a simple question

There can only be one truth. Anything contrary to that truth is not truth. If what Mohammed teaches is truth, then what Jesus, Buddha, et al must be false, and vice versa. We are equally created, but we are not equal from then on.

Three people can teach three different things, that are all true. Different truths can exist simontaneously. There can be different truths, that are all true. It isn't linear where this is either right or this is wrong. And..how exactly are we equally created? Equal means the same or identical.
Originally posted by Vienna
And you are quite right!

But you are wasting your time with your argument on these boards son. You will only find either Atheists or Muslims here and they both hate Christianity. All the hate in the world will never see the truth.

**God is above all**

Since when did muslims believe other wise?
Originally posted by Vienna
And you are quite right!

But you are wasting your time with your argument on these boards son. You will only find either Atheists or Muslims here and they both hate Christianity. All the hate in the world will never see the truth.

What the Bible tells us to do is to cast seed. Indeed, spreading seed here is like spreading it in Manhattan. But, I am commanded to spread it b/c there is a chance, albeit small, that someone will read this, and that it will be the gateway to them accpeting Christ.
Originally posted by jcarl
God is above all. Therefore no one can be above God.
That's a rather ambiguous definition of god, it doesn't really explain anything about god.

Also, God is not self-contradictory.
And you know this how?

Then that means that only one person can be manifestation of the true God.
Sorry, but the conclusion is unwarranted. Nothing you have said so far demonstrates this. If god is infinite and omnipotent it might manifest itself in an infinite variety of ways.

Originally posted by Raithere
That's a rather ambiguous definition of god, it doesn't really explain anything about god.

In your opinion what would explain something about God. To say that he is above all is ambiguous? How?

And you know this how? Sorry, but the conclusion is unwarranted. Nothing you have said so far demonstrates this.

Can you demostrate otherwise?

[/B]Three people can teach three different things, that are all true.[/B]

When has this happened?
Originally posted by jcarl
In your opinion what would explain something about God.
I don't find that god is explicable in human terms, any defined concept falls short of infinite and anything finite is not god. The logic is rather simple: If anything exists which is not god then that exists which is greater than god (i.e. god + not-god) and that must be god.

To say that he is above all is ambiguous? How?
What does 'above all' mean in context? Do you mean 'more powerful', 'primary to', 'has authority over', all of the above, or something else? Additionally, separating god from its 'creation' limits god and introduces again the problem I explained above.

Can you demostrate otherwise?
Frankly, I don't need to, I'm not making the claim. But if god is omnipotent then what would limit it from manifesting itself in any number of ways? Where and how are you going to limit god to one expression of itself?

Perhaps god is the true expression of all religion but manifests itself appropriate to the culture and the sophistication of the people it reveals itself to. If there are many ways to think about or express the nature of the sun, rain, or a tree how many more ways should there be to express the nature of something as vast as god?

Originally posted by jcarl
What the Bible tells us to do is to cast seed. Indeed, spreading seed here is like spreading it in Manhattan. But, I am commanded to spread it b/c there is a chance, albeit small, that someone will read this, and that it will be the gateway to them accpeting Christ.
And you're doing a great job, but without results - apart from the usual tripe found from the usual punters of these boards.

God did not ask you to do the impossible. But you are doing this by trying to educate pork. Your wise words are too precious to be wasted on the ignorant heathens here. They are evil and will try to wind you up just for fun, they don't care less about the message you have.

You can lead a horse to water.
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Originally posted by Raithere
I don't find that god is explicable in human terms, any defined concept falls short of infinite and anything finite is not god. The logic is rather simple: If anything exists which is not god then that exists which is greater than god (i.e. god + not-god) and that must be god.

Every thing is less than God, otherwise God wouldn't be God as such. God needs nothing to added to Himself, for the same reason. And he is all sufficient in Himself; for once again the same reason. Therefore your presumption that God plus something less than God IS God is false. Adding finite things to infinite things doesn't make the infinite thing more infinite.

What does 'above all' mean in context? Do you mean 'more powerful', 'primary to', 'has authority over', all of the above, or something else? Additionally, separating god from its 'creation' limits god and introduces again the problem I explained above.

All of the above. And God's prescence is everywhere.

