A Simple Proof of Ghosts.

have seen plenty of ghost a french colonial soilder/ guy hanging by the neck from a tree/ seen a dog run through a wall/ some body engoulfed in flames then gone just as fast as they appear.
so how come people go all there life without seeing one, I want to see a ghost because I wont belive it until I see and understand it
silveraven said:
have seen plenty of ghost a french colonial soilder/ guy hanging by the neck from a tree/ seen a dog run through a wall/ some body engoulfed in flames then gone just as fast as they appear.

So you see things that aren't there. That in no way means that ghosts exist.

Just that you are delusional.
I would question what stories you might of heard before supposedly seeing such ghosts.
Hypercane said:
Besides all the pictures wheter phony or not, there has been thousands of witnesses for last few thousand years. They couldnt all be hallucinating could they?

Its pretty doubtful, to believe that all the ghosts that have ever been seen are nothing but hallucinations requires a pretty big leap of faith. It also doesnt adequetely account for multiple eye-witness accounts of ghosts, unless you believe in collective hallucionations, which imo is far more 'out there' than a belief in ghosts.
An interesting example, my brother recently bought an old cottage, after staying there for a month his wife (who believes in ghosts) saw a ghostly figure of an old lady. My brother a few weeks latter (who doesnt believe in ghosts) saw the same thing. Then a few weeks latter a couple of friends he had over (who are indifferent about ghosts from what i understand) saw the same ghost again.
So my brother starts telling people in the village about this and finds out that an old women died in that house and pretty much every owner that has lived there since she died has reported seeing her ghost.
What you have here is a classic case, that defies the 'hallucination' explaination or at the very least stretches that particular explaination to the limits of credibility.

Its very important to remember that the only reason these things are being labeled hallucinations is because they arnt explianable.
This attitude is a fairly modern one, 'fireballs' and meteorites were nothing but 'aboritions' and were only acepted when we we were able to understand their origin and put them into a rational context.
And in very recent memory, sprites (the name for upwards electrical storms high in the atmosphere) which had been reported for decades by pilots but had always been dismissed as hallucinations, have only just been accepted by the scientific community in the past 10 years in light of recent theorys that support their existance.
The message is clear to my mind, alittle faith in peoples judgment is no bad thing, and as the cliche goes; wheres there's smokes there's fire. ;)
BobG said:
Why then is there a disproportionate amount of people seeing famous well known people such as presidents and kings rather than common people. Such a small percentage of people are kings or presidents yet so many are apparently seen.

I think the reason more ghost of famus people are seeing is simply because of the fact theat theier old inhabitence are viseted more than your averege person. for exsample the white house. VREEY historical famous building with manny inhabitence. Comepare that to your averge joe only family and or freinds viset that place and once in a while the house exchanges owners. :cool:
heliocentric said:
What you have here is a classic case, that defies the 'hallucination' explaination or at the very least stretches that particular explaination to the limits of credibility.

Nope, what you have there is a classic case of how suggestable people are.

Your brother says he sees the ghst of an old lady, that thought is in the back of everybodies mind, they then imagine an old lady, and so it goes on, gathering credibility.

You brother probably picked up the old lady story from the very people that supposedly verified his experience.

People are suggestable to this degree. Professional hypnotists use this trait to make fools out of their audience, and make good money doing so.

If hypnotists can guarantee making complete arses of half a dozen people out of an audience of a few hundred, I think we can easily see how the supposed number of group 'ghost' experiences can come from, out of a population of 6 Billion.

But anyway, answer the classic ghost questions. Why no ghost flies, slugs, wasps, rats, rabbits, etc? Why no ghost bronze age man? Why no ghost cavemen? Why no ghost neanderthals?
Audi said:
I think the reason more ghost of famus people are seeing is simply because of the fact theat theier old inhabitence are viseted more than your averege person. for exsample the white house. VREEY historical famous building with manny inhabitence. Comepare that to your averge joe only family and or freinds viset that place and once in a while the house exchanges owners. :cool:

I live in the UK mate . Europe, you know ,the place where the history comes from. The White house is not that old at all, my parents live in a house that is about 400 years old. I used to live in a house that was dated from 1559.(In fact, it was built about 1510) The guy who originally owned it was beheaded for treason, but i never saw the classic head under the arm pose of a ghost. I and not one single person i know, who live in this area have ever seen anything remotely " ghostly", its all delusion, along with elves ,pixies,faries, and santa.
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People see what they want to see. People want some sort of after-life. People see "ghosts" proving to them that there is an after-life.
slotty said:
I live in the UK mate . Europe, you know ,the place where the history comes from. The White house is not that old at all, my parents live in a house that is about 400 years old. I used to live in a house that was dated from 1559.(In fact, it was built about 1510) The guy who originally owned it was beheaded for treason, but i never saw the classic head under the arm pose of a ghost. I and not one single person i know, who live in this area have ever seen anything remotely " ghostly", its all delusion, along with elves ,pixies,faries, and santa.

I am well aware that erope is older than america. but the poin was that these important actcs have happened in the white house. was the guy that originaly owned your house beheaded in your house? I highly doubt it. BESIDES that it dosent alwas happen. Not to menchen theier are plenty of hunted places in erope.Tower of London being 1 that I know has some rumors of ghosts. You cant tell meall of thegards are smoking :m:
I am not sure why some are hostile to the idea that Ghost's exist. If they do it's not provable. Or measurable.

Some have never seen a tornado, or an earthquake. Some have never seen ghosts. Sure, yeah we see evidence of the destruction a tornado or an earthquake can do. We've even seen ghost's supposedly on film.

