
Do You Believe in Abortion

  • Yes, its my body, its my right

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Yes, I Have Had One And It Made My Life Better

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • No, Wheres the Babys Rights? He/She is an American Too

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • No, It is Murder

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • No, (Other Reason)

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Neither teenagers nor employers use someone's body against their will.

Why would it be wrong to kill me if it were found out that my mother was raped?

Because I'm a walking, talking, 52kg human and I tend to get pissed off and fight back when people try and kill me :D

Another one for my ignore list.
...you do realize that a person is pro-life if they are against terminating a few weeks before birth, dontcha? ;) )

Then you woudnt label me as pro-life... an i dont know of any pro-choisers who woud mind bein also labeled as pro-life... but gettin you to admit you'r pro-choise was like pullin teeth... eh :)

Well Lori wont answr so how bout you... does it feel a bit odd to you... to worship a God who intentionaly created us so flawed that we woud murder our children.???
Neither teenagers nor employers use someone's body against their will.

Why would it be wrong to kill me if it were found out that my mother was raped?
unless it was you who raped her, what would be your crime?
Because I'm a walking, talking, 52kg human and I tend to get pissed off and fight back when people try and kill me :D
let's hope you don't run into seven 100kg men then

Another one for my ignore list.
Then you woudnt label me as pro-life... an i dont know of any pro-choisers who woud mind bein also labeled as pro-life... but gettin you to admit you'r pro-choise was like pullin teeth... eh :)
if you were talking with a person who felt that admission to a certain category was synonymous to admitting to a host of ideological issues, I think you would also be similarly cautious with your use of words ....
if you were talking with a person who felt that admission to a certain category was synonymous to admitting to a host of ideological issues, I think you would also be similarly cautious with your use of words ....

Im oK wit you'r bein pro-choise dew to the "beleif-baggage" you have... but does it feel a bit odd to you... to worship a God who intentionaly created us so flawed that we woud murder our children.???
Im oK wit you'r bein pro-choise dew to the "beleif-baggage" you have... but does it feel a bit odd to you... to worship a God who intentionaly created us so flawed that we woud murder our children.???
in the same way, its understandable why you have no hang ups about abortion due to your "belief baggage " too (although it does seem a bit odd that you categorize a fetus as essentially the same as a tumor or parasite or something)

As for being created in a certain way, I guess it depends whether you view free will as a flaw or not
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...does it feel a bit odd to you... to worship a God who intentionaly created us so flawed that we woud murder our children.???

...I guess it depends whether you view free will as a flaw or not

You'r clame of "free-will" is laffable sinse God intentionaloy created us so flawed that it was inevitable that we woud do such thangs as kill our children... so what is it about such a God that you desire to worship it.???
You'r clame of "free-will" is laffable sinse God intentionaloy created us so flawed that it was inevitable that we woud do such thangs as kill our children... so what is it about such a God that you desire to worship it.???
on the contrary, your notion of being created with free will while simultaneously not having the possibility to screw up is laughable
You'r clame of "free-will" is laffable sinse God intentionaly created us so flawed that it was inevitable that we woud do such thangs as kill our children... so what is it about such a God that you desire to worship it.???

on the contrary, your notion of being created with free will while simultaneously not having the possibility to screw up is laughable

I dont have beleifs that we was created or that free-will esists (that people can make uninfluenced choises)... but sinse you woudnt answr my queston above how bout this 1... what is it about you'r idea of "free-will" that makes it wort children sufferin such thangs as bein raped murdered starvin to death... ect... ect... ect.???
I dont have beleifs that we was created or that free-will esists (that people can make uninfluenced choises)...
so you can't recognize how influence and free will are compatible?

but sinse you woudnt answr my queston above
actually its more that you can't ask the question properly, kind of like asking why someone isn't a married bachelor or why a circle doesn't have corners

how bout this 1... what is it about you'r idea of "free-will" that makes it wort children sufferin such thangs as bein raped murdered starvin to death... ect... ect... ect.???
I'm not sure I understand.
Worth what and to who?
ethics and vox populi

great combo!

Are you inferring that women do not have an ethical basis to make decisions concerning their own bodies and their own lives? Or should they seek you out as supreme arbiter on matters of ethics?

What do you care what women do with their bodies anyway? I mean its not as if you are hankering to take care of unwanted children? :shrug:

For all your ethical pronouncements you don't care about the quality of lives of unwanted children but seem unusually invested in their wombs.

Not to say that you even get anywhere near the female womb which makes all this even more alarming:p
Are you inferring that women do not have an ethical basis to make decisions concerning their own bodies and their own lives? Or should they seek you out as supreme arbiter on matters of ethics?

I've found it to be quite difficult in general to determine what LG infers...

My suspicion is that he's maintaining that ethical principles are not to be determined democratically...

In any case, I fail to see the relevance here..
Are you inferring that women do not have an ethical basis to make decisions concerning their own bodies and their own lives?
not at all
I'm saying that it doesn't extend to the lives others

Or should they seek you out as supreme arbiter on matters of ethics?
not me specifically, but generally for issues like murder and killing, they are put before persons other than those who who are accomplices (since they obviously have vested interests)

What do you care what women do with their bodies anyway?
Once again, it gets back to what they are doing with their bodies that infringes on the rights of the bodies of others

I mean its not as if you are hankering to take care of unwanted children? :shrug:
and its not as if that is a solution to the problem
For all your ethical pronouncements you don't care about the quality of lives of unwanted children but seem unusually invested in their wombs.
I aim a bit higher
I go for the values that cause the problem (since placing band aid solutions isn't even half as effective)

Not to say that you even get anywhere near the female womb which makes all this even more alarming:p
On the contrary, it would be more alarming for one to take their chances in yours
I dont have beleifs that we was created or that free-will esists (that people can make uninfluenced choises)... ”

so you can't recognize how influence and free will are compatible?

I mite if you woud give you'r definiton of "free-will".!!!

...what is it about you'r idea of "free-will" that makes it wort children sufferin such thangs as bein raped murdered starvin to death... ect... ect... ect.???

Worth what and to who?

Its wort it to you to have "free-will" even tho it makes it inevitable that horrors such as rape will occur to children... i woud rather God not have created us under those conditons... how bout you.???
I mite if you woud give you'r definiton of "free-will".!!!
in short, the decisions you make now are a consequence of the decisions you have made in the past
Its wort it to you to have "free-will" even tho it makes it inevitable that horrors such as rape will occur to children
given that the bad end of moral responsibility is relegated to the material world (which merely acts as a sort of theater for the expression of desire that is by and large inappropriate) ... and also given that such sojourns culminate in coming to the higher end ... its not clear what the loss is

i woud rather God not have created us under those conditons... how bout you.???
then you would rather live in a universe without moral responsibility
(as for me, I'm all for it ... actually if you are not for it, there wouldn't really be a point in discussing since the vehicle of "I" (or "you" and "me" even) would have no one at the helm ....... which kind of begs the question why you even bother to discuss it
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