A question concerning Marijuana..

Yes, The Final Cut was the last Pink Floyd album with Roger Waters.:) Great album. Roger Waters solo i svery good too. Try it out and listen to it if you have the time. It may surprise you in a very nice way.;)

And yes, I like the WEEEED advertisement. Think it is a good idea. And I like the leaf of the Herb so much. Used to have one on my coat. Prefer the real leaves though.:)

By the way, I have been to Pink Floyd with Roger Waters, in the Animals tour in the Netherlands. Wonderful show. Great performers...:)
Lucky bastard. Animals and Dark Side of the Moon are my two favorite albums ...

I actually have Amused to Death and was listening to it last night. I've heard some of the others, but not recently. Definitely good stuff.
scilosopher, did you get my pm? I might have fuc*ed the adressee box up.

Isn't it strange, as soon as you start talking about weed, floyd and waters pop up!
Did I mention that my tickets to see waters in Birmingham arrived a little while ago? :) :)
Esp, I am jealous...

I want to go to the Roger Waters concert also and I don't have tickets. Want to break down and cry about it. Well, some other place, somewhere, some other time.;) I can't have it all. At least, that is what I am telling myself right now. If it helps is another case. :(

Yeah, wonder why PF and RW show up here in the Marijuana thread. Must have a reason, one way or another. Perhaps the Music sounds even more wonderful with a nice joint with it? Can't imagine that, but hey, at the other hand, I can imagine that rather well.:cool:

Oh, I am really babbling here. I leave it with this. And I am not even stoned, nor do I have any Marijuana to use at the moment. Still I babble pretty well. Imagine how bad I am WITH Marijuana...:)
reason for illegality

For those of you interested.

As far as I know the current criminalization of marijuana began in the United States. The primary reason for the creation of marijuana prohibition was profit. Not the profit of the government, police departments, private prison system, etc. that most people assume is the primary motivating factor in the prohibition.

No mj is prohibited for one reason, Paper. In the days of old , High quality paper was manufactured using short fibers from the hemp plant. The problem with this is that it was difficult to separate the long fibers and the short fibers for paper manufacture.

Interesting enough just as soon as an inexpensive mechanical process for separating these fibers was patented, Mr. Mellon (who was head of the U.S. treasury department at the time) appointed a head of Drug enforcement who was extremely against the use of any euphorics for his twisted MORAL reasons. Then with a lot of help lobbying from Dupont and their affiliates, Congress passed mj laws to criminalize cannabis and more importantly Hemp. No more paper could be made without the use of Duponts newly invented paper chemicals. Mellon had no conflict of interest here. He was Duponts banker and helped bankroll the development of the paper chemical line.

MJ is illegal today and will continue to be illegal, at least in the US, so that Hemp cannot be grown in enough quantity to make paper. Thus no competition for the paper chemical companies. Their profit is much more important than the freedom of the people, the constitution of the US, the environment which these paper chemicals and their byproducts have been polluting for years, eyesight for those afflicted with glaucoma, extended life for cancer and aids patients, or the rights of the citizens of the world that this profit motivated prohibition has infringed upon.
not that you're wrong, but why wouldn't they just develop their ability to grow hemp? And where do hemp clothing and jewelry come from if not hemp?
The reason given by chipsanddust is certainly new to me, but sounds plausable.
I learned something today!

Interesting fact....
While the degree of criminality in th uk is slowly being decreased, this is how it used to be:

Cannabis- illegal to possess, grow, traffic, buy or sell.
It's technically not illegal to smoke it, but if it's in your bloodstream, it's possession.

You figure it out!

MJ seeds are sold as hamster food. They're supposed to be denatured, but how do the authorities know?


I got my information originally from an online article from The Economist. Unfortunately that particular article seems to have been moved to the 'by subscription only' section of their website.

The primary reason for the mj prohibition to begin with was to eliminate the growing of hemp. No profits were to be made by the chemical companies if hemp was used for paper instead of trees. No paper chemicals are needed for high quality hemp paper. As far as cloth and seed is concerned, there are a few states that allow the limited growing of hemp for these purposes as long as special licenses are procured. As far as I know, though, the vast majority of hemp products come from outside of the U.S.

If you are interested just about the same information is presented here:


Although this is not quite as reputable a source as The Economist.
Nice post Chipsanddust...

Typical U$. I bet it would be totally different if they could raise a good high tax out of it.

Makes you wonder why criminality decreases in the U.K.

Perhaps the U$ gorvernment should try it out. Guess that will never happen. They prefer to drown in money there. Everything has its price in the states, nothing is for free. :confused:

Well, I have to say that they do that better in the Netherlands. The Marijuana is from a high quality and no fuzzing about it by the government. No taxes about it either.

Than again, I wonder if the owners of the coffee-shops have to pay taxes for only their shop or the Marijuana also. I'll have to find out about that...;)
economist link


I finally found the Economist article I was telling you about:http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=706591

Banshee: Listening to you talk about the Netherlands has gotten me very interested in visiting there. I was never interested in anywhere in Europe before being more inclined to head out into the bush myself. But I must say you have me very tempted to drop my savings on a plane ticket and check you all out.

