A question concerning Marijuana..

damn i still can't quit ...

I wonder if that has a double meaning???

uh oh, I'm picking up new bad habits!!!

What i dont understand is why they just dont legalize marijuana. The only reason it is illegal is because of the money its racks in from fines and because drugs are a scapegoat for cime and violence. the government uses drug money for its advantages and has been doing it for years. if marijuana was legalized, aside from all the media hype, its could rack in millions. 1. people could grow it, major agriculture advantages. 2 the government could tax the fuck out of it just like cigarettes. 3 i personally think the world would be a happier place if you could smoke a bowl of fine herb whenever and wherever you please. thats all i have to say.
One of the main reasons that cannabis etc. has not been fully legalised is that if it were, (in the UK at least) the government would be admiting that they were wrong when they criminalised it about a hundred years ago.
Still, it defies belief that they are altering the legislation slowly and making it more legal whilst sayng that it is not being decriminalised.
They're thinking of the tax they could levy on it while trying to save face.
Balmy, completely balmy.


You are right again.

There's nothing more relaxing.
(you can still use your three dots... it adds a cetrain something!)
Legalise Marijuana now!

Governments want to have control over everything. How can they legalise Marijuana without making themselves looking ridiculous? Because first they say:'It is a drug, so illegal'. Than they say:'Ok, you can have 30 grams of it for your own use, but no oil made of Cannabis, for that has a to high THC degrade(?), thus it is a 'hard drug'.

They don't know what they want or don't know how to handle this properly. In America you are busted if they only find one filter of a joint. Hell, you get busted there if they only smell it.:(

Than you have that stupid 'stepping stone' theory, that if you start smoking Cannabis, you will end up doing Heroin. That is so untrue...

Advice to all the governments, everywhere on Earth...Try a good joint and relax. It is so nice and perhaps the hate and anger will calm down in the minds of certain world leaders.;)

Legalise Marijuana now!!!...:)
the stepping stone or gateway drug concept, if it is true, is true because marijuana is lumped in with worse drugs in the illegal bin. When people try pot which is easier to get and less stigmatized and see it isn't as bad as it's made out to be, they start wondering what else the government may be wrong about.

In HS after I first puffed I tried a lot of other stuff and regretted trying most and generally never did the others again. Though all in all the most miserable drug experiences I've had in my life all involved alcohol. And it's the one they chose to have legal for the masses.

In the US they banned alcohol and herb in the same period of time for the same basic reasons. Since people were so hooked on drinking, it was re-legalized and marijuana wasn't. If the people puffing back then were just a little less lazy ...
so hooked on drinking, it was re-legalized and marijuana wasn't.

An excellent point.

It is widely understood that marijuana has no physically addictive qualities, unlike nicotine and alcohol.
There can develope a slight psychological addiction to the substance, which is easily ovecome.

Legalising marijuana in its raw leaf form would allow it to be smoked without mixing with tobacco.
People can become addicted to nicotine from having to mix weed with cigarettes.

The potential to progress through the cannabis gateway on to harder drugs exists for exactly the reasons scilosopher gave.
By keeping cannabis outside the law, people are forced to visit dealers.
In most instances, this will be their only point of contact with someone capable of providing them with schedule 'A' substances.
If cannabis were available from the newsagents or the chemist this point of contact would never exist for the vast majority of people.

The police could focus more effectively on crimes that actually hurt people.

I'm with banshee

Legalise it. Sooner the better.

That is what makes me most angry about the subject Marijuana. That the addictive garbage, called alcohol, is freely available in the stores. It makes humans agressive and in need for more of the alcohol. A lot of damage is done by drinking to much and to often.:( And that is legal, really crazy!

And it is just as Esp says, you have to go to a dealer to get your Marijuana and in a lot of cases these dealers sell some other drugs too. So it is easy than to take some of that.

That is why I like it in the Netherlands more, because of the Coffee-shops, which only sell Marijuana and Hasjiesj. No other drugs available.;) And bet on it that there really is NO other available but Marijuana and Hasjiesj.

To my regret I have to admit that I've used different kinds of hard drugs also. It was literally a hell of a time and it took me some energy to get rid of that poison.:(

But that is a long time ago and I learned my lesson very well. Only use Marijuana, and even that I don't have at the moment.

Could use a nice joint right now, with or without tobacco...:)
With or without tobacco ... please go with without. Tobacco spoils the lovely taste and scent of herb.

I wasn't always opiniated on this point until someone packed me a bong hit with tobacco w/o warning me. The guy was french, but he knew I preferred it w/o. I almost puked.

Just say no to tobacco, I mean come on haven't you seen the commercials on TV, it can give you lung cancer and kills millions ... ;)
Roll another one...just like the other one...

The legalization of marijuana should not be on trial here. The use of pot is not a legal issue. It is an health issue.

Unfortunately the "crime" of smoking a spliff has also become a burden to the criminal justice system and a mildly irritating police record for some innocent people.

The case should be thrown out of court immediately so we can, at the very least, stop wasting taxpayer dollars. Clearly we should make way for more serious criminal cases to process (banning gas powered leaf blowers for example).

Its ridiculous. Up north in Canada the largest cash crop export for one of its provinces was ganja. (where the heck are they growing it!?!) :eek:

Lets deal with it for what it is; a health issue.

just some random thoughts which came up while reading this:

THC gland/bacteria
I've observed that heavily blowing people (several per day) getting mental damage, esp. paranoia. [i'm _not_ saying this means blowing is worse than alcohol etc, as i've seen adverse effects here too]. This means a continuous feed of THC by genetech bacteria/gland would not have the desired effect of happiness. Anyway, i support the idea that you can only notice peaks in life when you have the occasional normal periods or even depths.

