A question for the atheists???

really, it’s always been you all along

Originally posted by Quantum Quack
Can I ask how You can absolve your God of sin? Did he not create sin or the environment that allowed sin to prosper?
you can't absolve god of sin (that is if god is omniscience and omnipotent). Its just another one of those conundrums Theists like to babble around – usually hitting on the “free-will” at some point as they squirm around the question :D

Originally posted by sargentlard
I ask the atheists who do you go in time of need? Do you ever simply blurt out "Oh god"? In time off dire need, in the wake of a personal crisis all pray, pray for the better but what do you guys do? What is your faith? What is your ultimate belief?
I remember the time when I first realized there was no god. How liberating was that! It’s just the way the human mind works and the reason we have the word: Eureka! I suppose at that point I was un-saved. Instead of the word making sense because I found god – the world made more sense because I un-found god :) Anyway, prior to that I had a similar reasoning as you. Being raised in a religious society and semi-religious household – how could one not come to have the feeling that there is this benevolent father figure looking over you. So, back to your originals question: I think it all depends on your type of personality. Some people can not and will not accept that freedom (Jenyar and okinrus come to mind) while others can.

If you think you can live life without Santa, then more than likely you will also have the wherewithal to use that rational thinking to make things right in your life on your own. When faced with a dilemma instead of just sitting back and praying to god you may actually come up with a solution you otherwise wouldn’t have. In this way your life may actually get better! Obviously, people who pray also come up with ingenious solutions. It’s more than likely that when faced with a dilemma they put their consciousness on hold (while they pray) giving their subconscious a little breathing room to concoct some real innovative solutions. And wha-la an idea pops into their head and they thank god and go about their business. But we both know it was the person themselves who came up with that idea.

My point is – sargentlard, you’ve been doing it all along. There never has been gods making things right – it’s always been you. However, that said, I must warn you, this freedom comes a price – you will have to burn in hell for eternity :) JUST KIDDING! And Good Luck!
I think that were the believers fail is in thinking that God some how is only reponsible for the good stuff and not the bad stuff.

It's a sort of rose tinted way of seeing.

I am sure that the God in question is quite capable and willing to accept responsibility for everthing that happens and not just all the good stuff.

After all without the bad stuff there would not be any good stuff.

"It was man's fault for the car accident but it was Gods fault for the hospital staff caring the way they do"

Need i say more.......

Is it an atheistic act to believe in the universe as opposed to some diety sitting on a throne?

For when I look at the universe with me in it I see God, not a single sentient God but an incredible omni sentient universe.

Am I an atheist?
This is somewhat like Einstein who saw God as the universe represented through the order and wonder of the laws of physics. This and your views are variations of pantheism, and as Einstein said, through the eyes of a Christian he was an atheist.
My family consoles me if I'm having a bad time, I think that's all you need, a family or a friend.

Religion created the need in you to believe in God despite your common sense, so religion created the needs you feel for certainty, for continuity. We are not too different from animals, and they don't need beliefs, why should we?
spider goat,

Good point,

I used to think and still do, that the existance of "God" "reality" "universe" is not a question of belief. AS I know and not believe that the above are all self evident truths not dependent on belief.
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
I think that were the believers fail is in thinking that God some how is only reponsible for the good stuff and not the bad stuff.

It's a sort of rose tinted way of seeing.

I am sure that the God in question is quite capable and willing to accept responsibility for everthing that happens and not just all the good stuff.

After all without the bad stuff there would not be any good stuff.

"It was man's fault for the car accident but it was Gods fault for the hospital staff caring the way they do"

Need i say more.......
Job 2
9 His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"
10 He replied, "You are talking like a foolish ["morally deficient"] woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"
In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Originally posted by Cris
It comes down to whether you believe an alleged unobserved and so far undetected supernatural force had some form of unknown influence on your existence, or whether you are the product of an evolutionary process of which many have been observed and have factual support.

Since logic is based on fact then which is the more logical and reasonable option.
Unfortunately, truth need not be observed first before it becomes true.

Also realize that God's involvement is sustaining, not contradictory. If God consistently acted contradictory to our own existence, or His existence involved some physical, diametrical intersection with ours, He would have been far more obvious. Of course, God does contradict our nature, which is why we can't depend on Him to be detectable for scientific scrutiny. Instead, His interaction is through us, His only visible, immediate involvement is through our choices and actions. Not counting the cathargic events and meaning of Jesus' life, of course - which introduced another concept: as Israel believed, we must believe. Faith is where our lives meet God, it opens your eyes to His presence and miracles.
My argument was that God's existence is no more or less logical than ours.

How so? We've found what may be microbes on a meteor from Mars. Not a smoking gun, but we're just about sure that's what it is. Life is logical. It happens. A living god, on the other hand, has no basis in reality. On what do you base the existance of god? Us?

Rocks are illogical if you compare them to snails

Say what?

The similarities we are supposed to share with God does not make us authorities on His existence.

Then what makes you an authority? You seem to be sold on it, but you just said you are no authority. So how is your belief valid?

For the rest of your argument, you might as well have asked, what is the logic of love. You contend that is is purely to keep you with your mate. Do you see that happening?

Not only is it to keep you with your mate, but it is also to hold a family unit together, and keep friendships together. All of the above are beneficial to you as an individual. Strength in numbers. And yes, I do see it happening. As a species living on this planet (Not above it, as you seem to think) we share traits with other species. The bond of love is, for example, a typical, effective way to increase the chances of offspring reaching adulthood.

Love becomes a less and less logical alternative, as people "accept" their natural impulses.

Love is as natural an impulse as anything else. What makes it different from lust, aside from function?

If you were correct, it would have happened the othe way around

How so? Love doesn't have to conflict with other impulses. As an intelligent species, we can cheat or gamble or drink all while finding ways to stay with our wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend.

