while he was in his bedroom prior to his 'assault' on the table. Hence why I was asking if the neighbour should also be charged with invading Price's privacy for filming his sex act in his bedroom... prior to his having sex with the table.:p
That guy must have been really bored. What next? Knotholes in trees?

My cousin's wife used to be the head nurse in an emergency room and the stories she would tell us..:bugeye: The worst would have to have been one guy who arrived at the emergency room, looking scared and wearing a long coat on a very hot summer night. He had tried to have sex with a kitten, it died during the 'act' and he became "stuck". One of the interns apparently turned green and had to rush out to go and throw up. The police, psychiatrists and surgeons were immediately called. As she said, any temptation to laugh or even find it amusing were immediately dashed when looking at this guy and the dead kitten... depraved was one word she used.

I remember in law school hearing of cases where men and women had been arrested for public indecency breaches for having sex with trees and tree stumps, furniture and animals, amongst other things.
....the neighbour had filmed him having sex in his bedroom first, before filming him walking out on his deck and bonking his outdoor table.:rolleyes:

The article did not say who or what he was having sex with in his bedroom. I was merely pointing out the fact that the neighbour had been filming him while he was in his bedroom prior to his 'assault' on the table. Hence why I was asking if the neighbour should also be charged with invading Price's privacy for filming his sex act in his bedroom... prior to his having sex with the table.:p

I hope he gets a good lawyer and the videos get tossed for that very reason. All of them
They illegally filmed him in his home first, which led them to film him outside. If a cop illegally searches my car which leads him to legally search my home, it can all be tossed because the evidence he got in the illegal act led him to the other.
A note on the cyclesexualist

Avatar said:

Table? That's nothing. One dude in the UK was prosecuted for having sex with a bicycle.

What was never clear to me was what part of the bicycle he was screwing. Did it have a gel seat? I mean, it's still depraved, but that, at least, would bypass the absurdity of humping a tree or banging a hole in a piece of metal. Why not drill a hole in a department store mannequin? It's probably cheaper than a high-quality sex doll. But even the cheap dolls are somewhat pliable and accommodating.
Avatar said:

Tiassa, it was oral sex with the handle.

Oh, like, gag me with a pitchfork. I mean, bicycle handle. I mean ... never mind ....
They illegally filmed him in his home first, which led them to film him outside. If a cop illegally searches my car which leads him to legally search my home, it can all be tossed because the evidence he got in the illegal act led him to the other.

Doesn't matter, the evidence for public space is still sound.
Think about it. If he was filming him arguing with his wife then later the came out and the argument resulted in him killing his wife, would you discard the evidence just because of privacy?

No judge, in Europe at least, would do that, because it would be stupid, because the evidence is right there in front of your eyes.

In a Latvian court the inside house evidence would probably be discarded from the start, because it doesn't have anything to do with the case of having public sex with a table (grins), but the outside footage would be all fine and usable.

The convicted person may later sue the filmer for privacy, but not for public space videos.
Couldn't be tossed in Latvia, we have no jury to intimidate with stupidity. Judges mostly are very professional and we don't have case law, so previous incompetence can not be used against judges. If there is clear, undenyable proof it won't be discarded because of issues with procedure - that would be against justice.
again with the cucumbers

Oh in furtherance to bells there was a story in the melbourne train paper a few years ago of a women who presented in an A&E with a mobile stuck in her vagina. She had been using it as a vibrator (put on vibrate, put it in and then kept calling herself) and it got stuck

To be honest i dont REALLY see the problem with this case, its not something I would do but then who cares?

HOWEVER the nabors should be charged under the peeping tom legislation for filming him inside the house and the filming leglislation for both inside and out.

I wonder if he would have been charged if he was having sex ON the picnic table in the back yard?

Sounds to me like that case tiassa posted a while ago where a nabor (who didnt like gays) called to report a home invader in his nabors house so that the police would charge his nabor (and his BF) with having gay sex