
According to my wife, no one should even read beyond your first sentence because you are male. To quote her and clean up her language a little for a public forum, "I'll give a flying fuck what men think about abortion the first time one of you assholes gets pregnant."

Listen to Orleander, Sandy, and any other members here who are female. The rest of us should simply shut up.

:bravo: exactly
hey orleander i ment to ask you this (Im not sure if it was this thread or the other one that got HIJACKED:mad:) anyway how would you feel if the law alowed the father of a fetus to demand you abort it?

If you wouldnt want this then the same goes for when the fetus\baby is born. If the father offers to help pay for the abortion and YOU decide not to thats just to bad for you

BTW I was reading a study in one of those stupid girl mags. It said that over 50% of women in a commited relationship wouldnt discus it with there partner before having an abortion.
hey orleander i ment to ask you this (Im not sure if it was this thread or the other one that got HIJACKED) anyway how would you feel if the law alowed the father of a fetus to demand you abort it?

If you wouldnt want this then the same goes for when the fetus\baby is born. If the father offers to help pay for the abortion and YOU decide not to thats just to bad for you

BTW I was reading a study in one of those stupid girl mags. It said that over 50% of women in a commited relationship wouldnt discus it with there partner before having an abortion.

The father can demand the woman abort it. I can also demand my husband get a vasectomy. Fat chance it will do any good, but men can demand til doomsday. :p
If I got pregnant and didn't want it, I would tell my husband, but the final decision is mine. He knows that.

This boils down to money for you doesn't it. :confused: The bottom line is that it has nothing to do with the child, but with the child support you would have to pay. Maybe you should check into a reversible vasectomy. :shrug:
If I got pregnant and didn't want it, I would tell my husband, but the final decision is mine. He knows that.

And an honest man would admit that if the roles were reversed most men would not let women tell them they had to have the baby.

I do think it should matter to the women what the man wants, expecially in close long term relationships. That his feelings would affect her - not control or decide for her. But the woman obviously gets to decide as women's bodies have always decided on occasion not to come to term.

If God or men or the babies in potentia want someone who will have that child, perhaps they need to settle in somewhere else with a woman who wants a baby at that time.
rjr6 said:

Why maybe on the organs?

To reiterate:
Look, money doesn't mean you "deserve" a donor organ faster than anyone else. Take your place in line and hope for the best.
How would you feel if the law allowed the father of a fetus to demand you abort it?
I saw that episode of "Boston Legal" too. I felt a little sorry for the guy when the judge ruled against him, but that's what good writing is supposed to do: help us see the opposite side of an issue.

It's unfortunate that there are a few good men out there who get swept away with the crowd, but most of us don't fall into that category, especially on this issue. I've known women who were talked into foregoing abortions by a father who swore up and down that he would stand by them and make a real family. And a year or two later the motherfucker had vanished.

I don't mean to be expressing an opinion on abortion, I'm just providing data explaining why I have no right to express it.
It said that over 50% of women in a committed relationship wouldnt discuss it with their partner before having an abortion.
Sounds like they agree with my wife.
I saw that episode of "Boston Legal" too. I felt a little sorry for the guy when the judge ruled against him, but that's what good writing is supposed to do: help us see the opposite side of an issue.

It's unfortunate that there are a few good men out there who get swept away with the crowd, but most of us don't fall into that category, especially on this issue. I've known women who were talked into foregoing abortions by a father who swore up and down that he would stand by them and make a real family. And a year or two later the motherfucker had vanished.

I don't mean to be expressing an opinion on abortion, I'm just providing data explaining why I have no right to express it.Sounds like they agree with my wife.

hey some guys agree with you i am male and when asked about my beliefs on abortion i say i have a penis therefore i do not deserve an opinion
you can always have an opinion. lol

I just find it incredibly selfish/arrogant/shallow/controlling when a man gets a woman pregnant and thinks he can walk away from the child because she didn't do what he demanded.

They don't give a rat's ass about the kid, they only care about their wallet. Who wants a man like that?
you can always have an opinion. lol

I just find it incredibly selfish/arrogant/shallow/controlling when a man gets a woman pregnant and thinks he can walk away from the child because she didn't do what he demanded.

They don't give a rat's ass about the kid, they only care about their wallet. Who wants a man like that?

my reasoning is i can never go through the expierence so i would never have the mind set to make a decent opinion
what do you think about a man who thinks its only fair to say "either get an abortion or I'm not paying child support."
In September 1993, Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse with thirteen years of experience, was assigned by her nursing agency to an abortion clinic. Since Nurse Shafer considered herself "very pro-choice," she didn't think this assignment would be a problem. She was wrong. This is what Nurse Shafer saw:

"I stood at the doctor's side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body was moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet. The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I never went back to the clinic. But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen."

