A Simple Proof of Ghosts.

I've mentioned this before, but currently it's both unconfirmed and untested.

Rather than just stating that thigns that people hear or see is just optical tricks of the mind from shadows (one of the simplest reasonings for such phenomona).

I suggest that what you actually see is the universal alterations caused by a parallel universe. basically for my suggestion to be accurate a physicist could generate a paradox in a laboratory and that initial experimentation can set off a Butterfly Effect of of cause and effect.

(For instance in one universe they go home 5 minutes earlier than the other, which means they get stuck in traffic in one and not the other, which in turn causes people in the traffic queue to be displaced with the location they would be, which in turn means one person doesn't make some traffic lights which means they get caught by a bridge going up and inturn they don't make it to the sale of a house for 30 extra minutes, but that time the couple have lost interest and don't want to buy that specific house and someone else ends up buying it and moving in. )

This means that in this universe, you and your wife are in that house, however in another universe it might be another family all together. You should find that the more differences you generate between your universe and their universe will lower the amount of occurances you notice (This is where entropy comes in, for instance you might have the same lightbulbs that came with the property in your lighting, changing the bulb generates a "universal" change between the two universes and therefore a duality of shadow cast from the initial bulbs light would possibly stop. In fact you don't even need to buy new bulbs, just rotating them slightly or mixing them up could fix the shadow problem)

As for the doorbell, if it came with the house you could change the cable for it, or even change the doorbell all together, this will make it incompatible with the super-positioned subatomics of a parallel universe.

Just remember that you see ghostly shapes in this universe and those "on the other side" (in another universe) are potentially seeing you and your family as ghostly shapes. Since you knocked down a partition wall, you can now creep them out by walking through a wall ;)

[I have actually shared my house with a bunch of parapsychologists in a parallel universe, I spotted them one day taking a picture with a camera in the mirror, as if they were standing where my reflection was.]
silveraven said:
Besides all the pictures wheter phony or not, there has been thousands of witnesses for last few thousand years. They couldnt all be hallucinating could they?
Yes. People are all governed by the same psychological principles. If a person experiences grief of a loved one dying, they could hallucinate ghosts as part of the normal process.

The main reason, in my opinion, that thousands of people are wrong is that they are influenced by society. Most people in the world are introduced to the concept of ghosts from a very young age, through TV, books, stories, fairy tales, etc.

People will then be susceptible to believing in ghosts, because it is ingrained into their unconscious mind. If the person's mind believes ghosts are possible, then they could easily hallucinate.

Sometimes when people see ghosts, they don't even think it is a ghost at the time. They replay the event over and over in their head, and then come to the conclusion that a ghost was observed.

So, you see, many people can be wrong.

It would be interesting to see people with no contact to the aforementioned TV and stories. I doubt that they would ever see a ghost. Seeing is influenced by what one expects to see.
Thanks for your response. I suppose I could dismiss the idea of changing bulbs, door bell, and floor plan all together since I have completely remodeled the inside of my house. I’ve removed two rooms including the ‘sighting area’ room which was a cave. All new walls, ceiling, all new electric and lighting, new tile floors throughout the house. The guest bathroom is the only unchanged room at this time. Door bell is new also, wireless.

I do like the thought of maybe creeping them out also by walking through walls. Wife brought home a cat last night-poor cat doesn’t know that I’m using it as a test subject to see if it is sensitive to the figures.

Interestingly I found that they have unearthed cooking utensils in the area dating back to 1100 b.c. and this area was favored by the Indians and early settlers because of the three rivers and fertile ground.

Anyway thanks again for the input, I’ll just keep watching these dark shadows travel through on their way to who knows where. The little girl, the first one, stayed for a while and liked sounds (door bell, music, some speech). This new one hasn’t done anything more than possibly look at us. Hopefully it wont stop and setup camp.