A Sincere Cry For An Answer


Registered Senior Member
Romans 9:6-24
9:6 It is not as though the word of God had failed. For not all those who are descended from Israel are truly Israel, 7 nor are all the children Abraham's true descendants; rather "through Isaac will your descendants be counted." 8 This means it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God; rather, the children of promise are counted as descendants. 9 For this is what the promise declared: "About a year from now I will return and Sarah will have a son." 10 Not only that, but when Rebekah had conceived children by one man, our ancestor Isaac— 11 even before they were born or had done anything good or bad (so that God's purpose in election would stand, not by works but by his calling)— 12 it was said to her, "The older will serve the younger," 13 just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." 14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? Absolutely not! 15 For he says to Moses: "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." 16 So then, it does not depend on human desire or exertion, but on God who shows mercy. 17 For the scripture says to Pharaoh: "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may demonstrate my power in you, and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth." 18 So then, God has mercy on whom he chooses to have mercy, and he hardens whom he chooses to harden. 19 You will say to me then, "Why does he still find fault? For who has ever resisted his will?" 20 But who indeed are you--a mere human being--to talk back to God? Does what is molded say to the molder, "Why have you made me like this?" 21 Has the potter no right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special use and another for ordinary use? 22 But what if God, willing to demonstrate his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience the objects of wrath prepared for destruction? 23 And what if he is willing to make known the wealth of his glory on the objects of mercy that he has prepared beforehand for glory— 24 even us, whom he has called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?

Can anyone explain this passage of the Bible in a way where:

God is still just?
God is still love?
God is still good?
God is still merciful?
God is still beautiful?
God is still righteous
God is still impartial?

How can man’s freewill still exist if no one can resist His will? If freewill does not exist then how can a man be held responsible for his own sin? How can God be just if He holds a man responsible and sends him to hell in torment forever for merely existing in the form in which he was created, for fulfilling his designed purpose? How is God not deliberately creating people to be evil and to be tortured so He can look righteous and powerful by comparison?

The picture I get here is that of a psychotic puppet maker who deliberately creates a puppet who can feel pain. He paints it the color black, which he hates. Then he physically tortures it to an excruciating degree for all eternity for being painted black, for being the very color he painted it to be. The puppet is then scolded and even belittled for daring to ask why he was painted black instead of white, the puppet maker’s favorite color. Isn’t this puppet maker in essence really torturing and holding His own puppet responsible for what he (the puppet maker) alone has done. Would not the responsibility for this really rest with the puppet maker himself for the puppet cannot be in actuality anything other than what he was created to be?

How, indeed, then can God still find fault with us? How can this be righteousness and justice? This seems like a bad nightmare. My dog is treated better than this in my house. Is this really what is being communicated here? If not, then what?

This is not intended as an attack on anyone! These are sincere questions and I am looking for real and substantial answers. This is a sincere cry for an answer! What am I missing? Please tell me how I am wrong here!

Best wishes to all who read this!

God is still just? no
God is still love? no
God is still good? no
God is still merciful? no
God is still beautiful? never seen him
God is still righteous no
God is still impartial? no

p.s. your god Jahve doesn't exist
Avatar: try reading "the book of Job" in bible
M*W: What good would come from reading the lies in Job? When will you people ever learn that there is no truth in the Bible?
This passage is one that is near and dear to my heart. Cliche, perhaps...but true. I struggled for a long time with it until I realized something. The next breath I take is by grace alone. I am part of Adam's race and I am a sinner. Because God is Holy and he created me, he has every right and authority to immediately cast me into hell. However, he lets me live on. He loves me and he allows me to go on breathing so I can give glory to him.

How then can he condem me for my sin?

Allow me to run down some facts:

First of all, God is not a puppet maker. You have the choices everyday that are between good and evil, right and wrong. No excuse can remove you from the responsibility of those choices. Nothing.

Secondly, God knows everything. Otherwise he wouldn't be God. By definition he knows all things past, present, and future. He knows what situations I am going to run into and what choices I am going to make in each situation. Therefore, if he alters the situations he can alter the decisions I will make.

Third and foremost (which is an odd phrase, I know), God loves people. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that "He [the Lord kurios] is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentence."

Undestanding each of these facts by themselves is one thing. The difficulty is the synthesis. How can God be/do all of this at once? How can he create a man (or woman) and set them on the earth in a situation where he knows they will not come to repentence and a saving relationship with Jesus? The answer is just a few chapters earlier in Romans chapter one verse twenty. In the New International Version it reads: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Everyone has had an opportunity to turn to God. And yet we didn't. Regardless of whether or not God knew that we would or wouldn't, we've all recieved a more than fair chance. We've all been given a second shot at the relationship with God that Adam lost in the garden. The choice is up to us.

