A world with a loving God.

God does love you, he just can't save you. In order to fulfill your heavenly honor you must save yourself or remain in the middle world to repeat suffering forever, knowingly. All you have to do is be happy and not be a biggot, and if you know, you know that anger hurts, thus you can and should change.
God does love you, he just can't save you. In order to fulfill your heavenly honor you must save yourself or remain in the middle world to repeat suffering forever, knowingly. All you have to do is be happy and not be a biggot, and if you know, you know that anger hurts, thus you can and should change.
Doesn't Jesus forgive?

LOVE is ultimate fundamental to nature, that's what God does, and why he doesn't have to care for you when at that you should be saving yourself and get your forgiveness too.

Pacifism is omnipotent. With inner peace we can destroy our own pains and transgressions making us safe, and once safe we can be happy. And the non-violence, happiness, and safety simaltaneously liberates you.

God is passive but he is still safe. You know anger is bad for you, and you had faith all along without changing. Don't worry be happy.
Congratulations. You managed to split up my post into quotable chunks and to respond with these words of your own, all the while completely failing to even address any of the questions I asked in the post that you were ostensibly responding to. That's quite a feat.

You're welcome to join the rest of us in the real world any time it suits you.
God does love you, he just can't save you.

I suppose that's the difference between me and your God, if I love someone, I'm sure as shit going to save them from whatever perils they might be enduring, regardless if those perils are hoisted upon them or they are doing it to themselves. If that's the kind of love God shows, then I want no part of it. And, if this is the kind of things your God teaches, it's little wonder why Christians have such poor morals and ethics and only seem to care about themselves and no one else.

In order to fulfill your heavenly honor you must save yourself or remain in the middle world to repeat suffering forever, knowingly.

That's not really a very good selling point for Christianity or your God. I suppose you probably wonder why Christianity is failing and people are leaving it in droves.

All you have to do is be happy and not be a biggot, and if you know, you know that anger hurts, thus you can and should change.

That's all I have to do? Be happy? Lol.
I suppose that's the difference between me and your God, if I love someone, I'm sure as shit going to save them from whatever perils they might be enduring, regardless if those perils are hoisted upon them or they are doing it to themselves. If that's the kind of love God shows, then I want no part of it. And, if this is the kind of things your God teaches, it's little wonder why Christians have such poor morals and ethics and only seem to care about themselves and no one else.

That's not really a very good selling point for Christianity or your God. I suppose you probably wonder why Christianity is failing and people are leaving it in droves.

That's all I have to do? Be happy? Lol.

I can't save you, you and everyone else just have to stop being a suffering biggot, because the only reason you suffer is bigotry.
That's all I have to do? Be happy?

That's not ALL you have to do - be happy

You have to be happy the RIGHT way

What the RIGHT way?

Well its the way THEY tell you to be happy

Unfortunately not many of their ways appeal to me so I'm guessing I have a wrong happiness

I can't save you, you and everyone else just have to stop being a suffering biggot, because the only reason you suffer is bigotry.

I didn't ask for you to save me. But it speaks volumes of your faith that when the fallibility of your beliefs and your God are shown, you say I'm a bigot.

You obviously don't understand that YOU are the one who is intolerant to me, telling me that I'm going to suffer for an eternity if I don't follow your ideas, your faith and your God. You're accusing others of your own hypocrisy.

That's not ALL you have to do - be happy

You have to be happy the RIGHT way

What the RIGHT way?

Well its the way THEY tell you to be happy

Unfortunately not many of their ways appeal to me so I'm guessing I have a wrong happiness


And, just like me, you'll be accused of being a bigot, that you are intolerant to the threats of others.
And, just like me, you'll be accused of being a bigot, that you are intolerant to the threats of others.
See you on the other side in the hot spot where all the cool people hang out

I didn't ask for you to save me. But it speaks volumes of your faith that when the fallibility of your beliefs and your God are shown, you say I'm a bigot.

I'm just telling you how to save yourself. I as a angel can show you the way, but you must walk the path on your own.

You obviously don't understand that YOU are the one who is intolerant to me, telling me that I'm going to suffer for an eternity if I don't follow your ideas, your faith and your God. You're accusing others of your own hypocrisy.

You need Jesus to be happy as it is divine, and if your not happy and or unholy you would naturally and understandably be found in hell. It's part of my religion to tolerate evil and suffering, and if you didnt tolerate them you would suffer.
I'm just telling you how to save yourself.

Yes, YOU are telling me, that is exactly from what I'm saving myself, your threats, bigotry and ego.

I as a angel can show you the way, but you must walk the path on your own.

You believe you're an angel? And, that you can show me how to live my life? Is this a joke? I think your posts demonstrate you can't even help yourself let alone anyone else.

You need Jesus

What I need is for people like you to stop telling me what I need.

to be happy as it is divine, and if your not happy and or unholy you would naturally and understandably be found in hell. It's part of my religion to tolerate evil and suffering, and if you didnt tolerate them you would suffer.

It's funny how you can't even see the intolerance that you and your religion display. You are intolerant of me and what I need by telling me what it is I need and then further solidifying your intolerance by threatening me with hell if I don't do as you say.
It's funny how you can't even see the intolerance that you and your religion display. You are intolerant of me and what I need by telling me what it is I need and then further solidifying your intolerance by threatening me with hell if I don't do as you say.

That's hardly the truth. My religion is tolerance, it is you who has prejudice.
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Your going to hell because you dont do the things it requires to be happy.
So I'm happy but but but YOU are TELLING me MY happy doesn't count because I am not doing happy YOUR way

AND because I not doing happy YOUR way I am going to hell

Q hope that packet of marshmallows is extra large jumbo to last a few billion eons for a few billion people
