Abortion and Suicide laws

that is the single most stupid thing i have ever herd. For starters you wont even get passed the psych test
Is it really that hard to pass a psych test? Everyone I've ever taken was laughably easy to figure out. However, you may be right after all:

Soldiers' Suicide Rate On Pace to Set Record

Nevertheless, that's just my way of thinking. It's something I might do if I were in that situation.

I've always been able to convert unpleasant emotions into anger and use them as fuel towards something positive.
fourth just because you want to die doesnt mean you want to kill and fithly you REALLY want to put someone in a delicate mental state INTO BOOT CAMP???
Why not?
Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms
that is the single most stupid thing i have ever herd. For starters you wont even get passed the psych test, secondly thats because they dont want someone whos suicidle putting other peoples lives in danger, thirdly just because you want to die doesnt mean you want to get shot (ie PAIN), fourth just because you want to die doesnt mean you want to kill and fithly you REALLY want to put someone in a delicate mental state INTO BOOT CAMP???
My friend did exactly that. He has schizotypal personality disorder and joined the army and went to Iraq. He thought if he died, then he didn't have to kill himself, and if he didn't die it was God's will and he would be helping kill terrorists. He broke a rib early on in boot camp, never told anyone and still passed. Also he's a vegan, so he was living on peanut butter and jelly the whole time.
He broke a rib early on in boot camp, never told anyone and still passed. Also he's a vegan, so he was living on peanut butter and jelly the whole time.

so how does the peanut butter and jelly sandwich tie into a broken rib..:D;)
Um, I don't know, I thought it was an interesting detail. He wasn't entirely normal and no one cared. They even helped him pass his drug test (it took a while).
exactly..when it all boils out it comes down to selfishness..you care more about your own problems than you do about others.
(i am not talking about you and me..but you and your own loved ones)
this is a major factor in suicides (IMO), why should I care to live when no one else cares for me to live?

I am friends with someone I met here...this person asked me not to kill myself without giving them a chance to talk me out of it...and I said..."Ok, but that goes for you too!"
We...mutually support our oxygen habits now.

@ NMSquirrel....et al...
When you have anxiety and/or mood disorders, people who do not share the brain cooties do not, in the majority, compute.

They don't wanna, they ain't gonna, and I think trying to explain the crazy to unwilling normies is an exercise in futility.

Anyway...I'm offically screwing the cap on my human-sized hamster ball.

...The metaphorical but very real one that will lead me to cry my eyes out after spending time in large groups, because I just end up feeling weirder and more alone.
I am weird, I am isolated. My personal heuristic is always going to contain catastrophe. I live in the land of the worst-case scenario. People will always frighten me. New memories of pedestrianly horrible stuff will pop up and turn me into a screaming wreck.
That's what I have to work with.

I think trying to explain the periodic waves of agony I seemingly have to learn to just put up with is a waste of time.

sometimes it doesn't take much to show you 'care', you do not have to put your life on hold for most cases..others pry required some medical treatment, but even so, you are not helping by telling someone they need medical treatment, it would be more helpful to 'hold their hand' and take them to the doctors..that shows them that you do care and you are not just paying them lipservice.

Again...they often don't get it/don't want it/not gonna have it.
If you want help, try another crazy person, generally.

Personally, I don't get the anti-physical-pain thing...I figured out physical pain hurts a lot less than the depression, in fact, physical pain shuts down both emotional pain and anxiety attacks for me. I currently have a good hundred razor marks...they fade. I used to feel guilty, now I just don't care that much, I have more important things to worry about.

again my argument is not about me and you..its more about you and yours..
you would(should) have more understanding of your loved ones to be more effective in showing them that you care..
there are ppl who can effectively talk down strangers, which implies an easy solution to the problem and has the potential to invalidate my previous comment.

From something I read written by a psychologist who worked a suicide hotline, the trick to talking someone down is to establish an emotional connection really fast, or you lose them. OTOH, overly empathizing is bad too. You want to give them a reason to kick for the surface, not jump in and drown with them.

And they don't understand. Not going to. Don't want to.

Frak 'em. I've spent too many godsd@mn threads trying to frakking explain myself. Trying to explain what this stuff is like so that people won't treat other people like crap because of their mood disorders...maybe me too.
Somebody wants a frakking explanation, they can jolly well ask me via PM.
Otherwise, frak 'em.
Personally, I don't get the anti-physical-pain thing...I figured out physical pain hurts a lot less than the depression, in fact, physical pain shuts down both emotional pain and anxiety attacks for me. I currently have a good hundred razor marks...they fade. I used to feel guilty, now I just don't care that much, I have more important things to worry about.
i remember a friend in grade school who used to poke at his arm muscles with pins..
no thanks..i think i have sensitive skin..i say think, because after 20 years in construction i know my skin is pretty tuff..its always the little splinters that bug..:shrug:

From something I read written by a psychologist who worked a suicide hotline, the trick to talking someone down is to establish an emotional connection really fast, or you lose them. OTOH, overly empathizing is bad too. You want to give them a reason to kick for the surface, not jump in and drown with them.
this speaks of influence only at the moment of incident..if there were ppl to connect to him emotionally before such an event, the event would not occur (IMO)
My friend did exactly that. He has schizotypal personality disorder and joined the army and went to Iraq. He thought if he died, then he didn't have to kill himself, and if he didn't die it was God's will and he would be helping kill terrorists. He broke a rib early on in boot camp, never told anyone and still passed. Also he's a vegan, so he was living on peanut butter and jelly the whole time.
See, Asguard, I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
if Defence cant work out if someone has a serious mental illness on aplication there is something seriously wrong with your intake system.