Frankly, I don't need to, I'm not making the claim. But if god is omnipotent then what would limit it from manifesting itself in any number of ways? Where and how are you going to limit god to one expression of itself?

Perhaps god is the true expression of all religion but manifests itself appropriate to the culture and the sophistication of the people it reveals itself to. If there are many ways to think about or express the nature of the sun, rain, or a tree how many more ways should there be to express the nature of something as vast as god?

God cannot manifest Himself outside of his pefections, He cannot manifest Himself outside of who He truly is. Otherwise he wouldn't He wouldn't be worthy of worship.
Originally posted by Vienna
And you're doing a great job, but without results - apart from the usual tripe found from the usual punters of these boards.

Results is the Holy Spirit's work, not mine.
Originally posted by jcarl
M*W: I read your post, but it doesn't make sense to me. You said, "Every thing is less than God, otherwise God wouldn't be God as such."

Given God's omnipotence, how could creation be inferior to the creator? What purpose would God have in creating an inferior humanity? We are still in the process of creation (i.e. evolution). We've come a long way from the amoeba to where we are today.
M*W: You said, "God needs nothing to added to Himself, for the same reason. And he is all sufficient in Himself; for once again the same reason. Therefore your presumption that God plus something less than God IS God is false. Adding finite things to infinite things doesn't make the infinite thing more infinite."

Humanity is not "adding" anything to its creator. Humanity is the creator. God plus the human race is not equal to a lesser God or a greater human race. The human race is equal to God. God is the human race.
M*W: You said, "And God's prescence is everywhere. God cannot manifest Himself outside of his pefections, He cannot manifest Himself outside of who He truly is. Otherwise he wouldn't He wouldn't be worthy of worship."

If God is omnipotent, why do you think God "cannot manifest himself outside of who he truly is?" And if you believe God created you, yet you believe the human race is inferior, are you saying that God created you as some kind of sick joke?

If God "cannot manifest himself outside of his "perfections" (perfect creation?), "otherwise he wouldn't be be worthy of worship." It sure sounds like you are demeaning the omnipotence of God! You fail to see that not only did God create humanity, God dwells within humanity. The Creator = Humanity--Humanity = God. The way God is manifested in his perfect creation is through the eternal fire of the spirit. Atomic energy, heat, light, passion, love is how God is manifested throughout creation and carried by the human race across the face of the Earth. This is my God. It sounds as if your God has played a trick on you.
So then Jesus is a prophet. But he claimed to be the sun of God. Therefore, he is a liar if he is just a prophet. I don't know about you, but I'm not really one for respecting a liar.

This is where you are WRONGG!!! He NEVER claimed to be the son of God. Christianity made that up. Jesus (pbuh) came down like all the other prophets to teach the Oneness of God and to teach that God has NO partners (such as a son). Giving partners to God as you do, sayiing Jesus is the son of God (astighfirallah) is an UNFORGIVABLE sin in Islam.

He never NEVER said he was anything but a MESSENGER from God. This does not make him any more or less special than another MESSENGER --- Muhammad (pbuh)

what is so difficult to understand about this???? Jesus was a MAN! NOT A GOD!

The whole belief of God even having a son --- doesnt it sound pagan even to your ears?? How is it possible that you, & i deem you to be intelligent, can believe in it??!!
You will only find either Atheists or Muslims here and they both hate Christianity. All the hate in the world will never see the truth.

Muslims do not hate Christianity. It's all in your head.

But of course, its perfectly Ok, that u being a righteous Christian & all, hate atheism & Islam.
But even if M somehow did not exist it really doesn’t matter. M was a messenger and although Muslims revere him, it is his message that was important and not the man himself. The issue with JC is quite different since it is essential for him to have existed if Christianity is to be credible. It is claimed he is God and was physically resurrected and became the savior of the human race through that event.

Exactly. Christians give too much importance to Jesus. What you are doing is man-worship & you do not even realize it.
Hence, your original question-- how could Muslims not likewise be madly in love with Jesus & accept Muhammad as the last messenger? You are blinded by your infatuation with A MAN, and have forgotten what is a thousand million times more important-- God.

