Abortion= WRONG

A sperm is not a complete organism it is just a specialized cell. They are the products of an organ not even an organ.
A fetus is a group of organs that are formed into systems and those systems are organized into an organism. That is the definition of organism from my A&P textbook. Do you believe that a fetus consist of systems or not? The fetus is a stage of an organism’s development that is what the difference is.
A fetus is a group of organs that are formed into systems and those systems are organized into an organism. That is the definition of organism from my A&P textbook. Do you believe that a fetus consist of systems or not?
An early fetus consists of a single system.... cells multiplying... with less differentation than your normal organ.

AS for later, a fetus consists of systems... and just like organs they are not seperate from the rest of the womans body.
If a woman is in a situation in which she cannot give the child at least an average-quality life, then abortion should be an option, but one that is looked down on. There are much better alternatives, like adoption. If the woman doesn't want to have the child, shame on her, but we shouldn't stop her.

This applies to every situation except one: rape victims.

These women are literally forced into sexual intercourse. They have no choice. Then she is horrified when she becomes pregnant. She was already "punished" by being raped. It's wrong to "punish" her again by making her go through pregnancy and labor. I say don't discourage abortion in this case (don't encourage it either, though) if she doesn't want to go through pregnancy and labor. And those anti-abortionists shouldn't shun these rape victims that opt for abortion. It's just wrong. And it can majorly depress them. They already have to live with the fact that they had an unborn baby killed. The last thing they need is for an anti-abortionist to rub it in their face.

Anyway, that's something for you to think about.
I can understand that people should not be penalized for being raped and I would support whatever aid counseling or whatever is necessary and feasible to make her situation as bearable is possible. I do not think that she has the right to torture her rapist to death nor do I believe that she has the right to murder her child. I understand that it is awful for her in a way that being a man I can probably never understand. I do like to believe that I would be able to bear the horror for long enough to give the child up for adoption. I believe that when you take someone’s life that is the ultimate denial of free will. I believe that the fetus is alive therefore if she had an abortion she is still committing murder. This is the reason that I support the morning after pill. It has been explained to me that the sperm does not reach the uterus for at least eight hours after being delivered to the vagina. So you have that time to take prophylactic measures.
Originally Posted by laughing weasel
I understand that it is awful for her in a way that being a man I can probably never understand.

Same thing with me. I can pretty much assume that this would be traumatic for a woman. So much, in fact, that she'd rather not go through the pregnancy.

If she actually does want to go through it all, then that's great. But I'm pretty sure not all women are like that.

. . . I would support whatever aid counseling or whatever is necessary and feasible to make her situation as bearable is possible.

Of course, that should be an option. Don't just have abortion as an option. Show the woman that there are better alternatives.

I believe that the fetus is alive therefore if she had an abortion she is still committing murder.

I can see that point of view.

For me, that was the problem I had to (and still have to) personally get over in deciding which side I'm on. I like to take a "third side" of things, try to appease both sides. Something like a middle ground. But with black-and-white issues like this, it's really hard to do that. You're either on one side or the other. So in this case, I kinda took both sides. I became mostly anti-abortionist, but I thought of some cases where it would be wrong to deny abortion. Hence my current stand.
This is the reason that I support the morning after pill.
You should do your homework, on some occasions that can cause an abortion if conception has already occured, you cant support that and not abortion.
I do not think that she has the right to torture her rapist to death nor do I believe that she has the right to murder her child.
It would be a child she never asked for, something that she didnt have a choice in, i think she has every right to kill it.
Abortion is a difficult issue!

Much of the argument boils down to this: If a non-rational, non-sentient mass called a zygote certainly will develop the will and desire to live, then is it right to kill the zygote?

Upon introspection: If I was killed in my mother's uterus, I wouldn't even be here to know or think about living. In other words, I won't even care, as I would be totally unaware and nonexistent. But the important thing is this : I never (would have) wanted to care because I wasn't able to in the first place. And since I hypothetically would not care about living, there is nothing to worry about.

Thus, I think abortion should be included as part of the freedom of choice of a woman.

This is my opinion. Any counters?