A question for atheists

1. individual- a singular consciousness, a soul
exist- to be a viable part of this plain
2. I will do my best, but theology is my major
3. I usually leave that to people who don’t have a real point of view
I am going to say a tentative no. Humans exist in two plains during the life the physical, and the spiritual. Most people are unaware of the later most of the time. When your physical self dies it is gone from this plain, for now. You still exist but only in the spiritual plain. When the Lord recreates the world the spiritual will be reunited with the physical. I hope this is the kind of response you were looking for.
urielswing said:
1. individual- a singular consciousness, a soul
exist- to be a viable part of this plain
2. I will do my best, but theology is my major
3. I usually leave that to people who don’t have a real point of view
I am going to say a tentative no. Humans exist in two plains during the life the physical, and the spiritual. Most people are unaware of the later most of the time. When your physical self dies it is gone from this plain, for now. You still exist but only in the spiritual plain. When the Lord recreates the world the spiritual will be reunited with the physical. I hope this is the kind of response you were looking for.

I've often wondered about this belief... that the spiritual will be reunited with the physical... in what physical form, do you believe...?
Imagine you that you have always desired to be. This would is a world of near perfection on purpose. When it is made perfect you will be made so as well. I’m not that you are now not perfect. Simply that you are now fallible, able to make mistakes; which is perfect for this existence. But in the next life you will be made whole. Unless you desire damnation for yourself, then you will be outside with those that wail and grinned their teeth.
urielswing said:
Imagine you that you have always desired to be. This would is a world of near perfection on purpose. When it is made perfect you will be made so as well. I’m not that you are now not perfect. Simply that you are now fallible, able to make mistakes; which is perfect for this existence. But in the next life you will be made whole. Unless you desire damnation for yourself, then you will be outside with those that wail and grinned their teeth.

Strangely, I think I get the perfection concept in the spiritual sense... But, how does perfection exist in the physical form? Is it relative to what I "imagine" my "perfect" physical form would be? If so, how will the other "perfect" entities see me if their idea of perfect is something else?
This is where haziness sets in. We don’t know everything about the end of time. Not everything is reviled to us, and a lot is beyond our current ken. This is why it is a belief not a know. Some people can’t handle that so they flip out. I’m sure you’ve seen them on this site. But what it comes down to is the choice of understanding that the universe it too big and complex to be random and TRUSTING that it is under control, or not and trying to take the proverbial the reigns.
"The end of time?" Obviously we know nothing about the end of time... and we aren't likely to since our own sun probably has billions of years before it changes significantly enough to affect our planet... by the time our own sun is extinguished or gone supernova, new ones will have developed and begun their cycles.

End of time? Its poppycock like that that is a danger to human society. Religious nutters get wrapped up in the "prophecies" of their religious doctrines and think there are real "end times" that will affect them in their lifetimes. If you accept such a notion, what reason is there to even try to be good stewards of the planet or invest in future generations by appropriately taking care of ourselves in the economic present?
Wilmet said:
I have a suggestion... Interview veteran emergency personnel yourself... If their testimony and documented reports from members of the public convinces you... then present it to mr randi and collect the money for yourself.
I'm offering you the money, or would you not like, two million.
geeser said:
any of the supernatural garbage, you knew what I meant.
No. You can't prove the existence of anything. Asking someone to do just that is disingenuous. Asking someone to prove the existence of something subjective like a thought or a spirit is doubly disingenuous.

Now, you can provide evidence for the existence of something, or you could demonstrate that something exists by showing it to someone else, but this proves nothing. How do you know that it is what it seems? Any indirect evidence is necessarily inconclusive. If you want to put a floor on proof at whatever level seems reasonable to you, what you are really doing is taking a leap of faith that further inquiry will remain consistent with your findings up to that point.
Wilmet said:
Show me the money.

ok fair enough I'm not famous like randi However if you dont believe I have the money, you can be sure randi does so provided, you can prove the garbage you are spouting. you will recieve one million from randi and I will double that, also you will recieve accolades from around the globe, for proving the supernatural. so it's a win win situation for you, is'nt it.

The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant."

To date, no one has ever passed the preliminary tests.
geeser said:

ok fair enough I'm not famous like randi However if you dont believe I have the money, you can be sure randi does so provided, you can prove the garbage you are spouting. you will recieve one million from randi and I will double that, also you will recieve accolades from around the globe, for proving the supernatural. so it's a win win situation for you, is'nt it.

The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant."

To date, no one has ever passed the preliminary tests.

Thanks, but I would not be a suitable applicant since I am an ordinary person with no special powers. The ten or so instances are in the past and cannot be observed in the present. I have no idea if or when there might be any more in my lifetime. I have no control over the events... they just happen spontaneously.

Since the Foundation supports and conducts original research, I think it should seriously consider researching the experiences that veteran emergency responders have had with the public.
baumgarten said:
No. You can't prove the existence of anything.
ummm.. I think, therefore I am?

With no frame of reference, you can't unquestionably prove existence. But based on the fact that we are here, you can hypothesize that we exist.

to be is to be preceived

Are we really non-existent beings? prove it, or are you another one who thinks we live in the matrix.

the general consensus is that we have five senses, we humans can agree on certain thing even though we percieve them differently, we all know what an apple is when asked to draw it we've all do a simular drawing. because of this evidence we know apples exist, I need only to see the apple to have its existence proven (to me). But someone else might need to see and feel the apple before they're convinced. In other words, we can only "prove" anything if there is someone to prove it to. What constitutes valid proof will vary.
all thats being ask is for some one to prove that there something beyond those senses.