I apologize for and mistakes (gramatical, spelling, or otherwise) in this post. I need to get more than three hours of sleep a night :). I hope this little bit of what God showed me when I was struggling helps you. I will pray for you Ken. May you find the answers that are in Christ.
Medicine Woman said:
Avatar: try reading "the book of Job" in bible
M*W: What good would come from reading the lies in Job? When will you people ever learn that there is no truth in the Bible?
hehe, religious folk, you are so funny :D
I better get out of this forum, before I get braindamaged :m:
The main "rationale" you're going to get is that God being "just" and "loving" and all that is simply anthropomorphism.

Needless to say, anthropomorphism is the fabrication of man, not God.
Because the Pharoah had already committed sins such as unjustly persecuting the Jews, God could have left the Pharoah to his own devices for a while. This occurred before Christ's final victory over sin; hence without God's grace, the Pharoah could easily fall into sin by his own free will.

How can man?s freewill still exist if no one can resist His will? If freewill does not exist then how can a man be held responsible for his own sin?
If his will is for us to have free will, then we would have free will.
I would like to help you but I will need to learn more about you so I don't waste your time.

These issues are not black and white.

If you want to communicate privately send me your e-mail at numberscripts@hotmail.com

((1Dude)))...Hi, yip, you have bible-itus alright. you have bought into the indoctrination of that book. a book which in its way has brought SO much conflict, and misery to so mant people over the centuries.

First off, you have to understand...it isn't 'God's "Word"...in fact the very MEANING of "Word" is the clue where the whole ethos is coming from. it is a command -not from 'God' but from a MALE authority--known as the patriarchy. which simply means 'the rule of the fathers'

So click straightaway--if possible--that there is no need to believe that book at all. whjat it does to gullible readers is make them feel guilty about themselves. this ploy is shared by all male fascst elites, including our own governments, which are fascstist. it is the ploy of 'divide and rule'. first they have to split you. in the community this would be the poor fighting the poor. and/or the poor fighting another people of a different colour in their community. This means that the energy to see THROUGH the prevailing oppressive domination from the authorities is diverted to conflict between the victims of it. the ones getting fleeced
But therer is a deeper divide and rule, and that comes from biblical doctrine which tells you you are a sinner who needs to be saved, and that if you don't obey 'God's' author-ity, then you will go to hell for everlsting punishment. can you not see 1Dude, how this nasty little fascist shite would come ONLY from silly men's heads?...i am not putting down ALL men here by the way. just the ones who are so cut off from life themselves that the only pleasure they get is inhuman power over others, thus getting what they imagine is power for themselves. but really, like any bully in school etc., what that behaviour is is hurt.; something not right in their lives--a sense of powerlessness which they then seek to reclaim by lordin it over others

also, 1Dude, you must use the Web. there are some really great pages which show you in graphic detail the utter contradictions and evils in the Bible. ...let me know if you want some urls and i'll try and dig some oue for you

This may not answer all of your questions, but it may help you to gain a clearer understanding of this passage.

As for these comments from duendy, that is merely your construal of it. Undoubtedly, texts of any kind can lead the unwitting and short of sight into conflict with himself and others. However, when understood properly and in proper context, as well as coupling what is written with history, philosophy, experience, and science, then conflict is the last thing such religious texts should stir within the individual. I certainly do not use what is written in the Bible as means of conflict, nor am I controlled by it. I am disappointed that so many people would take such cynical views of something that can be of great goodness, when understood correctly.
When I was a child I used to have great fun with small plastic bricks. I would make huge towers. When they got so tall they would topple and I would break the toppled tower up into its individual components again. Then I would go back to the beginning and make a new one. I would do this for hours because it was my pleasure to do so. They were my bricks. Imagine my suprise should one of the little bricks have turned round to me and said " I do not want to be a tower". Haha my bricks, I'll make you into whatever I choose!
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((beyond time and spacee)))...'when [Bible] is understood correctly" ? which means exactly what? YOUr interpretation, Calvinist's, protestants' catholiks, methodists, ? whose interpretation

seeing you seem to know, give us a little lesson about how Bible should be understood 'correctly'?

beware though. you just may get challenged a bit!
beyondtimeandspace said:
As for these comments from duendy, that is merely your construal of it. Undoubtedly, texts of any kind can lead the unwitting and short of sight into conflict with himself and others. However, when understood properly and in proper context, as well as coupling what is written with history :confused: , philosophy, experience, and science, then conflict is the last thing such religious texts should stir within the individual. I certainly do not use what is written in the Bible as means of conflict, nor am I controlled by it. I am disappointed that so many people would take such cynical views of something that can be of great goodness, when understood correctly.

beyondtimeandspace, I'm not sure if you consider yourself a fundamentalist, but what you have written above certainly smacks of it.

