A world with a loving God.

From reading through your posts lately, you are a very kind man, X. You seem to have a very good heart.

If no one told you that this week, shame on them!
Thank you your kind words they lift my day and make me more determined to be nice.
I have been a little aggressive lately because I have just now reviewed my excuses and understand why... All I can say in truth is I am coping with perhaps a little more than is wise and it is starting to show...I must regain my composure and direction.
Thank you
Thank you your kind words they lift my day and make me more determined to be nice.
I have been a little aggressive lately because I have just now reviewed my excuses and understand why... All I can say in truth is I am coping with perhaps a little more than is wise and it is starting to show...I must regain my composure and direction.
Thank you
Well, you are doing just fine for someone carrying a heavy load right now. :( Hope things get better.
What does a perfect life look like? Why do we suppose that if a god exists, then life should be perfect?
The absence of genetic diseases, asteroid strikes, baby cancer, and human specific parasites. Also, mean people would tend to get justice, and people that pray would get better luck.

if there was an all benevolent all powerful god mean people would not get justice, if there was this type of god there would be no mean people in the first place.
What does a perfect life look like? Why do we suppose that if a god exists, then life should be perfect?

life would not be perfect if there was just any god, it would be perfect if there was one who both wanted the best for us and had the power to make that a reality.

and I suppose what is perfect depends on your preference.
life would not be perfect if there was just any god, it would be perfect if there was one who both wanted the best for us and had the power to make that a reality.

and I suppose what is perfect depends on your preference.
So, we would just wake up everyday, and nothing bad would ever happen...we would never make any bad decisions...we would only make good decisions? And everyone would just magically get along?

I don't know. I wonder why many blame God for the troubles of life, and not humankind.
I don't know. I wonder why many blame God for the troubles of life, and not humankind.
Think something about free will comes into play here

Also since all knowing god knows the results already why are we here going through the motions?

Think something about free will comes into play here

Also since all knowing god knows the results already why are we here going through the motions?


Maybe for ourselves, to live a life of our choosing.
So, we would just wake up everyday, and nothing bad would ever happen...we would never make any bad decisions...we would only make good decisions? And everyone would just magically get along?

I don't know. I wonder why many blame God for the troubles of life, and not humankind.

an all benevolent all powerful god would let us make whatever decisions we wanted, but not let that result in suffering, and be able to do so due to being all powerful and hence able to do anything.
of course, this isn't really possible, so your god can't do it, so your god isn't all powerful.
if there was an all benevolent and all powerful god it could and would fix everything without any negative repercussions, negative repercussions such as the impedance of free will for example.
Are you saying 2 God's? If you are, it's looking that way.
I'm not claiming that any god exists or does not, except for an all benevolent and all powerful one, which could not exist.
and so what if I said there are 2 gods?
Maybe for ourselves, to live a life of our choosing.
Fair enough. Go forth and live the life of your choice. Psssst by the way won't do you any good unless you follow all the rules I have put in the good book. Also I already know the result but you gotta live anyway


Fair enough. Go forth and live the life of your choice. Psssst by the way won't do you any good unless you follow all the rules I have put in the good book. Also I already know the result but you gotta live anyway


That's about the gist of it.

Do you think humans deserve anything better than death?
I deserve better than death in my opinion.
I don't care what your hypothetical god thinks I deserve.
You are interesting. If I'm not completely bonkers I thought you didn't know God existed?

But, you believe in an afterlife?

Care to share? Where would it be? Who would be there? What form would you be? Would it be on a planet?