Some years ago someone in my house made butter for a spacecake, and dumped the used (now greasy) plantparts in the waste bin. A rather large dog ate it and for about 30 hours it walked unsteady through the house looking very confused. ;)

Stepping stone theory
I agree with what's been said against this theory.
Please please dont take this the wrong way.
Given the opportunity of going tobaccoless I'd do it in a shot.
But points to consider :-

Cannabis is seven, yes, seven times more carcinogenic that tobacco. This probably comed from the double benzoate rings in the THC chemical structure.

Raw leaf doesn't have the additives tht cigarettes have, such as ammonium salts to speed up absorbtion or arsenic or ay of the other shocking things which are actually added to tobacco.

While no-one's ever died directly from cannabis overdose, ther theorized overdose level is sixty thousand times the effective dose.

Nicotine in such concentrations would be a deadly poision on it's own.

Cannabis has many documented benefits in a medical sense, from MS to eating disorders and stress. But the situation with our knowledge of cannabis is that we are still unaware of the majority of it's potential.


Having experimented with various drugs in the past, sched.A as well as B and C, there is only one which I still take with any regularity, and thats MJ.

In conclusion, there are very few things in my opinion worse that the hangover from a bottle of scotch.
Chrisy, as stated before...Don't use it all day long.:)

I just smoke it in the evening and most of the time two during the evening and one before going to sleep, in bed, with a book and a glass of hot milk. Nothing nicer than that.;)

As far as health concerns, I am in an 'ideal' situation here, because of a failed surgery in which the 'good' surgeon failed to cut my nerves down well enough. So that I am in constant pain at that place. The Marijuana eases this coming and going of pain waves down. I can assure you that it is certainly NOT funny to live with this.

And it is no lame excuse to use Marijuana, for I used it before also. But it DOES help, believe me.

On prescription, you can get that (expensive) pill, but you have to pay for it yourself. The insurance doesn't have it in its pocket yet. And I prefer the Herb, not a pill. I hate medication.:rolleyes: I am stuck to medication to ease that stupid pain down and I really hate it. The medication doesn't help that well and the use of Marijuana with it, makes it bearable.

I know a lot of cases, diseases, in which the Marijuana brings relief and these humans only use it for their pain. I could work with the pain, just becsause the MJ made me feel better in easing that everlasting pain down.

As far as tobacco goes, that is for everybody him/herself to decide. An inhalor is better for your health. But hey, even the air you breath is not so healthy now a days...:)
Sorry to hear you're in so much pain. Out of curiosity would you still smoke if you weren't? (also is that why you call yourself banshee ... lot's of screaming?)

in terms of herb being 7 times as carcinogenic, I'm curious if anyone knows how that number was determined. I'm always dubious of "research" relating to illegal drugs as sometimes the politics obscures the science. Is it 7 times as carcinogenic as the tobacco companies say tobacco is, for instance?

Thank you for the laugh I've had about your reply.;) I don't call myself Banshee, because of the screaming, no...Just a nickname which I like. Nothing more, nothing less.

And yes, I will smoke Marijuana as long as I can. But not day in, day out.:)

As far as the tobacco and the MJ goes and how 'bad' it is...I really don't know. Now a days even the Air you breath is somewhat 'dangerous', so I don't care so much. I have no other 'bad' habits, but smoking Marijuana.

For someone else to answer this question...:)
Thank you Scilosopher.:) I wish for everyone to be happy with as less uneasiness and a lot of laughter in life.

With or without Marijuana.;)

Talk to you later. Have a nice day...
I am so pleased to hear that you hurt no more.;)

You may think it a flimsy reason but my illness is depression.

St. Johns Wort seems to help a lot. You don't notice the effect of it till you run out. Try to imagine feeling the most bored you have ever been, for a full day.
The herb helps an awful lot.

I've heard reports that MJ is a long term psycho-depressant.
That's not consistant with my personal experience.

I personally never use MJ until everything I need to do for the day is done.
On The Turning Away...

Esp, the hurt never stops completely, but it is more bearable with the Marijuana.:)

I am sorry to hear you are depressed. Perhaps I should post the lyrics from 'On The Turning Away', for the other members. I thought about posting it before, but didn't know where exactly.

Marijuana works on your feelings. If you feel 'bad', it can make you paranoid, but it can help you to feel more comfortable also, if you know you are going to feel better by using it. Guess it is the attitude in which you use Marijuana.:) If you know you can relax after your daily business is done, you look forward to it and than it really helpls you to relax and feel better.

Guess it is a anti depressant than. Humans who use it all day long can get very depressed if the Marijuana is done and they don't have enough to go through the day. That is the wrong way to use this pleasure Herb.

Nice to see you changed your sig in another Pink Floyd sentence...;)

I guess that the best place to share that great song would be in free thoughts.
D'you know, I just might do that.
If we're going to start talking about good Floyd songs off later albums I think 2 Suns in the Sunset off the final cut is a good one. I don't remember if that was actually their last album with Waters still in the band - The name would make it well suited to that and it is pretty close.

I wanted to go to the wall tour when I was in 5th grade, w/ my older bro who was in 7th grade and some of his pot smoking friends who were in high school (just for clarity I never smoked until HS and wouldn't have). I wasn't allowed to go - go figure. Sucks though, I've never seen Floyd w/Waters and it just wasn't the same w/o. They were still awesome when I saw them. Their first song the first time I saw them was Astronomy Domine, and I was so psyched that they were actually playing old stuff I forgot to light the spliff I had rolled for the first song ... I guess herb ain't the only thing that makes you forget stuff.

EDIT: does anyone else find the WEEED advertisements funny in the context of this thread 100% legal. I bet $50 it's less healthy.
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