Abortion and Suicide laws


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
A random thought. If abortion is legal because its a woman's body and she can decide who or what lives inside it, why isn't suicide legal?
Absolutely agree suicide should be legal.

The fact that it isn't means we are truly not free, no matter how liberated people think they are.
Suicide hasn't been a crime in the UK since 1961. Probably because it's pointless to put a corpse on the stand.

"So Mr Anderson, you confirm nobody helped you?......
May I remind you you're under oath to answer the question!"
I know in Michigan if you attempt suicide they will remove your children from the home til they deem it is safe. Even if your spouse is the one who attempts it.
I like to think that way the kids get therapy. But one parent tries to kill themselves nda then they are pulled away from the other one
and abortion ends a lump of non-thinking cells. A suicide attempt is someone who needs help. If you can help them by arresting them adn getting them counseling, why wouldn't you?
I know in Michigan if you attempt suicide they will remove your children from the home til they deem it is safe. Even if your spouse is the one who attempts it.
I like to think that way the kids get therapy. But one parent tries to kill themselves nda then they are pulled away from the other one

Every time you tell us something about Michigan I realize why it's a crappy state.
and abortion ends a lump of non-thinking cells. A suicide attempt is someone who needs help. If you can help them by arresting them adn getting them counseling, why wouldn't you?

Not all suicide is created equal, so why should laws treat it all the same. Many people are dying and in a great deal of pain and it's never going to get any better, yet they are forced to stay alive, usually with out enough drugs to really stop the pain because doctors are afraid of being sued when those same drugs are used to terminate life painlessly. I also believe in the right to death when it's time.
orelander there is a difference between charging someone with something and removing children for there protection.

Now this isnt to say i agree but i can understand there point, if your suicidly depressed are you fit currently to look after children?
A random thought. If abortion is legal because its a woman's body and she can decide who or what lives inside it, why isn't suicide legal?
The Religious Redneck Retards have mounted a new campaign against abortion, so even though it's still legal it will become increasingly difficult to get one in many states. Across the river in Virginia they're about to pass new laws that will put most abortion clinics out of business because it will require them to have almost the same kind of facilities as a hospital--right down to the dimensions of the corridors and other things that are impossible to retrofit.

As for suicide, remember that the Baby Boomers have defined American culture since they were old enough to talk. Hula hoops, rock'n'roll, civil rights, peace rallies, recreational drugs, motorcycles, disco, the Religious Redneck Retard Revival, ultra-safe baby carriages built like miniature Volvos, health food, 5000-lb trucks for grocery shopping, the persecution of smokers... everything they wanted, the entire might of the United States was directed toward giving it to them.

The vanguard of that generation just turned 65 this year. So you can bet that American culture will turn its focus to aging and the issues that concern old people. The last thing these superannuated kids will want is to lie rotting and drooling in a warehouse full of people who have forgotten who they are. So you can bet that the taboo against suicide will come crashing down in the next couple of decades.
A suicide attempt is someone who needs help. If you can help them by arresting them adn getting them counseling, why wouldn't you?
Like most American busybodies, you seem blind to the possibility that suicide may be a rational choice. Why?

Not all lives are worth living.

It's been persuasively argued right here on SciForums, in the wake of one of our members discussing his own plans, that telling others that you intend to commit suicide may indeed be a cry for help. Obviously making a faux attempt that could never do more than make you sick--such as trying to "overdose" on Valium--could fall in the same category.

But a genuine, well-planned attempt, in private, without alerting anybody? That isn't a cry for help. That's your own way of ending some pretty intolerable pain, for which no other remedy has worked. Those people should have a right to make their own decision.

Not allowing a person in unbearable, incurable emotional agony to end it is just as mean-spirited as denying a person in unbearable physical agony an analgesic.
The Religious Redneck Retards have mounted a new campaign against abortion, so even though it's still legal it will become increasingly difficult to get one in many states. Across the river in Virginia they're about to pass new laws that will put most abortion clinics out of business because it will require them to have almost the same kind of facilities as a hospital--right down to the dimensions of the corridors and other things that are impossible to retrofit.
Better yet the medical schools aren't teaching abortions.

It's been persuasively argued right here on SciForums, in the wake of one of our members discussing his own plans, that telling others that you intend to commit suicide may indeed be a cry for help. Obviously making a faux attempt that could never do more than make you sick--such as trying to "overdose" on Valium--could fall in the same category.

A bit more nuanced...result of internal struggle...

Not allowing a person in unbearable, incurable emotional agony to end it is just as mean-spirited as denying a person in unbearable physical agony an analgesic.

If it's really incurable...the catch to that is that the nature of the illness leads you to jump to that conclusion before that's really been tested.

Not all lives are worth living.
Agreed. Who gets to make that decision, and if you say the sufferer, who gets to decide if they are in their right mind?
(My life hasn't felt worth it most of the time for a while. I've had better years, and I am trying very hard to keep that in mind.)
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