ACLU to the rescue: another Larry Craig story

Is sexual intercourse in a locked public restroom stall a private act?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Other (Um ... er ... I ... don't ... know?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Title: "ACLU argues in Craig case that airport restroom sex is private", by Associated Press
Date: January 15, 2008

Um ... okay. We'll see how this goes.

In an effort to help Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, the American Civil Liberties Union is arguing that people who have sex in public bathrooms have an expectation of privacy ....

.... The ACLU wrote that a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling 38 years ago found that people who have sex in closed stalls in public restrooms "have a reasonable expectation of privacy."

That means the state cannot prove Craig was inviting the undercover officer to have sex in public, the ACLU wrote ....

.... The ACLU argued that even if Craig was inviting the officer to have sex, that wouldn't be illegal ....

.... The ACLU also pointed out that Craig was originally charged with interference with privacy. The ACLU said that was an admission by the state that people in the bathroom stall expect privacy.

(Associated Press)

Amusing. They might actually have a case there.
what the hell is wrong with sex in public, there is a park on the edge of Melbourne CBD where you will see alot of couples descreatly going for it, where is the harm in that??

Open spaces are good:) beach is rubbish though, too much sand:(
i repeat my question "what is so wrong with sex in public????" its a natural act and public places offer more variaty

how many people have had sex on the beach?
in a car?
in a bush i a public park?

i can DEFINITLY answer yes to the second 2, havent at the beach because i dont like sand
i repeat my question "what is so wrong with sex in public????" its a natural act and public places offer more variaty

how many people have had sex on the beach?
in a car?
in a bush i a public park?

i can DEFINITLY answer yes to the second 2, havent at the beach because i dont like sand

theres nothing wrong with sex in public, Its just you shouldn't expect privacy.ergo, you shouldn't be able to get off charges for it.
my point was why should you be charged at all???

i have never seen a cop even care about people going for it in queens park (all though they may get a little peved if you tried to at the war mamorial) and i have seen cops there all the time. Same at the beach and unlike american movies i have never seen a cop charge someone for having sex in a car and i have done it myself a few times with cops fairly near by (did it next to a police station one time)

Its a natural thing to do why worry about it?
Would you show a kid pornography?

My daughter's five; I had a moment the other day when she walked in and I was reading one of Dan Savage's reports from a porn convention in Las Vegas (apparently Pauly Shore attended).


(Kelly O's post at Slog is a good commentary on the Vegas convention)

Anyway, that's mild compared to, well, actual pornography, but still it was a strange moment. While Americans are particularly prudish about sex, I do think it's fair, as a general rule, to ask people to not copulate, fellatiate, &c. in public. My daughter doesn't need that scenery. Maybe it should be okay at taverns or something, but at the airport? I've had to take her into men's rooms before. It disgusts me. Not for the possibility of seeing a penis, but because men's rooms are filthy. The last thing she needs is a santorum-splattered toilet seat.

Don't get me wrong: I've had sex in public before. But ... come on, man. I don't ever want to be walking through the park and hear, "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me wipe that jism off your shoe." Or, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just get santorum on your leg?"

There are times and places for having sex in public. For instance, Volunteer Park, in Seattle, in the middle of the night.

It may be a natural thing to do, but I'm not going to fuck in front of my kid. And that's part of the responsibility of the risks we take. There comes a point at which we push it too far. An airport restroom is on the far side of that point.

Or so says me.
if a man and a woman decide to have sex anywhere they please, they must do so when unseen, and the law should be on their side and grant them private space at that location for a limited period of time for specifically sex

Draqon said:

if a man and a woman decide to have sex anywhere they please, they must do so when unseen, and the law should be on their side and grant them private space at that location for a limited period of time for specifically sex

While there is no specific requirement that your posts make sense, it would help us understand your point if you do.

And, uh .... I think that image would make a fine exhibit for argument over in the pedophilia thread.

