Abortion= WRONG


Registered Member
Abortion, the killing of a potential human being. now don't even get me started on how we kill other animals for no reasons, but this is something even the creationists may ponder about. Abortion, "day-after", and ohter certian methods are cold blooded murder. The problem is even our religious society have been convinced. Think, it gets companys $ which helpt the economy. Don't have sex just for fun if you are potentially and premeditationaly killing someone.
What is so great about potential human beings anyway? Until a fuetus is separate, it is not murder. It's like pruning a tree. Day-after pills destroy a biological construction no futher developed than a mustard seed. Few people have sex thinking they want to kill someone, it ruins the mood. The problem is not sex, it is better birth control, and better education at all levels of society about sex, something most anti-abortion people do not want to confront. Why not suggest removing your ovaries, or getting a vastectomy before having sex? Its the only way to be sure.
cma said:
The problem is even our religious society have been convinced.

When did that happen?

It is all simply a matter of opinion and how you view life. In a world crowded with the dying and the poor I don't see why more, unplanned life should be brought in. The true answer will only come from a woman because she is the one who bares all of the weight so no system of beliefs, personal preferences, and opinions should interfere.

That reminds of a Pro-abortion ad I read once.

"77% of anti-abortion supporters are men. 77% of anti-abortion supporters will never know what it is like to have a child"
sargentlard said:
"77% of anti-abortion supporters are men. 77% of anti-abortion supporters will never know what it is like to have a child"

yeah, and if they get abortion legalized, etc. NEITHER WILL THE WOMEN.
YEAH,. i do in fact know that. 'duh'. i was just saying that women dont have to know what its like either, but i screwed up my phrasing.
Hmmm, let me think about this one. Most of you are just making unsupported arguments against my post. If you were SO specific about everything, you would spend your whole life on the first thing you started. Stop critisizing, start thinking THEN critiqe. Maybe that would work.
I think it is vital to have the mother be ok, and if we are talking about statuary rape, by all means it is OK. I am talking about when you get in bed and start making love, then do the pill, patch, or whatever to kill a potential human. And no, blood is not a LIVING HUMAN BEING. Read the fine print.
Natural abortions happen all the time. I don't think they were or are always wrong. Sometimes, yes, something to be avoided. Ever see that National Lampoon cartoon with the guy just finishing jacking off and all the sperm crying "Oh no! no vagina?" "It's too dry out here!" Yieee, we're all going to die!" Alass, seems the potential human being that exists with every sperm is usually aborted. Even if properly delivered, most are going to die. Face it, sometimes a lesser cruelty is part of the design so that a mother doesn't have to face a few thousand or million fetuses at one time. Sometimes, it's safer for a woman to have an abortion. Sorry, no cut and dry lambasting makes sense. Got to facilitate that all of the compassion and intelligence possible will be brought to bear in the consideration of every pregnancy with no platitudes, just a lot of heart, not only for potential humans but existing ones and other life for that matter.
n. stat·u·ar·y
Statues considered as a group.
The art of making statues.
A sculptor.

do you mean statutory? why limit it to that? all rape should be included. no one, not even you, could blame a woman who was raped for having an abortion.

i think you're confused about what birth control is. you do not take the pill or wear the patch afterwards. they are used on a monthly basis to control the menstrual cycle. it changes the hormonal chemistry within the uterus such that conception is not possible. fertilization never happens.
what we need is widespread use of birth control. people not only need to be using multiple forms, they need to do it correctly. education people! it's so stupid when people use abortion as birth control. if they had taken the proper prcautions, they wouldn't be faced with that ugly decision. of course we'd still need to have it for those inevitable (did i mention i hate you men?) cases of rape and health complications.
cma said:
Hmmm, let me think about this one. Most of you are just making unsupported arguments against my post. If you were SO specific about everything, you would spend your whole life on the first thing you started. Stop critisizing, start thinking THEN critiqe. Maybe that would work.
I think it is vital to have the mother be ok, and if we are talking about statuary rape, by all means it is OK. I am talking about when you get in bed and start making love, then do the pill, patch, or whatever to kill a potential human. And no, blood is not a LIVING HUMAN BEING. Read the fine print.

