ACLU to the rescue: another Larry Craig story

Is sexual intercourse in a locked public restroom stall a private act?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Other (Um ... er ... I ... don't ... know?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
First and formost i would like to point out there is a difference between desreatly laying on eachother and going for it and bending someone over a park bench. For god sake you guys are conflicted. On one hand you say sex is something dirty that should be kept secret like tinia and on the other you all get pitures of people bening over park benches

Now on to the rest

madanthonywayne The reason i asked about homeless people is because it is actually concidered a social justice issue as to where homeless people can drink in SA. The same would go for sex. If its a legal activity they have the same right to do it as you do wether you would do it WITH them or not. If they can get laid good on them, why should your distate for the idea mean they must be celibate. Sex is a natural urge for ALL sexual species INCLUDING humans, its only the religious nuts that have made it a dirty word. Look around, do you see chickens hiding sex from there chicks? what about chimps? Just because they do it around kids doesnt mean they do it WITH kids

How many of you have kids??
when those kids were babies how many of you slept with them in the same room?
How many of you walked around naked in front of those babies?

You dont have to answer just think about it
we spend to much time persicuting sex rather than the real problems in our sociaty LIKE DRINK DRIVING

Americans think that being randomly breath tested is police harrasment but stings to catch you having sex isnt????????????
come on
madanthonywayne The reason i asked about homeless people is because it is actually concidered a social justice issue as to where homeless people can drink in SA. The same would go for sex.
What's SA?
If its a legal activity they have the same right to do it as you do wether you would do it WITH them or not. If they can get laid good on them, why should your distate for the idea mean they must be celibate.
I never said they had to be celibate. Most big cities have rooms you can rent by the hour. Or there's bushes. I'm just not in favor of bathroom sex. It's a small space. It's disgusting enough already with semen stains to add to it!
Americans think that being randomly breath tested is police harrasment but stings to catch you having sex isnt?
I actually agree that the police shouldn't waste time on that. Unless there'd been a complaint or something.
South Australia, we were having a debate about tighter restrictions on public drinking and it became a social justice issue when people realised that not everyone has access to a home or will be allowed on licensed premise because of there appearance. The same thing applies in this case as well

And who said they could afford a room at a hotel? To be perfectly honest i really don't care if you want to ban sex in public toilets, I just think its a silly attitude when your fine with parks. For those who don't want there kids exposed to sex (which wouldn't surprise me with some of the sex ED programs America runs) at least a toilet door has a lock on it unlike a bush. I seriously have to wonder how many of you have gone to a restaurant and had a quickie in the toilets. Americans are to prudish for my liking. Do you know that SHINE (the South Australian sexual health organisation) actually provides a list of prostitutes who will cater to people with physical and mental disabilities. I bet there is nothing like that in the US

The other matter is that of police resources and i DEFINITLY agree with you that there are better things for them to be doing than stings of this nature.
I don't think kids are actually all that disturbed by sex. Its the parents who don't want to answer awkward questions. Kids more so little ones will understand anything given an explaination. I work with little kids they never argue about anything I tell them.
Notes Around

Asguard said:

Americans think that being randomly breath tested is police harrasment but stings to catch you having sex isnt?

You're looking at a couple of different issues there.

Random breath tests are, as the argument goes, are improper seizure of evidence without cause. This is prohibited by the United States Constitution (Fourth Amendment).

Police stings regarding sex? Now that's another issue. At present, it is illegal to have sex in certain places. If the ACLU wins its argument, what will happen is that Larry Craig's guilty plea will be thrown out, and the airport will simply establish a rule on its property that you can't have sex in the bathroom. What happens then is that if there is a persistent problem, the police will start hanging out and busting people who break the rule. The only reason the police were working that scene in the first place is because there was, allegedly, an ongoing problem. This is how the police operate. They do the same thing with traffic issues. If there's a stretch of road where people are constantly speeding or driving dangerously, the police start targeting the area. Admittedly, there are still rapes and murders taking place, but if you're going to be writing speeding tickets at all, you might as well go to where there's actually a problem.

