adam and eve


Registered Senior Member
do christians accually believe that the entire human race started with these two people? I simply don't understand how this is possible. I was recently reading an article about the midochondrian. The midochondria of a cell only share the dna of the mother and nothing of the father. Everyones midochondrial dna is supposed to orginate to 7 diffent orgins around the world. Unless there were 7 differnt adam and eves how is this possible. Also what about genetic mutation. If adam and eve had children then the entire human race would be dependant on their children having intercourse. Result Genetic mutation. Autism for example. I doubt a generation of autistic children could create great civilizations.

I’m sure most sensible people will conclude as you do about the nonsense of the A&E story being literal, however, Christians have cornered themselves with the Jesus and original sin story and many of them feel forced to accept the A&E story as true or accept that Christianity is nonsense. They are caught betwen a rock and a hard place.

The purpose of JC was to save mankind from his sinful nature that was begun and caused by A&E. If A&E never actually existed then the basis for Christianity vaporizes.
TheHeretic, you shouldn't interpretent Bible stories literaly, they are writting symbolically. Today's language usage is only aimed at the empiric so people tend to not understand what the Bible's content is all about.
I think the authors of the stories in the bible had no clear idea of that themselves. I think they had a vage impression of a start. Well, I can't know that, it's merely intuition...or prejudices from myself.

The christian point of view? Isn't that an obsolete term these days with the secularisation? People who are catholic don't necessarily believe what the church says (like in the middle-ages).

Actually, mutation occurs if two people do not have enough genetic differences. A baby formed from two people who are too geneticaly similar will result in a baby that has a genetic disorder. This really only happens through a history of imbreeding in a family. Chances are that if you had sex with your mother/sister (please excuse the crude example), the baby would turn out fine. Don't get me wrong, the entire human race couldn't possibly have been formed from two people, but I do think that they would have been fine for a couple generations.
It does not state in the Bible that Adam and Eve were the first humans, or the first beings, whatever you may want to call them. Actually it says pretty clearly that they were not.


TheHeretic said:
do christians accually believe that the entire human race started with these two people?

Hello there,

So what do you believe? That the whole human race ultimately came from a rock?

Lori_7 said:
It does not state in the Bible that Adam and Eve were the first humans, or the first beings, whatever you may want to call them. Actually it says pretty clearly that they were not.



Hiya Lori,

Could you please point out the passages in the Bible or whatever that says that someone other than Adam and Eve were the first human beings?

Many Thanks

Dave my friend are you aware of evolution? Obviously not. You must be living in the 1400's. Are you aware that there is scientific evidece for this theory. I havent heard any scientific evidence for god yet
Lori_7 said:
It does not state in the Bible that Adam and Eve were the first humans, or the first beings, whatever you may want to call them. Actually it says pretty clearly that they were not.



Read the part when Paul says as one man sins, we all sin. Another passage says as one man entered the world, sin entered the world, and death entered through sin.

If we don't all come from Adam and Even, those passages don't make sense. Any Christian can just say my ancester are not Adam and Eve and therefore I don't have this original sin to atone for.
TheHeretic said:
Dave my friend are you aware of evolution? Obviously not. You must be living in the 1400's. Are you aware that there is scientific evidece for this theory. I havent heard any scientific evidence for god yet

Hello there,

Are you aware that there isn't any scientific evidence that "proves" we came from a rock?

This whole evolution thing confuses me........If the universe started from an explosion or from stars colliding or whatever what caused the explosion or where did the Stars come from? If indeed something cant come from nothing then where do Evolutionists get there theory from (and thats all it is....a theory) You can go back a zillion years and you wouldnt get an explosion if there to cause it so please explain to me how "matter" came into being? It seems more sensible to believe that there is an Enitity that got that "ball rolling"....but thats just my opinion ;)
Stars came from the residue of the big bang. The simplest subatomic particals condensed out of its energy just as water condenses out of steam. These combine and form hydrogen. This contracts into an ever shrinking cloud. The cloud becomes dense enough to begin fusion and then you have a star.