But what about if the baby had been aborted at a younger age.. say 6 weeks? When the baby is this young, doctors use the Saline Method, where they inject a salty saline solution into the mother's womb. You would think it would just poison the baby, but it actually burns it to death. Even though the baby is so young, on ultrasounds of the abortion, the fetus is seen pulling away from the poison as it is injected.. obviously wanting to stay alive.(The baby is intelligent enough to move away from the pain..but the child can't escape it)

Think about that before you say that unborn children can't feel pain.

Life is life, no matter how small.
A baby cries for it's first and last time when it's aborted
You can deny but its true.

ITS A BABY, NOT A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't wan't a baby don't spread your legs. Use protection, and if you do get pregnant, there's always adoption.
6 mths pregnant. That's selfish. She was only 3 mths away from giving birth. And a 6 mth fetus can feel pain, I doubt a 6 week one can.

Its now 15 yrs later. Would they be able to legally do that abortion just because the Mom didn't want to be pregnant?

...Though the procedure has had a low rate of usage, representing 0.17% (2,232 of 1,313,000) of all abortions in the United States in 2000 according to voluntary responses to an Alan Guttmacher Institute survey, it has developed into a focal point of the abortion debate....

because its more sensational right? And the baby had Down Syndrome which some (not me) consider a birth defect.
They don't give a rat's ass about the kid, they only care about their wallet. Who wants a man like that?
Some of them also care about their pride. "I've got six children; women really like me. Of course I don't see them very often, if at all. And since I don't have a job none of the mothers can collect a dime from me. Sweet deal."
what do you think about a man who thinks its only fair to say "either get an abortion or I'm not paying child support."
That's not much of a choice. He's saying that he has no intention of behaving like a father. Depending on the circumstances of the impregnation, he might have been able to prevent it if he cared that much. These days we all know that when a woman says she's on the pill, there's a small but statistically significant chance that she's trying to trap you. Use a condom unless it's someone you know well enough to trust. Of course in my generation she's more likely to claim that she's had a hysterectomy. :)
ITS A BABY, NOT A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you have strong feelings about the subject, but this is a place of science. All controversial opinions must be supported by reasoning and/or evidence. The "reasoning and evidence" you provided is just a rehash of emotionally charged arguments (on both sides, to be fair) that I've been hearing for forty years. They don't tread any new ground and they're not going to change anyone's mind. You're just trolling, which is a violation of the rules of the forum. Please don't do it again.
what do you think about a man who thinks its only fair to say "either get an abortion or I'm not paying child support."

I think some men should have the legal right to refuse to support their child financially. Think about all of the women out there that are having sexual relationships with wealthy men. Some of these women use pregnancy as a contingency plan. It is a way to continue sucking money out of the man if the relationship ends. Some women will do what ever it takes to get pregnant. They will put holes in condoms or lie about being on birth control. I believe that when a man impregnates a woman out of wedlock, the woman should have the legal responsibility to inform the man about her pregnancy within six months of conception. The man should then have the legal right to sign a document within 30 days of being informed stating that he does not want the child and he asked the woman to have an abortion. This should absolve him of all of the financial responsibilities pertaining to the child. A man should also have the legal right to refuse to support the child financially if a DNA test proves that he is not the child’s father.
I know you have strong feelings about the subject, but this is a place of science. All controversial opinions must be supported by reasoning and/or evidence. The "reasoning and evidence" you provided is just a rehash of emotionally charged arguments (on both sides, to be fair) that I've been hearing for forty years. They don't tread any new ground and they're not going to change anyone's mind. You're just trolling, which is a violation of the rules of the forum. Please don't do it again.

I don't agree with what he wrote, but he should still have the right to express his opinions, especially in the ethics and morality section of this site.
q0101 actually i would LOVE to see people start to use the principles of ethics to start surporting there positions. Its not that hard

for instance autonomy means that both, women have the right to do whatever they chose with there bodys and that men have the right to refuse to pay for a womens choice

Non-malfeciance says that nither sex should be forced into something that may harm them emotionally or pysically

Justice says that the same rules should be aplied to all not those who can aford them

I think some men should have the legal right to refuse to support their child financially. Think about all of the women out there that are having sexual relationships with wealthy men. Some of these women use pregnancy as a contingency plan. It is a way to continue sucking money out of the man if the relationship ends. Some women will do what ever it takes to get pregnant. They will put holes in condoms or lie about being on birth control. I believe that when a man impregnates a woman out of wedlock, the woman should have the legal responsibility to inform the man about her pregnancy within six months of conception. The man should then have the legal right to sign a document within 30 days of being informed stating that he does not want the child and he asked the woman to have an abortion. This should absolve him of all of the financial responsibilities pertaining to the child. A man should also have the legal right to refuse to support the child financially if a DNA test proves that he is not the child’s father.

How very convenient for the men. :rolleyes: I'm sure all those home boys out there just got those 6 women knocked up cuz he was tricked and they were wanting his McDonald's paycheck.

I bet the number of women chewing hole sin a guys condom pales in comparison to the guys saying "Oh, no, I'll pull out baby"

Making a baby takes 2. Having a baby takes 1.