A strange deja-vu problem.

Originally posted by DjFrEaK
i have alot of deja vus too, they suck. I get dizzy though and want to faint, it's bad, and it always happens. I find myself feeling like i did the same thing that did maybe a a minute, hour, or even a year ago over and over again, it's wierd.

Same here, cept I don't get dizzy or anything, I just remember seeing somthing or doing something, but I've never really have. And you'd think you'd get deja vu on really important stuff, like you get deja vu about a car crash or something, but I don't. It's over small, insenificant things. The most recent was me and my mom and my younger bro walking down the stairs of our apartment, having a convorsation; I remember haveing that exsact thing (down to every little detail) happening before, but it really hasn't. But it's never anything important; all I can do is just predict what the person will say next, and stuff like that; I really dun get what the point of it is...

Ok, I'm done babling...
well, as for deja vu's, I've them all the time, but then again, that goes into a lot of non science, and it seems most here on this thread believe the science, so I'll not bog you, but if its science, then maybe i need to get my head checked, becuase I'm double living my life :p
Its odd, becuase their mostly my dreams played over, and its not even a normal everyday situation all the time, so the crossed wires thing couldn't apply for every instant, but i do think it an intresting topic, I get deja vu's about 3-9 times a week, and the deja vu usually lasts anywhere from 3-15 mins
oh well ::shrug::
someone give me some scientific insight !
deja vu is not something that you know of before it happens, that is precognition. deja vu is one of a few things. it can not be proven because it is what you feel and nobody else can. one possibility, a very logical one, is that the nerves that move from your eye to your brain are moving at 2 different speeds. it has to move more than 25 milleseconds more, because thats how long it takes for the brain to interpret and think of what you just saw. so one nerve for one eye could move faster than the other one. you have to different visual stems, one is more advanced than the other, the less advanced one is usually used with blind people. Another possibility is that both stems are used and the more advanced one recieves the information earlier than the less advanced one, there for you believe that you experienced the same thing twice, but did not. it was experienced at the same time, but does not appear that way because your two stems receive it at different times. no matter what the time difference has to be more than 25 milleseconds. that is all information that is theorized by proffesionals.
sincerely yours,
katy and dave.
done by us for you.
The mundane explanation of Deja Vu is that your brain mixes up your current exerience with your memory. So you feel like what you're experiencing is a memory, when actually you've just got your wires crossed. So there's nothing mystical or magical about it......it's just your brain stuffing up.

Often I find that I can sort of "fast forward" my deja vu experiences to see what's coming next in the deja vu, so that rules out some of these explanations. I did this in my latest deja vu. I was at work, and had deja vu, and I looked ahead to the next several seconds, and they happened just as I thought it would in the deja vu. I looked ahead several minutes, but the deja vu only lasted a couple minutes. After a certain point the feeling faded, but there was still opportunity for what I saw in advance to occur. It didn't though. It's strange when it happens, because even though I'm supposedly looking to the future, it still happens as I see it, unless I do something to change it usually. If I don't, the deja vu feeling can last longer than I'd think considering I can see what's coming.
It wasn't until relatively recently I've been able to do this, and I've only done it a few times. Normally it's just a regular deja vu.
Hmmmm... ive had similar experiences with de ja vu, or pre cognition, only the ones that catch my attention are the ones that occur in dreams two or even three days ahead of the event. and i dont mean Waking dreams or any thing like that.... these are dreams about really mundane stuff, like something that happens at work, or a conversation about an obscure topic,or an ordinary object of no consequence.... seems to point to me that it isnt the subject in question, but the context of the coincidence, and more often than not , there seems to be a relitavely strong emotional component to these incidents, i tend to remember the event in vivid detail, both the precursor, and the event itself..... as if "dense events" have the effect of casting their shadow into the past, like some sort of pre-echo....
It seems everyone I've spoken to who claims to have done some sort of precognition claims to have done so via dreams. My precognitions are not during dreams though. They are while I'm wide awake and have pretty much the same feeling as deja vu.
yeah, ive definitely had waking precognition. once i was out with people, and i had that bizzare sensation of de ja vu, but it felt like a memory, and i managed to get more information than just the wierd "mirror" effect, i knew beyond a doubt that we would have trouble with transport home, and i even said so, excusing myself for being wierd, and sure enough, we all ended up walking a couple of ks to get home......do you think this is self fulfilling prophesy, coincidence or maybe just being the lynchpin in a given situation,where your word actually infleunces future events?.....
That sounds like the same thing. It was like a memory of a future event, with a deja vu type of feeling.
I don't think it is self fulfilling prophecy, as mine were avoided. Luckily so.
JanetBoy7 said:
I Would say i started having deja-vu's about 4 years ago (or i just started noticing them). At first it was COOL to know exactly what was going to happen for that spilt second. But since then it's been getting on my nerves. I have them more often and they are getting much longer. Sometimes i get stuck because i'm just looking and hearing all these things i have heard and saw before. Before i use to like having deja-vu's but now i get sort of mad, because it feels as if my life has already happened and i'm just living it.