The evolution of life only a tiny facet of the development of the universe.
The trouble with the Entity solution is just that: if the Universe came about because of an Entity, how did that Entity come about? Did the Entity come from nothing? You're actually no further forward. Occam's Razor, however, states that you should not multiply unnecessary entities, which in this case would be a Creator God.

As we observe the Universe we find that what we see performs as it does because of natural laws, ultimately governed by mathematical relationships. If we are investigating the creation of the Universe we continue to find these laws operating. At a certain point we cannot make deductions from our current laws, and in fact we believe those laws to be complete. But the inference is clear: everything that happens in the Universe that we can study is down to physical law, so the creation of the Universe is likely to be due to physical laws - some concatenation of circumstances we don't currently understand which necessitated the creation of the Universe as we now see it. It is perfectly possible that we will never be able to get at the Ultimate laws that governed the creation of the Universe, but we infer their presence .... well, by our presence.

The initial Big Bang may have come from Nothing. Particle pairs come from apparent Nothing all the time, and recombine and mutually annihilate. It is because of this that Stephen Hawking promulgated the concept of what is now called Hawking Radiation, the radiation that is apparently emitted (at very high frequencies) by a Black Hole. Particle pairs come into existence, but on particle falls within the Schwartschild Radius and is lost forever to the Black Hole, but the other particle now can no longer re-join it and annihilate with its partner. The entire Universe may have come about due to a zero point energy fluctuation which created our Universe and an Anti-Universe.

TheHeretic said:
do christians accually believe that the entire human race started with these two people? I simply don't understand how this is possible. I was recently reading an article about the midochondrian. The midochondria of a cell only share the dna of the mother and nothing of the father. Everyones midochondrial dna is supposed to orginate to 7 diffent orgins around the world. Unless there were 7 differnt adam and eves how is this possible. Also what about genetic mutation. If adam and eve had children then the entire human race would be dependant on their children having intercourse. Result Genetic mutation. Autism for example. I doubt a generation of autistic children could create great civilizations.
Sorry, TheHeretic, I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Is this an argument against the Bible, or against Evolution? It seems it could apply to either!
davewhite04 said:
Hiya Lori,

Could you please point out the passages in the Bible or whatever that says that someone other than Adam and Eve were the first human beings?

Many Thanks

When their only remaining son went off to live with other people is one passage (Genesis 4, is it?) where other people than what we could term the First Family either already existed or were the result of a secondary creation. Also, I believe the bible first says (paraphrasing) "God created Man in his own image. Male and Female created he them." and only subsequently told the story of Adam being formed from the earth and Eve being created a "help meet for him" from his rib.

The basic creation story is, I believe, from the E (Elohim) document, with the Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, snake, the Fall, Cain and Abel being part of the J (Jaweh or YHWH) document.

ETA: Indeed, the creation of Man told in the E document (which forms the first chapter and the first three verses of the second chapter) is Genesis I:26. Genesis 2:4 reads:
These [are] the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens​
- where LORD God indicates the use of the tetragrammaton YHWH, and this is the start of the J document. Then verse 7 reads
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.​
The first appearance of the name Adam is verse 19, and that verse also contains LORD God, YHWH, and is the J document.
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surenderer said:
You can go back a zillion years and you wouldnt get an explosion if there to cause it so please explain to me how "matter" came into being?
why not?
matter probably always existed,some cosmologists suggest matter and anti matter coliding and creating our visible universe.
whats beyond that,who knows?
you might want to do some search on theories of universe/cosmology/big bang etc.

It seems more sensible to believe that there is an Enitity that got that "ball rolling"....but thats just my opinion ;)
and who created that entity?

science tells us that matter cannot be destroyed or created only changed so obviously the universe must have always existed in some form or shape.
could it be eternal?sure looks like that

anyhow we can only see very small part of the universe and we sure as hell dont have clue about all the forces/dimensions in the universe,and probably never will
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Q25 said:
davewhite04 said:
So what do you believe? That the whole human race ultimately came from a rock?

yeah third rock from the Sun.
No, in fact we are all made from star stuff.
We are stardust, we are golden
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden
We are stardust,we are a billion year old carbon,
we are golden
We just got caught up in some devil's bargain
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Joni Mitchell