your entire argument above was unsupported.
cma said:
Hmmm, let me think about this one. Most of you are just making unsupported arguments against my post. If you were SO specific about everything, you would spend your whole life on the first thing you started. Stop critisizing, start thinking THEN critiqe. Maybe that would work.
I think it is vital to have the mother be ok, and if we are talking about statuary rape, by all means it is OK. I am talking about when you get in bed and start making love, then do the pill, patch, or whatever to kill a potential human. And no, blood is not a LIVING HUMAN BEING. Read the fine print.

So it is more ethical to produce unwanted childern and burden the resources rather than remedy mistakes? You tell us to think and then criticize while you are not doing any of that yourself.

Don't have sex just for fun if you are potentially and premeditationaly killing someone.

Do you even know why most abortions take place? You think women just fuck around, get pregnant and then "oops" time to withdraw the bastard. Let me guess...you are a man who think he has his ethical priorities in order but if you're a woman then thats even more sad.
Actually abortion (from what I heard) is a difficult step for most women, is painful, and has long-term unpleasant (lightly said) side effects. It is certainly not just some other form of birth control. It is really reserved for some great emergencies.

You know, Sarge, I was going to pick on every word you said the way you do that sometimes, but I agree with you. Darn.
If Christian conservatives are truly so opposed to abortion, then why are the also opposed to contraceptives ... I mean, it's basic logic ... you don't get pregnant, abortion's not even an issue.
Christians are opposed to use of birth control because spilling of semen outside of where it is naturally supposed to go is against the Bible. So it says in the Old Testament, where Jews are in the desert.
What is so great about potential human beings anyway?
Really, I've been using this line to try and pickup nuns for YEARS.

"Mother Nancy, if we don't have sex, my sperm will go to waste. They only have a few days of life in them. Letting a sperm die is letting a fetus die. Letting a fetus die is killing a child. Do you want to be responsible for the death of our own child?"
When bringing a new life into the world would be a disaster for society, either because the child would be unwanted or a genetic abomination, it is fundamental that individuals be permitted to legally take action to remove their potential child from the world. Since a population is composed of its many individual members, it should be our right and responsibility to ensure that the foundation of our future is not undermined by creating more lives that detract from society instead of contributing to the whole.


Abortion, the killing of a potential human being.

So is jerking off. Don't take this comment to mean I favor abortion, I don't but anti-abortionist must learn to take a pragmatic view of the issue. One can take a flake from human skin and clone another human being. Am I killing potential humans when I scratch an itch? I think not.

Now abortion is a bit different and I probably wouldn't allow abortion to occur as long after conception as most would favor (those that want unlimited womens rights) but realistically there is in fact a period where living tissue growing after conception is "Undifferentiated" and is in no way a form of another being. Potential certainly but we cannot go around arresting people for breach of potential's. To not have sex or using a condom or using the pill, for that matter withdrawing and not planting your seed, violates "Potential".

I in fact probably have a deeper sense of the issue than many in that among my many family antiques I have the IUD that my mother was wearing when I was concieved. I was never treated as an unwanted child but I clearly was not intended and was unexpected.

Had my parents lived today instead of 70 years ago I clearly would have had my "Potential" circumvented. I do think about that quite often. (No jokes about being strained through the sheets please :D )

But the fight to preclude early abortion is simply not justified although I feel good prevention and protection is to be encouraged. Anything beyond that is religion and cannot and should not be imposed on others. If you truly believe in that crap then you should leave the judgement to your God and stay the hell out of others lives.

If you really believe conception is the will of God then you should protest our arresting rapist when the victum becomes pregnant.
whitewolf said:
Christians are opposed to use of birth control because spilling of semen outside of where it is naturally supposed to go is against the Bible. So it says in the Old Testament, where Jews are in the desert.

Yeah, yeah ... story of Onan. So what? Christians don't have a problem eating pork.