Abortion= WRONG

okinrus said:
This is what I don't understand. If abortion is not murder, then it's merely the elimination of non-human being. It would be no more wrong than someone who kills an animal. And I have yet to see any one define "need" in this instance, especially when there's alternatives such as adoption.
Just because it's not murder doesn't mean it is the best option.
To Lemming3K: I did not say the law ought to be reversed; I said it needed to be fixed. As it stands it is unfair to the fathers. If women do not wish for their husbands to have a say, then let them remain single and have all the abortions their bodies can stand.

Arditezza wrote: "It's not cold and heartless to call an embryo a parasite, it's a scientific fact."

Bull, Arditezza!

She also wrote: Where do people get the idea that birth control is a type of abortion?

Birth control is not a type of abortion, abortion is a type of birth control. And if you don't believe it, then you are uninformed. Not that women set out to use it as birth control, but when one has abortions repeatedly, rather than taking the necessary precautions, then she is using it as a birth control. Many abortionists deny that this happens much, but I know it does, and so do a lot of people.

Thank you, Okinrus for your comments on parisites. It makes my blood boil to hear someone say that a baby is nothing but a parasite. In addition, if any of you believe that abortions are used so wisely then tell us how come there are so many of them.

You bet it would cause big problems if Roe vs. Wade were reversed, but I disagree that the orphanages would be overrun. In addition, back when there were no legal abortions, I never heard about highschool girls having babies in the washrooms and dumping them in the garbage can. Similar things happened, but it surely seemed less frequent than now. So, what has abortion opportunities done for us, other than made murderers of us? The ones who can afford it have abortions, and the junkies have babies...it that the way it works? It is sickening to hear the numbers, which seem to be rising, and at the same time hearing red-faced extremists say, "But what about rape and incest?" as though that were the main issue.

To anyone who cannot have a child because of medical reasons, Can you not take birth control pills or use a condum? See, I do not get that! I mean no disrespect. I just do not get it. Condums are as popular as lollipops and kids are still getting pregnant. I knew of one little 15 year old girl who had her 3rd abortion, all past the cutoff time.

I do not care to hear about hypotheticals, such as "what about this," or "what if that." I will tell you what it is about! It is about what is really happening out there! So,before you say, "Should abortion rights ever again be denied there will be bloodshed in the streets, find out what is happening in the streets, and in nice proper homes, now! Find out just how much unnecessary bloodshed is happening right now. I challenge you! I do not care about Roe vs Wade, I care about talking straight. If you are going to kill babies then be honest about the reasons, the numbers, and how they feel when they die in a pan. (And please don't tell me they do not, unless you assist during abortions of longer term.

Find out who is getting rich off it!

How come we hear no statistics about how many are done each year, and just how many of those were incest or rape? And those medical problems? How long of a list is that, and why do those at risk not use birth control? Just asking.

Finally! If you are for abortion, then you are pro-abortion. That is what it means to be for something. I have found that by "extreme cases" folks mean whenever it is inconvenient. If you say: only in extreme cases, then I say: you are kidding yourself.
P. M. Thorne said:
She also wrote: Where do people get the idea that birth control is a type of abortion?

I said nothing at all like that, which like most of your post in this thread is a load of horse shit. I'm not some ignorant moron who doesn't understand what I am saying or what abortion is and I would appreciate it if you would not misquote me completely.
In addition, back when there were no legal abortions, I never heard about highschool girls having babies in the washrooms and dumping them in the garbage can.
um, duh. that sort of thing is illegal, it's not something that anyone wants to bring up, nor is it something that society at large wants to hear about. moreover, i wonder sometimes why everybody cares so much about this issue. more so than starvation, more so than war, more so than capitol punishment. everyone is just so damn passionate about it. :bugeye:

I should have waited until tomorrow to respond. I still had it wrong. Sorry to you too Nivao.

ANTIFREEZE: um, duh. that sort of thing is illegal, it's not something that anyone wants to bring up, nor is it something that society at large wants to hear about. moreover, i wonder sometimes why everybody cares so much about this issue. more so than starvation, more so than war, more so than capitol punishment. everyone is just so damn passionate about it.

Thought I might as well respond to you while I am here. I am not more concerned about abortions and such than war and starvation. In fact, I never discuss this with anyone, but I thought maybe I would/should. After all, this is what THIS thread is about, right? I am usually not so adamant, but the truth needs to be told, that is all. Now I go to bed, before I make another misstatement and have to apologize again.
It is wrong, it promotes killing\it displaces responsibility. Its sad to hear some people who say "I dont want a kid growing up poor" Life doesnt have a price-- i would rather be poor and alive than dead. Get rid of these congressmen who support it becuase they get lobbying money from the medical industry!
i would rather be dead than live miserably. but then i am a nihilist... :rolleyes:

as for promoting killing, do you think the only thing stopping people from killing each other is the law?
U cant deny that it displaces responsibility from the parents. example--"all well i will just pay the 500$ to kill the kid, i can have all the unprotected sex i want"
I cant believe u would choose death over life. Again, i think this is sad and a load of bull---look at all masses in the middle ages--many lives their lives out in poverty instead of suicise --- hate to break it to ya money isnt everything.
suppose some girl got pregnant, and for whatever reason, got an abortion. would you think any better of her?
no, money isn't, but i would argue happiness is. what is the point of living a life of unhappiness?
What I mean is--- can u see the forture of that child? can u see that it will be unhappy? NO, therefore why deprive it of LIFE! At least give it a chance to grow up and feel. Let it get the chance to FEEL, whether it be happiness or to be unhappy--it will have the option of feeling.
But happiness is subjective in itself. I could be the richest man in the world an be unhappy.
ergo, money is not happiness. but that wasn't my point.

Let it get the chance to FEEL, whether it be happiness or to be unhappy--it will have the option of feeling.
touché. best argument i have heard thus far. but suppose that child does become unhappy, what is he [or she] to do? and what if this "chance to feel" comes at the cost of the mother's happiness, or the mother's life?
Cost of a mothers life and happiness??---Those are the risks and responsibilities u take when u have sex. Just becuase people are afraid to face these facts doesnt mean u dont take the risks. (Note:I am glad u r on otherwise i would be bored)
wow. i really have no legitimate response for that one, nor am i passionate enough about the topic to try to compose one. maybe arditezza will...or i may have something by morning, er, a little later in the morning. well played. :D

this is, of course, avoiding the whole issue of what does and does not constitute a human being. but i have a reasonable guess about your response, and am not going to argue the point [yet].