Besides, what about love where love is indeed illogical, where it holds no evident benefit to yourself even remotely?

In what case does love not benefit you? Falling in love with a less-than-attractive person might be disaterous socially, but otherwise, I see no other time love would not be beneficial.

What else will you do with all your faith?

You could put your faith in something visible, touchable. Something you can see. Put your faith in the Mets, or the doctor who's trying to save your wife's life. Rely on faith when the situation is completely out of your hands.

...but every day, you can change something. You can do something. To walk around every day and just leave it all up to your faith in god is the act of a coward. A gutless coward.

And it shouldn't be crushing. You can be crushed, but faith is what makes it possible to get up and go on after you have lost everything.

A little story: A childhood friend of mine had a mother who happened to be a Christian. She, at the age of 42, was divorced by her husband. A few months later, she moved the family to my street, and she promised to look for a job. Well, she got one. A week later, she quit. She told us, "God will provide." So, rather than getting up and going out to find a job, she simply sat around and waited for her teenage boys to bring home paychecks. She sat around, and read scripture, and decided that she didn't have to work. All she had to do was wait on god to drop a bundle of money on her. (Ok, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't waiting for pennies from heaven, but still) Point is, she took her "faith" and invested it in your god. She found nothing but an excuse to sit and home and milk her kids. This is what faith did for her after she lost everything.

What needs to happen when you find yourself down, is to strive to pick yourself back up, relying on little help from anyone. Family, friends, maybe. But from god? Unless god is in the business of fixing the next lottery drawing, then you had better grab your bootstraps and get going on rebuilding your life.

Exhibit A: Job. God always comes though, the real trouble is with people who don't. It's one of the foundations of my own faith, that I can trust God to be there even when everything else has failed.

So this book is your evidence for god's existance?

Oh, and my faith prevents me from that? Can't I learn and prevent as well?

Yes, your faith prevents you from that. You have no trust in your own instincts and abilities as a human being so you have given up and "Found Jesus." It's a cop-out to responsibility. Your basis of right and wrong comes from a 2-millenia-old collection of stories, and is enforced by fear of eternal damnation. Rather than being a man, or accepting your role as a human, you've decided that the grim realities that exist are too much to handle. Face facts? Not you, or anyone who believes in what you do. "You mean we're here because it just happened that way? No way, I refuse to believe that! Where's the drama?" And there's the emotionalism coming through again. You can't find a meaning or a set of goals by yourself, so you throw yourself at the feet of an unseen deity in hopes of having one handed to you on a plate. How empty a shell of a human being you must be to accept those short-cuts, those high-roads, those morally-bankrupt guidlines for life. You haven't learned one damn thing in your time here, and so long as you stay in your little capsule, you never will. The only thing you have ever prevented is having to accept personal responsibility for your actions.

In a universe where life and the universe it inhabits was created, a Creator is perfectly logical.

Sure, but we are not in that universe.

That's forced logic, based on "what if".

And yours isn't?! You just said that in a unverse that is created, a creator is perfectly logical, but you have no basis to claim that our universe was created, aside from your crippling lack of understanding on how the universe works! At least in my case, we have evidence!

Face it, you aren't basing your logic on information you already have, but on information you still hope to gain

Again, that statement makes more sense against you. You have no information about god. None. No evidence or fact. Nothing. At least we have a meteor which has these tiny things on it...looks like bacteria...smells like bacteria...tastes like bacteria...but we can't be 100% sure...yet.

You can say life is logical, but how does that make a random car accident logical?

You really have no idea what logic means, do you?

Cars + Road = Possibility of collision

What isn't logical about that?

but which came first, chaos or logic?

Let's not even go there, because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Logic isn't something that happens. You haven't seen something illogical, and you never will.

Being able to explain something does not make it logical, as anybody who has ever been cheated on will attest.

Oh bullshit. But Ok, fine, let's use that example:

Man + Woman + Natural desire to mate with each other = Man and Woman Mating with each other

Completely logical, Jenyar. Just because it doesn't exactly makes sense to you when it's your girlfriend who just banged Biff Burley in the back seat of his Chevy Lumina doesn't mean it doesn't make sense in reality. Your perception of the event doesn't change the truth. There is a natural desire to mate. Simple.

What you are saying is that logic is relative.

Read above and you'll see I'm saying the exact opposite.

The logic you speak of can't be representative of the whole system. It's nothing but meaning attributed to an otherwise meaningless action. The murderer might have had a reason, but that doesn't make his action reasonable.

Reason is relative, but logic is not. Logic is the greater picture, and reason is your personal ability to achive understanding of a certain situation. An example:

A man shoots you in the groin. You try and try, but you cannot see his actions as reasonable. But because of his mental instability, he sees it as perfectly reasonable. After all, in his warped mind, your crotch was compelling him to do it.

A man cuts your nipples off. You try and try, but you cannot see it as illogical. Becuase of his mental instability, the possibility of his committing some outrageous act such as nipple-hacking makes this case completely and totally logical.

If evolution is neccessary for life to "work", then its general necessity would make it seem like it is the controlling factor, but it might only seem that way because you can't imagine a larger controlling factor.

Of course I can imagine a larger controlling factor. Shoot, somebody did, otherwise you wouldn't believe in god right now! The cruelty of this is that there is no larger controlling factor. The necessity is the controlling factor. That is why there is evolution. If god had created everything to work, then there would never have been changes in any species. Evolution wouldn't exist. Yet, it does. And it's been observed and proven. It's fact.

You simply don't have the priviledge to know what life without God would be like.

Sadly, you really believe that.

An analogy could be, what would life without sustenance look like? Dead.

You are a walking oxymoron, wrapped in hypocricy, shrouded by redundancy.

