Abortion v.08.2

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
Wild. No other reference in this subforum for abortion. My personal preference is no abortion under any circumstances, then again, I'm all for legalized suicide. This is not a topic for such idealism. If it came down to a vote, I'd vote in favor of abortion being legal, but that minors are not allowed to make such a decision without the input of their parents or legal guardians. That's just me of course.

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If you don't like abortion, why vote to make it legal?

Anyway, I vote "no" unless the mother's life is in danger.
If you don't like abortion, why vote to make it legal?

Anyway, I vote "no" unless the mother's life is in danger.

to keep it safe. Women are gonna have abortions whether its legal or not. Fewer women die if its done in a medical clinic by a doctor than in a house with a knitting needle.
to keep it safe. Women are gonna have abortions whether its legal or not. Fewer women die if its done in a medical clinic by a doctor than in a house with a knitting needle.

Only an idiot would do that. What is this, the 16th century?

On a side note, whenever we legalize anything to "keep it safe" or "regulate it", for instance drugs, we're giving into the people who SHOULDN'T BE using them in the first place.
Because having a baby has many implications for someone's life. Who the father is, can they raise the child, are they ready? People make mistakes, and sometimes having a particular baby is extremely problematic. Women used to die all the time from illegal abortions.
Well, why do that and risk your life?

because that's how horrible an unwanted child is. Especially to a young girl who's parents/religion put a HUGE emphasis on being a virgin til they are married. Which most religions do.
Or a woman who already has 5 kids she can barely afford.
Because having a baby has many implications for someone's life. Who the father is, can they raise the child, are they ready? People make mistakes, and sometimes having a particular baby is extremely problematic.
The state can intervene and take it for adoption. At any rate, it's unfair for the baby. You don't support the death penalty for peadophile cannibalistic murderer rapists, but you support abortion for babies?:bugeye:

Women used to die all the time from illegal abortions.

Prostitutes today are murdered all the time. But they know the risks and they know their practice is illegal.
1. Carrying a pregancy to term is often the problem. It interferes with the course of life they planned. The baby didn't have a life, they have less invested in life, mostly they are tiny undeveloped lumps of flesh. A foetus isn't a baby.

2. Prostitution should be legal. If it were, fewer prostitutes would die.
Norse, see my post on embryo v. fully formed girl in that other thread.

I already addressed that. An embryo is a guaranteed life. If you end it, it's unfair. Where do we stop? If we don't consider embryos human, can white supremacists abort black embryos before they are born? After all, it's "not human" right?
It's not guaranteed life, not even by God. The woman's life should be the primary consideration, it's her choice, it's her body.
1. Carrying a pregancy to term is often the problem. It interferes with the course of life they planned. The baby didn't have a life, they have less invested in life, mostly they are tiny undeveloped lumps of flesh. A foetus isn't a baby.
OK, so we could've aborted you and it wouldn't have mattered. Or black babies before they are born.

2. Prostitution should be legal. If it were, fewer prostitutes would die.

Apart from the fact that it's a disgusting practice.

The prostitutes know the risks. If we legalize it, it's the state giving into the demands of criminals.
It's not guaranteed life, not even by God. The woman's life should be the primary consideration, it's her choice, it's her body.

The fetus is not her body. They're connected but it's a different, developing body.