A question for atheists

Anecdotal evidence is still evidence; I could choose, if I wished, to conduct further inquiry into your claims.
It was about 5:30 PM, in the middle of the week, on an ordinary day. I arrived at home and went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. My sister arrived home and told me about her plans to go out with Bob who would be picking her up in a few minutes. My mother said to me, "Do NOT let her get into that car!" My mother... who had passed thirteen years prior...

I said, "What?!" My sister said, "What do you mean, 'What?!'" I told my sister what I heard. Of course she told me that I was out of my mind. I told her that maybe I was but that under the circumstances I thought she'd better skip her plans to go with Bob... Big shouting match (my sister was mad and I was scared)... My sister ran to her room crying. Bob arrived. I told him that my sister wasn't ready to go and that I'd drive her in to meet him later. Bob left... A few minutes later, we learned that he was involved in a head-on, fatal collision within a mile from our house.

It's instances such as these which make it obvious to me that the individual does NOT cease to exist after the body dies.
When you think of the countless millions of funerals(services or whatever) that have taken place over the centuries is there any documented evidence or proof of the deceased's spirit popping into view just to say 'see ya' to the congregation?
Yes, actually. There are ghost researchers who go around the world investigating such and similar occurrences.
Wilmet said:
It was about 5:30 PM, in the middle of the week, on an ordinary day. I arrived at home and went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. My sister arrived home and told me about her plans to go out with Bob who would be picking her up in a few minutes. My mother said to me, "Do NOT let her get into that car!" My mother... who had passed thirteen years prior...

I said, "What?!" My sister said, "What do you mean, 'What?!'" I told my sister what I heard. Of course she told me that I was out of my mind. I told her that maybe I was but that under the circumstances I thought she'd better skip her plans to go with Bob... Big shouting match (my sister was mad and I was scared)... My sister ran to her room crying. Bob arrived. I told him that my sister wasn't ready to go and that I'd drive her in to meet him later. Bob left... A few minutes later, we learned that he was involved in a head-on, fatal collision within a mile from our house.

It's instances such as these which make it obvious to me that the individual does NOT cease to exist after the body dies.

Sorry about your mother, I lost a father recently myself, but allow me to say this without offending. The decision to not let sis leave, however it was made, ultimately killed somebody. The sequence of events and timing were the actions of you, your sister and Bob. If you had said nothing and Bob & your sister had left without the argument then it is highly unlikely the crash would have happened, at least with the same vehicle within a mile of your house. When you really think about it, your mother's phantom calling really meant that someone was about to die, not necessarily your sister.

Please don't take this the wrong way but if someone calls to you from the spirit world telling you to do something and you heed the call then it may just be a chronological correction to allow a specific event to happen. Shades of the Matrix there.

You may have had your own reservations about Bob and his driving, didn't want your sister to go out with him(protecting her) or you may have been thinking that your mom wouldn't have allowed it. Who knows?
baumgarten said:
Yes, actually. There are ghost researchers who go around the world investigating such and similar occurrences.

There must be a time limit for ghosts. I love to see a caveman or some early hominids running around but never heard of anything like that. I guess the spirit world has to have a time limit or the whole planet would be awash with ghosts. Maybe ghosts are assigned specific turf...I guess with continental drift and the shifting of land masses that some ghost's eventually lose their haunting grounds. I hated Casper.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Sorry about your mother, I lost a father recently myself, but allow me to say this without offending. The decision to not let sis leave, however it was made, ultimately killed somebody. The sequence of events and timing were the actions of you, your sister and Bob. If you had said nothing and Bob & your sister had left without the argument then it is highly unlikely the crash would have happened, at least with the same vehicle within a mile of your house. When you really think about it, your mother's phantom calling really meant that someone was about to die, not necessarily your sister.

Please don't take this the wrong way but if someone calls to you from the spirit world telling you to do something and you heed the call then it may just be a chronological correction to allow a specific event to happen. Shades of the Matrix there.

You may have had your own reservations about Bob and his driving, didn't want your sister to go out with him(protecting her) or you may have been thinking that your mom wouldn't have allowed it. Who knows?

Thanks. My condolences on the loss of your father.

Bob was a good friend. My sister and he went out together many times prior to that day and I had no personal reservations about Bob or his driving.

My mother's interjection came from out of the blue...

That people who have passed do call to us from the "spirit world" - as you call it - makes it obvious to me that they continue to exist.
Wilmet said:
Bob was a good friend. My sister and he went out together many times prior to that day and I had no personal reservations about Bob or his driving.

Can you remember if there was anything you heard or noticed that might of made you apprehensive. A dream perhaps?
PsychoticEpisode said:
The decision to not let sis leave, however it was made, ultimately killed somebody. The sequence of events and timing were the actions of you, your sister and Bob. If you had said nothing and Bob & your sister had left without the argument then it is highly unlikely the crash would have happened, at least with the same vehicle within a mile of your house. When you really think about it, your mother's phantom calling really meant that someone was about to die, not necessarily your sister.