Sure there are electrical and chemical happenings in the brain. But are you a slave to them? Have you never not acted on impulse? Have you never chose a wife? Is one potential mother of your children just as good as another?

We aren't slaves to impulse all the time. As intelligent beings, we can think our way around some situations. But as far as instinct, yes, we are a slave to that. One wife is just as good as another? Yes, so long as I am attracted to both, or both are caring people. This is why love isn't a single experiance. We love more than once. We love many, many, many times over. Because we are suited "perfectly" for many, many differnet people.

You accept that we are born with some kind of subconscious, self-preserving knowledge, like which features would make your children better suited for survival, yet you deny that belief in God might be one of those self-preserving impulses. If you don't have knwoledge about the origin over one kind of instinct, why presume you have knowledge over the validity of another? Why should SargentLard suppress an instinct because you don't realize its significance?

I deny that god is a self-preserving impulse becuase it ISN'T. Sargentlard isn't suppressing instinct, asshole, he's trying to deprogram himself. No one is born believing in god, just as Sargentlard wasn't. He told his story! Weren't you listening? Of course you weren't; you were taking the bits that didn't fit and throwing them out. He was raised in a religious household; he's had god spoon-fed to him from his earliest days. There wasn't ever a time where the people around him talked in a way that implied god didn't exist. It's the same thing as Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. Same friggin thing. There is no instinct here, Jenyar, it's brainwashing.

How do you, ultimately, know what is good for you or for him?

I know what's good for humanity, and ignorance isn't it. What if someday a meteor the size of Texas really is heading for us? Will god save you then? Or will it be our laser rockets launched from Mars?

Originally posted by JDawg
How so? We've found what may be microbes on a meteor from Mars. Not a smoking gun, but we're just about sure that's what it is. Life is logical. It happens. A living god, on the other hand, has no basis in reality. On what do you base the existance of god? Us?
Sure, there's a possibility that life isn't unique to earth, even if it is still a long shot from being sentient life. And I'm pretty sure if they turn out to believe in a Creator as well you'd say, of course, it's a common mistake. Why do we have to "grow out of" faith, if we are the product of pure evolution. Wouldn't all our thoughts and instincts have evolved with equal validity?

Say what?
I was referring to you comparing God with humanity. God isn't human. Why would He be based on your limited physical reality, and not one that can include a spiritual and a physical reality. In fact, why can't He be the ultimate reality containing all others?

If one dimension doesn't include another, that doesn't necessarily preclude another, and it can't prove another either. Width can't contain length, and while you can't prove height exists using only width and length, that doesn't mean height doesn't exist. It means you are limited to understanding only the dimensions that fall within your range of understanding. Or the dimensions you choose to recognize.

Then what makes you an authority? You seem to be sold on it, but you just said you are no authority. So how is your belief valid?
I am no authority. Do you have to be an authority on something before you can experience it, or believe in it? Do children suspend love until they become confident it really exists?

Not only is it to keep you with your mate, but it is also to hold a family unit together, and keep friendships together. All of the above are beneficial to you as an individual. Strength in numbers. And yes, I do see it happening. As a species living on this planet (Not above it, as you seem to think) we share traits with other species. The bond of love is, for example, a typical, effective way to increase the chances of offspring reaching adulthood.
That's the functional approach. What about the emotional aspects of love, the experience and intricasies of it? Do you really believe that's all there is to love? All evidence shows that love is an acquired trait that comes with higher intellectual capacity. Microbes do not "love". And in our case, it usually comes down to a conscious decision, even if it did start out as a basic instinct.
Love is as natural an impulse as anything else. What makes it different from lust, aside from function?
Conscience. And God is greater than your conscience.
How so? Love doesn't have to conflict with other impulses. As an intelligent species, we can cheat or gamble or drink all while finding ways to stay with our wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend.
Do you see how such a functional outlook on love intrudes on the moral aspects of it? Or is morality is just as redundant as God - an evolved trait that we had best leave behind in favour of our "true" nature?

Do you know what someone is called who can lie, cheat and abuse his girlfriend and still tell her he loves her and believe himself? False and spineless, among other things.

You might think that these human reactions and emotions are just elaborate icing on what is really a very simple and straightforward cake, but the truth is that they comprise 99% of everyday life. To ignore that is to live in a fantasy world, even if it is one based on "reality".

You might get away simplifying life in the name of logic and reason like this, but God defies such a reduction to "first principles".

In what case does love not benefit you? Falling in love with a less-than-attractive person might be disaterous socially, but otherwise, I see no other time love would not be beneficial.
You don't think charities run like machines, do you? I'm not talking just about romantic love.

You could put your faith in something visible, touchable. Something you can see. Put your faith in the Mets, or the doctor who's trying to save your wife's life. Rely on faith when the situation is completely out of your hands.
Our lives are out of our hands in the greater scheme of things. You didn't choose to exist. That doesn't mean you have no say in it - it just means your say might have greater consequences than you think they do. Sure, have faith in a doctor to treat you to the best of abilities, he might save your body once or twice, but can he save your soul?

...but every day, you can change something. You can do something. To walk around every day and just leave it all up to your faith in god is the act of a coward. A gutless coward.
Then please don't become faithful, if that is what happens when you believe in God.

As for me, I labour to bear fruit according to my faith, to take hold of the kingdom God has offered me by applying the talents and opportunities He has given me, in spite of setbacks and disappointments, because I know what I gather on earth will decay and be forgotten, but what I gather with God will get His recognition.