The strangest one i think was having a deja-vu of me having a deja-vu?!? I always ask my friends if they get deja-vu's but they rarely or never get deja-vu's, why do i get so many?? It's very strange.

I get them just the same way, and very frequently. I've noticed that when I play video games for an extended period of time, it seems to trigger it, so I'm very inclined at this point to agree with the temporal fits explanation that I've heard. I've tried applying spiritual meaning to it, and recording my dreams, etc... but very little, if anything, has thus far resulted from those efforts.

So, again, I'm inclined to believe it's a kind of temporal lobe fit... I don't think it's necessarily epilepsy (unless accompanied by seizures,) as the studies indicate that it does lessen as you get older (as the original poster mentioned.) I think the most recent report I read said that people ages 15-25 (in and around there) experience deja vu the most frequently.
Butterscotch said:
deja vu is not something that you know of before it happens, that is precognition. deja vu is one of a few things. it can not be proven because it is what you feel and nobody else can. one possibility, a very logical one, is that the nerves that move from your eye to your brain are moving at 2 different speeds. it has to move more than 25 milleseconds more, because thats how long it takes for the brain to interpret and think of what you just saw. so one nerve for one eye could move faster than the other one. you have to different visual stems, one is more advanced than the other, the less advanced one is usually used with blind people. Another possibility is that both stems are used and the more advanced one recieves the information earlier than the less advanced one, there for you believe that you experienced the same thing twice, but did not. it was experienced at the same time, but does not appear that way because your two stems receive it at different times. no matter what the time difference has to be more than 25 milleseconds. that is all information that is theorized by proffesionals.
sincerely yours,
katy and dave.
done by us for you.

I have to respectfully disagree with this explaination as it is based only on visual matters. In my experience with deja vu, everything seems familiar, sight, smell, sound, touch. Not just the typical five senses though, also thoughts feelings, emotions all feel familiar as well. I've analyzed my past deja vu experiences and would like to share what I've notice, but haven't heard anyone else talk about.

  • The experience typically begins with a sense of familiarity
  • Once I recognize that I'm having a deja vu experience, it is only then that I am able to "know" what is going to happen next. What will be said, or done. Call it precognition of you like.
  • Knowing what will happen next includes my own actions, not just those of others around me.
  • I then follow through with what I "know" I am going to do next as if I have no control over it myself.
  • If I focus on these actions that I "know" I'm about to do, and intentionally do something different from what I "remember having done before" I will break the deja vu event and the whole thing collapses, and the feeling fades.

The thing that trips me out the most is the loss of control over my own actions. These actions aren't anything major, but usually somthing I'm about to say, or simply some minor action like scratching my head.

I'm sorry I don't have any answers or theories as to the cause of this. But I hope my description of my own events will help everyone in some way.

btw, please excuse my spelling... it's late!
I dnt know what deja vu r. Since i was kid, like 4 5 years old, it happened to me and, unfortunately now everything I do is a deja vu. With deja vus I m also having premonition dreams. The only thing I can say is that Im tired of all of this and that I would like to stop thinking and rest a bit
:mad: :(
but like its not the sort if stuff like getting fired, etc etc, its just stuff like conversations with people, or watching sumthin on tv, or saying something to someone and then remembering saying the same thing and somehow the conversation continues the same way i remeber w/o even trying...

like just now my mom said something about a show we were watching on tv and i asked a question and she answered and I remembered it exactly like that...