Please don't take this the wrong way but if someone calls to you from the spirit world telling you to do something and you heed the call then it may just be a chronological correction to allow a specific event to happen. Shades of the Matrix there.

I have considered this possibility... but... dispersed throughout my five decades of life, there have been about ten instances so far when I have heard from someone who has passed. In each instance, something had just happened in a remote location or was about to happen. In one instance, I was told that a relative had just been in a single-vehicle crash and I was given their location so that I could find them. Nobody else in the "physical world" had knowledge of the crash.
PsychoticEpisode said:
There must be a time limit for ghosts. I love to see a caveman or some early hominids running around but never heard of anything like that. I guess the spirit world has to have a time limit or the whole planet would be awash with ghosts. Maybe ghosts are assigned specific turf...I guess with continental drift and the shifting of land masses that some ghost's eventually lose their haunting grounds. I hated Casper.
In at least a particular Buddhist cosmology, spiritual beings are not immortal.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Can you remember if there was anything you heard or noticed that might of made you apprehensive. A dream perhaps?

The only thing out of the ordinary that I remember hearing and noticing was my mother's stern command... It sounded like she was standing right next to me and, for a moment after I heard her, I remember feeling like she was still alive. Under the circumstances, I felt like I could not ignore what she said.
Wilmet said:
The only thing out of the ordinary that I remember hearing and noticing was my mother's stern command... It sounded like she was standing right next to me and, for a moment after I heard her, I remember feeling like she was still alive. Under the circumstances, I felt like I could not ignore what she said.

I'm the type of person who needs proof or to see it with my own eyes. I'm hardheaded and tend to shrug off stuff like this. But I think its important for even skeptics like myself to realize that anything may be possible. Personally I can't close the door completely with regards to the paranormal although I'd like to. I've camped out in a cemetery on Halloween, slept in a supposed haunted house 3 nights running, spent a night at a local spot where ghosts have benn seen and not once did I witness anything. So it wasn't for lack of effort.

I had a girlfriend once who claimed the ghost of her dog was in the house. I never saw it but their new dog refused to go anywhere near the old dog's favorite sleeping area. And that's another thing, the ability of animals to anticipate disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
I understand completely! Can't say I really "saw" her... but I did hear her. Attended a supposed seance (sp?) when I was a teen... silly bunch 'o kids... Other than that, I never went ghost hunting.
Wilmet said:
I understand completely! Can't say I really "saw" her... but I did hear her. Attended a supposed seance (sp?) when I was a teen... silly bunch 'o kids... Other than that, I never went ghost hunting.

Not sure if this is the same as astral projection but let's say just before death the concern for one's family is so pronounced that the dying project a a non-temporal non-local essence of their being to watch over everybody. Sort of a part of you that never dies but is not an afterlife either. It simply never dies and doesn't need to stick around forever either.

I hope nobody thinks I've gone religious.
Confutatis said:
Is it obvious that the individual ceases to exist when the body dies?

Three rules:
1. Be sure you clearly define what "individual" and "exist" means.
2. Only obvious reasons, please. Personal beliefs are irrelevant.
3. No stupid answers, such as "because Christians are idiots".

Any takers?
It is my understanding that the original question is much like one asked a few centuries ago:

"Is it obvious that a ship will sail off the edge of the earth?"

the 'individual' per se doesn't exist. i am a collective of specialized cells that collects energy to further their own existence. i am energy travelling through an organic system. i am the environment affecting my body, as well as that body. when i die i will cease to have feedback through my system. i will no longer collect things and becuase of this, the parts that were me, will simply be. everything that was me will continue to exist, but diffused through space. what i am is a complex, open-ended system that is constantly changing. no more, no less. believing in yourself as an individual is futile and selfish. you are never alone.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Not sure if this is the same as astral projection but let's say just before death the concern for one's family is so pronounced that the dying project a a non-temporal non-local essence of their being to watch over everybody. Sort of a part of you that never dies but is not an afterlife either. It simply never dies and doesn't need to stick around forever either.

I hope nobody thinks I've gone religious.

I would agree with you if those who have called to me were limited to family. One of those who have passed and who has contacted me was a child who was a neighbor. I was alone with him when he died, so, maybe he considers me to be like family... I just don't know.

But... for those who are really interested in matters such as these... I would like to say... In at least two instances that I can recall, emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance workers, EMT's) had to be called and the incident was documented... like the time I was guided to my relative who was involved in the single-vehicle crash. In both instances, I was asked how I knew about the event. After explaining how I was privy to the information, the emergency workers commented that they've come across this in their line of work before. So.. for those who are really interested in such matters... I would suggest:

Do some random interviews of veteran emergency responders in your immediate and surrounding areas to see if they have ever come across situations such as these where a person has gained knowledge of a traumatic event from sources not known to the physical/rational world that most of us have come to rely upon...

I think the results my astonish you.
geeser said:
wilmet, I and mr randi will each give you a million dollars each, if you can prove any of the carbage your spouting.

I have a suggestion... Interview veteran emergency personnel yourself... If their testimony and documented reports from members of the public convinces you... then present it to mr randi and collect the money for yourself.