A little story: A childhood friend of mine had a mother who happened to be a Christian. She, at the age of 42, was divorced by her husband. A few months later, she moved the family to my street, and she promised to look for a job. Well, she got one. A week later, she quit. She told us, "God will provide." So, rather than getting up and going out to find a job, she simply sat around and waited for her teenage boys to bring home paychecks. She sat around, and read scripture, and decided that she didn't have to work. All she had to do was wait on god to drop a bundle of money on her. (Ok, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't waiting for pennies from heaven, but still) Point is, she took her "faith" and invested it in your god. She found nothing but an excuse to sit and home and milk her kids. This is what faith did for her after she lost everything.
She must have read right over the parable of the talents. Apart from missing out on a lot of blessings God might have had in store for her, she might have have thought twice about what kind of testimony she was presenting if she knew what impression her lack of faith would have on you.

What needs to happen when you find yourself down, is to strive to pick yourself back up, relying on little help from anyone. Family, friends, maybe. But from god? Unless god is in the business of fixing the next lottery drawing, then you had better grab your bootstraps and get going on rebuilding your life.
Where do family and friends come from? How do true and lasting relationships become established? Not by treating people as if they were as just as good as anybody else, and have only your natural instinct to trust for any expectance of loyalty or love. I know I'm exaggerating, I doubt you really practice or experience life the way you preach it. Not even the most watertight logic on paper can reduce practical life into such simplicity.

So this book is your evidence for god's existance?
Not at all. It's evidence of other people who have practiced the same faith and entered into the same relationship with God.

Yes, your faith prevents you from that. You have no trust in your own instincts and abilities as a human being so you have given up and "Found Jesus." It's a cop-out to responsibility. Your basis of right and wrong comes from a 2-millenia-old collection of stories, and is enforced by fear of eternal damnation. Rather than being a man, or accepting your role as a human, you've decided that the grim realities that exist are too much to handle. Face facts? Not you, or anyone who believes in what you do. "You mean we're here because it just happened that way? No way, I refuse to believe that! Where's the drama?" And there's the emotionalism coming through again. You can't find a meaning or a set of goals by yourself, so you throw yourself at the feet of an unseen deity in hopes of having one handed to you on a plate. How empty a shell of a human being you must be to accept those short-cuts, those high-roads, those morally-bankrupt guidlines for life. You haven't learned one damn thing in your time here, and so long as you stay in your little capsule, you never will. The only thing you have ever prevented is having to accept personal responsibility for your actions.
Ouch. But I guess you are entitled to believing all that about me.

I trust my instincts implicitly, because I believe God created me with them. He gave me every ability I have and I intend to explore my every Godly potential. That excludes my potential to hate, murder or inflict pain, which are not within God's will. Heaven forbid I give up on anything, because perseverance is something that comes with character. My responsibilities have increased, not decreased, and I have no fear of eternal damnation. I am faced with grim realities every day of my life, and I am eternally thankful to be aware that they don't represent all there is to know.

I also deal with moral bankrupcy often enough to know that it's people who have stopped trying to live accountable lives who exhibit most of it. As for myself, I accept full responsibility for my every thought and action. God did not love me or grant me life, family and friends so that I could show my thanks by abdicating the responsibilities that came with each of them.

If I may venture, it is the kind of functional explanations you present, of how life fits neatly into predetermined evolutionary tracks, that could blind people to the power they have over circumstances and make them hide behind instinct ("evolution made me do it/ it was in my nature to do it").

Sure, but we are not in that universe.
We are in a universe where the way things really are fly straight in the face of the way things seem to be, according to you. You can't seem to decide whether we should overcome our evolutionary nature to become better people, or overcome our humanity to submit to our true, inherent animal nature. If love really is just an chemically induced impulse, why not agree that some people were born to rape and drop all laws against it? Or if we do have control over our chemical processes, why not admit that laws are there to create a moral common ground that is supposed to protect us from ourselves?

I also seriously doubt that this universe is the one God created. While nature might still be good enough, our own natures have become far removed from what God had in mind - what He still has in mind.

And yours isn't?! You just said that in a unverse that is created, a creator is perfectly logical, but you have no basis to claim that our universe was created, aside from your crippling lack of understanding on how the universe works! At least in my case, we have evidence!
I don't know how the universe works. I might know some of its laws, and some more theories about where its laws come from and how it is constructed, but it's still a mystery to me worth exploring. Logic is what we construct to understand how things correlate. It does not predict their correlation except under known conditions, and we don't know enough to hope we ever will know enough.

I'm not trying to present God as the way the universe works. It works the way He created it to work. The fact that i believe in God makes no difference about how little I know about how it was created or how it works. Genesis is less concerned with creation itself, than with God's relationship to his creation and humanity. Evidence of God would not make the universe work any more or any less efficiently. The implications of His existence stretch far further than the logic, origin or chemical constitution of life, the universe or anything else.

We aren't slaves to impulse all the time. As intelligent beings, we can think our way around some situations. But as far as instinct, yes, we are a slave to that. One wife is just as good as another? Yes, so long as I am attracted to both, or both are caring people. This is why love isn't a single experiance. We love more than once. We love many, many, many times over. Because we are suited "perfectly" for many, many differnet people.
Now you are being the hypocrite. What differentiates humans from animals is that little bit of reasoning ability we have inbetween impulse and action. Sure, I agree with you - in the end it all comes down to chemicals flowing and feromones flaring, but that has very little to do with our conscious thinking, and even less to do with our moral status. You use the words attracted and caring as if they both fall under instinctive behaviour. Caring might be instinctive for a mother, but mothering a child that isn't yours is less instinctive, and mothering a child that will die within two days can impossibly be dismissed as "for ensuring the preservation of the species." If that was really a consideration, it would be forgiveable, and in fact more human to let terminally sick and genetically defective people die to make way for fitter stock.