I have a problem with these theories. I like a lot of them from the science end. However, my problem is this. I can create deja-vu memories before I live them out. meaning I will have a dream I can clearly remember, even reoccurring ones. Then they happen and I remember the dream still. That is how it started. Also I know and express facts about my soundings that I wouldn't be able to know or guess. I have developed this somewhat into being able to focus into a thought and It happens Just as it had played out in my mind when I went into this hard concentrated focus. The downside was that I could not focus on one particular event I wanted. It was random flashes of what would happen. And It did. There was one that didn't yet. I'm waiting for it. Most would be within 3 months at the longest. The one that didn't happen yet was years ago. So who knows. It is hard to explain the way it works. It is almost like meditation I guess. I focus in and it has a transcendental feel to it. Like were all one and infinite, If that makes sense. This probably sounds like mumbo-jumbo crap but its hard to explain any other way for me. I feel worn out mentally when I do it and I get the chills and my hairs all stand up on my body. The little ones on arms legs and back of neck and such. And its fast. Just flashes of images and ideas all sort of at once. There is another side of this I don't like talking about at all. I am NOT religious in any way. I was recently informed by a wiccan that this is something they do...? Here it is... I get a feeling of worry about something happening to someone and I have to do the focus thing like in the forced deja-vu. Except this time I need to fully believe that the bad thing wont happen to them. I say it in my head and make sure there is not one negative feeling or thought involved. I see a white energy (ball)? from my center and when I expel the bad and say it won't happen the light or energy or whatever shoots out and it ends right there and I "wake up" drained mentally. The tough part is that I have to clear my mind of the topic completely right afterwards. Not one bit of it can remain. Good or bad. Just an overall sense of good but not thinking about it at all.

I have proof of me doing these things. Not the last part because there is no way of proving I stopped something from happening lol. But I can focus on seeing a person somewhere or a place before I arrive and they are there or the place is exactly how I see it. I think everyone can do this stuff. I don't think I am special or have any extra senses or crap like that. I have a feeling its linked to the same deja-vu everyone else has and they can develop it also.

I am a logical thinker without any belief in mystical fake garbage or nonsense.

I picked out lottery numbers a few times. 2 times or so was while watching on tv. I picked the numbers and one by one there they were. I once knew the number on a ticket while driving by a store and had to go in to place it and won. I KNEW the numbers were right. It wasn't a hunch. I just felt it was right and that I already knew it. Like I was looking at it or someone was saying it as if the lotto was over already and the result was right there in my head. The problem with that is most of the time I would get excited and then being as analytical as I am, I would over think it and find it hard to know what is the right set of numbers and what is thought about and processed. I got worse at this as time went on because I over think it now.

How is any of this explained? I have loads of examples of me doing these things and some proof from other people about some of them too. I wish there was some sort of study done on this with a bunch of people and see if they can learn to do the same stuff.

Sorry for this very long post. It is my first and I am very interested in this.
I had my first one when I was about 5-7 years old. I was in a house my parents were looking at to rent. I knew where everything was and details about it. I was really weirded out but excited and I told them I was there before and showed them where stuff was in this house that I was never actually in before. My parents told me to shut up and it was rude to go around or act the way I was or something. I think it embarrassed them or something. Hard to remember, but I remember what happened and the feeling had.

I dnt know what deja vu r. Since i was kid, like 4 5 years old, it happened to me and, unfortunately now everything I do is a deja vu. With deja vus I m also having premonition dreams. The only thing I can say is that Im tired of all of this and that I would like to stop thinking and rest a bit
:mad: :(
This thread has its own Deja-vu-a-deux doesn't it. Look at the date when it was started and then the rest of the dates as its been resurrected.:eek: