a simple question


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Registered Senior Member
Could anybody show me, any good things Religion has done since it's inception. these must be things that can only be attributed to Religion, I do mean things that only Religion brought about?

You could if you like quote things that Christianity started or Islam, Hinduism etc...
rather than generalize.
And be specific, if there is an alternative reason a thing came about, then don't posit it up as a religious thing

Could anybody show me, any good things Religion has done since it's inception. these must be things that can only be attributed to Religion, I do mean things that only Religion brought about?

You could if you like quote things that Christianity started or Islam, Hinduism etc...
rather than generalize.
And be specific, if there is an alternative reason a thing came about, then don't posit it up as a religious thing


i didn't know her personally, but it seems to me that mother theresa was role model worthy. in my town, and in the news, i've seen efforts made by some religious organizations that i would deem beneficial, or at least well-intended, like food banks, shelters, rescue organizations. isn't yoga a hindu practice? i like yoga. i think that most religious texts, if studied, have some value in the form of parables, historical, or metaphorical concepts that could be applied to one's life in a beneficial way. then again, religion is like anything else...it can be used for good or bad, it just depends upon the intentions of who's using it.
it didn't make me happy. my experience with religion did just the opposite for me. good thing i didn't "buy it". i have since looked for some redeeming things that religion's done.

and let me assure you that it's done just as many bad things, if not worse, in my opinion.
and let me assure you that it's done just as many bad things, if not worse, in my opinion.

religions can't do anything bad, only people can. to blame religion for something is almost like blaming a knife which was used to kill someone.

people can't be blamed either though... it's in their nature. nothing is no one's fault, so we can blame anyone or anything.
Crowd control. Keeps the stupid fuckers busy so they don't kill/destroy/act like a typical human asshole.
nobody is blaming religion for anything, the question is quite simple. reread Yorda.
As for mother Theresa, these are things that anybody could do or have done, just because she was religious is irrelevant, thats almost like saying she would not have been a good person irregardless of faith.
and Yorda millions of people are happy and have hope without religion your point.

Remember the answer you give must be things solely attributed to religion.
Specificily, if there is an alternative reason a thing came about, or could happen, then don't posit it up as a religious one. ok Yorda do you get it now.
Could anybody show me, any good things Religion has done since it's inception. these must be things that can only be attributed to Religion, I do mean things that only Religion brought about?

You could if you like quote things that Christianity started or Islam, Hinduism etc...
rather than generalize.
And be specific, if there is an alternative reason a thing came about, then don't posit it up as a religious thing


It allows people to adorn their lives with their imaginations.
religions can't do anything bad, only people can. to blame religion for something is almost like blaming a knife which was used to kill someone.

people can't be blamed either though... it's in their nature. nothing is no one's fault, so we can blame anyone or anything.

yeah, you're right as usual. about the blaming religion thing. but the people i have a problem with. i know it's our nature. i just have a big problem with our nature. it shouldn't cancel out accountability, or responsibility, or intent.
nobody is blaming religion for anything, the question is quite simple. reread Yorda.
As for mother Theresa, these are things that anybody could do or have done, just because she was religious is irrelevant, thats almost like saying she would not have been a good person irregardless of faith.
and Yorda millions of people are happy and have hope without religion your point.

Remember the answer you give must be things solely attributed to religion.
Specificily, if there is an alternative reason a thing came about, or could happen, then don't posit it up as a religious one. ok Yorda do you get it now.

well audible, nothing is solely attributable to the religion except the religion itself. actually, according to your arguement, any of the practices, doctrine, ceremony, or behaviors that are associated with it, are an outcome of it, or are administered by it, could have in fact been done without it, or outside it.
I always get a good laugh whenever I hear them try to convince me that "their" religion is the only way to get into heaven or become enlightened. Laughter , to me, is good for whatever mood your in.
It's easier to do with religion and people are going to take the path of least work and highest gain.

that's a completely bigoted and unsubstantiated allegation. people believe all kinds of lies, and use all kinds of things to perpetuate them, including religion, but that's not to say that all religions teach are lies. it's all in the intent and interpretation. everything can be used to reveal the truth or perpetuate lies.
Religion helps some people to better their lives, it helped my aunt get off drugs....well then she relapsed but it helped for a while.
that's a completely bigoted and unsubstantiated allegation.

I have asked many theists what they would do if science proved what they believe is 100% false. The answer has always been to find a new theology. In other words, if a person's imaginary adornments are removed they will turn to the next jackass whom will provide new adornments.

Bigoted maybe. Unsubstantiated, absolutely not.

people believe all kinds of lies, and use all kinds of things to perpetuate them, including religion, but that's not to say that all religions teach are lies. it's all in the intent and interpretation. everything can be used to reveal the truth or perpetuate lies.

This thread isn't about the truth / falsity content of a particular theology. It's about the good things religion has done.