And again i will ask what makes you think just because someone wants to die that they want to kill for you?
i remember a friend in grade school who used to poke at his arm muscles with pins.

Done that too. It's not as satisfying, but I can do it in public by palming a bent safety pin, so in emergency freakouts and/or when furious at myself, can be useful...and the blood drops look like moles, not very noticeable...
With the razor, I ususally have a lot of opened skin I can slap strong rubbing alcohol on if I need that level of external ouch to get rid of the internal ouch.

Gee. Charming, isn't it.
Done that too. It's not as satisfying, but I can do it in public by palming a bent safety pin, so in emergency freakouts and/or when furious at myself, can be useful...and the blood drops look like moles, not very noticeable...
With the razor, I ususally have a lot of opened skin I can slap strong rubbing alcohol on if I need that level of external ouch to get rid of the internal ouch.

Gee. Charming, isn't it.

If you are looking for a little pain, I have a friend that swears by one drop of gasoline in the ear. He says that pain is quite exquisite in it intensity. Note: He has the highest tolerance for pain than anybody I've ever known.
If you are looking for a little pain, I have a friend that swears by one drop of gasoline in the ear. He says that pain is quite exquisite in it intensity. Note: He has the highest tolerance for pain than anybody I've ever known.

I'm not going to mess up my hearing, and I'm allergic (or, well, reactive) to gasoline fumes...I've put tea tree oil in my ear, and yes, I'd get gas fumes through my eardrum.
Sounds like a great way to have a coughing-up-blood asthma attack.

Did put rubbing alcohol in my ear once or twice.
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I'm not going to mess up my hearing, and I'm allergic (or, well, reactive) to gasoline fumes...I've put tea tree oil in my ear, and yes, I'd get gas fumes through my eardrum.
Sounds like a great way to have a coughing-up-blood asthma attack.

Did put rubbing alcohol in my ear once or twice.

I wouldn't do it and I don't have your problems, but then I go to great length to avoid pain as I have a low tolerance to it.
Between being shot, stabbed, electrocuted to near death three times, and being hit by a car and having seven of my ribs broken, I think that I've done the "pain" thing quite enough. Real pain anyways, kinky pain is always fun.
Between being shot, stabbed, electrocuted to near death three times, and being hit by a car and having seven of my ribs broken, I think that I've done the "pain" thing quite enough. Real pain anyways, kinky pain is always fun.

I hope you got some good drugs for all that pain. My friend got stabbed under the arm about an inch wide and at least one half inch deep. He super glued it together and 6 months latter I had trouble seeing any scar. I would have gone to a doctor and had it stitched. He did say it stung a lot when he put the super glue on it.
Between being shot, stabbed, electrocuted to near death three times, and being hit by a car and having seven of my ribs broken, I think that I've done the "pain" thing quite enough. Real pain anyways, kinky pain is always fun.

I had an orthopedist rough-set my busted-all-to-crap arm in the ER...
It wasn't pain at that point, it was like getting hit with a lightning bolt.
Though I vaguely remember calling the doc something James would have at me for for repeating here.;)

So...(looks a bit nervously at Asguard) my experience is that stuff takes a bit to really hurt...and that really heavy-duty pain is so overwhelming you go into a very altered state...so the whole painless death thing...well...:shrug:

I saved half the hydrocodone they gave me for my arm for migraines...took the migraines right out. Hydrocodones are nummy. Migranes are really annoying, especially that whole can't see straight bit.

Jeez, Arioch...you don't kill easy.
I've been calling myself a human cockroach for a while now...bombed and still scuttling...
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I had an orthopedist rough-set my busted-all-to-crap arm in the ER...
It wasn't pain at that point, it was like getting hit with a lightning bolt.
Though I vaguely remember calling the doc something James would have at me for for repeating here.;)

So...(looks a bit nervously at Asguard) my experience is that stuff takes a bit to really hurt...and that really heavy-duty pain is so overwhelming you go into a very altered state...so the whole painless death thing...well...:shrug:

I saved half the hydrocodone they gave me for my arm for migraines...took the migraines right out. Hydrocodones are nummy. Migranes are really annoying, especially that whole can't see straight bit.

im a little confused as to your reference to me there, personally i HATE pain, i avoid even having vacinations (i dont mind GIVING shots but i hate getting them). self harm and suicide arnt the same thing, they overlap in that a portion of people who self harm will go on to become suicidle if the sorce of there distress isnt delt with but not all people who are suicidle will self harm and fear of pain is actually one of the most common reasons people DONT commit suicide and also why when they try they fail. The other main reason (for women mainly which is why the disparity between atemps and commision between the genders) is vanity. Women are less likly to do things which will destroy there looks (like shooting themselves in the head) and are there for more likly to atempt with things like cutting there wrists or using pills.
Um...I was afraid if you figured out major trauma takes about five minutes to do more than sting really hard...
Well, that and that nasty grating feeling bone ends make....but it takes a bit for you to really feel it to where you're going to start yelling regardless.
Guess not.:shrug: