
There are precautions a lady can take against getting pregnant. It is not the fault of the innocent baby (that gets killed) that his mother is a dumbass.
Attention women: here is a man who will not take responsibility for his actions. It may seem easy to remedy now - just take the pill, etc. - but the later relationship will give much more free space for his blind spots.
Attention women: here is a man who will not take responsibility for his actions. It may seem easy to remedy now - just take the pill, etc. - but the later relationship will give much more free space for his blind spots.

well at least he gave people warning!

like i said "unless i missed the part about baby making process taking two people" i guess he just wants his cake and eat it!
rape is involuntary and therefore different, but the baby still shouldn't be killed.

As for everything else, both the male AND female should take precautions. However, regardless, babies shouldn't be killed. Can you go into a room and shoot a baby in the head?
rape is involuntary and therefore different, but the baby still shouldn't be killed.

As for everything else, both the male AND female should take precautions. However, regardless, babies shouldn't be killed. Can you go into a room and shoot a baby in the head?

of course i cant, likewise i wouldnt have an abortion either, its just taht you implied that its the womans job to make sure she uses contraception, and rgarding rape, honestly would you want to carry a child for nine months if you were gang raped?
I can't carry a child lol I'm a man

It's everyone's responsibility, but there's only so much the male can do
I had an abortion and I actually wanted the baby. My policy is never judge until you know the circumstances, because everyone's reason is different. Some people have them for trivial reasons, but I bet most women don't. A lot of thought goes into it so you shouldn't brush it off as simple selfishness on the mother's part. In my case I was the one being selfish because I wanted to keep it. I used to be pro-life, but after that experience I'm pro-choice 110%.
I know it. I was one of them. But like all things in life I think it changed me for the better. I try to keep myself from acting high and mighty because anything can happen. For example: I thought the idea of welfare was rediculus and unfair. "I earned my money and people who didn't earn it don't deserve it", but then I ended up living on it and my tune changed quick. Same with abortion.
When they vaccinate infants. They rarely ask if the infant wants the vaccination. Children don't get to make choices until their about 12, at least to the extent that people might actually listen or consider their opinion valid. Like one of the girls at my daycare center said that she didn't want to eat carrots because she decided that she was on a no carrot diet. My boss just laughed at her and forced her to eat her carrots. However when her older sister who is 21 said that she didn't eat carrots because she believes that their is something in them that is against her religion then everyone just let it go and no one forced her to eat her carrots. Baby's and children apparent are not capable of making choices for themselves according to the law. Its the parents' job to make choices for them whether the child agrees or not. why would it make a difference if they have been born already or not.
norsefire said:
As for everything else, both the male AND female should take precautions. However, regardless, babies shouldn't be killed.
There's no baby involved.

As you know. You don't actually believe for a minute that a three week embryo is a baby. Essentially no one does.
There's no baby involved.

As you know. You don't actually believe for a minute that a three week embryo is a baby. Essentially no one does.

i would have to disagree with you there, many poeple see a fetous has a child, and rightfully so aswell.

wherehas i hate abortion and would never consider one, it is brave to admit that you have! and that person should not be knocked in anyway, for doing somthing she thought was right at the time.
On this 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, I would like to share my views on the issue of abortion.

Life begins at the point of conception. No one can deny that after a human being is conceived it will develop into the very same being as those debating this issue. What astounds me is that those who favor abortion went through an identical development stage as the being they are condemning to death. Would these very same people agree that a similiar choice should have been made about their own existence? Abortion today is used primarily as a birth control of convenience because people are too self-centered to take precautions. They prefer their own pleasurable self-indulgence over the care and sanctity of the life they created. What ever happened to taking responsibility for one's actions in this country? Is it too much to ask a woman who has conceived to place the child into adoption? Nine months of discomfort is nothing compared to life in prison for voluntary manslaughter! Does the father of the child have a say in this? And what about the constitution of the United States? Are not all people conceived in this country deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I believe abortion is a crime against humanity and should be outlawed. We need to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision and get back to cherishing life in this country. For a country that murders it's children cannot be far from self destruction.

i don't agree that everyone should have a kid just because they got pregnant. adoption is flawed. the foster care system is flawed. there are many kids living terrible lives running through the foster care system because the system is broken. i think it's selfish to force yourself to keep a kid because it will make you feel bad.

if you're not in the position to raise a kid -- you shouldn't have one, yes, but accidents do happen. i don't think it's fair to punish the kid to a life that is out of your control, with the possibility that the kid will not be adopted and will be a foster care child and will see all of the atrocities within the system.

it's possible that the child will grow up to be successful and happy, but personally, i would be willing to forego that risk simply because a terrible life is more common, and its chances outweighs a great one.

i really do hate your monologue up there as well, it sounds so high and mighty, and the words it uses are fanatical, militant, and overly dramatic. not all people who choose abortion are evil. i mean, we live in a country where we can kill living breathing adults via the death penalty and fight wars killing countless people yet abortion is the main moral issue that people argue about, in terms of life and death? it's just ridiculous.

now this being said, i think abortions should be limited, because like you mentioned, some people DON'T take precautions and use abortion as a method of birth control. and that's just freaking sick.

When they vaccinate infants. They rarely ask if the infant wants the vaccination. Children don't get to make choices until their about 12, at least to the extent that people might actually listen or consider their opinion valid. Like one of the girls at my daycare center said that she didn't want to eat carrots because she decided that she was on a no carrot diet. My boss just laughed at her and forced her to eat her carrots. However when her older sister who is 21 said that she didn't eat carrots because she believes that their is something in them that is against her religion then everyone just let it go and no one forced her to eat her carrots. Baby's and children apparent are not capable of making choices for themselves according to the law. Its the parents' job to make choices for them whether the child agrees or not. why would it make a difference if they have been born already or not.

this is a grreeeat point. kids don't make choices. and who knows. maybe the baby would choose to die if it could choose. HAHA. jokes.
rape is involuntary and therefore different, but the baby still shouldn't be killed.

that's selfish to think. having been through a sexually abusive act of my own (although not as extreme as rape), that stuff is hard to live through, and even worse if you have to be constantly reminded for 9 months. the best thing to do is forget. and now you have to have this devil child (jk) and then worry for the rest of your life about how rape-infested child is doing? SO SELFISH. so so so selfish to expect a traumatized mother to keep a baby under that kind of situation.
She can disown it

However, there is still the fact that that embryo is nonetheless something which would develop into a breathing, concious life form which after creation deserves life
lucifer said:
i would have to disagree with you there, many poeple see a fetous has a child, and rightfully so aswell.
Not an eight week embryo, though. I've never met one, anyway.

Outside of abortion, the subject has never come up in my society. How could all these people have overlooked it for so long, if they had any such belief ?
Well the issue of abortion becomes a serious issue for a women, some women have had quite a few some just one some think they might want one, some just want the option.
What is not adverstised to women about abortion is that abortion will have a effect on the women ablity to make another child, This exist mainly because a women that has a abortion will have scaring in the uterus which increases the odds of having disfuctional children in the future.
Where the embyro attaches to the uterus is well known having several locations of frequency, when these locations in the uterus become scared after the event of abortion. A new embyro in the future attaching to this location will have difficultly, which results in the development of a disfunctional fetus.
So what happens is that the women gets rid of her so called problem at the time, only to create another problem in her future, where now it is what she wants(a child) and the result is a disfunction infant that she might have aborted if she knew it was going to be disfunctional. Those that have a regular doctor and determine that the child will be abnormal go on and have the second abortion leading to more scaring of the uterus ( depending on each case).
Some women have had three abortions and are banned from abortion clincs because of this deleterous effect on the uterus. but quite frankly they do not educate women or young female about the effects that abortion can have later on down the road.

I would say that women in industrialized society don't give birth as frequenlty or as much as they should, that a social trend exist that influences women to believe that giveing birth is bad makeing abortion seem favorable, in this trend has lead to a decrease in stature of females of industrialzied nations and has increased the inbreeding rate of industrialized nations. So in end it becomes clear that women need to give birth more frequently, haveing a social medium where abortion is prevalient as a practice would work against the enviroment where females give more birth. Understanding female biological maturity and pregancy they go hand in hand and so to the intellctual women and the instinctual it appears natural, however in social trend society it appears unfavorable, and the intellctual women is usally to old to operate only the females existing in natural enviroment maintain the regular birth rate the insures the stature of the population.

I would recommend to any man that he should ask what every female he is dating if she has had abortion, as it may exist as a threat to any child he might want to have, also that it is better for a male to find a women that has not had a abortion, women who have not had a abortion are better the better pick.

Well the issue of abortion becomes a serious issue for a women, some women have had quite a few some just one some think they might want one, some just want the option.
What is not adverstised to women about abortion is that abortion will have a effect on the women ablity to make another child, This exist mainly because a women that has a abortion will have scaring in the uterus which increases the odds of having disfuctional children in the future.
Where the embyro attaches to the uterus is well known having several locations of frequency, when these locations in the uterus become scared after the event of abortion. A new embyro in the future attaching to this location will have difficultly, which results in the development of a disfunctional fetus.
So what happens is that the women gets rid of her so called problem at the time, only to create another problem in her future, where now it is what she wants(a child) and the result is a disfunction infant that she might have aborted if she knew it was going to be disfunctional. Those that have a regular doctor and determine that the child will be abnormal go on and have the second abortion leading to more scaring of the uterus ( depending on each case).
Some women have had three abortions and are banned from abortion clincs because of this deleterous effect on the uterus. but quite frankly they do not educate women or young female about the effects that abortion can have later on down the road.

I would say that women in industrialized society don't give birth as frequenlty or as much as they should, that a social trend exist that influences women to believe that giveing birth is bad makeing abortion seem favorable, in this trend has lead to a decrease in stature of females of industrialzied nations and has increased the inbreeding rate of industrialized nations. So in end it becomes clear that women need to give birth more frequently, haveing a social medium where abortion is prevalient as a practice would work against the enviroment where females give more birth. Understanding female biological maturity and pregancy they go hand in hand and so to the intellctual women and the instinctual it appears natural, however in social trend society it appears unfavorable, and the intellctual women is usally to old to operate only the females existing in natural enviroment maintain the regular birth rate the insures the stature of the population.

I would recommend to any man that he should ask what every female he is dating if she has had abortion, as it may exist as a threat to any child he might want to have, also that it is better for a male to find a women that has not had a abortion, women who have not had a abortion are better the better pick.


yeah ok, and when do you drop that into the conversation, i can see the conversation now:

they are having dinner:

woman: there is somthing i think i better tell you
man: what is it?
woman: I had an abortion when i was 15, i was violently raped walking home from school one day.
man: oh in that case then i dont think i can see a future for us.
woman: great so not only have i lost my dignity, but i ahve also lost you?
man: would you like some salad with that?


dont you think that some women need to keep it to themselves, if men walk away from women who have had abortions then the women is being victimised twice, great idea!