I deny that god is a self-preserving impulse becuase it ISN'T. Sargentlard isn't suppressing instinct, asshole, he's trying to deprogram himself. No one is born believing in god, just as Sargentlard wasn't. He told his story! Weren't you listening? Of course you weren't; you were taking the bits that didn't fit and throwing them out. He was raised in a religious household; he's had god spoon-fed to him from his earliest days. There wasn't ever a time where the people around him talked in a way that implied god didn't exist. It's the same thing as Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. Same friggin thing. There is no instinct here, Jenyar, it's brainwashing.
Where did his religious household come from, and before that, and before that? Nobody is born walking, they learn it. It comes with innate ability, example, assistance, and exercise. You can't see the use of faith, but that doesn't automatically make it redundant.

People grow out of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but faith in God becomes stronger as you mature. There is a Jewish proverb that says "an ignorant person can't be pious". If it's lack of reason that destroys faith, it's reason that strengthens it. Obviously not your kind of reasoning, but their are many other avenues you chose not to pursue.

I know what's good for humanity, and ignorance isn't it. What if someday a meteor the size of Texas really is heading for us? Will god save you then? Or will it be our laser rockets launched from Mars?

I can guarantee you more people will be praying than you have ever seen before. Remember, if the rocket fails to save you, you're buggered. If God fails to save you, you're really buggered.
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Originally posted by Jenyar
Jenyar: Wouldn't all our thoughts and instincts have evolved with equal validity?
M*W: I wanted to jump in this discussion. I'll try to be brief with my thoughts. "Equal validity?" I don't think so. Survival instincts, yes. Spiritual instincts, no. Although I believe in the One Spirit, I believe it can be perceived and understood in many different aspects. Why? Because it is as unlimited as the "ocean and the tides" to quote everneo.
Jenyar: I was referring to you comparing God with humanity. God isn't human.
M*W: I disagree. God itself is not "human," but the human race and all creation is divine. Why would "God" create the universe and it not be divine? Everything "God" creates is divine. Humans were created in "God's" image (divine).
Jenyar: Why would He be based on your limited physical reality, and not one that can include a spiritual and a physical reality. In fact, why can't He be the ultimate reality containing all others?
M*W: The One Spirit of God IS represented by the human race and all of creation. Otherwise, we'd be dead. We wouldn't exist.
Jenyar: All evidence shows that love is an acquired trait that comes with higher intellectual capacity. Microbes do not "love". And in our case, it usually comes down to a conscious decision, even if it did start out as a basic instinct.
M*W: Microbes do not "love" as we do, even so, "love" is electrophysiological energy. Relatively speaking, microbes experience "love" at their level which would be phagocytosis.
Jenyar: Conscience. And God is greater than your conscience.
M*W: God IS our consciousness.
Jenyar: Do you know what someone is called who can lie, cheat and abuse his girlfriend and still tell her he loves her and believe himself? False and spineless, among other things.
M*W: I would call him a master manipulator. I would call her co-dependent.
Jenyar: Our lives are out of our hands in the greater scheme of things. You didn't choose to exist.
M*W: I believe the One Spirit of God that dwells within us creates us, so we DID choose to exist, otherwise, we wouldn't be here.
Jenyar: That doesn't mean you have no say in it - it just means your say might have greater consequences than you think they do. Sure, have faith in a doctor to treat you to the best of abilities, he might save your body once or twice, but can he save your soul?
M*W: We CHOOSE this life regardless if we are normal and healthy or we are severely handicapped. Our fate is not randomly chosen by a higher power. WE CHOOSE OUR DESTINY.
Jenyar: Then please don't become faithful, if that is what happens when you believe in God.
M*W: This statement goes against everything in creation. Faithfulness is an individuality. You sound like you are the only one who knows God! Your perception of God may not be another's perception of God. Nevertheless, there's only one God. What difference does it make to perceive God individually? We are created as individuals but are interconnected to one another by the One Spirit of God. Our perception of God is a worthless triviality. We're human beings created in God's image. Our perception of God is very limited. How one perceives God is not the issue. Faith is personal. That's why human beings shouldn't JUDGE other human beings. We were all given an intellect, to one degree or another, so perception of God does not fall under one specific standard (i.e. religion).
Jenyar: As for me, I labour to bear fruit according to my faith, to take hold of the kingdom God has offered me by applying the talents and opportunities He has given me, in spite of setbacks and disappointments, because I know what I gather on earth will decay and be forgotten, but what I gather with God will get His recognition.
M*W: Well said. As humans, we do this on an individual basis whether we are xian, Jew, Muslim, atheist or other. It's all in our perception.
Jenyar: Where do family and friends come from? How do true and lasting relationships become established?
M*W: We CHOSE these relationships before we were born.
Jenyar: I can guarantee you more people will be praying than you have ever seen before. Remember, if the rocket fails to save you, you're buggered. If God fails to save you, you're really buggered.
M*W: If you fail to save yourself in this life (learning from past mistakes throughout eternity), you simply won't resurrect.
Originally posted by Jenyar
God isn't human. Why would He be based on your limited physical reality, and not one that can include a spiritual and a physical reality. In fact, why can't He be the ultimate reality containing all others?
Even though there probably are not gods. If there were they would still have to obey the laws of logic just like anything else. If not then one could say - can god make a round square? With the obvious answer being no god can not. That's the funny thing about being omnipotent - it doesn’t really mean anything but is a fun thing to say about god because, when one puts their brain on hold, it sort of sounds good :)

As for "spiritual reality" this is something you made up. You've certainly never observed “spiritual reality” have you? The obvious answer (by your own definition) must be no. So again it’s another one of those fun things to say about god because, when one puts their brain on hold, it sort of sounds good :)
Sure, there's a possibility that life isn't unique to earth, even if it is still a long shot from being sentient life.

Look up at night, Jenyar. See those stars? Those are all like our Sun. Tell me, what do YOU think the chances are that not one single one of them has a planet orbiting it with sentient life on it?

And I'm pretty sure if they turn out to believe in a Creator as well you'd say, of course, it's a common mistake.