There are some sex stings that are just ridiculous. With everything else going on in Seattle, the police actually set up an escort service a couple years ago, and busted the customers.

How many of you have kids??
when those kids were babies how many of you slept with them in the same room?
How many of you walked around naked in front of those babies?

I protest the grouping of these questions. Specifically the second and third. As to the fourth, I actually don't remember. I would hope not, since the sex wouldn't have been that good, anyway. (I would say my girlfriend didn't know how to f@ck, except that, in the strictest functional sense, that would be untrue, as the presence of my daughter suggests.)

However, to address those questions:

• My daughter is five, and I long ago stopped trying to keep her from sleeping beside me. It unsettles her mother, but I don't care about that. In fact, I generally don't worry about it at all.

• It is almost inevitable that my daughter sees me in various states of undress. The point is that I don't make a big deal out of it. So I don't lock doors behind me, don't yell at her to stay away. My whole theory is that the less emphasis I put on the sexual aspects of our bodies, the less emphasis she will put on them.​

And that last is why I protest the grouping of the questions. Our bodies simply are. Tying simple nakedness to sexuality suggests that you have not yet escaped some of the presuppositions you're criticizing. Or, at least, tying simple nakedness to sexuality is symptomatic of the prudishness you're criticizing.

Like I said, there are times and places for sex in public. But there's also such a thing as good taste. What's the difference to you, for instance, if "it just looks like people are laying on each other" or bending someone over a park bench? Why be discrete, if it's no big deal?

And as to social justice: I hear you, man. Really, I do. But there is no inalienable right to get laid.

On the one hand, I wish there was. To the other, though, that would take all the fun out of it.

• • •​

CutsieMarie89 said:

I don't think kids are actually all that disturbed by sex. Its the parents who don't want to answer awkward questions. Kids more so little ones will understand anything given an explaination. I work with little kids they never argue about anything I tell them.

First off, welcome to the insane asylum. We hope you enjoy your time with us. To the other, well ....

Have you ever seen two men having sex with each other? Even as one who enjoys being on the receiving end, I don't find the sight of it particularly pretty. While I've never been truly brutally reamed, I don't recall it ever being delicate and gentle, the way I always had to be with my last female partner. Hell, I can take it harder than she can. Of all the things I would imagine myself reasonably prepared for, explaining the sight of two men engaged in anal sex is not on the list. Neither am I confident I could give a good explanation of fellatio.

On the off-chance that it comes up, since I probably won't be able to get hold of you in the moment and ask your advice, have you any suggestions on either of those counts?
tiassa personally I dont care about nuidy. Mum used to shower with my sister to save water untill she was to old for them both to fit in the shower (so yes she was quite old)

My point is that in Australia we get American movies
nudity and sex seems to be abhorient to Americans where as vilonce is treated as normal and common place

Why is your sociaty that way?

surly it should be the other way around with sex and especially nudity being unimportant and vilonce being censored

For example when that singer pulled off her shirt and let her tits hang out the media reports were shown here here. The US media ripped her to shreads and why? For what good reason? why are americans so ashamed about there bodies??

yes tiassa i may have been a little harsh in putting nudity and sex together I never ment that being nude around your child had anything to do with anything sexual. I was trying to point out, badly it didnt.

Another thing, i have herd about some of the sex ED programs run in the US, where they ONLY teach about abstanance rather than SAFE sex. THAT sickens me not 2 people, old, young, ugly, fat, whatever having sex. The thought that people would rather have there kids catch, AIDS, STD's or teenage pregnancy rather than teach young people the facts of life

Sex is a natural act nothing dirty about it and the human body is a beautiful thing.
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Asguard said:

My point is that in Australia we get American movies
nudity and sex seems to be abhorient to Americans where as vilonce is treated as normal and common place

Why is your sociaty that way?


Really. Truly. It's a complicated thing, but we obsess ourselves with what we oppose. In the end, the prudes spend more time thinking about sex than the rest of us.

