A strange deja-vu problem.

This means new readers are really reading this stuff. More power to them. With all the stuff in this forum, if someone can connect the dots and come up with new stuff - that would be wonderful.

I used to have a lot of deja-vu, but lately not much perhaps due to work related stress! Any one have the same problem?
i know what your going thru

wow, i never posted anything anywhere in my life, but after reading your post i had to create an account just to make this comment... Long story short man, I'm in my late 30's and de-ja-ve is really confusing me in life. It's getting worse by the day... I'm almost wondering if I'm loosing my mind... I'm having this thing when I'm forgetting things and I have these days ( occuring more often ) that every event in the day in dejavu... I'm realizing now, that there's more to it but I just don't know what... The dejavu is getting so bad sometimes that I'm almost able to know what's next in certain situations and I even freak my wife out when I tell her about this cause I even prove to her over & over what's next on certain days and events... I know it's impossible to see the future in anyway but the dejavu gets so weird at times that I actually say to myself ( I've had this day before, I know it, and on certain days I actually know what happens next before it happens. I know that's impossible but it's what's happening to me... My wife say's she wishes I had De-ja-vu with the lotto... Anyway, I think extreme stress ad's to this and I don't know why I say that, but I think so... ON these days try your hardest not to create new memories cause they'll repeat themselves and be weirder a year later add'ed to the dejavu events your already having that day... Maybe you understand what all I'm sayen, maybe not... I hope your de-ja-vu problem don't get as bad as mine... It's really taking a toll on me and no-one understands... These days are hitting me more often now and I wish it'd just stop already cause it's getting me thinking I'm going crazy but I know I'm right and I proved it to myself & wife countless times... Good luck!!!
What to do with deja vu

If you have deja vu, you should, (but not always), do the opposite of what you were supposedly going to do, but try to find the delusional scam ratio, so it doesn't just act as though the opposite and then you will be doing the opposite of the opposite of what you were supposedly going to do. In other words, do the opposite, but not always so it doesn't delusional just tell you that you had already done the opposite.
If you have deja vu, you should, (but not always), do the opposite of what you were supposedly going to do, but try to find the delusional scam ratio, so it doesn't just act as though the opposite and then you will be doing the opposite of the opposite of what you were supposedly going to do. In other words, do the opposite, but not always so it doesn't delusional just tell you that you had already done the opposite.

Even If i try to do the opposite I still just end up thinking the same thing. Usually a back and forth conversation about deja Vu while I do what I pictured myself doing ironically enough.
When you get DeJa Vu does it only involve places you have been to or areas you can already have been to?
I heard that deja vu has something to do with the Parallel Universe. Maybe we somehow have an unconscious contact with them and maybe...when you die in a dream you die in that parallel universe.:itold:
There's no proof that parallel universes actually exist. Whoever told you that was talking nonsense.
hey guys sorry to bring this post back, but I'v been looking through the internet to see if people have the same situation as me.

I have an explanation of what is happening, just to let everyone know their not going crazy lol. So anyways same thing happens to me with deja vu, It starts happening, then I know whats going to happen in the next 30 seconds. It's like a 30 second glimpse into the future.

With me there is one twist to the story however, and which I think happens to everyone, they just don't remember. I'm a heavy dreamer, I have dreams every nite and usually remember them all, there's rarely a nite that I don't remember a dream.

So what I have to say is that deja vu is a dream you have had you just don't remember it!! With me I remember the dream I had, so when it starts happening I remember my dream, so I know what's going to happen next. Think about it, for all the people that can't explain deja vu, why would the environment seem so familiar, like you have been their before, and like some people say they remember what's going to happen next. It's because they saw that very scene in a dream down to the last detail!!Most people just don't remember their dreams so it's seems even more strange. This has happened to me literally hundreds of times, so I know what I say is true.

Iv even seen people in my dreams that I happens to meet for the first time months later when the deja vu starts happening, and it boggles my mind that I could of dreamed exactly what they look like before even seeing them. I have even been with friends when deja vu starts happening and they get wierded out when I say what will happen next. Like one time we were driving and deja vu started happening, then I said were going to pass this street and this white van will be parked on the right, then the exact thing happened. Mind you it's not just probability of a white van being there, everything in that 30 second glimpse is 100% the same as the dream I had and remember down to the last little detail, every turn of the head, and where your eyes look is the same as where you looked in the dream.

I have no idea how this is possible, and it boggles my mind how I (and it seems others) are able somehow to glimpses into the future from their dreams. So anyways some food for thought....
. . .deja vu? . . . I think I've seen all of this (posts) before . . . In the words of that famous philosopher, Yogi Berra . . . "This seems like deja vu all over again!"