Chipsanddust...great idea

You will never leave the Netherlands again, once you've been there. It is a lot more free there. Life itself is more free in the Netherlands. Not so much strict laws as the U$ has and the police is much more friendly. If they stop you and find Marijuana, you get that back when they are done with you. And they listen first and nearly ever shoot.:)

And you can go free into the Woods whenever you want, without paying money to have a good long walk in the Woods. No fences which keep you out. Yeah, some times at particul places where some humans live. It nearly occurs that you can't go into the Woods there.

And the Marijuana is so good. You would love it.:) Coffee-shops are everywhere to be found, just look at the Weed Leaf on the window.;)

If you ever get the chance, then go there or the U.K. Don't know the U.K. very well though. Perhaps Esp can tell you more about that country. Germany I don't like that mich. They have a big mouth and there are much more strict rules over there. And don't let them catch you in Germany with Marijuana, for then you are busted and locked away immediately...
Great article thanks again. Though it doesn't get into the hemp part which I found interesting as well.

I've always wondered about whether companies design stuff to wear out after a certain period of time so they can sell more and not lose out on consumers from having products that last too long. It's interesting to note how many things you buy that stop working right after the warranty. Anyway I don't want to get off topic, but oddness like that has always made me wonder.

I think the main problem which was touched on, but not elaborated was the damage in trust that goes on when policy leads to people lying about how damaging drugs are. Furthermore, by not being honest it makes it much more difficult for anyone who does think using certain drugs may have their benefits. Discerning where to draw the line becomes blurred and that makes it harder to know when you are doing too much (especially if the damaging affects are not apparent until much later). In the economist I would think they might touch on the damage it has towards being an intelligent consumer.

Anyways, I'm surprised you've never wanted to go to the netherlands, almost everyone I know who truly enjoys smoking herb has dreamed of trips to Amsterdam (and Jamaica - though it's polices have gotten more strict). My problem is that I like relaxing vacations and knowing my occasional lack of restraint, a trip to amsterdam might require a second vacation and I would probably miss out on some of the other reasons to go (like the red light district [just kidding]).
Harry Pot Head

Prince Harry, second son of Charles and Diana, has been outed as a pot head!

The confirmed reports in today's media stated that he also indulged in under age drinking.
His father, Prince Charles, 1st in line to the throne, has arranged for him to attend a heroine clinic with real Junkies.

Just an interesting snippet!
Great first line ... you should be in advertising or something (other than the fact it is a boring meaningless and mind warping field).

So he's not eligible to be king anymore? My dad never outed me thank god ... I did all of the above. As do many kids his age. The perks and problems of being royalty. Then again he's the second son, so he might not be risking much.


I am really very interested in visiting your country. One thing I would like to do first is to at least become somewhat familiar with the language. I have been looking for resources on the dutch language for a while now and am having no luck. I have had several good tutorials on spanish (as I am interested in the wildlife of central and south america) and have found books and tutorials for german, french, italian, japanese, russian and even chinese. NOTHING on Dutch. I hear that the language has an interesting grammatical structure and would like to learn a bit before I visit.

Do you have any idea where I could get some good learning materials to familiarize myself with before I make my vacation plans.

Should be in advertising...
Well, I work for the company that owns Fox and The Times so that's almost there!

I dont think that it's affected his right on succession though.

Don't know where to find anything you can learn Dutch, it looks a little like German though. If you want to learn Dutch, I'll be at your service. Just let me know.

Esp, I've read that article about prince Harry. Poor boy, to be sent off to a rehab. They better take Prince Charles there too, to get off his addiction for other women.;) Can't be nice to have him for a father.

Scilosopher, you are right about the red light district. Traffic lights all over the place in Amsterdam and other (big) cities in the Netherlands. And a lot of one way streets too.:) It is worth the 'trouble', I assure you. Nice city, Amsterdam, been there many, many times. be sure you visit De Melkweg (Milkyway) when you go there. Always good Live Music there and you can buy your Marijuana, Hasj and Spacecake in there. Just as simple as that. No questions asked...:cool:

Oh, good old Amsterdam, I am about to go there. Be careful though, a lot of pickpockets there also.

By the way, I really believe I am not 'damaged' in any way by using Marijuana and I use it for a long time now. About 26 years that is...
esp, they are certainly big mediums for passing on advertisment, but I would guess you have a more interesting/honest job than advertising. I wasn't sure what outed meant, I'm glad to hear he hasn't lost his right to succesion.

Banshee, I've only been smoking for 8 (I'm only 26 so it would have been tough to match you) - at times too intensely. I've smoked almost every day during those eight years. I've definitely noticed a reduction in sharpness, memory, and speed of thought. Though when I ease up the effects tend to reverse. I'm not sure if any of the affects are permanent. I'm not sure if any permanent decrease in ability should be blamed on smoking. That's why studies are nice it can help clarify what isn't obvious to a single person. If I thought it was really damaging I would certainly have stopped by now. It is possible though that studies aimed at intelligent use could give helpful guidelines in maximizing the enjoyment in relation to the negative side efffects.

You're making me jealous with the amsterdam comments. I wish I could meet you there and enjoy some good herb. What has always attracted me is the variety available.