Me and Stupid, skookum Stupid,
We got wailed on ginger ale
As flat as the Ferguson girls!

(Rheostatics, "Me and Stupid")​
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how many people have had sex on the beach?
in a car?
in a bush i a public park?

i can DEFINITLY answer yes to the second 2, havent at the beach because i dont like sand
How about on a merry go round? Or lane 2 at the school track? Behind the giant tanks at the BMI facility? In a farmer's field in the rain? In a swimming pool?

But certainly not in a public restroom. That's gross.
Title: "ACLU argues in Craig case that airport restroom sex is private", by Associated Press
Date: January 15, 2008

Um ... okay. We'll see how this goes.

Amusing. They might actually have a case there.
I think it is a waste of taxpayer money to try to catch people inviting other people to have sex in bathroom stalls. It is out of view and these are adults. No victims. I'd prefer that cop was out doing something else. For example, monitoring lobbyists.
tiassa if your discreate about it how would any kid know? Ive walked through the park and it just looks like people are laying on eachother. Its only after you become sexual active yourself and you KNOW what your looking at that you can tell. personally i would rather have my kids (when i get them) exposed to that sort of enviroment than one where people are drunk and starting fights and throwing beer bottles ect.

"But certainly not in a public restroom. That's gross."

you may find it gross but it doesnt harm you so who cares, would rather have that than drug uses in the stalls when i walk in. now THAT is a scary situation.

Seriously guys LIGHTEN UP about sex. There is nothing dirty about it and its not going to harm you for a couple to go at it AND it keeps the drug dealers away because they dont want people around when they are dealing
why i am all for public sex you shouldn't be trying to get your bone on in a public restroom that is just wierd
my point wasnt that it wasnt wierd (i would rather use my nice little corola). My point was why do you care? and why in gods name are you waisting police resorces on it? I always thought that movie were a guy gets arested along with a whole heep of gays doing each other at a rest stop because he had ACTUALLY stoped to have a piss (sorry the name of the movie doesnt come to mind) was a huge joke. Never realised that things like that actually HAPPENED. Arnt there enough real crimes for the police to worry about? Maybe they should be doing more random breath tests insted of trying to get people to pick them up for a quicky
Would you show a kid pornography?
Pornography is not sex. At least, none of the sex I have ever seen - admittedly as a participant, looks like the pornography I've seen. Thank God.

I wouldn't want my child to see someone ejaculate in a woman's face, for example. But if my kid happened to hear someone having sex in a public bathroom stall or over on the other side of the beach the couple making out, well, it seemed like more than that, or caught a glimpse through steaming up car windows of a breast or a man making a death grimace but sounding happy about it, nah. Not a big problem.
my point wasnt that it wasnt wierd (i would rather use my nice little corola). My point was why do you care? and why in gods name are you waisting police resorces on it? I always thought that movie were a guy gets arested along with a whole heep of gays doing each other at a rest stop because he had ACTUALLY stoped to have a piss (sorry the name of the movie doesnt come to mind) was a huge joke. Never realised that things like that actually HAPPENED. Arnt there enough real crimes for the police to worry about? Maybe they should be doing more random breath tests insted of trying to get people to pick them up for a quicky

well it is to disrupting i mean imagine your try to take a crap but you hear some one moaning in the next stall over yeah baby harder harder that would bother you would it not. you need to pick places where it minamizes other people stumbling on to you.
you REALLY need to go to melbourne, I have seen people going for it lying on the grass in the middle of the park. As i said i would much rather the police were out doing random breath testing than prostitution and sex in public stings. Seriously the cops need to get a life
seriously though where can the homeless have sex in your sociaty? or do there drinking? that is actually a social justice issue you know
you REALLY need to go to melbourne, I have seen people going for it lying on the grass in the middle of the park. As i said i would much rather the police were out doing random breath testing than prostitution and sex in public stings. Seriously the cops need to get a life

i wish the states were that free.