If any of you believe ghost's are real, as I do. Don't let a couple of stubborn, arrogant scientist's change you're mind! :)

Scientists believe in a lot of thing's they can't prove. Just because we can't prove something at this time - does not make it false.

It means we DON'T KNOW. :m:
Good Ol' Discovery Channle.
Check out these small streaming videos, from the show Daily Planet, if your browser lets you.

Here is some interesting science behind ghost:

And here is quite the interesting GHOST story that "really never happened"

My personal stance on ghosts is... indiffernt.
One girl I once knew said she had a ghost of a horse in her basement. :\

Its really hard to get any hard evidence on the matter, see as how they ARE spirits and all.
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(excuse my exploitive manner)

But how could any of the people out there that ridicule people for believing in super-natural phenonmena sleep at night. ???

Do understand the underlying reason for why your heart beats so you can simply percieve that ?
Or are you taking it for granted ? Where has our creativity gone ?
The same creativity that expanded our minds into the currently evolutionary stages ?
....or are you just flesh and bones ?
Audi said:
I am well aware that erope is older than america. but the poin was that these important actcs have happened in the white house. was the guy that originaly owned your house beheaded in your house? I highly doubt it. BESIDES that it dosent alwas happen. Not to menchen theier are plenty of hunted places in erope.Tower of London being 1 that I know has some rumors of ghosts. You cant tell meall of thegards are smoking :m:

He was beheaded because he upset Oliver Cromwell, but not in the house.
phlogistician said:
Yes they could. The simple underlying similarity, is that they are all fallable human beings, prone to jumping to the same conclusions, and misreporting what they see.

This is why cameras never capture ghosts, because cameras don't interpret the images they record. That's a human weakness.

The real question, is why do the majority of people _not_ see ghosts? Why do people never see the ghosts of rats, mice, insects, or snakes? Why is it always humans, 'headless horsemen', or characters from near history? Why no ghost neanderthals or cavemen?

I personally do not believe in ghosts myself...

But Plog... you sure have some attitude..

Something died so it MUST leave a ghost behind?
That is what you are saying.

"Ghosts" tend to have unfinished business... and even if these "spirits" cannot achieve this unfinished business, they tend to haunt people from time to time. Not always, infact RARELY do they haunt people in a bad way.

It may not even be ghosts... lets go a bit more extreme...

It could even be a crack in time/space.

Who knows.

But to say that every case is a figment of people imagination or that they simply jumped to conclusions....

Give the human race some credit plog... we may not be "geniuses" like you... but we certainly are not THAT stupid. Some cases may be false… but to generalize that all of them are……?

Sounds like someone is being stereotypical.
The interesting question is this... Just because we cannot see something with our 5 senses does not necessarily mean things dont exist...

Clearly, Bats for example have different senses then we do... Deer for example cannot see as well as we can but they do have great sense of hearing...

This shows that the difference in "senses" exists... After proving that their is differential in senses, you can further expand and say that different senses are possible that WE as humans do not possess... Even go as far to say that we only use 10% of our brain capacity.....etc etc, more senses could be in our brains in hybernation per sae.

Further, stretching reality, you can say that humans can actually "Sense" Spirits etc.

Everyone goes into a certain building, dark area, etc etc and gets those sense of shivers, increased heart beat etc..

Why does this phenomon exist?

Is it because our subliminal minds/senses can detect such things?!? Clearly, this is a thing that all humans do have and use all the time...

Isnt it possible that this undiscovered sense is also in use when you feel like your being watched but cannot see anyone... or those instances when just for a split second you thought you saw something in the corner of your eye, but nothing was there?

Possibly dormant senses that we are only "touching" the base on..

Very WOO WOO, but somewhat plausible..
Every time I hear the word Woo Woo, I feel like a million brain cells die.

I think we all have a 6th sense. But what to call it is a question.
I think we can sense when someone or something else is in the room/area with us.

Without hearing, touching, seeing, smelling or tasting we as humans have this uncanny way of knowing when something else is around us.

Many poeple who visit "ghost ridden buildings, grave yards or ships" sometime claim that they felt something else was there with them. It could be their imagination, seeing how they know they are visiting these places becuase they HAVE had ghost storys... but you never know.

I still like my 2 links above.
If you have not watched them yet, I urge you too now.

The one link sort of contradicts what I just said, but oh well. :)
Its sad the only reason I use woo woo is due to being labeled that for having abstract thought.. Just imagine where we would be if we ALL lacked abstract thought like many individuals in these forums.
My wife and I have both seen “dark figure(s)” in one of our rooms. I went for a couple of weeks seeing it occasionally from the corner of my eye to one day my wife saying she had been seeing something in the corner of her eye in the same room. After comparing stories my wife pointed out that our new dog would bark at unseen things near the ceiling areas and he remains suspicious of the ceiling to this day (1 year later).

I tore down the half wall that had been blocking our view into the suspect room for remodel and it seemed things had quieted down. This past week a dark figure has returned. Details of it are few. The first dark figure had unkempt hair and was also short.
The first figure would travel E-W through the house. This new one seems to travel E after appearing.

Last year after we discussed what we had seen with each other we began to hear strange music box type music with no specific location and our doorbell (wireless) would ring randomly throughout the day and for a while in the middle of the night (3am ish).

Besides the walls being removed during the remodel we’ve done nothing else to prevent these walk throughs (what else can you do?). Anyway, wife got creeped out last night after seeing it a couple of more times so she went into her art room to get away from having to see it any more. I guess it’s no harm no foul with these things so far. Anyone else have weird stuff happen like this and what were you able to do about it? My cousin, who knew nothing of what we were experiencing and his first visit with us ever, saw a figure leaving our house, from the west side of the house through the back yard. We have a 6’ fence, completely closed off and a rather ferocious 80lb. pit bull.