adam and eve


The entire Adam and Eve story is about choice. Before Adam and Eve there were certainly humanoid type creatures that inhabited the Earth, but they were of a different kind or species. Adam and Eve were the first humans to be created in God's image. They were made immortal, perfect and intelligent beings. They were set apart from the rest of the world in the Garden of Eden, which was also in a perfect condition. Everything was perfect except for one thing. They were given free will but there were no real opposing choices for them. God provided two conflicting directives, which forced them to make a choice. One directive was to multiply and replenish the Earth; the other was not to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. They could either live forever in thier little paradise alone never really growing because they did not know good from evil, or they could choose to disobey God and become mortal. By becoming mortal they could then have children and obey God's second directive. God could not force them to choose either way. Adam and Eve had to choose for themselves which way to go. Satan thought that by getting Adam and Eve to eat the fruit that it would thwart God's plan for mankind, but he was actually falling right into God's plan. By convincing Eve to take the fruit and then having Eve convince Adam to do the same it caused Adam and Eve to fall from there perfect immortal state. Outside the garden there was death and pain and hardship. It was the world that we know today. Adam and Eve had to leave the garden and enter this world. Now even though they were now mortal they were still made in God's image. They were intelligent beings. Before all this happened Satan pretty well had a run of the place except for the garden. By putting Adam and Eve out there he was putting them in jeopardy from Satan and his fallen minions. God made it so Adam and Eve and their seed would be slightly above Satan so they could be tempted but not totally overcome and destroyed by him. "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thau shalt bruise thy heel." this statement had two meanings, the one was to protect Adam, and Eve and their seed from Satan. The other was a foreshadowing of Christ’s atonement that Christ would come and atone for our sins and forever break the bonds of death. Thus thwarting Satan.
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total fantasy brutus....about as convincing and plausible as the walt disney-like cartoon that illustrates this nonesense

I can't be bothered to seriously debate it. but one esential point...."Satan" assume Satan was the serpent....actually the character of Satan who originally was a trickster-helper of "God" so as to 'test' 'his' 'creatures'...wasn't introduced to the Bible until after Genesis was written

The Serpent was very known by all the pagan peoples the Hebrews sought to supporess with their creation myth. Serpent was guardian of the sacred Garden and Tree and Fruit of Goddess

So it is not 'God versus "Satan" being carried out via this PATRIARCHAL creation myth, but rather 'God' versus GODDESS....!


I think you have some serious gender issues. Are you saying that you believe in a female God and "She" is being suppressed by her own male creations? I know a lot of feminists think that the problem with society is that men seem to dominate, but it is really just a simple a matter of evolution. In primitive times Men were the hunters and women were the gatherers. In order for the human race to survive the man had to be strong to provide food and protect women so they could bare the next generation. This is how our species adapted to a hostile environment. Many of our gender roles are based on this and are encoded in our DNA. Women still to this day look for a protector in a mate. In today’s age it isn't always in the physical strength in a man but most women still look for a provider. I am not saying that every woman and every man is like this because obviously they are not. However, the bulk of humanity is definitely subject to this and going against it is to go against possibly millions of years of evolution.

Today the government has taken over many of the male gender rolls. So many women no longer see a need to look for a protector. The problem with this is that men are still hard wired for this purpose by their DNA. This is causing all sorts of social problems such as crime, gangs, and abuse of women and children. Men are losing their purpose and they are lashing out.
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Brutus1964 said:

I think you have some serious gender issues. Are you saying that you believe in a female God and "She" is being suppressed by her own male creations? I know a lot of feminists think that the problem with society is that men seem to dominate, but it is really just a simple a matter of evolution. In primitive times Men were the hunters and women were the gatherers. In order for the human race to survive the man had to be strong to provide food and protect women so they could bare the next generation. This is how our species adapted to a hostile environment. Many of our gender roles are based on this and are encoded in our DNA. Women still to this day look for a protector in a mate. In today’s age it isn't always in the physical strength in a man but most women still look for a provider. I am not saying that every woman and every man is like this because obviously they are not. However, the bulk of humanity is definitely subject to this and going against it is to go against possibly millions of years of evolution.

Today the government has taken over many of the male gender rolls. So many women no longer see a need to look for a protector. The problem with this is that Men are still hard wired for this purpose in their DNA. This is causing all sorts of social problems such as crime, gangs, and abuse of women and children. Men are losing their purpose and they are lashing out.

You see Brutus, you are creating another dodgy myth.....
we are not talking about MUSCLES here--and actually many women are STRONGER than an average man with what they have to phyically deal with
But the ESSENTIAL thing we are discussing, or I am at any rate is the ACTUALITY of patriarchal myth denigrating Goddess and this femininity

i dont think you understand the significance of this Brutus. what it has doen to our bodyminds through the propaganda over the millenia

for example, Goddess was ALWAYs related with Nature. This Earth was her body, hence the old term 'Mother Nature' or 'Mother Earth'.
so, can you not see, that when Goddess is demonized and then phased completly out, then SO is Nature?
And this is what happened. Is happening. Absolutely norespect for women or Nature. see what the men (admittedly and women, but you have to see it is all based on patriarchal principles, just to survive in this world!) are doing to Nature NOW!

So these stories/myths we live by. it is EXTREMELY important we explore them to their bones. cause if not we can get sucked onto all forms of nonesense. nonesense which is hardly harmless.....!

You say that Christianity is a rip off of many other pagan religions. Yes it is true that pagans have stories, symbols, traditions, beliefs, and rituals that are similar to Christianity. You think that just because Christianity is not as old as those religions that we must have borrowed from them. However that perception is because you are viewing Christianity to have started when Christ was on the Earth. The fact is that God existed before any pagan religion. It was the pagans that co-opted the true teachings for themselves. Satan has a very effective technique of taking truth and then corrupting it as a way of discrediting the original truth. We say that since a symbol is used by a pagan religion then that symbol must have originated from the devil. When in fact it came from God but was co-opted by the devil for his purposes. There is only one truth and it comes from God. All lies and deception come from the devil. By following God he can help us discern right and wrong and choose the right path.
Brutus1964 said:

I think you have some serious gender issues. Are you saying that you believe in a female God and "She" is being suppressed by her own male creations? I know a lot of feminists think that the problem with society is that men seem to dominate, but it is really just a simple a matter of evolution. In primitive times Men were the hunters and women were the gatherers. In order for the human race to survive the man had to be strong to provide food and protect women so they could bare the next generation. This is how our species adapted to a hostile environment. Many of our gender roles are based on this and are encoded in our DNA. Women still to this day look for a protector in a mate. In today’s age it isn't always in the physical strength in a man but most women still look for a provider. I am not saying that every woman and every man is like this because obviously they are not. However, the bulk of humanity is definitely subject to this and going against it is to go against possibly millions of years of evolution.

Today the government has taken over many of the male gender rolls. So many women no longer see a need to look for a protector. The problem with this is that men are still hard wired for this purpose by their DNA. This is causing all sorts of social problems such as crime, gangs, and abuse of women and children. Men are losing their purpose and they are lashing out.
Somebody once said - Men are either Preditors or Protectors. If Men are not allowed to be Protectors they often revert to the alternative.
oh pulEEEZE! is that what you think they are doing? being "protectors" of what? surely only their god, PROFIT

they surely aren't protecting a significant porportion of our species who are dying of poverty, living in impoverishment. ...aren't protecting all the species being driven extinct, all of Nature being posioned

and you point IS?