Talk about stretching, Jenyar....You just blasted me for using forced logic, but here you assuming I'd call some extraterrestrial's belief in God a "common mistake?" C'mon, dude.

Why do we have to "grow out of" faith, if we are the product of pure evolution. Wouldn't all our thoughts and instincts have evolved with equal validity?

Now you're assuming that we are this vastly advanced organism, which we aren't. There is a species of monkey that is a 98.9% match of our DNA (or some percentage like that), so it's not like we're too far removed from the animal kingdom. I can only say that I imagine we'd grow out of faith, not that I'm so sure we will. It's my opinion based on the immature, child-like, alpha-male-worshipping nature of religion that makes me think it's something that will eventually be left behind. Just look at what we call god: "Him!" God has a sexual orientation! How primitive is that??

I was referring to you comparing God with humanity. God isn't human. Why would He be based on your limited physical reality, and not one that can include a spiritual and a physical reality. In fact, why can't He be the ultimate reality containing all others?

If one dimension doesn't include another, that doesn't necessarily preclude another, and it can't prove another either. Width can't contain length, and while you can't prove height exists using only width and length, that doesn't mean height doesn't exist. It means you are limited to understanding only the dimensions that fall within your range of understanding. Or the dimensions you choose to recognize.

Look, I can't say that it isn't true. I can't say that there aren't other dimensions, or other realities.

What I can say is that if they are, we wouldn't know about them. There is no way that you, Jenyar, would know about them. They obviously can't interact with each other, so how would you know about them? Face it, it's a guess.

I am no authority. Do you have to be an authority on something before you can experience it, or believe in it? Do children suspend love until they become confident it really exists?

Woah, buddy. Experiencing something and believing in something are completely different. Believing in something does not make you the expert! Just because you believe in god doesn't make you privy to any more information than anyone who doesn't believe.

That's the functional approach. What about the emotional aspects of love, the experience and intricasies of it?

What about them? It's not like the chemical and electrical happenings in your brain just say "Go Love her!" No, what they do is create sensations and feelings and emotions, and those make you take action. It creates stimuli.

All evidence shows that love is an acquired trait that comes with higher intellectual capacity.

WHAT??!??!?!?!?! What evidence?!?!? Show me where it says that love has anything to do with mental capacity!!!!

Jenyar, if we are to continue having this discussion, STOP. MAKING. THINGS. UP.

Microbes do not "love".

Says WHO? But OK, I'll bite...you say love only happens with higher intelligences, but your example of where love doesn't happen is one of the lowest forms of life there is. How is that fair? And with a microbe, they are so very simple that such an elaborate process is not needed.

And in our case, it usually comes down to a conscious decision, even if it did start out as a basic instinct

WHAT?!??!?!?!?! You young, ignorant, inexperienced idiot! Now we can CHOOSE who and when we love?? You know what? I can't take this bullshit anymore! You're just fucking guessing at this point, and that doesn't make for a good argument. I'm not going to continue, becuase who knows what bullshit you're going to pull out of your ass next. This discussion is over.

Do you think that "God" is dependant on our belief in his existance?

Do you think that he relies on our belief to sustain some sort of ego or self esteem?

Do you think "God" only exists for humanity and not the universe in general?

Do you think that your belief in God is the only thing that keeps him going?

Is it possible you are caught up in a self justifiying delusion?

I sort of equate this belief to what the natives of south america once believed.....very old fashioned belief systems. And I may add they would justify their beliefs just as strongly.

The old bible style of religions is almost finished,..in another ten years or so it will cease to exist as a religion....however, "God" will continue but not as a religion but as the reality that he is.

And once you accept the reality of "God" free of self justifying delusion you will see "god" for the reality he is.

So what keeps you away from God.....Your own belief!
Originally posted by JDawg
Look up at night, Jenyar. See those stars? Those are all like our Sun. Tell me, what do YOU think the chances are that not one single one of them has a planet orbiting it with sentient life on it?

Talk about stretching, Jenyar....You just blasted me for using forced logic, but here you assuming I'd call some extraterrestrial's belief in God a "common mistake?" C'mon, dude.
I realize that was forced logic, but I see you got my point. Until we found other life beyond a shadow of doubt, then we can start using it in arguments. Until then, it must be subject to speculation on both sides.

Now you're assuming that we are this vastly advanced organism, which we aren't. There is a species of monkey that is a 98.9% match of our DNA (or some percentage like that), so it's not like we're too far removed from the animal kingdom. I can only say that I imagine we'd grow out of faith, not that I'm so sure we will. It's my opinion based on the immature, child-like, alpha-male-worshipping nature of religion that makes me think it's something that will eventually be left behind. Just look at what we call god: "Him!" God has a sexual orientation! How primitive is that??
Who said "vastly advanced"? I'm not comparing DNA, I'm comparing instances of love. And human beings are the only ones who can decide whether they love or not, and aren't given over to instinct for decision-making.

Look, I can't say that it isn't true. I can't say that there aren't other dimensions, or other realities.

What I can say is that if they are, we wouldn't know about them. There is no way that you, Jenyar, would know about them. They obviously can't interact with each other, so how would you know about them? Face it, it's a guess.
Are you aware that for some quantum calculations, apparently as many as 12 dimensions are needed to make them balance? I don't know how "real" those quantum dimensions are, but they certainly exist at least mathematically. Closer to home, time is often considered a dimension, but we can only comprehend the three-dimentional properties of it in dailly life. Or even more simple: we can know the width and length properties of height, without perceiving it to be "height", until we stretch our imagination to include it. If our physical perception were limited to two dimensions, "height" would only be understood in the mind - some would believe in it and other wouldn't. Both beliefs would be "logical".