For example when that singer pulled off her shirt and let her tits hang out the media reports were shown here here. The US media ripped her to shreads and why? For what good reason?

Something like 95% of the Federal Communication Commission's obscenity complaints are generated within a fairly narrow band of people. The Janet Jackson episode was, perhaps, the culmination of a long process. The situation was bound to come to a head at some point.

As to the media, they just follow scandal because, in our prudish, Puritan sensibilities, scandal (and the opportunity to judge harshly) sells.

Another thing, i have herd about some of the sex ED programs run in the US, where they ONLY teach about abstanance rather than SAFE sex.

A bit I've posted about that a few times recently ... um ... where is it ...?

Oh, here it is. Okay, you can skip part of the post, but read through the long quote from Michelle Goldberg's talk in Seattle last year: #1586886/283

Sex is a natural act nothing dirty about it and the human body is a beautiful thing.

Well, right. But sometimes it's fun to be dirty. And that, incidentally, is part of the point of getting laid in a public restroom stall.
i have to go take my partner to the airport and i want a LOT of time to crush that piece of drivel so i will respond when i get back
OK I'm back (no we didn't have a quickie, my partner is terrified of flying so i spent the time comforting her actually)

I would like to start by giving you a link to sHine
This is the South Australian sexual health organisation

I was going to copy some of the curriculum but i have decided its to complicated for me to copy so if anyone wants to check my parphrasing please check the word document under teaching resources on that website

Now some of the things covered in Sexual health (in no particular order)
A&P of the reproductive organs both male and female
Options for unwanted pregnancies including ABORTION
Religious and cultural views of sex

Now on to your religious nutcase

Firstly i would LOVE to see a defamation suit brought by Ansell or Four Seasons against that drivel

Secondly Doesn't that breach the constitution? I thought the constitution divided church and state and banned religions from public schools. If Christmas is banned because its a religious festival then the lies (out of he own mouth) she is teaching kids in public school because "sex before marriage is a sin" would DEFINITLY contrive that ban.

Thirdly why is it you would rather have kids having sex WITHOUT protection because they don't feel that anything will protect them from STD's, AIDS and unwanted pregnancies

Fourthly Its no wonder you have such a high birth rate if this drivel is the normal sexual education

Fifthly how much pressure does that place on your economy because of the responsibility to care for all the AID's cases, treat the STD's and care for the unwanted children of parents who are only 14

My partner has a 16 year old friend. This friend dropped out of school before all the sex ED was taught. She has NEVER used a condom while having sex, she has had ATLEST 4 partners in the time i have known her so god knows what she has caught. She also rings up my partner every month because she always things she is pregnant. When i first met her she thought that kissing was what got you pregnant, that the withdrawal method stopped pregnancy and a whole LIST of things. My partner has had to buy her the morning after pill 3 times.

Is this what you really want for your child?
I know every parent doesn't think there child is having sex, sorry to tell you but my partners 13 year old sister is probably having sex. She has also had at least 5 boyfriends in the last 2 years. I HOPE she knows what she is doing if she is.

There is no statistical evidence that abstanace programs actually work but safe sex programs DO work. would you rather your daughters first sexual experience be somewhere she felt safe or drunk and probably drugged in the back of some bar or bushes where she cant get help if she needs to???

What about emergency contraceptives?
How is the morning after pill dispensed in the US?
At the moment its an over the counter pharmacy medication, no prescription required (although the pharmacist will talk to you about the implications of the drug ect). when we first started having sex we had a condom break on a weekend. My partner walked up and they gave it to her on the spot, with only relevant questions asked.
Our FORMER health minister, Tony Abbot (a Christan nut) found out that it was being given to 13 year olds and wanted it made prescription only. He was overruled by people in his own right wing party who reminded him that if you take that option away, then there will be more teenage pregnancy

I have really pulled this thread off topic, I really couldn't care less if someone wants to have sex in a toilet, that's there decision but its the whole attitude that's the problem
Sex can be nice and dirty but it shouldn't be illegal. Anything done by consenting adults that doesn't HARM other people (no having sex in a toilet doesn't harm you) should be legal. There is a serious problem when the government starts interfering in peoples sex-life. They should give ACCURATE health information and then leave it up to the people involved as to what they want to do.