Do you realize that the Bible/Christianity as a religion was not even documented or written down until hundreds of years after Jesus? I am sure this is not news for you. How can you not see then, that CHANGES have been made to the original message of Jesus. He only preached in the ONENESS, I repeat the ONENESS of God, as did all the other messengers including Muhammad (pbuh).
Originally posted by miss khan
Muslims do not hate Christianity. It's all in your head.

But of course, its perfectly Ok, that u being a righteous Christian & all, hate atheism & Islam.
Hello Missy

Most muslims on these boards hate Christianity, take this recent post I recieved from one of your muslim buddies:

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Pathetic uncircumcized animal,, when you quote what I write, quote the WHOLE sentence, this is what I wrote:

''Islam ,unlike christianity, is a realistic religion, if you hit me and insulted me as a muslim, then I will hit you back, this is what my great religion told me to do, ISLAM TAUGHT US NOT TO REWARD AGGRESSORS AND KILLERS, ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH.''

I was talking about killers and aggressors....got it Mr. ass ?

This person is a muslim writing about Christianity and yes I really do believe that he hates Christianity. These aggressive posts from muslims are common so when I say that muslims hate Christianity - I have every reason to believe it.

Atheists hate anything Christian - fact.
I am very sorry to see a Muslim debating about religion in such a crude manner. My religion teachers otherwise:

Invite [all] to the Way of your Rabb with wisdom and beautiful preaching ... (Qur'an 16:125)

(Rabb is one of the names of Allah. It simply means Lord.)

my apologies on his behalf..
Originally posted by miss khan
This is where you are WRONGG!!! He NEVER claimed to be the son of God. Christianity made that up. Jesus (pbuh) came down like all the other prophets to teach the Oneness of God and to teach that God has NO partners (such as a son). Giving partners to God as you do, sayiing Jesus is the son of God (astighfirallah) is an UNFORGIVABLE sin in Islam.

He never NEVER said he was anything but a MESSENGER from God. This does not make him any more or less special than another MESSENGER --- Muhammad (pbuh)

what is so difficult to understand about this???? Jesus was a MAN! NOT A GOD!

Miss Khan,
Now take a deep breath. you say that Christ didn't claim to be the Son of God. A)Have you searched this out yourself and found it to be true?

B)You didn't read this entire thread. Otherwise you would have read Chris's post(who if you can't figure it out, is as unchristian as I am christian).

Try this site, this was the link, Cris brought up. I didn't.


And Jesus was not a God. He is part of THE Trinity, which are the three inseparable aspects of one God.

how could Muslims not likewise be madly in love with Jesus & accept Muhammad as the last messenger?

That wasn't my original question. I wanted to know why you guys put Mohammed in higher esteem than Jesus.

Do you realize that the Bible/Christianity as a religion was not even documented or written down until hundreds of years after Jesus? I am sure this is not news for you. How can you not see then, that CHANGES have been made to the original message of Jesus

Do you have evidence of this? Were you there? That would be the only way to prove that Jesus said something other than what Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John say he said.
Originally posted by miss khan
Christians give too much importance to Jesus.
Now who do you think put the Christ in Christianity - Jesus did -Yaaay! :)

What you are doing is man-worship & you do not even realize it.
Jesus is the Son of God, how can you confuse this?
You are blinded by your infatuation with A MAN, and have forgotten what is a thousand million times more important-- God.
You must be confusing yourself with some other Faith. Christians believe in God. By the way, ever heard of the Trinity?

Do you realize that the Bible/Christianity as a religion was not even documented or written down until hundreds of years after Jesus? I am sure this is not news for you. How can you not see then, that CHANGES have been made to the original message of Jesus. He only preached in the ONENESS, I repeat the ONENESS of God, as did all the other messengers including Muhammad (pbuh).
Ah, I see. Preaching Islam now are we.

Sorry dear, you can hardly compare a common man with the Son of God - no contest. I think your attempts are admirable as your argument is so very weak.

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Originally posted by jcarl
To all Muslims, I have a question for you. What makes Mohammed better than Jesus?
what makes jesus better thsn mohammed?
mate, what a stupid simple question! why do you want to know thinking about joining a relgion, or are you giving muslims shit? because if you are giving it to them, then that is not a very christian thing to do.