Woah, buddy. Experiencing something and believing in something are completely different. Believing in something does not make you the expert! Just because you believe in god doesn't make you privy to any more information than anyone who doesn't believe.
Once again, I don't need to be an expert to have some knowledge. I believe in God with the same information that is available to you, but your perspective on what we know doesn't allow for God. I don't know more, I just believe more. Of course it's not something I can prove, because we share the same limitations.

What about them? It's not like the chemical and electrical happenings in your brain just say "Go Love her!" No, what they do is create sensations and feelings and emotions, and those make you take action. It creates stimuli.
But that's just what I said: That we have a choice how we react to stimuli!

Many people make decisions based on emotion rather than reason. Does that mean they aren't real? My contention is that they are visible, experiential, valid, and undeniably part of who we are.

WHAT??!??!?!?!?! What evidence?!?!? Show me where it says that love has anything to do with mental capacity!!!!

Jenyar, if we are to continue having this discussion, STOP. MAKING. THINGS. UP.
In a very narrow definition of love, it's just a basic impulse. You can call the reproductive attraction of bacteria "love", but my argument is that it doesn't cover the spectrum of love humans experience. If you have the complete ability to act like an animal, but you also have the choice not to. That kind of self-control is very much dependent on mental capacity (or should I say, optimal usage of mental capacity).

Says WHO? But OK, I'll bite...you say love only happens with higher intelligences, but your example of where love doesn't happen is one of the lowest forms of life there is. How is that fair? And with a microbe, they are so very simple that such an elaborate process is not needed.
So, love becomes more complex as the organism becomes more complex. Fairness has nothing to do with it.

WHAT?!??!?!?!?! You young, ignorant, inexperienced idiot! Now we can CHOOSE who and when we love?? You know what? I can't take this bullshit anymore! You're just fucking guessing at this point, and that doesn't make for a good argument. I'm not going to continue, becuase who knows what bullshit you're going to pull out of your ass next. This discussion is over.

What? You don't think you can choose whom to love or not? I pity the woman you choose (or should I say, instinctively?) marry someday. How do you think people stay faithful to each other? Sure, Hollywood would have you believe that marriage and divorce are matters of instinct, but in my books (and the Bible) that doesn't even resemble human love, much less "true" love. If you tell someone you love them, you damn well make a decision to love them regardless of how you might feel after a year or two. The relationships might not work out, but your actions under any circumstances will be determined by your decision, not by your instincts - because you can control your instincts. You can think before you hit her, even if you feel like hitting her you don't have to act on the impulse - and that, dear JD, is how she will know whether you really love her or not.

You have been arguing the strength of belief and you will even probably claim that you know God. But I know that you don't know God.....why you may ask?

Because you don't know me....simple

If you knew me then you could say you knew God but you don't know me. Belief and knowing are very different things.
Originally posted by Quantum Quack

You have been arguing the strength of belief and you will even probably claim that you know God. But I know that you don't know God.....why you may ask?

Because you don't know me....simple

If you knew me then you could say you knew God but you don't know me. Belief and knowing are very different things.
But I believe you exist, and I have reason to believe you are human. Now, I could read up on humans and get a pretty general idea of what your properties are, and I could look up your discussions with other people on this forum and get an idea of your personality.

No, I don't know you, but I know a few things about you. And if we met, and spent some time together, I would get to know you even better. I have gotten to know God by living in a relationship with Him. I didn't start out knowing Him the way I do today.

On the other hand, if I didn't believe you existed, I wouldn't even try to get to know you, and for all intents and purposes you wouldn't exist to me.
can I ask:

If you are married can you truelly say you know your wife...I mean really truelly?

Would you say you knew God more than your wife?

Just asking?

I realize that was forced logic, but I see you got my point. Until we found other life beyond a shadow of doubt, then we can start using it in arguments. Until then, it must be subject to speculation on both sides.

The same applies to God. But in the case of the life on other planets, there is at least a probability. There was even a mathematical equation for the possible numbers of intelligent species there are on other planets! Is there a mathematical equation for God?

Who said "vastly advanced"? I'm not comparing DNA, I'm comparing instances of love. And human beings are the only ones who can decide whether they love or not, and aren't given over to instinct for decision-making.

Again, I have to ask, what makes you think you can decide to love or not? Also, how do you know that we're the only ones who can decide?

Are you aware that for some quantum calculations, apparently as many as 12 dimensions are needed to make them balance? I don't know how "real" those quantum dimensions are, but they certainly exist at least mathematically

Tell me then, why is there no quantum equation for God? If they know of these other dimensions, where is God's?

Once again, I don't need to be an expert to have some knowledge. I believe in God with the same information that is available to you, but your perspective on what we know doesn't allow for God. I don't know more, I just believe more. Of course it's not something I can prove, because we share the same limitations.

Agreed. I pose this to you: How do you take that information and find God in it? What of that information makes you believe there is a god at all, let alone the one in the far-fetched and contradictory stories of the Bible?

But that's just what I said: That we have a choice how we react to stimuli!

Wait a minute....I think I see why we've been fighting over this love issue...More on this later...

In a very narrow definition of love, it's just a basic impulse. You can call the reproductive attraction of bacteria "love", but my argument is that it doesn't cover the spectrum of love humans experience.

In this case, I see what you mean. But again, it's simply an emotional response from you. Have I told you before that you are very over-emotional? :D Anyway, calling love a basic emotion isn't narrow, it's fact. At least, that's what it boils down to. What comes from that, and what acts are committed and wonderful time is spent with the object of your affection is a whole other thing all together. But love itself is simply an impulse. Storybook, no, but that's what the stuff we do is for. The things you say to each other, the intimacy you share, the giggles you have, holding hands, passing notes, sending flowers, sweet whispers and warm breath on the back of your neck...that stuff is as magical as it gets. But it's not love itself. It's what you do because of love. And also because of lust, who knows? But the fact is, love is simply the emotion that makes you move in that direction.