I was watching an episode of law and order, SVU last night. It was about this 17 year old (which was legal in that state) girl who had a disorder that not only stunted puberty but meant that she would go into menopause in less than 5 years. She wanted a child and had made that choice with her partner. The detectives persecuted her partner because he was sleeping with a girl who LOOKED like she was 10. He also physically assaulted his own 17 year old daughters BF. The shrink was constantly saying it was her choice and she should be free to make it in spite of what she looked like. i was thinking about this thread as i was watching it. I found it fascinating that Americans keep bleating about the rights of the individual but when it comes to sex you flip the whole way the other way

I read a story on here (tiassa, you probably posted it) a few years ago where a neighbor of a homosexual man called the police claiming that the mans house was being broken into. The police broke in and found the man and his partner having sex in there own home. You know what he did? he arrested them. How can a country that screams about Islamic women wearing headdress being illegal while if i walked naked down the street i would be arrested. How can a country that calls its self the home of the free arrest a couple in there own home because a homophobe lied to the police to get them to break in
Think of this next time you're in a public restroom

At the outset, a note for Ben: Don't you wish you weren't?

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is actually sort of a reiteration of the point Ben was responding to, and also a comment on Asguard's inquiry about why Americans object to public sex. In the Seattle weekly tabloid The Stranger, we have a column called "I, Anonymous", which is allegedly written by readers at large who wish to get a certain something off their chest. Like the guy who wanted to let his roommate how much he appreciated the herpes, so he banged the roommate's sister as revenge, or something like that. It's usually kind of morbid.

But I read this week's edition and immediately thought of this discussion:

Okay, guys. I'm as big a fan of public sex as anyone. When you two business-suit-wearing boys went into the handicap stall of the men's bathroom together for a quickie at the hotel where I work, I didn't think it was a big enough deal to stop you. Next time I will. You two left your semen on the floor and walls of the stall. You're jacking and sucking not two feet from a roll of toilet paper and a convenient way to flush away the evidence. That's not convenient enough for you? You know who has to clean up your misplaced yuppie baby-gravy? A 90-pound grandmother and housekeeper had to get all of her biohazard business on to clean up your mess. Is it a fetish of yours to have senior-citizen ladies who make minimum wage clean your come off the walls and floor? Or is it your special way to say "fuck you" to the working class? So to all of you folks having public sex, please remember that public places need to be cleaned by someone, and no one is paid enough to clean up the ejaculate of strangers. So have some courtesy and wipe up afterward. Thanks.


I mean, when it was Bob Allen, I presumed he would have swallowed (or maybe taken it on the face and chest). It didn't occur to me with Larry Craig, to be honest. And, besides, a Wonkette article concerning another of Craig's alleged affairs includes talk of a condom, so I don't think anyone would have had to clean his seed off the bathroom wall in Minneapolis.

And that's the thing. Maybe condoms and facials are considered discreet in other countries. Maybe you just unload inside your partner, and that's fine with me. In fact ... oh, never mind. Suffice to say it's not the safest thing in the world to do unless you're in an extended, monogamous relationship.

Maybe it's not a big deal if you ejaculate on the grass at the park. I mean, there's lots of space, maybe nobody will step in it. The odds are probably in your favor that some kid won't come running through and slip on semen. But, you know, spraying the side of some stranger's BMW in the parking garage is a bit rude, and leaving it for a hotel custodial staff to clean up injects a certain classism into the issue. (Ha! Double pun!) The sheets are one thing. But the goddamn bathroom floor and walls?

And I mean, really, what are people supposed to say? "Stupid f@ckers!"


Anonymous. "I, Anonymous". The Stranger. March 26, 2008.

See Also:

Pony, P. Sparkle. "EXCLUSIVE: 'I Had Sex with Larry Craig!'" Wonkette. October 27, 2007.