Absolutely Nothing: Atheists on What They Know About What They Pretend to Discuss

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I only have to look at my cat to realise only a god could create such beauty and I know I am right.
But if we have no evolution we have no way all the species became er.. species..
It all depends on your definition of God. I doubt your God has anything to do with any Scriptural God?....:rolleyes:
My equivalence to a sentient motivated God are impersonal Mathematical interactive behaviors of relative values.

There is no distinction in the creative results, only in the assignment of causality. I like the simplicity of measurable relative values and observable (testable) mathematical functions.
No miracles necessary.
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I get you, and I have no doubt as to it brilliance, and elegance. But that’s not what we’re discussing. The reality is, despite it’s brilliance, it cannot really be considered a scientific fact, if there other scientists who cannot accept it as fact. There is a discrepancy among scientists, regarding the theory.

Are you referring to the Discovery Institute? Kent Hovind?

Any discrepancies that have been referred to regarding evolution have either been refuted or the discrepancies have been false, flawed or just straight forward denials based on ignorance. Many of those discrepancies claimed don't even actually attack the postulates of evolution. And, unless you can put up a valid discrepancy that shows a postulate wrong, then you're just making up your claim.

And no, there are not "many scientists", there is only a very tiny minority, of which many of those deny it because of their religious affiliations. In fact, there are far more religious scientists that accept the theory as opposed to those who reject it.
You are assuming I don’t understand what it is.
Granted I’m not a scientist, and I don’t know the intricate details of the theory. Obviously you know more than me, but I’m willing to bet there are people who know more than you, and there are people who know more than them. But not everyone is going to see it as a scientific fact. Surely you can understand that.

Surely, you must know that evolution starts getting taught at the grade 5 level, most students understand it before they graduate high school. I even provided a video for you of a grade 5 student explaining evolution just so you could see that even kids understand it to some degree. Based on what you've said about it so far, those kids understand it better than you.

So, your lame excuses fall on deaf ears.
Surely, you must know that evolution starts getting taught at the grade 5 level, most students understand it before they graduate high school. I even provided a video for you of a grade 5 student explaining evolution just so you could see that even kids understand it to some degree. Based on what you've said about it so far, those kids understand it better than you.

So, your lame excuses fall on deaf ears.
You underestimate the persistence of theism advocates.

This was the very excuse for the Kitzmiller v Dover trial, which was a protest against the very sophisticated attempt to introduce Intelligent Design into grade schools.
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, 400 F. Supp. 2d 707 (M.D. Pa. 2005)[1] was the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design.[2]
In October 2004, the Dover Area School District of York County, Pennsylvania changed its biology teaching curriculum to require that intelligent design be presented as an alternative to evolution theory, and that Of Pandas and People, a textbook advocating intelligent design, was to be used as a reference book.
The prominence of this textbook during the trial was such that the case is sometimes referred to as the Dover Panda Trial,[4][5] a name which recalls the popular name of the Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee, 80 years earlier. The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The judge's decision sparked considerable response from both supporters and critics.
Surely, you must know that evolution starts getting taught at the grade 5 level, most students understand it before they graduate high school. I even provided a video for you of a grade 5 student explaining evolution just so you could see that even kids understand it to some degree. Based on what you've said about it so far, those kids understand it better than you.
That kid is brainwashed.
My daughter tells me the teach it like it’s a fact.
Poor kids.
That kid is brainwashed.
My daughter tells me the teach it like it’s a fact.
Poor kids.

And, what do you tell your daughter? That, the school is teaching lies and brainwashing her?

Poor daughter. I feel sorry for her. Hopefully, she will grow up and learn what you failed to learn.

For the record, no one said that kid accepted or rejected the theory of evolution, he just understands the theory far better than you. If that were me, I'd be quite humiliated.
This idea (darwinism) is becoming predominantly more popular amongst the African American population. Whereas the AA’s were predominantly Christian. The younger generations are taking to this idea.
They are happy to accept that they are the original people, and all other races come from them. Thus they are superior to other races.
I hear this affirmation more and more.
They believe the Caucasian race is dying out because their genetic stock is inferior.

So while you have your intellectuals elegantly describing the wondrousness, of this idea.
There are people are going to act upon it.
Some may say social Darwinism is already in affect.
This idea (darwinism) is becoming predominantly more popular amongst the African American population. Whereas the AA’s were predominantly Christian. The younger generations are taking to this idea.
They are happy to accept that they are the original people, and all other races come from them. Thus they are superior to other races.
I hear this affirmation more and more.
They believe the Caucasian race is dying out because their genetic stock is inferior.

So while you have your intellectuals elegantly describing the wondrousness, of this idea.
There are people are going to act upon it.
Some may say social Darwinism is already in affect.

Stunning racism and bigotry on our part, Jan. Does the Bible teach you that?
And, what do you tell your daughter? That, the school is teaching lies and brainwashing her?
Because it is not a fact.
Poor daughter. I feel sorry for her. Hopefully, she will grow up and learn what you failed to learn.
That’s actually quite disrespectful, as you don’t know my daughter.:mad:
She has no choices but to learn it.
And they teach it as though it is the case.
I think that’s disgusting.
For the record, no one said that kid accepted or rejected the theory of evolution, he just understands the theory far better than you. If that were me, I'd be quite humiliated.
He’s brainwashed.
Unless he’s some kind of genius, and loves it. Or just loves it in general. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s his/her choice.
That being said, go for it.
But if has been made to learn it, then I feel sorry for him.
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Stunning racism and bigotry on our part, Jan. Does the Bible teach you that?
How did I know you was going to go there?
Explain the racism within what I said.
Plus why bring the bible into it?
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This idea (darwinism) is becoming predominantly more popular amongst the African American population. Whereas the AA’s were predominantly Christian. The younger generations are taking to this idea.
They are happy to accept that they are the original people, and all other races come from them. Thus they are superior to other races.
I hear this affirmation more and more.
They believe the Caucasian race is dying out because their genetic stock is inferior.

So while you have your intellectuals elegantly describing the wondrousness, of this idea.
There are people are going to act upon it.
Some may say social Darwinism is already in affect.
The blatant ignorance of this post is astounding. You are obviously clueless as to what the theory of evolution says.
That’s actually quite disrespectful, as you don’t know my daughter.:mad:
She has no choices but to learn it.
And they teach it as though it is the case.
I think that’s disgusting.

It doesn't matter in the least if I know your daughter or not, the problem is going to come back and bite you in the ass. Many children in her situation where their parents are creationists will grow up and not become creationists with the realization their parents were lying to them the whole time, thus they resent them for that and often part on very unhappy terms, usually losing contact with them. Megan Phelps-Roper is famous for that, she was a daughter in the Westboro Church who finally came to terms with the lies being told to her and is now a proponent and activist for those who are also looking to break away from their faiths. The children suffer and the parents suffer as a result.

Is that what you want?
The blatant ignorance of this post is astounding. You are obviously clueless as to what the theory of evolution says.
It’s not what I think it says that matters.
If I think I am of superior genetic stock, to you.
It’s quite possible I may act upon it. It’s also quite possible I may not.
How did I know you was going to go there?
Explain the racism within what I said.
Plus why bring the bible into it?

You made the claim without and evidence, yet again. As far as I can tell, this is your opinion.
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