Translation (my construal of the above ;) ):

(a) I'm special. I'm saved. I understand spiritual things now because I have become spiritual. You don't understand. You're not saved! You're not spiritual like me.

You can understand spiritual things too once you ask Christ to come into your heart (...and spend a couple of years allowing me and the other brethren to condition your mind daily to think the same way we do).

It cannot be denied that there are countless posts by christians on this forum that ultimately come down to this (usually adding in the bonus of "I pity that you don't see it", or "I'll pray that you will eventually come to understand", or even the vainglorious proclamation that "One day you will understand").

What I don't understand is that no one seems to want to explain how one should "understand properly"... or indeed why there should be ANY misunderstanding at all--- beyond:

A) Circular reasoning (the bible itself leads to the understanding of the bible)
B) Those who have been visited the Holy Spirit have "proper" understanding

To my mind, any assertion that some have "proper" understanding and some do not is devisive at best.... and the very basis of Gnosticism, which the winning side in the formation of modern "Christianity" hypocritically declared heretical.

Are you saying that if everyone had "proper" understanding, Christianity (or ANY religion, for that matter) would be universal?

I believe that human beings are born atheists and the concepts of religion and God are taught.
If the myriad human religions that we know of never existed, and IF today's humans chose to concoct a religion not based on any previous concept of "God", I suspect that this religion would differ greatly from those described in our current history. Perhaps it would be no more than a common sense moral code that would echo the purported teachings of Jesus and others... I would NOT expect such a religion to include: a terrible vengeful Mosaic God, or concepts of original sin, salvation, atonement, miracles, etc.
What I find funny are those that challenge God's sovreignty all the time!
You that challenge God's authority, do you not swat away an annoying bug when it tickles your neck? Do you think to yourself "Oh no , I am destroying a living being?" or are you satisfied when that bug is squashed and your irritant is no more?
God created all things. He gives you but a short time to acknowledge Him. He gave you a holy image of Him in the person of Jesus Christ. Was it for nothing that Jesus died? Was it for nothing that Jesus wept knowing that the full force of the Great FlySwatter was about to befall Him?
I kid you not, I tremble before God in prayer as He reveals His nature to me. I mean physically tremble! Thank God for Jesus through whom all men may be saved!
duendy said:
((beyond time and spacee)))...'when [Bible] is understood correctly" ? which means exactly what? YOUr interpretation, Calvinist's, protestants' catholiks, methodists, ? whose interpretation

seeing you seem to know, give us a little lesson about how Bible should be understood 'correctly'?

beware though. you just may get challenged a bit!

The very fact that the Bible must only be understood "correctly" means God has condemned the 'stupid' and preordained an elite (assuming He is responsible for how 'smart' a person is).

Which leads back to the original question of how a man can be judged guilty if God didn't give him the mental faculties to "correctly interpret" the Bible.
§outh§tar said:
The very fact that the Bible must only be understood "correctly" means God has condemned the 'stupid' and preordained an elite (assuming He is responsible for how 'smart' a person is).

Which leads back to the original question of how a man can be judged guilty if God didn't give him the mental faculties to "correctly interpret" the Bible.

Actually it doesnt matter whether one perceives that they have correctly understood it or not. If it produces internal debate about the small matter of "To be or not to be" then it has succeeded in its purpose!
Again I say, lean not to your own understanding!


§outh§tar said:
The very fact that the Bible must only be understood "correctly" means God has condemned the 'stupid' and preordained an elite (assuming He is responsible for how 'smart' a person is).

Which leads back to the original question of how a man can be judged guilty if God didn't give him the mental faculties to "correctly interpret" the Bible.

dang! ... you distilled my post down to one sentence. :eek:

c20H25N3o said:
Actually it doesnt matter whether one perceives that they have correctly understood it or not. If it produces internal debate about the small matter of "To be or not to be" then it has succeeded in its purpose!
Again I say, lean not to your own understanding!



I don't know if you are trying to be funny or.. :bugeye:

If the "Word of God" produces doubt and not certainty, how is one to be judged guilty for that which they controlled not?

EDIT: In a nutshell, if that inherent uncertainty serves to distance God and man in lieu, man cannot be guilty.