So, love becomes more complex as the organism becomes more complex. Fairness has nothing to do with it.

What was unfair was your analogy, not the facts. Point is, I guess I could agree with your statement. Actually, I do agree with it, completely. But that isn't what you said before. You said that love only happened in higher-minded species. The way I took your previous statement, I felt you were just trying to find a slick way to say "humans." Sorry for the misunderstanding.

What? You don't think you can choose whom to love or not? I pity the woman you choose (or should I say, instinctively?) marry someday. How do you think people stay faithful to each other? Sure, Hollywood would have you believe that marriage and divorce are matters of instinct, but in my books (and the Bible) that doesn't even resemble human love, much less "true" love. If you tell someone you love them, you damn well make a decision to love them regardless of how you might feel after a year or two. The relationships might not work out, but your actions under any circumstances will be determined by your decision, not by your instincts - because you can control your instincts. You can think before you hit her, even if you feel like hitting her you don't have to act on the impulse - and that, dear JD, is how she will know whether you really love her or not.

Ok, so I was right about our argument...you're using the word "love," and applying it to all aspects of life, as opposed to just the emotion. In other words, when you say that we can choose to love someone or not, you are saying that we can choose to act on the emotion of love, correct? If I am, then I agree wholeheartedly. Of course we can choose to act on love, but the act itself isn't love. The act is the result of love.

My argument was that you don't choose who you fall in love with; you can't. Trust me...

...I'll get personal now for a minute, to try to help you understand...

I work with the girl, Andrea, and she's just about the coolest person I've ever met, no lie. She's pessimistic in a humorus way and uses that in her physical brand of comedy. She has this way about her...I don't know how to explain it, but she just oozes sex. Her appeal is amazing, especially when you consider that she isn't classically beautiful. She's kind of flat-chested, and doesn't have much of a backside, but she's adorable in every way you could imagine, or hope for. Aside from that, I have the utmost respect for her, in a very real way, and she's someone who's strength in spite of all the difficulty she's faced is something I admire with my whole person. She's faced harder times than I have, and I've been down the block a time or two.

I had to face it not too long ago...I have fallen head over heels in love with her. Nothing about a relationship with her would work for either of us, us being co-workers and in such close proximity to each other and others, and I have no idea why I would fall so completely for her, or anyone, for that matter. It's safe to say, I have never once thought about someone so much, or had dreams about someone, or had such a desire for someone; even women whom I've been more physically attracted to.

Point is, I didn't choose this. I didn't want this. I really wish I didn't feel this way; things would be so much easier...but I also know that I can't think about her too long without my heart crushing from the depressing knowledge that her and I will never be. And I can't look at her too long without finding my want and need for her growing into an intense heat that takes me the rest of the night to pacify. And I can't listen to her for too long without finding a new respect and love for her.

This is love, Jenyar. No choise involved in it. I'm in love and there is nothing I can do about it.

JD (By the way, I meant every word of that.)
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
can I ask:

If you are married can you truelly say you know your wife...I mean really truelly?

Would you say you knew God more than your wife?

Just asking?
This is one aspect on which I agree with M*W. You can learn something about God from almost every relationship, but all relationships are influenced and depend on how well you know yourself. Just like you can inspect yourself in a mirror, you can learn something about God if you realize you are created in His image. It's a blurry mirror, because you have to distinguish between who you are and who God is - they are not the same person (in Jesus they were). But we are born with some innate knowledge about who we are, and just like we learn to talk, we can learn about God.

For instance, if you only see yourself as a generic "human being", then you are forced to believe that your decisions and actions are determined by instinct and impulse. This is of course true to a certain extent, but it's not ultimately true. You aren't just a consciousness in the back seat of your body vying for attention. But when you get into the driver's seat, you are forced to take responsibility for every thought and action. More importantly, this influences how you see other people. If you really think love is no more than a chemical attraction, you will be a liar and a hypocrite everytime you tell someone you can love them unconditionally. The difference between our nature and our will (falsity) is continually exposed in this fashion. But in God there is no such difference between will and nature.

Looking towards God to provide the ideal for human potential also exposes this discrepancy between ideal (law) and reality (transgression/sin). It's a case of continually bettering yourself in search of God, which is the basis of faith.

You control who you are, and what kind of human being you will be. But this frequently pits your immediate desires against your willpower, causing inner conflict. And it is how you choose to resolve each conflict which shapes your personality, and personality determines how well you and others can predict your behaviour, how trustworthy you are, how sincere you are, how "godly" you are. How "close you live to God".

You might want to know how all this answers your question. Knowing your wife is a futile exercise if you don't know yourself first. What makes her your wife is that you have promised to be her husband, and that is the foundation of your intimacy. But if you live like you are her husband, or want to change her to be who you'd like her to be, calling her your wife is a lie. On the other hand, if you both realize that you will not always be the husband and you both accept each other as the person you agreed to marry, both of you will be able to forgive each other for the times when you are "not yourself". And you will know each other quite well after a time.

The same is true in our relationship with God. He calls us His collective bride. Knowing Him means always seeking to know Him - always trying to be someone He would like to know, and asking forgiveness when you're not. It also means accepting Him for who He is. Because in a sense we are married to His son (humanity in general, Christ in particular) and He became our Father.
Originally posted by Michael
Even though there probably are not gods. If there were they would still have to obey the laws of logic just like anything else. If not then one could say - can god make a round square?

Can you imagine a round square?
What would it look like?

when one puts their brain on hold, it sort of sounds good

You should try taking your brain off hold, it not only sound better, but you have the oppotunity to learn how it works.

As for "spiritual reality" this is something you made up. You've certainly never observed “spiritual reality” have you?

You mean you know what "spiritual reality" is?
Please explain.


Jan Ardena.